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The presidency of Donald Trump.
The man voted "Least Edible" by Cannibal Magazine
-six years in a row. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
-A-- And I know, I honestly know
that the prospect of talking about Trump yet again
feels exhausting.
We're all so tired of him, every room in America
should have a sign on the wall that counts
the number of minutes that it's been
since someone brought up his fucking name.
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -But-- But that is the thing.
Trump's presidency is like one of his handshakes.
It pulls you in, whether you like it or not.
He's had so many terrible moments this year,
you probably forgot about many of them.
Remember when he creepily told the French president's wife
-that she was in good shape? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
Or-- Or when his tacky golf resort was touted
on the States Department website?
Or, when he shoved the prime minister
of Montenegro out of the way, at a NATO event.
Look how proud of himself he is!
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Look how proud he is!
You should at least have to know that Montenegro is a country
before making a move that says, "Suck it, Montenegro."
And there were also quieter but no less alarming moments
like when he explained how hard he's been fighting
to bring "clean coal" back without appearing to understand
what that actually is.
It's just been announced
that a second brand new coal mine
where they're going to take out clean coal,
meaning they're taking out coal,
-they're gonna clean it, -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
is opening in the state of Pennsylvania.
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Listen, is it possible
that Trump is well-versed in and is referring to
flue gas desulfurization, fluidized bed combustion,
and selective catalytic reduction?
Sure, it's possible,
but let's agree it's considerably more likely
that he thinks you just take a bunch of coal
and scrub-a-dub it with a big ol' sponge.
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Oh, yeah, that's right.
I'm saying the president fundamentally doesn't understand
what he's talking about, and you know what that means.
-We got him! -(AIR HORN BLARING)
-♪ (PRESIDENTIAL THEME SONG PLAYING) ♪ -We got him! We got him!
I got him-- wha-- I didn't get him?
-Did I not get him? -♪ (MUSIC FLUBS OUT) ♪
I thought-- I thought-- I thought we got him.
I thought-- I thought we got him that time.
Well, that's fair-- okay.
What? You think I don't hate myself, too? Alright!
-(AUDIENCE CHEERING) -The point is--
The point is tonight... let's pull back
from the daily Trump-induced chaos
and take a look at the norms that his presidency
has violated, and not the obvious ones,
like the fact that he never released his tax returns,
or that his own daughter and son-in-law
work in the White House, although, admittedly,
I am using the word "work" there so generously
that I should be able to deduct it
as a charitable donation on my taxes.
Or-- Or that instead of putting his assets
into a blind trust to help reduce conflicts of interest,
he simply showed America
that he has many large stacks of paper,
presumable containing the sentence
"I can't believe I'm getting away with this,"
printed 750,000 times.
No, instead, we're going to talk about Trump's assault
on something even more basic, the norms governing
how our leaders engage with us,
and how in turn, that affects the way
that we engage with one another.
It's why even the notion of "getting him"
can feel so hopelessly futile.
And let's first stipulate that it definitely doesn't help
that so often what Trump says is complete nonsense.
We often read transcripts of Trump's speeches,
and it's something that everyone should actually do
once in a while, because when you strip away
his blindly confident entertaining delivery
and just read his words, it is staggering
how incoherent he is.
Here is a word-for-word reading of a speech
where he talked about the Iran nuclear deal.
That is not a functional use of language,
that is a drunk driver crashing a pick-up truck
-full of alphabet soup. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
Trump's actual speech patterns
sound like when you write a long text
by choosing only the predictive text
your iPhone suggests for you.
Seriously, we wrote a message like that,
starting with the words, "the nuclear,"
and here is what we got.
-(AUDIENCE CACKLING) -That makes exactly as much,
and potentially more sense, then Trump's speech
about the Iran nuclear deal, meaning an iPhone
would be a more coherent president of the United States.
But with Trump, we are familiar enough
with his speech patterns that you get the basic gist
of what he's trying to say.
The real damage isn't in how he says things,
but from three key techniques that he uses to insulate himself
from criticism and consequence.
