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Hey guys, what's up its Mike Chen.
Before we start,
I just want to say that there will be no food in this video
So if you're here for that, sorry.
That's not what this video is gonna be about.
Wait actually you know what?
You have some drama snacks here. I mean I could eat this and talk at the same tim- all right
We're not gonna do any food in this video
This is the first comments video on this channel that I'm doing.
I've been getting a lot of comments from you guys
So I want to thank you all so much for doing that.
Um, I do try to read as many as possible
And I don't always get a chance to respond.
So I wanted to just start making videos. Maybe once a month
Uh- to respond to the comments
But we're going to do something a little bit different on this particular video
Because like I said, this is the first comments video for this channel.
And we wrapped up probably hundreds of thousands of comments before this.
And there had been a lot of comments where a lot of
questions that had been pretty similar; it comes up a lot.
So I want to address all those in this video
So here we go!
Frequently asked question number one.
Are you related to Jackie Chan?
I get this a lot through all my channels.
Are you related to Jackie Chan? Are you his son?
Uh- you look like Jackie Chan or I don't want to be racist, but you look like Jackie Chan.
Um, here's the thing guys.
I-I-I want to address this because it's been weighing on me for years.
I-I wanna talk about this and finally get it out of my chest.
And I wanna talk about it because this is a secret that
I just don't feel like I can keep anymore and
the truth of the matter is
Yes, I am related to Jackie Chan.
I am his long-lost child.
I just want to convey that i-it's it-it's been really difficult and
If he wants to compensate be in some way, like add my name to his will
That'll make me feel a lot better.
I mean money won't fix the years of neglect
And the- and the pain that I feel
Never hearing from him. But.. I mean, it'll help.
The next question a lot of people ask me is: do I get nervous filming my food video?
So you guys know for uh- a lot of my food videos?
I-I'm really in the restaurant when it's really busy in cases like Hong Kong, Taiwan
I'm sitting on a table full of uh- just random strangers filming m-my food videos. And do I get nervous?
Uh, N-not anymore. It's kind of like you're in a bubble just doing your own thing.
And then as time went on, it just became easier and easier
And now because there are a lot of people vlogging around the world
so it's not as strange for people
to see someone talking into the camera.
I definitely get a lot of looks, like i-in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries where
Vlogging may not be as popular as it is here.
I am a little nervous and we're getting in to our third question
Which is, a lot of people ask me do you tell the restaurant at the time that you're coming?
I am a little nervous sometimes when I do not tell them I'm coming.
I try to I try to give them a heads up
Um, but there are circumstances where I feel like uh-
there's some restaurants there, that they have their own marketing company
And it's really a pain to try to tell them "Hey I want to come and film a video."
because they don't get back to you for like a month
And then there's this back and forth.
It just makes things really complicated.
Or maybe there's a restaurant that has an owner who doesn't really understand
what Youtube is; i-is really kinda suspicious of anybody with the camera
So in some cases I just walk in, order food and film the video
and hope that nobody really says anything to me.
But usually when I know that the decision maker is in the restaurant
I'll typically talk to them because it's always
Easier to be able to come in and to be able to take your time
and not be too nervous about whether the owner is looking at you weird.
This next comment I get a lot.
People always say "yeah, you think everything tastes good. Y-you like everything in your videos"
Well, there's a reason for that.
When I go somewhere and film, 95% of the time I've been there before.
So basically in my spare time I'm going out
trying all these places if I find a place that's absolutely amazing
I want to share with you guys. I want to share with you the location
I want to share with you all the dishes that I really like in that particular restaurant
So when I go in there to film,
I'm ordering all the stuff that I love. Which is why when you see the video
I love everything because I make sure
I loved it before I went and filmed it.
And what I try to do on this channel is make sure that all the food that I'm featuring
all the places that I'm featuring is really good
They are places that you should go to because their food is delicious
I don't want to make a video and make you guys watch a complete video called
I don't know- New York Wontons
and show you a place where I go in and try the wontons.
It is absolutely horrendous, and the whole video is like
"Yeah, I went to this place, it's just really bad"
The next frequently asked question is do you finish everything?
I try to I really hate wasting food.
I hate it. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate wasting food
So I really try to finish everything I can.
Do I always do it? No.
So usually when I go to a place I know I'm gonna get a lot of dishes
where I know there's gonna be a big quantity of food I usually try to bring a lot
Of friends with me so they can uh-
share the food, and that's why you guys see a lot of co-hosts even then though
[there's] some times where the food is [just] is just way too much how the next frequently asked question is how come you're not?
Bats with Okita through that you eat. Well, I don't you like that every single day. It's not like every day
I'm going out and eating you know like a whole pizza or something I?
Work out every single day. I credit a [lot] of this to the Asian metabolism
I don't know
I don't know if that's a real thing
But I feel like it has really helped me next question I get a lot is what do you do for work [um] well?
this I'm a full time youtuber this is just one of my lot of you guys know [I] [have] a lot of channels a
little too many, but
Yeah, I have a team of people that I work with or all awesome
And we try to put an awesome content to everybody and by far
This is my favorite channel to work on because my biggest passion in life is food
I love eating I love going to different places and trying out new food. Everything's just to me everything revolves around food
I work out to eat. I travel to eat is just everything it revolves around eating [ah] next
Faq um
Where should I go eat in New York, okay? I get this question a lot lot of people message me
I'm heading to [New] York this weekend
What should I eat a lot of the places I've done videos for on this channel?
So I know that's been convenient right you can't just like pull up a Youtube channel and just start like looking through all the videos
A player sure that's kind of a pain. I understand that that's why I am [gonna] be working on an e-book
Hopefully they'll be out. I don't know
Early next year, and it's going to have all my favorite eating spots in New York City, Asian
Whatever all different spots in some places
I like to go I would recommend as a tourist not times square next question. I always get is what camera equipment?
Do you use actually did a video about this on my vlog channel you guys don't follow me on [my] blogs
You know you should it's really kind of I think it's fun anyway
[my] documents on my trips I do you put a lot of eating stuff in there because they might not be so good
I need to feature on this channel
But they are like random places I go eat when I'm traveling so [oh] that's on a vlog channel and the camera equipment video is
Over there x well you can check that out and finally I get a lot of comments from you guys
Tell me you got to come to [singapore]. You got to come to Japan. I want to let you guys know that next year
I'm going to be traveling a lot
I want [to] make traveling to foreign places eating different foods from different countries different regions of the us
Whatever. I want to make that a big part of this channel end up this year
I'm going to camp for about a week and a half and I'm going [to] singapore that maybe MalaySia
So I'll definitely keep you guys updated to where I'm traveling to please guys follow me on
Facebook Twitter Instagram this way I can easily get information out to everybody oh one bonus question I wanna
I want to address a lot of people asking me about the cooking videos um they are coming because I moved to this new location
I've been working on a lot of other videos. Well with my team so haven't got around to the cooking videos. I'm really sorry
But they are coming the next one. I'll let you guys know what the next one is I'll probably be filming this hopefully next week
Taiwanese beef noodle soup as you know I've had a lot of beef noodle soup in my lifetime
So I put together this recipe is finally to the point where I think it tastes really good
So can't wait to share with you guys. I want to start doing a live stream
session with you guys, so I could just be like a qa or maybe a live cooking demo or
[nofa] I don't know what it could be so that's right now going to be on Facebook
So again like my [Facebook] page because live streaming on YouTube. It's just I don't know it for some reason. It's so cumbersome
It's really difficult on Facebook
It's the simplest thing so if you are interested in that definitely let me know in the comments below and thank you guys so much
For watching this first comments video see you later