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  • Go (game)

  • Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is

  • to surround more territory than the opponent. The game was invented in ancient China more

  • than 2,500 years ago, and is therefore believed

  • to be the oldest board game continuously played today.

  • It was considered one of the four essential arts of the cultured aristocratic Chinese scholars in

  • antiquity. The earliest written reference

  • to the game is generally recognized as the historical annal Zuo Zhuan.

  • Despite its relatively simple rules, Go is very complex, even more so than chess. Compared to chess,

  • Go has both a larger board with more scope for play and longer games, and, on average,

  • many more alternatives to consider per move. The playing pieces are called "stones".

  • One player uses the white stones and the other, black.

  • The players take turns placing the stones on the vacant intersections of a board

  • with a 19×19 grid of lines. Beginners often play on smaller 9×9 and 13×13 boards,

  • and archaeological evidence shows that the game was played in earlier centuries on a board

  • with a 17×17 grid. However, boards with a 19×19 grid had become standard

  • by the time the game had reached Korea in the 5th century CE

  • and later Japan in the 7th century CE. Once placed on the board, stones may not be moved,

  • but stones are removed from the board when "captured". Capture happens when a stone

  • or group of stones is surrounded by opposing stones on all orthogonally-adjacent points.

  • The game proceeds until neither player wishes to make another move;

  • the game has no set ending conditions beyond this. When a game concludes,

  • the territory is counted along with captured stones and komi to determine the winner.

  • Games may also be terminated by resignation. As of mid-2008, there were well

  • over 40 million Go players worldwide, the overwhelming majority of them living in East Asia.

  • the International Go Federation has a total of 75 member countries

  • and four Association Membership organizations in multiple countries.

  • Overview

  • [^] Go is an adversarial game with the objective of surrounding a larger total area of the board

  • with one's stones than the opponent. As the game progresses,

  • the players position stones on the board to map out formations and potential territories.

  • Contests between opposing formations are often extremely complex and may result in the expansion,

  • reduction, or wholesale capture and loss of formation stones.

  • [^] A basic principle of Go is that a group of stones must have at least one "liberty"

  • to remain on the board. A "liberty" is an open "point" bordering the group.

  • An enclosed liberty is called an "eye", and a group of stones with two or more eyes is said

  • to be unconditionally "alive". Such groups cannot be captured, even if surrounded. A group

  • with one eye or no eyes is "dead" and cannot resist eventual capture. The general strategy is

  • to expand one's territory, attack the opponent's weak groups, and always stay mindful of the

  • "life status" of one's own groups. The liberties of groups are countable. Situations

  • where mutually opposing groups must capture each other or die are called capturing races,

  • or semeai. In a capturing race, the group with more liberties will ultimately be able

  • to capture the opponent's stones. Capturing races and the elements of life

  • or death are the primary challenges of Go.

  • A player may pass on determining that the game offers no further opportunities

  • for profitable play. The game ends when both players pass, and is then scored. For each player,

  • the number of captured stones is subtracted from the number of controlled points in "liberties"

  • or "eyes", and the player with the greater score wins the game. Games may also be won

  • by resignation of the opponent.

  • Finer points

  • In the opening stages of the game, players typically establish positions in the corners

  • and around the sides of the board. These bases help

  • to quickly develop strong shapes which have many options for life and establish formations

  • for potential territory. Players usually start in the corners,

  • because establishing territory is easier with the aid of two edges of the board.

  • Established corner opening sequences are called "joseki" and are often studied independently.

  • "Dame" are points that lie in-between the boundary walls of black and white,

  • and as such are considered to be of no value to either side. "Seki"

  • are mutually alive pairs of white and black groups where neither has two eyes. A "ko"

  • is a repeated-position shape that may be contested by making forcing moves elsewhere.

  • After the forcing move is played, the ko may be "taken back" and returned to its original position.

  • Some "ko fights" may be important and decide the life of a large group,

  • while others may be worth just one or two points. Some ko fights are referred to as "picnic kos"

  • when only one side has a lot to lose. The Japanese call it a hanami ko. Playing

  • with others usually requires a knowledge of each player's strength, indicated by the player's rank.