And if we are not extremely careful,
all three could have serious impacts
that far outlast his presidency,
and let's start with the first one.
Delegitimizing the media.
Now, Trump has been attacking the press
since he declared his candidacy,
and in a broader sense, he's been waging war
on the very concept of truth
ever since he first turned to his mom and said,
"Dada," and she said, "No, I'm mama,"
and he said, "Fake news," and shit his pants.
the difference now is, he's crying fake news
as President of the United States,
and he is openly proud of it,
to the point that he recently tried to take ownership
of the term itself.
The media is... is-- really the word--
I think one of the greatest of all terms
I've come up with is "fake."
I guess other people have used it perhaps
over the years, but I've never noticed it.
-(AUDIENCE GROANING) -He just took credit
for inventing the term "fake news,"
which, for the record, he did not,
meaning what he just said
was technically "fake" fake "news" news.
A-- And you can imagine him saying, "Well,
I'm not the first politician to criticize the press.
What about Hillary Clinton?
What about Barack Obama?
What about Bernie Sanders?
And that actually brings us to Trump's second technique,
something called "whataboutism."
It's the practice of changing the subject
to someone else's perceived wrongdoing.
Now, Trump does this all the time,
most famously when he was asked
why he hadn't forcefully condemned the neo-Nazis
in Charlottesville, and this was his response...
What about the alt-left that came charging
at the-- as you say, the alt-right?
Do they have any semblance of guilt?
What about the fact they came charging--
that they came charging with clubs in their hands,
swinging clubs?
Do they have any... problem?
Well, actually, no, because a Nazi killing someone
with a car is so heinous,
any other issues that might be up for debate,
under any other circumstances, kind of have to wait their turn.
You can be wearing Crocs with socks,
but if you're using those socked-Crocs
to kick Hitler in the balls, do you know what?
I'm suddenly not so fucking focused
-on the footwear. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
Now-- Now this technique of saying "what about..."
is actually an old Soviet propaganda tool,
and the reason it is dangerous is because it implies
that all actions, regardless of context,
share a moral equivalency, and since nobody is perfect,
all criticism is hypocritical
and everybody should do whatever they want.
It is a depressingly effective tool,
which is why, on Trump's favorite network,
you hear it all the time.
The mainstream media focused on the Trump campaign
and allegations of collusion with the Russians.
But what about the Democrat's possible ties to Moscow?
FEMALE ANCHOR: Former national security adviser
General Michael Flynn,
investigated for his private meeting with Russia,
but what about Hillary Clinton?
The media wants to call into question the credibility,
uh, and the trustworthiness of this administration, uh,
but what about Benghazi? What about the blatant lies
that the Obama administration told us?
What about the fact that Ben Rhodes bragged
about lying to the media and the public
-about the Iran deal? -HANNITY: Great point.
What about the fact that Jonathan Gruber
basically said the American people were stupid?
Okay, stop, stop, stop, because here is the thing,
none of the errors those people may have made in the past
excuse the Trump administration's actions.
A defense attorney could not stand up in court and say,
"Maybe my client did murder those people,
but I ask you this... What about Jeffrey Dahmer?
-What about Al Capone? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)
What about the guy from the Silence of the Lambs?
I rest my case here, people. I rest my case."
The problem with whataboutism is it doesn't actually
solve a problem or win an argument.
The point is just to muddy the waters
which can make the other side mad,
and that actually brings us to Trump's
third technique... trolling.
Now trolling itself has been around for years.
It's basically 80% of what happens on the internet.
It's-- it's when a YouTube commenter
says something willfully provocative
like saying, "I've aged like an apple core in a dumpster."
or that I "look like a fucking pickle with glasses."
Now, it doesn't matter whether they mean any of that,
the point is just to get a reaction
and to hurt my feelings which, by the way,
it absolutely does.
But-- But Trump... Trump may well be the first ever troll
to be elected president. And that's right,
I said elected.
Remember tenth president, Sprinkles Fuzzwizard?
He assumed office after William Henry Harrison died
and if you're thinking, "Hold on,
Sprinkles Fuzzwizard was not America's tenth president"...
