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  • Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

    嗨,大家好,歡迎來到 Life Noggin。

  • You ever wonder how small we are in the universe?


  • It turns out, pretty small!


  • It would be hard to pick you out of a stadium of people, much less the over 7 billion humans that live on this planet.

    很難把你從擠滿人的體育館中挑出來,更不用說在超過 70 億人生活的地球上。

  • Since the average height for a person in the US is about 1.69 meters, let's estimate

    由於美國人的平均身高約為 1.69 公尺,我們來估計一下,

  • and say that on their tippy toes and with their hands up in the air, the average person would be about 2 meters from their toes to their fingertips.

    他們墊著腳尖並把雙手舉到空中的長度,以一般人來說,從他們腳趾到指尖約 2 公尺。

  • That means it would take about 162 people, all stretched out, to be as tall as the Eiffel Tower, which is 324 meters high.

    這代表大約需要 162 人全部伸長手腳,才能與高達 324 公尺 的艾菲爾鐵塔一樣高。

  • With the diameter of our nearly-spherical Earth around 12,756 kilometers,

    我們近似球體的地球,直徑約 12,756 公里,

  • it would take nearly 40 thousand Eiffel Towers standing on top of each other to be as tall as the diameter of the Earth.

    這代表需要將近 4 萬座艾菲爾鐵塔,彼此站在頂部,才能與地球的直徑一樣高。

  • What's pretty cool, is that we've actually had a good understanding of how small we are compared to the Earth for quite awhile!


  • That's because back around 2,000 years ago, the size of the Earth was calculated pretty

    那是因為大約 2000 年前,地球的大小

  • accurately by the geographer, poet, mathematician and man-of-many-titles known as Eratosthenes.


  • Sources differ slightly, but it seems like he was only off by about 1 to 17 percent of the actual value.

    來源略有不同,但看起來他的實際值僅為 1% 至 17%。

  • That's pretty impressive!


  • But that's just how small you are compared to the Earth!


  • You're even smaller if you compare yourself to the Sun.


  • While we may think the Sun is a super big ball of fire, it's actually kinda small compared to other stars in the universe.


  • There are stars a hundred times bigger.


  • Even the enormous blue star Icarus, the farthest star ever seen, is way bigger, more massive,


  • and possibly hundreds of thousands of times intrinsically brighter than the Sun!


  • According to the NASA Night Sky Network, if we shrunk our Sun down to the size of a grain of sand,


  • our Solar System would be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.


  • On this scale, the Milky Way galaxy would be about as big as North America.


  • And that's just our galaxy!


  • The Milky Way is just one of the billions of galaxies that make up our universe.


  • That means you're a super small creature, on a planet much bigger than you are,


  • traveling around in an even bigger solar system in an even bigger galaxy, which is one of the billions in the universe.


  • So yeah.


  • You're pretty tiny!


  • But hey, at least you aren't the size of one of your cells.


  • Your red blood cells, some of the smallest and most abundant ones in your body,


  • only have a diameter of about 7 or 8 micrometers, which are a thousand times smaller than a millimeter.

    直徑只有 7 或 8 微米,比一毫米小一千倍。

  • A typical ant is about 10 millimeters long, so you're red blood cells are realllllly realllllly tiny, but they're still super important to your health.

    典型的螞蟻一隻長約 10 毫米,所以你的紅血球真的真的非常小,但它們對你的健康仍非常重要。

  • So next time you're feeling small, just remember, being a tiny drop in the universe


  • doesn't stop you from doing awesome and important things.


  • Huh?


  • That was a good motivational quote.


  • I should put that on my Instagram.

    我應該傳到 Instagram 上。

  • In the comment section below, i wanna learn something cool about you.


  • Thanks for being here, and thanks for watching!


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    喜歡 Life Noggin 嗎?

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  • Curious to know what would cause planet earth to explode?


  • Check out this video!


  • This asteroid was about 9 kilometers in diameter and it hit the planet at about 64,000 kilometers per hour.

    這顆小行星直徑約 9 公里,以每小時約 64,000 公里的速度撞擊地球。

  • Even with all that force, it only carved out a chunk of Earth a few kilometers deep.


  • As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!

    一如往常,我是 Blocko,這裡是 Life Noggin,別忘了繼續思考!

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

嗨,大家好,歡迎來到 Life Noggin。

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