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  • Hi, I'm Anne Marie with Speak Confident English and welcome to your Confident


  • English Wednesday lesson. This week we're looking at used to versus be used to and

    本周我們要討論 used to、be used to 以及 get used to 三個片語

  • get used to. These look very similar but do they mean the same thing in English?


  • Can you use them in the same way? That is what we're going to focus on in today's


  • lesson. These are all extremely common ways of expressing ourselves in English.


  • Native speakers use them every day and I want you to know exactly what each of


  • these means and how you can use it correctly so that you can communicate


  • effectively and naturally in English. So our first question is do these mean the


  • same thing and the short answer is no. They do not. Used to is completely

    廣義來說並不相同,這三個片語彼此之間各有不同之處。 used to 的意思

  • different from be and get used to. Those two are actually quite similar, so let's

    和 be used to 以及 get used to 意思大相逕庭,然而這兩個片語實際上卻很相似

  • start with used to first. We'll look at what it means and how you can use it

    所以我們會從 used to 開始介紹,讓大家了解這個片語的意義以及運用方式

  • correctly. And then we'll look at be and get used to. Let's start with a couple of

    接著我們再來看 be used to 以及 get used to。這裡有一些範例句子

  • example sentences to see if you can identify how we use used to - what does it

    看看大家是否能分辨出我們該如何使用 used to - 也就是

  • mean in the sentence - and what is the grammatical pattern that we use. For


  • example I used to drink coffee but now I only drink green tea. I used to drink


  • coffee but now I only drink green tea. Or she used to live in Los Angeles,


  • California but now she lives in Chicago. She used to live in Los Angeles


  • but now she lives in Chicago. So what do you think? How are we using these two

    不過她現在住在洛杉磯。好,各位你們發現到了嗎! 我剛才是如何使用 used to

  • words, what do they mean? Hopefully you've identified that we use 'used to' to talk

    以及這個片語在句中的意思。希望大家都有注意到,used to 都是使用在

  • about things in the past actions, situations, or states of being (we'll talk

    過去的行為動作、狀況或狀態 (我們稍後會提到)

  • about that in a moment) that are no longer true, they're no longer happening.


  • They were in the past. Now a state of being is sort of like being happy or


  • being stressed, being sad. It's not an action. For example, he used to be really


  • happy in his job or he used to love his job but now he's always stressed. So now


  • you have three example sentences: I used to drink coffee, she used to live in LA,


  • and he used to love his job. Can you identify the correct grammatical pattern

    他曾經樂在工作。現在大家可以了解 used to 正確的文法使用形式了嗎?

  • that we use with used to? Thankfully this grammatical structure in English is very


  • easy. It is simply used to plus the most basic form of the verb. I used to go, I

    只需在 used to 後方加上動詞原形。我曾經去過、我曾經喝過

  • used to drink, she used to eat, we used to watch movies every Friday but now we are


  • too tired or now we do something different. It is very very simple: used to


  • plus the most basic form of the verb. So now let's move on to be and get used to.

    在 used to 後方加上動詞原形。現在讓我們來看 be used to 和 get used to

  • As I said these are very similar but they have a completely different meaning

    如同一開始提到的,這兩個片語很相似,但是意思和 used to 大相逕庭

  • than 'used to.' To be used to something is to say that you are accustomed to it,

    「To be used to 某事/物」是指 (已經) 習慣某某事/物

  • it's normal for you, it's not unusual or strange or weird. It's part of your


  • normal everyday life. For example, I'm used to getting up every morning at 5:00

    例如,我習慣每天早晨 5:00 起床

  • a.m. I'm used to getting up every morning at 5:00 a.m. That simply means

    我習慣每天早晨 5:00 起床,這表示這件事對我而言

  • that it's totally normal for me. It is my normal daily routine. Sleeping late would


  • feel very strange. I would feel that I lost part of my day.