Who was America's tenth president?
Exactly. Let's assume I'm right.
The point is, as a troll, Trump often does things
that have no effect other than
to piss off his perceived enemies.
Like when he tweeted this wrestling GIF
of himself body slamming CNN,
or attacked Mika Brzezinksi by saying she was,
"bleeding badly from a face-lift,"
or, as we mentioned earlier tonight,
called a leader with nuclear weapons
"short and fat."
And Trump even once retweeted a claim
that he was the most superior troll
on the whole of Twitter, calling it
"a great compliment."
Which it is not, because sometimes
when you do something that makes a lot of people mad,
it's because, and bear with me here,
-you're a dick. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)
If you-- If you sneak into someone's house
and urinate in every heating vent
and they get mad at you, you're not an epic troll
sticking it to the snowflake cucks,
you're just some fucking asshole.
But the thing is, Trump's trolling
is not actually without political value.
Despite Trump's few real policy accomplishments to date,
he has consistently achieved one thing,
and that is making his enemies unhappy.
And for many Trump supporters, that itself counts
as a major victory.
Just listen to how Fox & Friends reacted
after Trump freaked people out
by standing with military leaders
during rising tensions with North Korea,
and suggesting that it was the "calm before the storm."
I feel like he's trolling the media.
He is-- I think he's totally trolling the media there.
You do something like that-- even the smile and the wink.
Those of us that are sick of the status quo,
the forgotten men and women who voted for President Trump,
want that town to freak out. I want those reporters going,
"What do you mean? What do you mean?"
It's beautiful to watch.
Is it?
Why? I'm genuinely serious.
Who benefits from mass confusion about whether or not
we're about to go to war?
Are there thousands of unemployed factory workers
across the Midwest going, "Well the plant closed down
and I lost my healthcare. But somewhere,
a Washington Post reporter is scared of dying,
so things are looking up. Mega!"
Judging your political success on how bad you make
other people feel makes just about as much sense
as judging your success as a zookeeper
by how many bears you fuck.
Oh, wow, that is not your job.
I mean, I guess it's impressive in its own way,
but it is definitely not what you're supposed to be doing.
And the surest proof of trolling often comes
when a troll is confronted.
Because that's when they have to either
put up or shut up.
You may have heard about cases where
people tracked down the source of something awful
that was posted online, only to find
some sullen fifteen-year-old who just shrugs and goes,
"Well I don't know why I wrote that. I just did it.
Stop asking me so many questions."
Well, that is basically our president now.
I'll show you. Remember when Trump said
that Obama had surveilled him in Trump Tower, tweeting...
"How low has President Obama gone to tap-p my phones?"
Watch what happens when he was asked to justify that.
Well, you saw what happened with surveillance
and I think that was inappropriate.
-That's the way-- -What does that mean, sir?
Uh, you can figure that out yourself.
Well I-- The reason I ask is you said he was--
You called him "sick and bad."
Look, you can figure it out yourself,
he was very nice to me with words, but--
and when I was with him, but after that
there has been no relationship.
But you stand by that claim about him?
I don't stand by anything. I just, uh...
You can take it the way you want.
Okay, so let's walk through what just happened there.
On the internet he claimed that his predecessor
committed an extremely serious crime.
But in person, he is suddenly backing down.
First saying Obama was "very nice to me with words,"
then that, "I don't stand by anything."
Which is one of the most
frighteningly nihilistic sentences a president can say.
I would honestly rather hear that
from a clown holding a knife than a president.
Because at least when a clown says,
"I don't stand by anything," you think,
"Yeah, that kind of makes sense. Please make it quick."
And look, it gets worse, because that interview kept going
and Trump was explicitly given the opportunity
to set the record straight for the "fake news media,"
but he flat-out refused.
I just wanted to find out that--
You're the president of the United States,
you said he was "sick and bad"
-because he attacked you-- -You can take it any way--
You can take it any way you want.
-But I'm asking you, because you don't want it to be fake news. -You don't--
-I want to hear it from President Trump. -You don't have to ask me.
