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Consumers still scream for ice cream.
Ice cream - a brief history.
The origin of ice cream dates all the way back to second century B.C.
No specific date or inventor is marked with its origin.
What we do know?
323 to 356 B.C., Alexander the Great enjoys snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar.
西元前 323 - 356 年,亞歷山大大帝非常喜歡將蜂蜜和花蜜淋在雪上吃
A.D. 54 to 86 during the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar frequently sends runners into the mountains for snow.
西元 54-86 年,羅馬帝國的皇帝尼祿·克勞狄烏斯·凱薩常常派遣跑者去高山上取雪
Then flavoring it with fruits and juices.
1,500 to 1,600 C.E., Marco Polo returns from China with a recipe similar to sherbet
西元 1500-1600 年,馬可·波羅從中國帶回了類似「雪酪」的食譜
1700, "cream ice" appears regularly at the table of Charles I.
到了西元 1700 年,「奶油冰」已成為查理一世的家常甜點
1744, the first official account of ice cream in the new world in a letter written in 1744 by a guest of Maryland governor - William Bladen.
冰淇淋第一次正式的記述出現在 1774 年,由馬里蘭州州長 - 威廉·布萊登的賓客在信中所記
May 12th, 1777, first ad for ice cream appears in the New York Gazette.
而最早的冰淇淋廣告刊載於 1777 年 5 月 12 日的《美國公報》上
1800s, manufacturing ice cream becomes an industry in America due to technological advances.
1800 年代,由於科技的進步,製造冰淇淋在美國已成為一個產業
1874, the American soda fountain shop and profession of the soda jerk emerges with the invention of the ice cream soda.
1874 年,隨著冰淇淋蘇打問世,美國藥局的汽水小賣部和專門的調飲師如雨後春筍般出現
1896, the first ice cream cone is produced credited to Italo Marchiony.
1896 年,義大利奧·馬爾基奧尼發明了第一支冰淇淋甜筒
1897, Alfred Cralle patents the ice cream scoop.
1897 年,阿爾弗雷德·克拉爾為他發明的冰淇淋挖杓器申請專利
1890s, religious criticism for eating "sinfully" rich ice cream sodas on Sunday
1890 年代,宗教領袖譴責大家在星期日吃冰淇淋蘇打 (認為在安息日喝這種飲料對主不敬)
spurs the creation of the "Sunday"
進而促成了「聖代」的出現 (聖代因原本只在星期天販售,故原以 Sunday 為名)
with elimination of carbonated water, later changed to sundae.
聖代去除了蘇打水的成分,後來就變成了我們所熟知的聖代 (Sundae)
1946, America celebrates its World War Two victory
1946 年,美國吃冰淇淋來慶祝在第二次世界大戰的勝利
with ice cream consuming over 20 quarts per person.
平均每個人吃了超過 20 夸脫 (22.8公升) 的冰淇淋
1984, President Ronald Reagan designates July as National Ice Cream Month,
1984 年,羅納德‧雷根總統將 7 月訂為冰淇淋月
and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day.
並將第 7 月的三個星期天訂為冰淇淋日
21st century, ice cream history is still in the making with new flavors and concoctions developed on a continuous basis.
到了 21 世紀,冰淇淋層出不窮的新口味和新製法仍繼續寫下歷史
For more on ice cream, watch part 2 - Ice Cream Today.
想知道更多冰淇淋的小知識就來看第二部影片 - 現今的冰淇淋
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