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Hey there and welcome to
Life Noggin.
While my animator can delete me with a few keystrokes, hey watch it buddy, it can be
quite a bit more complex to bring an end to the human world as you know it.
At the risk of being super morbid, let's take a look at just how the last scenes in
our movie about humanity might play out.
I just hope there's a sequel… or at least an after credits scene.
Ya know for earth 2.
We know the effects of global warming and climate change are scary and are going to
affect our future but global climate change has already affected the world in many observable
ways, from loss of sea ice, to the accelerated rise of the sea level, to shifting plant and
animal ranges.
But if global warming doesn't bring an end to the world, then what might it cause the
world to look like for generations down the road?
Future human youngsters might have to deal with long term effects of global climate change
like increasing temperatures, greater occurrences of heat waves and droughts, stronger and more
intense hurricanes, and the Arctic Ocean becoming free of ice.
In fact, the sea level is supposed to rise 1-4 feet by 2100, further increasing flooding
in many parts of the world.
Maybe we should let the future humans know they should try and learn how to live underwater…
or at least get some cool snorkel gear.
Going even further, life for the next generations might be riddled with other complications
of climate change like famine and social or political instability.
But life in the future might not be all bad!
One thing humanity always seems to be good at, and I'm a little biased here, is creating
wonderful new technologies!
A type of technology that future generations might have as part of their lives are brain
implants that could allow people to connect to the internet.
Even the modern marvel Elon Musk is on board with his recent launch of the company Neuralink.
This startup company aims to create what Musk calls “neural lace”, which would be technology
that's built into the brain that could create a wireless interface between human noggins
and computers.
There also still seems to be a push for flying cars to be a part of our future.
While there may be some safety and practicality issues, a study from the University of Michigan
found that two thirds of Americans want to ride in or operate their own airborne vehicle.
Uber seems to want to capitalize on that desire with Uber Elevate, which has hopes to one
day have a force of VTOL aircrafts, or “vertical take-off and landing” vehicles, for urban
You humans sure do love the idea of flying!
I don't meant to brag, but I can teleport.
So what potential future technology interests you the most?
Let me know down in those comments!
Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.
As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.
Don't forget to keep on thinking!