  • A difference in rank may be compensated by a handicapBlack is allowed to place two

  • or more stones on the board to compensate for White's greater strength.

  • There are different rule-sets, which are almost entirely equivalent, except

  • for certain special-case positions. Aside from the order of play and scoring rules,

  • there are essentially only two rules in Go: Almost all other information about how the game is

  • played is a heuristic, meaning it is learned information about how the game is played, rather

  • than a rule. Other rules are specialized, as they come about through different rule-sets,

  • but the above two rules cover almost all of any played game.

  • Although there are some minor differences between rule sets used in different countries,

  • most notably in Chinese and Japanese scoring rules,

  • these differences do not greatly affect the tactics and strategy of the game. Except where noted,

  • the basic rules presented here are valid independent of the scoring rules used.

  • The scoring rules are explained separately. Go terms

  • for which there are no ready English equivalent are commonly called by their Japanese names.

  • Basic rules

  • [^] Two players, Black and White,

  • take turns placing a stone of their own color on a vacant point of the grid on a Go board.

  • Black plays first. If there is a large difference in skill between the players,

  • the weaker player typically uses Black and is allowed to place two or more stones on the board

  • to compensate for the difference. The official grid comprises 19×19 lines,

  • though the rules can be applied to any grid size. 13×13 and 9×9 boards are popular choices

  • to teach beginners, or for playing quick games. Once placed, a stone may not be moved

  • to a different point. Vertically

  • and horizontally adjacent stones of the same color form a chain that cannot subsequently be

  • subdivided and, in effect, becomes a single larger stone. Only stones immediately connected

  • to one another by the lines on the board create a chain;

  • stones that are diagonally adjacent are not connected. Chains may be expanded

  • by placing additional stones on adjacent intersections, and can be connected together

  • by placing a stone on an intersection that is adjacent to two or more chains of the same color.

  • [^] A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that stone.

  • Stones in a chain share their liberties. A chain of stones must have at least one liberty

  • to remain on the board. When a chain is surrounded by opposing stones so that it has no liberties,

  • it is captured and removed from the board.

  • Ko rule

  • An example of a situation in which the ko rule applies Players are not allowed

  • to make a move that returns the game to the previous position. This rule, called the ko rule,

  • prevents unending repetition.

  • As shown in the example pictured: Black has just played the stone marked 1, capturing a white stone

  • at the intersection marked with the red circle. If White were allowed

  • to play on the marked intersection, that move would capture the black stone marked 1

  • and recreate the situation before Black made the move marked 1.

  • Allowing this could result in an unending cycle of captures by both players.

  • The ko rule therefore prohibits White from playing at the marked intersection immediately.

  • Instead White must play elsewhere, or pass; Black can then end the ko by filling

  • at the marked intersection, creating a five-stone black chain. If White wants to continue the ko,

  • White tries to find a play elsewhere on the board that Black must answer; if Black answers,

  • then White can retake the ko. A repetition of such exchanges is called a ko fight.

  • While the various rule-sets agree on the ko rule prohibiting returning the board

  • to an immediately previous position, they deal in different ways

  • with the relatively uncommon situation in which a player might recreate a past position that is

  • further removed. See Rules of Go: Repetition for further information.

  • Suicide

  • [^] A player may not place a stone such that it or its group immediately has no liberties,

  • unless doing so immediately deprives an enemy group of its final liberty. In the latter case,

  • the enemy group is captured, leaving the new stone with at least one liberty.

  • This rule is responsible for the all-important difference between one and two eyes: if a group

  • with only one eye is fully surrounded on the outside, it can be killed

  • with a stone placed in its single eye. The Ing and New Zealand rules do not have this rule,

  • and there a player might destroy one of its own groups—"commit suicide".

  • This play would only be useful in a limited set of situations involving a small interior space.

  • In the example at right, it may be useful as a ko threat.

  • Komi

  • Because Black has the advantage of playing the first move,

  • the idea of awarding White some compensation came into being during the 20th century.

  • This is called komi, which gives white a 6.5-point compensation under Japanese rules.

