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  • We did a lot of stupid stuff back in college but this was really stupid.

    我們大學的時候做過不少蠢事 但這件事真的很蠢

  • I remember there was this on hot summer day, me and my friend just got out of class. It was burning hot so we just wanted to get back to our school dorm as soon as possible.

    我記得某個炎炎夏日 我和我朋友剛下課 熱到爆 我們只想趕快躲回宿舍

  • So we're waiting of the elevator on the first floor of our school dorm. And for some reason, the elevator is being held up on the second floor which is taking quite a long while.

    我們在宿舍一樓等電梯 不知道爲什麼電梯被停在二樓而且停得有點久

  • Me and my friend start to get impatient. We're like what's the hold-up? What's taking so long? And after quite a long while, the elevator finally starts coming down.


  • But my friend, he's already pissed off, so he's already yelling, “****! It's the second floor man, can't you just freakin' walk? What are you a cripple or something?"

    但我的朋友已經氣炸了 他大聲叫說「**!才二樓!你不會用走的喔!你是掰咖喔!」

  • And it was so loud that I was pretty sure that everybody inside the elevator heard it. So the next thing you know, the elevator comes down and the elevator door finally opens up and out comes this guy on crutches with a cast on his leg.

    聲音大到我敢確定電梯裡的人都聽到了 下一秒電梯到一樓了 然後電梯門終於打開了 從電梯裡 走出了一個拄著拐杖的同學而且腿上還打著石膏

  • And in my mind I'm likeOh manThat... NoNot... That's wasn't meMy friend ended up apologizing and that was the stupidest thing that we've done back in college.

    當時我心想... 喔 我的老哥啊… 剛剛大叫的不是我 我的朋友跟他道歉 那是我們大學做過最蠢的事

  • We tend to make quick judgments 'cos it's easier for us to project what we think or what we believe in on other people.

    人會習慣性地快速下結論 因為要把我們自己思考或相信的事投射在別人身上是更容易的

  • You turn on the news and you buy whatever the media sells you 'cos in a way in your mind you want to believe that it happened that way.

    人們打開電視看新聞就相信媒體告訴你的一切 因為某方面來說你情願相信事情是這麼發生的

  • You see somebody in a priority seat on the bus and you start thinking what the heck is he or she doing in that seat?

    你在公車上看見某個人坐在博愛座上 就開始想... 他/她怎麼可以坐在博愛座上!

  • What's you don't know is the news that you've read in the morning was fake! And that person sitting in a priority seat had cancer. True story.

    你所不知道的是 你早上看的新聞是假的 還有那位坐在博愛座上的人罹患癌症 真實案例

  • Another true story. Stephen Covey. Yah! The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey.

    另一個真實故事 史蒂芬柯維 沒錯!就是「與成功有約」的那位史蒂芬・柯維

  • He was riding on the subway in New York one day and in the carriage, there was this other passenger, a father who was letting his children go wild in the carriage. It was going crazy!

    有天他搭乘紐約地鐵 在車廂裡有另一位乘客 一位父親 他縱容他的孩子們在車廂裡撒野 簡直要瘋了!

  • The kids were running around, shouting out loud, and even grabbing other people's stuff, tossing things. And the father, he was just sitting back with his eyes closed as if it had nothing to do with him.

    小孩子跑來跑去 大聲尖叫 甚至搶其他乘客的東西 亂丟東西 至於那位父親 他只是坐著 眼睛閉著 好像這一切都與他無關

  • Stephen felt disturbed and he sensed that everybody else was thinking the same, so he did everybody the ultimate favor.

    史蒂芬感覺被打擾 他也感受到其他乘客也這麼覺得 於是他挺身而出幫了大家一個大忙

  • He got up and walked towards the father and said, “ Sir, your children are really disturbing a lot of people. I wonder if you could control them a little bit more?” There you go! Hero of the day!

    他站起來走向那位父親並說「先生 你的孩子真的打擾到許多人了 你能不能稍微管教他們一下?」 登登!英雄出現了!

  • And then the father, kind of coming back to his senses. He says, ”Oh, you're right, I guess I should do something about it. We just came from the hospital where their mother died an hour ago. I don't know what to think and I guess they don't know how to handle it either.”

    然後這位父親有點回過神來 他說「噢 你說得對... 我想我是應該要處理一下 我們剛從醫院回來 孩子們的媽一個小時前過世了 我腦袋一片空白 我想他們也應該不知道該怎麼面對」

  • Ooooooohhh


  • There are 7.5 billion people around the world and that means there are 7.5 billion different ways of perceiving things. That also means there's 7.5 billion different stories going on at the same time that only God could possibly know them all.

    地球上有7.5億人口 意味著有7.5億種看待事情不同的方式 這也意味著 同時間有7.5億個不同的故事正在進行著 只有上帝才有可能全數知道

  • A person asked God, “How can you forgive a murderer? Don't you know what they've done?”


  • God simply said, “Of course I know what he's done. Eventually everybody will be held for what they've done. There is no excuse. But the reason I still have mercy for even sinners is because I know why they became who they are today.”

    上帝只是回答說「我當然知道他做了什麼 終究每個人都要對自己的所行所為負責 沒有藉口 但我之所以對罪人還抱有憐憫之心是因為我知道究竟是為什麼他們會淪落到這步田地」

  • It would be ignorant and self-centered to assume that we know everything that's going on.

    假設自己知道所有一切是無知和自我中心的表現 所以要永遠保持謙遜 抱持同情心 並且要知道地球不是繞著自己本身轉而是繞著「我們」打轉

  • So always stay humble, be sympathetic, and know that world doesn't revolve around ourselves but revolves around us.


  • Peace.

We did a lot of stupid stuff back in college but this was really stupid.

我們大學的時候做過不少蠢事 但這件事真的很蠢

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