  • Or another example: she's used to going to yoga every morning. She's used to


  • going to yoga every morning. It's just, again, part of her normal everyday life.


  • It feels comfortable and normal to her. Now get used to is very similar but it's

    當事人感到自然且毫不費力。好,現在讓我們來看看這個相似片語 get used to

  • more about the process of becoming accustomed to something. It takes time.


  • Something was really odd or strange, unusual, now not so much but it's not


  • totally normal either. It's somewhere in that process of becoming normal for you.


  • For example, imagine that you live in a country where you don't use a lot of


  • spices in your food and suddenly you travel to India or Thailand for a month


  • and there's curries and peppers in everything. You might need to get used to


  • all of the spice and the food. It might take some time. It might be unusual and


  • different (and hopefully very very exciting because that's an explosion of

    自己國家的料理非常不一樣 (很有可能是大吃一驚,因為突然吃到大量令人

  • amazing flavors) but it might take some time. Or the same is true when you travel


  • to another time zone. If you live in Australia and you travel to the United


  • States, it's a huge difference between time zones and you'll probably suffer


  • from jet lag. When you travel that far it takes time getting used to the time


  • differences the time zones. Now a couple of rules about be and get used to: we can

    現在我們已學到幾個關於 be used to 和 get used to 的文法規則

  • use these in the past, present, or future tenses. For example, when I was younger I


  • was used to waking up every morning at 5:00 a.m. but now it's a little bit too

    早上 5 點鐘起床,但是現在要我那麼早起床我覺得有些困難

  • early for me. Or, for example, maybe you're moving to a brand-new country soon and


  • you're feeling a little nervous about cultural differences,


  • language differences, so your friend might say, "Oh don't worry, you'll get used


  • to it quickly." You'll get used to it quickly. Now with these examples I'm used


  • to waking up every morning at 5:00 a.m. I'm used to going to the gym in the

    我已習慣每天早晨 5:00 起床。我已習慣早上到運動中心運動

  • mornings. I'm getting used to the spicy food or I'm getting used to the time


  • zone differences - do you notice any patterns or grammatical structures in those


  • sentences? Hopefully you've identified that after those key words - be or get

    希望大家都有發現到 - be used to 和 get used to 這兩個片語後面

  • used to - they are followed by a gerund (gerunds are those nouns with -ing) I'm used

    接續的都是動名詞 (以 - ing 型態出現的名詞)。我已習慣早起

  • to waking up, I'm used to going, I'm used to eating, I'm used to drinking... or a noun

    我已習慣去、我已習慣吃、我已習慣喝 ... 或加上名詞或代名詞

  • or pronoun. I'm getting used to spicy food, I am used to the time differences.


  • In all of those examples, it's followed by an -ing (or gerund) or a noun or pronoun.

    前面所有我提到的範例,都是片語後方加上 -ing 的 動名詞或是加上名詞或代名詞

  • And now it's your turn. I want to hear from you. I want you to practice using


  • these expressions so they start to feel completely normal to you, I want you to


  • get used to them. so take some time to practice and the best place to do that


  • is in the comment section just below this video. It's the best place to


  • interact and get feedback from me and to interact with the Confident English

    和 Confident English 社群有更好的互動以及方便我提供意見回饋給您

  • Community. Read what others have to say, even ask questions, learn from each other.


  • So here's what I want you to do: first, tell me about something you used to do


  • or something that used to be true again you're focused on the past something


  • that is no longer happening or true. And then tell me about something that you


  • are used to or that you got used to over time. What was it? And then use an example


  • in the past, present, or future. If you have additional questions, again the best


  • place to do that is just to ask in the comments section. I do read them


  • all and respond. And with that thank you so much for joining me. I love having you


  • here every Wednesday and I'll see you next week for your Confident English


  • Wednesday lesson.

    各位再會 !

Hi, I'm Anne Marie with Speak Confident English and welcome to your Confident


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