  • Under handicap play, White receives only a 0.5-point komi, to break a possible tie.

  • Scoring rules

  • [^] Two general types of scoring system are used, and players determine which to use before play.

  • Both systems almost always give the same result.

  • Territory scoring counts the number of empty points a player's stones surround, together

  • with the number of stones the player captured.

  • Area scoring counts the number of points a player's stones occupy and surround. It is associated

  • with contemporary Chinese play and was probably established there

  • during the Ming Dynasty in the 15th or 16th century. After both players have passed consecutively,

  • the stones that are still on the board, but unable to avoid capture, called dead stones, are removed.

  • Area scoring : A player's score is the number of stones that the player has on the board,

  • plus the number of empty intersections surrounded by that player's stones.

  • Territory scoring : In the course of the game, each player retains the stones they capture,

  • termed prisoners. Any dead stones removed at the end of the game become prisoners.

  • The score is the number of empty points enclosed by a player's stones,

  • plus the number of prisoners captured by that player.

  • If there is disagreement about which stones are dead, then under area scoring rules,

  • the players simply resume play to resolve the matter.

  • The score is computed using the position after the next time the players pass consecutively.

  • Under territory scoring, the rules are considerably more complex; however, in practice,

  • players generally play on, and, once the status of each stone has been determined, return

  • to the position at the time the first two consecutive passes occurred and remove the dead stones.

  • For further information, see Rules of Go.

  • Given that the number of stones a player has on the board is directly related

  • to the number of prisoners their opponent has taken, the resulting net score,

  • that is the difference between Black's and White's scores, is identical under both rulesets. Thus,

  • the net result given by the two scoring systems rarely differs by more than a point.

  • Life and death

  • While not actually mentioned in the rules of Go,

  • the concept of a living group of stones is necessary for a practical understanding of the game.

  • Examples of eyes. The black groups at the top of the board are alive, as they have

  • at least two eyes. The black groups at the bottom are dead as they only have one eye.

  • The point marked a is a false eye. When a group of stones is mostly surrounded

  • and has no options to connect with friendly stones elsewhere,

  • the status of the group is either alive, dead or unsettled. A group of stones is said

  • to be alive if it cannot be captured, even if the opponent is allowed to move first. Conversely,

  • a group of stones is said to be dead if it cannot avoid capture,

  • even if the owner of the group is allowed the first move. Otherwise, the group is said

  • to be unsettled: the defending player can make it alive or the opponent can kill it,

  • depending on who gets to play first. An "eye" is an empty point or group of points surrounded

  • by one player's stones. If the eye is surrounded by Black stones, the "suicide rule" forbids White

  • to place a stone in a single-point eye surround

  • by Black unless the placement results in a capture of Black stones that creates a liberty

  • for White's new stone. Effectively, the capture rule is applied before the suicide rule,

  • and both are applied before White's play is completed. By the interplay of the capture

  • and suicide rules, survival for a group can be guaranteed only by having two or more eyes.

  • If two such eyes exist, the opponent can never capture a group of stones,

  • because one liberty is always remaining. One eye is not enough for life,

  • because a point that would normally be suicide may be filled by the opponent,

  • thereby capturing the group. In the "Examples of eyes" diagram, all the circled points are eyes.

  • The two black groups in the upper corners are alive, as both have at least two eyes.

  • The groups in the lower corners are dead, as both have only one eye.

  • The group in the lower left may seem to have two eyes,

  • but the surrounded empty point marked a is not actually an eye. White can play there

  • and take a black stone. Such a point is often called a false eye.

  • Seki (mutual life)

  • [^] Example of seki.

  • Neither Black nor White can play on the marked points without reducing their own liberties

  • for those groups to one. – Above deprecated. --> There is an exception

  • to the requirement that a group must have two eyes to be alive, a situation called seki.

  • Where different colored groups are adjacent and share liberties, the situation may reach a position

  • when neither player wants to move first, because doing so would allow the opponent to capture;

  • in such situations therefore both players' stones remain on the board in mutual life or "seki".

