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Chen Yaoye took B. Zhu Ruiyang took W.
B kakari, W kosumi. It's very solid.
Then B kakari, W pincers, B attaches san-san.
If W hane,
it's a joseki.
W blocks, B atari, W atari, B atari, W connects.
This joseki is out-of-date.
It was W's komoku, now W is gote.
W's territory is also small. Locally it's bad for W.
If W hane, B nobi.
Then if W kosumi, B kosumi.
W keima, B keima, W jumps, B pushes, W blocks, B connects.
It's another joseki. But it's also bad for W.
On the top, W's speed is slow,
and on the left, W's shape is bad.
W can't nobi.
If W nobi, B cuts, W atari, B atari, W captures, B atari.
W can make a life, but it's very small.
So in this situation, W extends.
B hane, W connects, B kosumi.
If W keima, B will pincer.
If W extends, B keima. W is faster than this shape.
That's why W extended after the hane.
W is better than the old joseki,
but W would be still not satisfied.
So nowadays many players would extend directly.
B can't hane.
If B hane, W hane, B atari,
W nobi, B atari here, W can atari and nobi.
The corner is big.
Though B captured a stone here, B is not very thick.
This result is bad for B.
If B bumps,
W can't nobi. B kosumi.
If this stone was here, W is fine.
Now this stone is too near. W is not efficient.
So W should descent.
B can kosumi, W nobi, then B blocks, W keima.
Though W is not very thick, B is sealed in.
B can also consider to jump.
Next if W turns, B will pincer.
If W ogeima, B blocks the corner. Then W extends.
Now W's speed is fast. B is slow.
But it was W's corner. Now B gets the corner and B is sente.
So it's playable to both sides.
Personally I prefer W.
Some other players also didn't like B.
So a lot of new joseki were invented here.
For instance, B contacts.
W can't nobi here. This exchange would be very important.
Now B can simply bump.
W descents, B kosumi, W nobi, B blocks.
Relative to this joseki,
now this exchange is very good for B.
If now B contacts, of course, W should nobi here.
So this result is good for B.
B can also consider to hane.
W hane, B atari, W connects, B pushes, W atari,
B hane, W atari, B connects,
W turns, B hane.
Because of this exchange,
B can kill W. B is very thick.
The result is also good for B.
If W nobi here,
now B can't bump. W descents. It's good for W.
This exchange now is bad for B.
B should hane. It's a good move.
If W hane, B bumps, W crawls, B atari.
Of course, this result is good for B.
If W hane, B can't nobi.
If B nobi, with this exchange, W hane, and W can connect.
B should press.
W hane, B bumps, W crawls, B atari, W connects, B nobi.
W's position is very low. And W's shape is bad.
W will be very hard to get out.
If W hane,
B can clamp.
If this exchange was not made,
W can simply bump. B blocks, W pushes.
B's shape is very bad.
Now B clamps, W bumps,
B blocks, W pushes,
B atari. Now you see this exchange is very, very bad for W.
If W presses, B atari, W descents, B blocks.
B can kill W.
If W turns, B can double hane.
W atari, B connects, W atari, B descents,
W atari, B atari here, W captures, B throws in,
W captures, B connects.
If W connects, W is not enough for the capturing race.
If W jumps, B can cut W then kill the three.
It would be very bad for W.
When B contacts, hane is the right choice.
B contacts, there was a condition,
B must be favorable in ladder breaker.
B hane, W atari, B nobi, W atari,
B counter atari, W captures, B atari, W connects,
W atari. Here is the ladder.
Then W hane to kill the corner.
B captures.
W gets the corner. B's shape is also good.
It's a new joseki.
I'm not sure. Maybe it's an equal result.
In the future, B blocks, W descents,
B kosumi, W can't tenuki.
Blocking here would be B's sente.
So this move is very big.
It's the newest joseki.
In actual game, B keima. It's also a choice.
W can't nobi. This exchange would be fatal.
B hane, W hane, B atari, W nobi, B connects, W nobi.
If it was like this, B will collapse.
Now with this exchange,
B can push here. It's too bad for W.
Now kosumi is a choice.
B kosumi, W nobi, B descents, W nobi.
It's another new joseki. Maybe it's an equal result.
In actual game, W hane.
B can't nobi. If B nobi, W kosumi.
This is a joseki, B kosumi, W has two weak points.
But now, this exchange helped W reinforce.
B's shape is pretty strange.
So B should block.
Then W bumps,
Now B can't kosumi.
If B kosumi, W nobi, B can't connect here.