-You don't have to ask me. -Why not?
Because I have my own opinions, you can have your own opinions.
But I want to know your opinions.
-You're the president of the United States. -Okay. That's enough.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Okay, so...
There is a lot that is infuriating about that clip.
But Trump going back to his desk and pretending to work hard
is an objectively funny thing to do.
That's like your dog avoiding questions
by pretending to do his taxes. You never do this,
why would you need to do it now?
Look, while there is nothing new about any of these techniques,
they are now coming out of the Oval Office.
Which not only legitimizes them, it risks them spreading,
and that, sadly, is happening.
Last month, Congressman Paul Gosar
used all three techniques.
First, he suggested in an interview
that the march in Charlottesville
may have been a false flag operation
created by the left, which is pretty troll-y behavior.
And when confronted about it, he deployed the other two tools.
-It's all been debunked. -It's not been debunked.
Absolutely not debunked whatsoever.
-So stay tuned. -The conspiracy theory
that you have put out there has been debunked.
It has not been debunked. Look at-- Look at what CNN
has talked about with, uh, with what's going on
with the Clinton administration right now with the dossier.
Hardly an aspect in regards to debunk.
You're not real news, you're fake news.
Sir, everything you've said has been debunked,
why are you continuing to put this out there?
So he's basically just copying Trump.
And if there is one thing worse than something terrible,
it's a cover band of that terrible thing.
If Trump is Nickelback, that man is Bickleknack.
Not as good at it as the original,
and a horrible sign that the disease is spreading.
The problem is if that becomes
the level of discourse in this country,
we are seriously and lastingly fucked.
And just this week, we saw some of these techniques
pushed to the absolute limit by the scandal involving
Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore,
who has denied allegations of sexual misconduct
with a 14-year-old when he was 32
and called them "fake news."
Now, watch Sean Hannity then use whataboutism
to derail a discussion about it.
This 14-year old girl, purportedly,
according to The Washington Post,
told two of her girlfriends
-what happened in real time. -SEAN HANNITY: Here's a tough question...
Do you think Bill Clinton, in retrospect, was a predator?
But, that is not what this discussion is about.
You might as well have said, "Here's a tough question,
'If you had to guess, how many lobsters are there?'"
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -"Like total? In the world?"
Is that worth discussing? Sure, but first let's finish
talking about the Senate candidate
who may have made sexual advances on a child.
And, look, whether Clinton engaged in predatory behavior
is absolutely a legitimate question, but
it shouldn't really inform what we do about Roy Moore.
And, even if you believe the Democrats are guilty
of a double standard, the solution is not to have
no standard whatsoever.
That is why it's so important to train ourselves to identify
these techniques because their natural endpoint
is the erosion of our ability to decide what's important,
have an honest debate, and hold one another accountable.
And that erosion could be so gradual
that it's difficult to spot.
It's like being murdered by a sloth.
It happens very slowly and you might not notice
-until it's too late. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)
Now, listen, this is all very bleak.
I cannot pretend that it isn't,
which is why it is so important to take some hope
from this year's small victories like the Muslim ban
being blocked by the courts after massive public protests.
-(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS) -Or, or, the attempts...
to appeal Obamacare stalling,
thanks in part to people pressuring their lawmakers.
And, just this week, just this week in Virginia,
voters rejected Ed Gillespie for governor
after he ran a Trump-style, dog-whistle campaign.
And that is encouraging because it's nice to know that
if you use Trump tactics
in a Virginia gubernatorial election,
you do not get to be "gubernator."
further down the ballot there,
Tuesday also marked the defeat of Bob Marshall,
who earlier this year proposed a so-called bathroom bill.
He lost to Danica Roem, who will now be Virginia's
first openly transgender legislator.
And the tone that she has taken is already markedly different.
Danica, you were running against, um, Robert Marshall,
an incumbent, thirteen-term incumbent.
He's also a man who referred to himself
as "Virginia's chief homophobe."
He refused to debate you during the campaign.