  • Neither player receives any points for those groups, but

  • at least those groups themselves remain living, as opposed to being captured.

  • Seki can occur in many ways. The simplest are: In the "Example of seki " diagram,

  • the circled points are liberties shared by both a black and a white group. Neither player wants

  • to play on a circled point, because doing so would allow the opponent to capture.

  • All the other groups in this example, both black and white, are alive with at least two eyes.

  • Seki can result from an attempt by one player to invade

  • and kill a nearly settled group of the other player.

  • Tactics

  • In Go, tactics deal with immediate fighting between stones, capturing and saving stones, life,

  • death and other issues localized to a specific part of the board. Larger issues, not limited

  • to only part of the board, are referred to as strategy, and are covered in their own section.

  • Capturing tactics

  • There are several tactical constructs aimed at capturing stones.

  • These are among the first things a player learns after understanding the rules.

  • Recognizing the possibility that stones can be captured using these techniques is an important step

  • forward. A ladder. Black cannot escape unless the ladder connects

  • to black stones further down the board that will intercept with the ladder.

  • The most basic technique is the ladder. To capture stones in a ladder,

  • a player uses a constant series of capture threatscalled atarito force the opponent into a zigzag

  • pattern as shown in the adjacent diagram.

  • Unless the pattern runs into friendly stones along the way,

  • the stones in the ladder cannot avoid capture.

  • Experienced players recognize the futility of continuing the pattern and play elsewhere.

  • The presence of a ladder on the board does give a player the option

  • to play a stone in the path of the ladder, thereby threatening to rescue their stones,

  • forcing a response. Such a move is called a ladder breaker and may be a powerful strategic move.

  • In the diagram, Black has the option of playing a ladder breaker. A net.

  • The chain of three marked black stones cannot escape in any direction. Another technique

  • to capture stones is the so-called net, also known by its Japanese name, geta. This refers

  • to a move that loosely surrounds some stones, preventing their escape in all directions.

  • An example is given in the adjacent diagram. It is generally better to capture stones in a net

  • than in a ladder,

  • because a net does not depend on the condition that there are no opposing stones in the way,

  • nor does it allow the opponent to play a strategic ladder breaker. A snapback.

  • Although Black can capture the white stone by playing at the circled point, the resulting shape

  • for Black has only one liberty, thus White can then capture the three black stones by playing

  • at 1 again. A third technique to capture stones is the snapback. In a snapback,

  • one player allows a single stone to be captured,

  • then immediately plays on the point formerly occupied by that stone; by so doing,

  • the player captures a larger group of their opponent's stones, in effect snapping back

  • at those stones. An example can be seen on the right. As with the ladder,

  • an experienced player does not play out such a sequence, recognizing the futility of capturing only

  • to be captured back immediately.

  • Reading ahead

  • One of the most important skills required for strong tactical play is the ability to read ahead.

  • Reading ahead includes considering available moves to play, the possible responses to each move,

  • and the subsequent possibilities after each of those responses.

  • Some of the strongest players of the game can read up

  • to 40 moves ahead even in complicated positions. As explained in the scoring rules,

  • some stone formations can never be captured and are said to be alive,

  • while other stones may be in the position where they cannot avoid being captured and are said

  • to be dead. Much of the practice material available

  • to players of the game comes in the form of life and death problems, also known as tsumego.

  • In such problems, players are challenged

  • to find the vital move sequence that kills a group of the opponent or saves a group of their own.

  • Tsumego are considered an excellent way to train a player's ability at reading ahead,

  • and are available for all skill levels, some posing a challenge even to top players.

  • Ko fighting

  • [^] In situations when the Ko rule applies, a ko fight may occur. If the player who is prohibited

  • from capture is of the opinion that the capture is important,

  • because it prevents a large group of stones from being captured for instance,

  • the player may play a ko threat. This is a move elsewhere on the board that threatens

  • to make a large profit if the opponent does not respond. If the opponent does respond

  • to the ko threat, the situation on the board has changed,

  • and the prohibition on capturing the ko no longer applies.

  • Thus the player who made the ko threat may now recapture the ko.

