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Welcome to Yun's kitchen! This is 1,000 degree cookie cutter!
Hey guys, today we're gonna walk you through the process of how we make videos on YouTube!
This is gonna be our most unhelpful step of all because honestly within a couple months of making YouTube videos
I wasn't thinking of ideas anymore. They were just popping into my head out of nowhere,
usually at the most inconvenient time to write them down like when I was in the shower...or trying to fall asleep...
Or driving a car...
Rachel, go to bed!
To me, for my cooking channel, I actually first pick a song and then I think about recipe based on the song so...
Like a music video? You're making a music video.
Is it a music video?
I don't know, but like I— I just...get inspired.
If you don't know what to do, think about what you would want to watch on YouTube and make that video!
Would you want to watch a 12-minute video with a 3-minute intro slowly explaining a 30-second fix to a computer problem?
No!! You would not want to watch that so stop making those video, please!!!
R: Today we're filming a parody of Jun's Kitchen called Yun's Kitchen!
Why is it Yun? What's Yun?
R: I don't know, 'cause there aren't many words that rhyme with Jun that sound like they could be names.
What we want to do is like a bad version of
Jun's Kitchen. And Jun also had the idea of making fun of those like 1000 degree knife videos
So we were at the dollar store buying knives, we just randomly found cookie cutters, which is the best—it's the best idea in the world
so we're gonna do 1000 degree cookie cutters!
And last time I was at Daiso like three months ago I picked up these mustaches because I figured they would come in handy in future.
So Jun's gonna wear a mustache.
So for skit videos like this, they have to be scripted so that's step number two.
Although, if you're making traveling vlogs, obviously you don't need a script.
I think planning out your skits and writing down dialogue really comes down to when inspiration strikes,
because sometimes you have a lot of funny ideas and sometimes there's just nothing going on up here.
So I personally would rather wait until things click for me than upload sh*t content on a regular schedule.
But that's just me personally.
J: "Welcome to..." How do you spell "Yun"? Yun? R: Yeah
J: "Yun's Kitchen."
I like to record voiceovers before anything else because it's easier for me to film the footage around the timing of the voice track.
If you film the skit first
and then you find out you too much voiceover and not enough skit footage,
then you're kind of stuck. But this probably comes down to personal preference too and how you like to plan things.
J: We use SONY lob mics most of the time because we can also use these when we are recording outside to get clear audio.
But of course you can also just film your voiceover on your camera if you don't have mics,
you just need a super professional sound dampening setup.
J: I am gonna make cookies in five seconds
J: We have a couple of cameras we use. Our main camera now is the GS5.
It's really expensive, but the quality is the best we have and the battery actually lasts a really long time, between one and a half to two hours.
Plus you can insert two memory cards.
R: It has the most important features we like, like this little screen, and it records 4K 60 frames per second which is madness!
But that's also how Jun films his cooking videos now. Plus, we can do the zoomy thing!
J: And most importantly it doesn't have the problems our old cameras had which was being noisy and
automatically overexposing everything.
And when we want to be a little more inconspicuous, we have the SONY RX100 Mark 5
which we use for vlogging, although the quality is obviously not as good as the GS5,
and it makes a lot of noise while it's zooming.
And when we want to be super inconspicuous we use...
J: When we film ourselves sitting and talking to the camera, we have lights we can use,
but honestly daylight is way better,
so we usually just sit in front of the window.
But of course we have to make sure we finish filming before the Sun starts setting at like 3:00 PM.
Welcome to Japan!
Oh, God dang it!!
J: This is our tripod. Probably any kind of tripod you want is fine.
We like this one a lot, although now it's a little difficult to use since we
accidentally ran over it with our car.
So here's how we film.
R: We have to move the stuff from on top over there because it gets in the shot
This mustache is tiny. I think these are for kids.
I don't think this one is big enough
Whatever, just do it.
R: No, I can see it. I can see the gas canister
J: Can you lift up the camera?