If B connects, W hane,
B must cut. The shape is very bad.
Then W atari, B connects.
W kosumi, B blocks, W hane. B will be killed.
So B must connect.
Then W atari, B descents. The hane is still W's sente.
The corner is living. B's speed is very slow.
B is very bad.
Now descenting is also not good.
W hane, B attaches, W nobi, B hane, W kosumi.
The two B stones are very heavy.
The result is bad for B.
In actual game, B attaches.
W hane, B wedges, W atari, B connects, W connects,
B jumps, W nobi, B hane, W hane, B double hane, W nobi, B connects,
Next W can keima here or descent here.
W gets the corner and this shape is not weak.
Personally I prefer W.
In actual game, W descents. It's territorial.
The shape here is not good, but next W can
The territory would be very big.
B extends, W turns, B jumps, W turns.
Here is a cutting point. In the future if W has to connect,
B would be good.
If W doesn't have to connect,
W's efficiency would be high.
B shimari, W kakari.
W kakari on the fourth line,
in order to cover the cutting point here.
If B attaches.
This result is good for W.
W will be easy to connect.
W got territory on the top-left,
B must attack and threat W's cutting point.
So B pincers.
If W jumps, B jumps, W jumps, B jumps,
W pincers, B jumps. Many of W groups need to settle.
B's thickness would be useful.
This result is good for B.
So W ogeima to avoid fight.
B attaches, W hane, B nobi.
W is not favorable in ladder breaker, so W can't bump.
B jumps, W hane, B connects, W presses, B nobi.
W is not favorable in ladder breaker,
so W can only kosumi.
I think I introduced this joseki in "10 minute go" episode 10.
So I will not talk more about this.
Anyway, locally, if W can descent,
it's an equal result.
If W could kosumi, we considered it's bad for W.
So in actual game, W attaches san-san.
B jumps, W hane. If B hane, W atari,
B connects,W connects, B cuts, W atari, B blocks.
It was a joseki.
You know I said "was", that means it's not a joseki anymore.
If W gets a stone here or here,
W may escape, B's shape is not thick.
So this joseki is bad for B.
B should cut, W descents, B hane, W atari, B connects, W atari,
B nobi. It's the new joseki.
B is thicker than the old one.
Now the lower side is big.
W can pincer here.
In actual game, W jumps. It's a good move.
It's a multiple use stone.
It reinforces this group so the cutting point would be not too severe.
It also reduces B's potential on the right.
And with this stone in the center,
B will be hard to make a moyo on the bottom.
If W ogeima, W invades.
The group in the center is pretty strong.
So W will invade with no worry.
In actual game, B makes a two-space extension.
W plays here, W reduces, B encloses.
W presses, B hane.
If W pushes, B blocks. W can atari, then atari here.
In the future W may push here.
This diagram is playable,
but W will be difficult to connect with the group here.
So W keima first.
If B blocks, then W will play like this.
Then W pushes, B blocks, W atari, B connects, W atari, B pushes.
W's shape is very good.
And W can push here in the future.
This is W's intention.
B is pressed on the 3rd line
and W still has this technique.
This result is good for W.
So in actual game, B nobi to counter-attack.
If W nobi,
after this exchange W will have no chance to push and atari.
It's so different.
Then B blocks. It's good for B.
So it's a kiai.
W blocks, B hane, W descents. W can't tenuki.
B can still make a life.
It's a living group.
W descents. W's territory is very big.
Now W has three corners.
B kosumi to get some territory.
If W ogeima to reduce B's moyo,
b encloses, the territory is still very big.
So W deeply invades here. It's very aggressive.
B caps, W invades san-san. it's a probe.
B blocks here, W attaches. It's another probe.
If B hane here, W nobi. W will be easy to settle.
B hane, W nobi, B hane.
Now W can make a life in this way.
The corner is not big, only 3 moku.
And this exchange is very bad to W.
If the invading stone dies in vain.
W would be not satisfied.
So W hane, B atari, W connects, B connects.
Locally W is dead.
Sorry this stone isn't here.
Locally W is dead.
W clamps.
If B descents,
W can jump.
If B hane, W connects.
It's an exchange, and it's worse than the actual game.
B can't block.
W cuts, B atari, W nobi, B atari, W atari, B connects, W blocks,
B turns, W hane. B's liberties are not enough.
W can also consider to cut directly.
B atari, W nobi, B atari, W atari, B connects,
W blocks, B turns, W connects. B captures to kill the corner.
W jumps, B nobi, W nobi.
W sacrificed the corner and got the outside.