  • Their opponent is then in the same situation and can either play a ko threat as well,

  • or concede the ko by simply playing elsewhere. If a player concedes the ko, either,

  • because they do not think it important or,

  • because there are no moves left that could function as a ko threat, they have lost the ko,

  • and their opponent may connect the ko. Instead of responding to a ko threat,

  • a player may also choose to ignore the threat and connect the ko. They thereby win the ko, but

  • at a cost. The choice of when to respond to a threat and when to ignore it is a subtle one,

  • which requires a player to consider many factors, including how much is gained by connecting,

  • how much is lost by not responding, how many possible ko threats both players have remaining,

  • what the optimal order of playing them is, and what the sizepoints lost

  • or gainedof each of the remaining threats is. Frequently,

  • the winner of the ko fight does not connect the ko,

  • but instead captures one of the chains that constituted their opponent's side of the ko.

  • In some cases, this leads to another ko fight at a neighboring location.

  • Strategy

  • Strategy deals with global influence, interaction between distant stones,

  • keeping the whole board in mind during local fights,

  • and other issues that involve the overall game. It is therefore possible to allow a tactical loss

  • when it confers a strategic advantage. Novices often start

  • by randomly placing stones on the board, as if it were a game of chance.

  • An understanding of how stones connect for greater power develops,

  • and then a few basic common opening sequences may be understood. Learning the ways of life

  • and death helps in a fundamental way to develop one's strategic understanding of weak groups.

  • A player who both plays aggressively and can handle adversity is said to display kiai,

  • or fighting spirit, in the game.

  • Basic concepts

  • Basic strategic aspects include the following: The strategy involved can become very abstract

  • and complex. High-level players spend years improving their understanding of strategy,

  • and a novice may play many hundreds of games against opponents before being able to win regularly.

  • Opening strategy

  • In the opening of the game, players usually play in the corners of the board first,

  • as the presence of two edges makes it easier for them to surround territory

  • and establish their stones. After the corners, focus moves to the sides,

  • where there is still one edge to support a player's stones.

  • Opening moves are generally on the third and fourth line from the edge,

  • with occasional moves on the second and fifth lines. In general,

  • stones on the third line offer stability and are good defensive moves,

  • whereas stones on the fourth line influence more of the board and are good attacking moves.

  • The opening is the most difficult part of the game for professional players

  • and takes a disproportionate amount of the playing time. In the opening,

  • players often play established sequences called joseki, which are locally balanced exchanges;

  • however, the joseki chosen should also produce a satisfactory result on a global scale.

  • It is generally advisable to keep a balance between territory and influence.

  • Which of these gets precedence is often a matter of individual taste.

  • Middle phase and endgame

  • The middle phase of the game is the most combative, and usually lasts for more than 100 moves.

  • During the middlegame, the players invade each other's territories,

  • and attack formations that lack the necessary two eyes for viability. Such groups may be saved

  • or sacrificed for something more significant on the board.

  • It is possible that one player may succeed in capturing a large weak group of the opponent's,

  • which often proves decisive and ends the game by a resignation. However,

  • matters may be more complex yet, with major trade-offs, apparently dead groups reviving,

  • and skillful play to attack in such a way as to construct territories rather than kill.

  • The end of the middlegame and transition to the endgame is marked by a few features.

  • The game breaks up into areas that do not affect each other,

  • where before the central area of the board related to all parts of it.

  • No large weak groups are still in serious danger.

  • Moves can reasonably be attributed some definite value, such as 20 points or fewer, rather

  • than simply being necessary to compete. Both players set limited objectives in their plans,

  • in making or destroying territory, capturing or saving stones.

  • These changing aspects of the game usually occur at much the same time, for strong players.

  • In brief, the middlegame switches into the endgame when the concepts of strategy

  • and influence need reassessment in terms of concrete final results on the board.

  • Origin in China

  • The earliest written reference

  • to the game is generally recognized as the historical annal Zuo Zhuan, referring

  • to a historical event of 548 BC. It is also mentioned in Book XVII of the Analects of Confucius

  • and in two books written by Mencius. In all of these works, the game is referred to as. Today,

  • in China, it is known as weiqi, literally "encirclement board game".

