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below this is jennifer with your Tarle
speech and language question of the week
today's pronunciation question is how do
i pronounce the word organization
let's take a look at the word this word
is spelled O RG AN IZ AT ION and it is
pronounced or ga na zay shun orgonna
zay shun the stressed syllable here is
towards the end of the word zay this
syllable will be loudest and the longest
in the word so let's look at these first
three syllables we're going to say those
very quickly start by saying or by
rounding your lips and then pulling them
back slightly the uh back of your tongue
will be pulled up towards the roof of
your mouth for the R OR OR add the
ga syllable do this by putting the tip
of your tongue in the bottom of your
mouth and the back of your tongue will
be pulled up for the g sound
add the short vowel uh or ga orga then
move to the na syllable do this by
touching the tip of your tongue to the
back of your top front teeth then add
the short uh vowel again this is
a very relaxed vowel and it's very very
quick your tongue is just sort of in the
middle of your mouth and your lips are
relaxed na organa
then add the stressed syllable zay do
this by starting with the Z sound by
putting the tip of your tongue behind
the back of your top front teeth keep
that air moving out of your mouth and be
sure that your voice box is moving so
that you have voicing for the Z sound
then move to the a vowel to make this
vowel by opening your mouth wide and
then moving to a smile a zay organa
ZAY and then end with shun do this by
keeping the air moving
out of your mouth for the SH sound round
your lips for this sound Shh then add
the un to it do this by adding that short
vowel uh then touching the tip of your
tongue to the back of your top front
teeth for the n sound
tion organa zay shun organization
let's give it a try organization
organization organization
she works for a great organization give
it a try people are definitely going to
notice the difference if you like this
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if you have questions we'd love to hear
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for more information thanks so much