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  • Is this food making you hungry?


  • Well, don't try to take a bite, because these delicious-looking foods are actually fake.


  • (How fake food is made for TV and movies)


  • TV shows and movies will try to use real foods on screen when possible, but there a number of reasons why food props might be used instead.


  • For example, if ice cream is used, they don't want it to melt between takes, or if you need a lot of food in the background of a shot.


  • Companies like Independent Studio Services and Display Fake Foods offer pre-made food props that can be ordered in bulk.

    像是 Independent Studio Services 和 Display Fake Foods 這種公司能提供事先做好的食物模型,還提供大量訂購。

  • But oftentimes, movies need items specially made.


  • That's when they seek out a fake food artist, like Lisa Friedman.

    這時就需要食物模型師了,例如 Lisa Friedman 就是一名食物模型師。

  • For people who need something specific, that's why they reach out to me.


  • I'm an artist⏤I went to school for artand I also love to cook and bake.


  • There's not a lot of us out there that do this.


  • Brenda Chapman also makes fake foods in Oklahoma.

    位於奧克拉荷馬州的 Brenda Chapman 也從事食物模型製造。

  • I just, kind of, figure it out.


  • So⏤I've had no formal training, didn't go to college.


  • [I] Started this just so I could be a stay-at-home mom with my kids.


  • Both women work out of studios in their homes.


  • They can recreate pretty much anything.


  • Much of their day-to-day business is in restaurant displays and food shows.


  • But prop masters will contact them if they need food items for movies.


  • In the last 20 years, I've done almost 3 million dollars' worth of... of fake-food business.


  • Brenda has had her work featured in a number of productions.

    Brenda 的作品曾出現在許多部影視作品中。

  • For "Glee", she made some ice cream for this diner scene.


  • In their diner scene, they wanted milk shakes and hot fudge sundaes and banana splits that were new, half-eaten, quarter-eaten so that they could switch them out during the... the takes.

    在戲中用餐場景裡,他們想要奶昔、熱焦糖聖代、 香蕉船;還要沒吃過、剩一半,或是已經吃了四分之一的狀態,這樣他們就可以跟著拍攝步調來更換。

  • She says you don't always know where your food will end up.


  • Like when some of her items popped up in "The Muppets".

    像是,她的某些成品出現在《布偶歷險記 》中。

  • When Miss Piggy eats my doughnuts, I didn't realize that they had bought my doughnuts.


  • [French] Mademoiselle Cochonne?

    [法文] 不好意思, Cochonne 小姐,打擾了。

  • Can't you see I'm busy?


  • Of course.


  • And sometimes, your food doesn't even make the final cut.


  • "Thor" actuthe movie actually bought, like, 500 dollars' worth of doughnuts, and they had a building that said Donut Shop or Donut Planet.

    電影《雷神索爾》原本花了大概 500 塊美金買甜甜圈,為了鏡頭裡一棟叫 Donut Shop 還是 Donut Land 的建築,

  • They never went inside, so I didn't see my doughnuts; I was very sad.

    但演員從頭到尾都沒有進去過, 所以我沒在電影裡看到我的甜甜圈成品, 害我挺傷心的。

  • Here's a creamsicle Lisa Friedman made that was featured in a scene from "Kevin (Probably) Saves the World".

    這是 Lisa Friedman 做的雪糕,曾出現在影集《凱文拯救世界》的場景裡。

  • - The coldest thing they have. - Oh, thank you.

    - 我在店裡找到最冰涼的東西。- 噢,謝謝你。

  • I guess his eye was swollen; he got hit in it.


  • While the details may vary based on the artist, the creation process is pretty standard.


  • We stopped by Lisa Friedman's home in New York to see how she makes her fake foods.

    我們拜訪了 Lisa Friedman 位於紐約的住處,看看她是如何打造食物模型的。

  • After the order is submitted, typically, the customer will send her a real version of the food they want duplicated.


  • Then she will produce a mold out of the item to get the exact size and shape.


  • We try to mold it close to the color so that we're not starting with a blank white canvas.


  • Typically, fake foods are made with rubber or foam.


  • She pours the material into the mold and lets it set.


  • Foam rises like actual dough, so she needs to prevent it from spilling out.


  • It's like I'm baking a cake, right? I'm baking my bread.


  • Then she sands the excess pieces down.


  • Once the item is dry, it's painted and detailed to look like real food.


  • With my background in painting, I can color it to be as, you know, as realistic as it is.


  • You just, kind of, have to look at things a little differently, and think, "Okay, it's not made for this but it does look like this."

    你可能得學習轉換看事情的角度,它的原料不是這個, 但它看起來就像那樣。

  • We douse a lot of styrofoams, a lot of... just... stuff from the local hardware store, you know, caulking and drywall patching and sheetrock mud.


  • To replicate granola and ground beef, Lisa uses crushed cork board.

    為了做出穀麥片和牛絞肉模型,Lisa 使用了軟木樹皮製的絕緣建築材料。

  • Cork is, kind of, like, breaks up like granola, so we took some cork boards and we started breaking it down.


  • Sometimes, real food is used.


  • Like covering actual popcorn, cereal, or candy in resin to preserve it.


  • It's often hard to tell the finished product from the original.


  • I don't do this for the money.


  • It's, kind of, more for the accolades, when my customers write, "Oh, I love it; it came out great."


  • And while these items might make your mouth water, they're only a feast for your eyes.


Is this food making you hungry?


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