  • [^] Go was originally played on a 17×17 line grid, but a 19×19 grid became standard

  • by the time of the Tang Dynasty. Legends trace the origin of the game

  • to the mythical Chinese emperor Yao, who was said to have had his counselor Shun design it

  • for his unruly son, Danzhu, to favorably influence him.

  • Other theories suggest that the game was derived from Chinese tribal warlords and generals,

  • who used pieces of stone to map out attacking positions. [^] In China,

  • Go was considered one of the four cultivated arts of the Chinese scholar gentleman, along

  • with calligraphy, painting and playing the musical instrument guqin.

  • Spread to Korea and Japan

  • Weiqi was introduced to Korea sometime between the 5th and 7th centuries CE,

  • and was popular among the higher classes. In Korea, the game is called baduk,

  • and a variant of the game called Sunjang baduk was developed by the 16th century.

  • Sunjang baduk became the main variant played in Korea until the end of the 19th century,

  • when the current version was reintroduced from Japan.

  • [^] The game reached Japan in the 7th century CEwhere it is called orthe game became popular

  • at the Japanese imperial court in the 8th century, and among the general public

  • by the 13th century.

  • The modern version of the game as we know it today was formalized in Japan in the 15th century CE.

  • In 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu re-established Japan's unified national government. In the same year,

  • he assigned the then-best player in Japan, a Buddhist monk named Nikkai, to the post of Godokoro.

  • [^] Nikkai took the name Honinbo Sansa and founded the Honinbo Go school.

  • Several competing schools were founded soon after. These officially recognized

  • and subsidized Go schools greatly developed the level of play

  • and introduced the dan/kyu style system of ranking players. Players

  • from the four schools competed in the annual castle games, played in the presence of the shogun.

  • Internationalization

  • Despite its widespread popularity in East Asia, Go has been slow to spread

  • to the rest of the world. Although there are some mentions of the game in western literature

  • from the 16th century forward, Go did not start

  • to become popular in the West until the end of the 19th century,

  • when German scientist Oskar Korschelt wrote a treatise on the ancient Han Chinese game.

  • By the early 20th century, Go had spread throughout the German and Austro-Hungarian empires.

  • In 1905, Edward Lasker learned the game while in Berlin. When he moved to New York,

  • Lasker founded the New York Go Club together with Arthur Smith,

  • who had learned of the game in Japan while touring the East

  • and had published the book The Game of Go in 1908. Lasker's book Go

  • and Go-moku helped spread the game throughout the U.S. and in 1935,

  • the American Go Association was formed. Two years later, in 1937,

  • the German Go Association was founded. World War II put a stop to most Go activity,

  • since it was a game coming from Japan, but after the war, Go continued to spread.

  • For most of the 20th century,

  • the Japan Go Association played a leading role in spreading Go outside East Asia

  • by publishing the English-language magazine Go Review in the 1960s,

  • establishing Go centers in the U.S. Europe and South America,

  • and often sending professional teachers on tour to Western nations. Internationally,

  • the game had been commonly known since the start of the twentieth century

  • by its shortened Japanese name, and terms for common Go concepts are derived

  • from their Japanese pronunciation. In 1996, NASA astronaut Daniel Barry

  • and Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata became the first people to play Go in space.

  • They used a special Go set, which was named Go Space, designed by Wai-Cheung Willson Chow.

  • Both astronauts were awarded honorary dan ranks by the Nihon Ki-in.

  • the International Go Federation has 75 member countries, with 67 member countries outside East Asia.

  • Ranks and ratings

  • [^] In Go, rank indicates a player's skill in the game. Traditionally, ranks are measured using kyu

  • and dan grades, a system also adopted by many martial arts. More recently,

  • mathematical rating systems similar to the Elo rating system have been introduced.

  • Such rating systems often provide a mechanism for converting a rating to a kyu or dan grade.

  • Kyu grades are considered student grades and decrease as playing level increases,

  • meaning 1st kyu is the strongest available kyu grade. Dan grades are considered master grades,

  • and increase from 1st dan to 7th dan.