R: No, because it needs to be here, and if I lift it up you'll be able to see it more.
I think to make this video short, maybe you should just measure out the ingredients first we'll start the video from there.
J: Yeah, that's what I'm doing now.
J: Already messy! R: I have to cut this out now. You're not being Yun!
And your mustache...Yun, your mustache is falling off
Yoku dekita (Good job)
This is horrible
R: We're still gonna be able to eat these right?
I'm not sure this is a good idea
J: It's very smoky. R: I smell hot dog.
And, anyone else who film skits would know, sometimes you continue finding pieces of your skits months... years later.
I made food!
Our editing program of a choice is Vegas. We've been using it since our very first videos.
I've tried a couple different editing programs. One of the other popular programs on the PC is Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects, but
neither Jun nor I have any education or background in media whatsoever.
With whatever program you use, there's going to be a lot of googling and YouTube searching to figure out how to do the things you want to do,
but Vegas is at least pretty intuitive for the basics, whereas Adobe makes no sense whatsoever.
The learning curve on it is like a cliff,
so we've always stuck with Vegas because we can actually use it
J: So after we transfer the data in we basically just cut out the clips we don't use,
and we match it up with any voiceover or music we have.
And then we do any color correcting we might need, or even blurring out faces or license plates.
There's a lot that goes into it, so we'll make a specific video on our second channel for all our hints and tips.
FULL DISCLOSURE: We do have an affiliate link through them. You don't have to use Vegas to edit your videos,
it's just what we like to use. But if you are interested, we have a SUPER good deal with them through our link!
You get $200 off and these add-ons for free, which are usually $100 for each, so it's a super good deal if you're looking for an editing program
They also have a couple different options in there depending on what your budget is, but it's a limited time offer for only two weeks (12/7/2017)
Also before you buy an editing program, make sure you have a good enough computer to handle the footage you're getting from your camera and the editing program!
It needs to be like...a kind of good computer. It's not—this will not work on any computer. Especially if you have 4K footage.
You can pick your music whenever. Jun usually gets his before he starts editing a video,
although these days, I get mine somewhere between the middle and end of editing.
J: There's free music in the YouTube audio library, although if you use it, then you get a bunch of comments from people saying you're using someone's music
Because some people don't know that we all use the same music
R: If you just want to search the web or YouTube for usable music, you have to look for something that's CC-BY,
which means it's Creative Commons music that only requires attribution.
There are famous CC-BY artists like Josh Woodward, Nicolai Heidlas, who are all super-fantastic people. We've used their music a lot in the past.
J: And these days, there are specific websites you can pay fees to in order to get access to unlimited use of their music library.
A lot of YouTubers these days use Epidemic Sound, which is what we use now.
I used to find a lot of really awesome CC-BY music from outside artists, and it was really cool,
but there's a scam on YouTube where people who don't own that music will copyright claim your video anyway,
and then they get to keep your revenue unless you counterclaim that and then you fight the copyright notice
against them, which is a huge hassle, and I'm tired of doing that. We've done that on over a hundred videos, so these days,
I just use Epidemic Sound and the YouTube audio library. We also have an affiliate link with Epidemic Sound.
(full disclosure)
Actually, I think probably everything we'd use and link to these affiliate links.
If you want to make youtube your job you have to get creative with your income streams
Adsense is great and all but you shouldn't rely on that only. There's also sponsorships, Patreon, selling merchandise,
Amazon affiliate, affiliate sales through other websites. You got to diversify your income
So buying anything through our affiliate links helps support us.
Of course you don't have to if you don't want to. You can also just look at the products yourself.
Thanks for watching our video!
Here's the video that we filmed while making this video.
Our video within a video.
Welcome to Yun's Kitchen. This is 1000 degree cookie cutter!
R: *whispering* It's not a hot dog...
One thousand degree icing!
Mmmm. Smells fantastic!
Happy Birthday to Yun
This is a piece of shit?
Transcribed by (Add your name here): Qui Le, Remmus, luckyu19