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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] During the Cuban Missile Crisis,
our young, handsome President Kennedy, along
with his advisors, acted quickly and decisively
in the face of clear Soviet aggression.
- These missiles in Cuba change the balance or power
so significantly that we only have one option.
- This is an unprovoked act of aggression.
- Gentlemen, I will not start World War Three.
We will look Khrushchev right in the eye and make him
understand that we will never give in.
- Yes, this is the version JFK's supporters told us,
but it's an extremely misleading account.
For one, the US caused the crisis, not the Soviets.
- [Narrator] Come on, you nagging no goodnik.
How could you say that when the Soviets put missiles
in Cuba, pointing right at the US?
- Because the US had just put missiles in Turkey,
pointing right at the Soviets.
(subtle dramatic music)
- Sweet salty caviar!
What is that?
- In 1961, JFK gave an order to put 15 nuclear tipped
Jupiter missiles on the Turkish border.
Khrushchev was furious.
- Put missiles in Cuba.
Is only fair.
Let's give them taste of their own borscht.
Nuclear borscht.
- [Narrator] Hold on grown up Jonathan Lipnicki.
You mean to tell me that the
US started it? - Yep.
In fact, Kennedy's advisors later realized just how
provocative their actions were.
- Yeah, I take back what I said earlier, Jack.
We should have seen this coming a mile away.
- But surprisingly, these tit for tat moves actually
did little to shift the balance of power.
- It's okay, Bob.
At least we still have way more nukes than they do.
- [Narrator] What? We were in a nuclear arms race.
I thought we were neck in neck with the Soviets.
- Hardly.
In 1960, the US had over 18,000 nuclear weapons,
while the Soviets only had 1,600.
That's more than a 10 to one advantage.
- Maybe we need to get a storage unit.
- [Narrator] Okay, factee McGee, then why did JFK
make such a big deal out of this?
Why was it even a crisis in the first place?
- Because, more than anything, Kennedy was worried
about looking weak.
(screaming) (crash)
Kennedy felt he had to appear tough on Communism.
If it hadn't been for that, the Cuban Missile Crisis
might never have happened.
- I don't wanna go to war, but if we do nothing about
these missiles in Cuba, I'll seem weaker than
White House coffee.
- I got it!
How about a naval blockade?
We stop any ship carrying weapons from
entering Cuban waters.
- [Narrator] Yes, the blockade.
What a brilliant strategic move by our young,
disarmingly handsome president.
- Not really.
The blockade actually escalated the crisis.
The US had no legal right to do it.
So it was technically an act of war.
- A blockade!
Kennedy is not (mumbles) squirrel with mouth full of nuts!
- In fact, Khrushchev wanted nothing more than
to de-escalate and end the conflict.
- Fine, I will observe Jack's little blockade.
But tell USA we will take missiles out of Cuba
when they take missiles out of Turkey.
Khrushchev is reasonable man!
- We can't do that.
If the public finds out I gave in to this totally
reasonable request, they'll think I'm a little
softy baby boy.
- You're right, Jack.
Let's nuke the hell out of them.
- Whoa, whoa.
I will not go down in history as the man who
ended the world.
Now, let's take a potty break.
Bobby, there's only one way out of this mess.
We have to give in, but secretly.
After you tinkle, here's what I want you to do.
I want you to...
- [Narrator] JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy, brokered
a secret deal with the Soviets, and it would be years
before anyone found out.
- We will take our missiles out of Turkey,
but you guys have to pinky swear never to tell anyone.
Oh, but, we're gonna tell the public that we
kicked your ass.
Okay, bye.
(bright music)