  • First dan equals a black belt in eastern martial arts using this system.

  • The difference among each amateur rank is one handicap stone. For example, if a 5k plays a game

  • with a 1k, the 5k would need a handicap of four stones to even the odds.

  • Top-level amateur players sometimes defeat professionals in tournament play.

  • Professional players have professional dan ranks. These ranks are separate from amateur ranks.

  • The rank system comprises, from the lowest to highest ranks:

  • Tournament and match rules

  • Tournament and match rules deal with factors that may influence the game,

  • but are not part of the actual rules of play. Such rules may differ between events.

  • Rules that influence the game include: the setting of compensation points, handicap,

  • and time control parameters.

  • Rules that do not generally influence the game are: the tournament system, pairing strategies,

  • and placement criteria. Common tournament systems used in Go include the McMahon system,

  • Swiss system, league systems and the knockout system. Tournaments may combine multiple systems;

  • many professional Go tournaments use a combination of the league and knockout systems.

  • Tournament rules may also set the following:

  • Top players and professional go

  • A Go professional is a professional player of the game of Go. There are six areas

  • with professional go associations, these are: China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the United States

  • and Europe. Although the game was developed in China, the establishment of the Four Go houses

  • by Tokugawa Ieyasu at the start of the 17th century shifted the focus of the Go world to Japan.

  • State sponsorship, allowing players to dedicate themselves full-time to study of the game,

  • and fierce competition between individual houses resulted in a significant increase in the level of

  • play. During this period,

  • the best player of his generation was given the prestigious title Meijin

  • and the post of Godokoro. Of special note are the players who were dubbed Kisei.

  • The only three players to receive this honor were Dosaku, Jowa and Shusaku,

  • all of the house Honinbo. [^] After the end of the Tokugawa shogunate

  • and the Meiji Restoration period, the Go houses slowly disappeared, and in 1924,

  • the Nihon Ki-in was formed. Top players

  • from this period often played newspaper-sponsored matches of 2–10 games.

  • Of special note are the player Go Seigen, who scored 80% in these matches

  • and beat down most of his opponents to inferior handicaps, and Minoru Kitani,

  • who dominated matches in the early 1930s. These two players are also recognized

  • for their groundbreaking work on new opening theory. For much of the 20th century, Go continued

  • to be dominated by players trained in Japan. Notable names included Eio Sakata, Rin Kaiho,

  • Masao Kato, Koichi Kobayashi and Cho Chikun. Top Chinese and Korean talents often moved to Japan,

  • because the level of play there was high and funding was more lavish.

  • One of the first Korean players to do so was Cho Namchul, who studied in the Kitani Dojo 1937–1944.

  • After his return to Korea, the Hanguk Kiwon was formed and caused the level of play in South Korea

  • to rise significantly in the second half of the 20th century. In China, the game declined

  • during the Cultural Revolution, but quickly recovered in the last quarter of the 20th century,

  • bringing Chinese players, such as Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun, on par with their Japanese

  • and South Korean counterparts. The Chinese Weiqi Association was established in 1962,

  • professional dan grades started being issued in 1982. Western professional go began in 2012

  • with the American Go Association's Professional System. In 2014,

  • the European Go Federation followed suit and started their professional system.

  • [^] With the advent of major international titles from 1989 onward, it became possible

  • to compare the level of players from different countries more accurately.

  • Cho Hunhyun of South Korea won the first edition of the Quadrennial Ing Cup in 1989.

  • His disciple Lee Chang-ho was the dominant player in international Go competitions for more

  • than a decade spanning much of 1990s and early 2000s; he is also credited

  • with groundbreaking works on the endgame. Cho, Lee

  • and other South Korean players such as Seo Bong-soo, Yoo Changhyuk

  • and Lee Sedol between them won majority of international titles in this period.

  • Several Chinese players also rose to the top in international Go from 2000s,

  • most notably Ma Xiaochun, Chang Hao, Gu Li and Ke Jie.