Do you have anything you wanna say to him?
Come January, delegate Marshall will be one of my constituents
and I'm not gonna disrespect my own constituents.
Wow, that is incredibly refreshing.
Just think about that.
She beat a man who openly disrespected her,
but given the opportunity, she chose not to respond
by tweeting...
It's nice! It's nice not to have that.
And, look, Tuesday's results should not make you complacent.
They are absolutely no guarantee that the midterms
will turn out at all well.
That is why, though,
you should take these moments of encouragement
to help you keep going.
Because the Trump Presidency is basically a marathon.
It's painful, it's pointless, and the majority of you
didn't even agree to run it.
You were just signed up by your dumbest friend.
And-- And the fact is
we are not even at mile six right now,
or possibly even mile three.
So, there is a long way to go,
and though you're exhausted and your whole body
is screaming for you to give up, and your nipples are chafing
for some reason, the stakes are too high
for any of us to stop.
And, I do realize that I'm saying that
as we're about to stop doing shows for the year.
But-- But here's the thing,
we won't actually be going away entirely.
You might remember earlier this year,
we used our "Catheter Cowboy" to try and get information
to the president in the ad breaks of Fox & Friends.
Well, Trump is still watching that show and we know this
because The Times wrote a generally negative piece
about its enormous influence on him.
And because of that called it
"...the most powerful TV show in America."
A sentiment that the hosts were very excited about.
This program, the program you're watching,
is, according to The New York Times,
"...the most powerful TV show in America."
-TUCKER CARLSON: Wow! -AINSLEY EARHARDT: Do you know why Steve?
Because we have the best viewers.
No, you don't. Uh, you-- you absolutely don't.
Oh, an-- and look, don't misunderstand,
I'm not saying that we have the best viewers.
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, CHEERING) -No, no. I'm not saying that.
No! I'm explicitly not saying that.
You guys... are fine.
The best audience belongs to Ellen because this
is how they greet her...
ANNOUNCER: Here she is now... Ellen DeGeneres.
None of you fuckers did that
-when I came out. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS LOUDLY)
None of you did it!
But, the point is, the point here is,
just 45 minutes after that information was on Fox,
Trump tweeted...
So information goes right from that show
into his brain, which is terrible.
Because we would genuinely be better off if Trump was getting
daily briefings from an actual fox
and his friends, a hedgehog and a weasel
with its head stuck in a tin can.
But, if Trump is going to keep watching that show,
we are going to spend our hiatus
sneaking information through our Catheter Cowboy.
So-- so a number of commercials are going to be airing
on Fox News over the next few months.
Here is the first one...
NARRATOR: Attention catheter patients...
I'm a professional cowboy.
I use catheters and there's two things I know.
I don't like pain when I "cath" and the term "clean coal"
doesn't refer to the physical act of cleaning coal,
that would be impossible.
Coal is coal. Clean coal is a marketing term the coal industry
came up with for stuff like
carbon capture and sequestration,
an expensive process that's shown limited results at best.
Also, Frederick Douglass is dead.
-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -More tomorrow. Bye-bye.
-(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS) -That's good information for him to know.
That will be on Fox in the D.C. area later this week.
And keep an eye out for more of them,
because that cowboy has got a bunch up his sleeve.
The U.S. Virgin Islands has a governor,
not a president.
Here's a fun fact...
There's actually no federal law against this,
thanks to something called the "First Amendment."
Just because Jared Kushner is smarter than you,
doesn't mean that he's smart.
The Navy Seals aren't actually seals.
I know buddy. I was disappointed, too.
There are many non-gold decor schemes that are actually
very appealing.
During an eclipse, don't do this...
Buddy, this can't be that hard.
Nazi's... bad.
One fish, two fish, red fish...
Arm of the executive branch that should operate
free from White House interference
so as to avoid politically motivated prosecution.
-Donald, Donald. -(GLASS TAPPING)
I don't think he's gettin' any of this.
That's all for now, Donald. See ya tomorrow.
And, remember, if you're not enjoying this,
there's no shame in quittin'.