W is also not bad.
In actual game, B connects. It's very strong.
If W bridges under,
B will play here to kill W.
W has only one eye in the corner.
W is very dangerous.
So in actual game, W jumps.
Now B can't block.
If B blocks,
W bridges under.
After this exchange, W will be so easy to make a life.
If B still plays here, W blocks, B pushes, W blocks,
B turns, W bumps, B atari, W counter atari,
B captures, W atari, B connects, W jumps.
W is all connected.
In actual game, B reinforces here.
W connects, it's a big exchange.
B's corner is very thick.
But W invaded here, and now W is connected.
W's invasion is successful.
B atari.
B's thickness linked together.
So B may have a moyo in center.
Now this is a very big point.
W's territory is no smaller than B's.
If W took this point, I think W is not bad.
In actual game, W jumps.
It's very greedy.
W sacrificed these two to get the corner.
The two stones are not important at all.
Now W forcibly escapes, it's very greedy.
B must attack.
W pushes,
B nobi,
W hane,
B double hane. B must cut W.
W atari, B connects, W nobi, B nobi.
Now it's complicated.
W is risky. So I think this move should extend.
W nobi, B turns,
W bulges.
It's B's sente.
W can't tenuki. If W tenuki, B will jump here.
So W connects.
If B nobi to attack W,
W hane, B clamps.
B thought it's unnecessary to play so risky.
So B just atari and let W go.
W connects, B kosumi, W atari.
B captured a stone here, and this shape is also good.
So B cuts. it's very strong.
Now it's too late to play a ladder breaker.
B is too thick.
B will certainly ignore it.
If W blocks, B nobi. It's a big trouble to W.
In actual game, W attaches.
B bulges, W blocks, B reinforces,
W double hane.
There is a very big point on the board.
So W wants to get a sente very much.
B atari, W connects.
B atari here, W nobi.
It's a probe.
If B blocks,
W will take the big point.
This exchange is good for W.
B can't let it happen.
B connects here.
It's very strong. Locally it's a ko.
W atari, B makes the ko.
If B win the ko,
the cutting point would be very severe.
W captures,
B pushes. It's a ko threat.
B retakes.
W nobi, B answers, W retakes.
B atari here.
now W has no ko threat.
Next B still has the ko threat here.
So W just connects,
B captures.
It's an exchange
and W gets more territory than B.
So I think this exchange is good for W.
The three stones are thin,
but W can still settle them.
W extends, B attaches, W kosumi, B keima to reduce W's moyo.
W kosumi, B nobi, W atari, B turns, W hane, B atari,
W connects, B contacts, W hane, B wedges, W atari, B connects,
W connects. W still gets a lot of territory here.
Now this move is W's sente.
If B tenuki,
W descents, B hane, W turns,
B atari, W connects.
W will escape.
So B nobi.
This move is very big.
Now B's center is still big.
If W has no technique inside,
B would be still not bad.
But unfortunately, W has a technique.
B atari,
W connects,
B can't reinforce.
If B reinforces,
W wedges.
If B atari here,
W counter atari.
B connects, W nobi.
If B atari here,
W atari,
B connects,
W peeps.
So B must connect.
Then W clamps.
It's tesuji. It's the winning move.
B pushes, W attaches,
B hane, W bumps,
B can't atari,
W cuts. Next here and here are miai for W.
So B connects, W atari.
Locally it's a ko.
W made a ko in B's territory.
That's very bad for B.
B turns, W connects,
It's very big. B atari,
W takes the ko.
B hane, W kosumi, B takes the ko.
W pushes, B blocks, W retakes.
B atari, W connects, B retakes.
W kosumi, B connects, W takes.
B connects, W atari, B takes.
W descents, B hane, W takes.
B cuts, W atari, B takes.
W bumps. W has seen clearly.
B hane, W connects,
B captures, W hane.
W gets two moves in succession.
Now B can't nobi.
If B nobi, W will nobi.
B reinforces.
W atari, B connects.
W can't escape.
B can play here to catch W.
W kosumi,
B blocks,
W hane,
B atari,
W captures,
B hane,
W atari,
B hane,
W cuts,
B turns,
W bumps,
B atari, W kosumi.
It's the biggest point on the board.
Now the board is very small.
W has 2 or 3 moku ahead.
B has no chance to fight back.
Finally B resigned.
I will not comment on the rest of the moves.
Zhou Ruiyang won the cup,
and leveled up to 9 dan directly.
OK, here is the commentary. See you next time.
Subtitled by: Small Qing. ^_^