  • Japan lags behind in the international Go scene. Historically, as with most sports and games,

  • more men than women have played Go. Special tournaments for women exist, but until recently, men

  • and women did not compete together at the highest levels; however, the creation of new,

  • open tournaments and the rise of strong female players, most notably Rui Naiwei,

  • have in recent years highlighted the strength and competitiveness of emerging female players.

  • The level in other countries has traditionally been much lower, except

  • for some players who had preparatory professional training in East Asia.

  • Knowledge of the game has been scant elsewhere up until the 20th century.

  • A famous player of the 1920s was Edward Lasker. It was not until the 1950s that more

  • than a few Western players took up the game as other than a passing interest. In 1978,

  • Manfred Wimmer became the first Westerner to receive a professional player's certificate

  • from an East Asian professional Go association. In 2000,

  • American Michael Redmond became the first Western player to achieve a 9 dan rank.

  • Equipment

  • [^] It is possible to play Go with a simple paper board and coins or plastic tokens

  • for the stones. More popular midrange equipment includes cardstock, a laminated particle board,

  • or wood boards with stones of plastic or glass.

  • More expensive traditional materials are still used by many players.

  • The most expensive Go sets have black stones carved from slate and white stones carved

  • from translucent white shells, played on boards carved in a single piece from the trunk of a tree.

  • Boards

  • The Go board typically measures between 45 and in length and 42 to in width.

  • Chinese boards are slightly larger, as a traditional Chinese Go stone is slightly larger to match.

  • The board is not square; there is a 15:14 ratio in length to width, because

  • with a perfectly square board,

  • from the player's viewing angle the perspective creates a foreshortening of the board.

  • The added length compensates for this.

  • There are two main types of boards: a table board similar in most respects

  • to other gameboards like that used for chess, and a floor board,

  • which is its own free-standing table and at which the players sit.

  • The traditional Japanese goban is between 10 and thick and has legs; it sits on the floor.

  • It is preferably made from the rare golden-tinged Kaya tree, with the very best made

  • from Kaya trees up to 700 years old. More recently, the related California Torreya has been prized

  • for its light color and pale rings as well as its reduced expense

  • and more readily available stock. The natural resources of Japan have been unable to keep up

  • with the enormous demand for the slow-growing Kaya trees; both T. nucifera and T.

  • californica take many hundreds of years to grow to the necessary size,

  • and they are now extremely rare, raising the price of such equipment tremendously.

  • As Kaya trees are a protected species in Japan, they cannot be harvested until they have died. Thus,

  • an old-growth, floor-standing Kaya goban can easily cost in excess of $10,000

  • with the highest-quality examples costing more than $60,000. Other,

  • less expensive woods often used to make quality table boards in both Chinese

  • and Japanese dimensions include Hiba, Katsura, Kauri, and Shin Kaya.

  • So-called Shin Kaya is a potentially confusing merchant's term: shin means "new",

  • and thus shin kaya is best translated "faux kaya",

  • because the woods so described are biologically unrelated to Kaya.

  • Stones

  • A full set of Go stones usually contains 181 black stones and 180 white ones;

  • a 19×19 grid has 361 points, so there are enough stones to cover the board,

  • and Black gets the extra odd stone, because that player goes first.

  • Traditional Japanese stones are double-convex, and made of clamshell and slate.

  • The classic slate is nachiguro stone mined in Wakayama Prefecture and the clamshell

  • from the Hamaguri clam; however, due to a scarcity in the Japanese supply of this clam,

  • the stones are most often made of shells harvested from Mexico. Historically,

  • the most prized stones were made of jade, often given to the reigning emperor as a gift. In China,

  • the game is traditionally played with single-convex stones made of a composite called Yunzi.

  • The material comes from Yunnan Province and is made by sintering a proprietary

  • and trade-secret mixture of mineral compounds derived from the local stone. This process dates

  • to the Tang Dynasty and, after the knowledge was lost in the 1920s during the Chinese Civil War,

  • was rediscovered in the 1960s by the now state-run Yunzi company. The material is praised

  • for its colors, its pleasing sound as compared to glass or to synthetics such as melamine,

  • and its lower cost as opposed to other materials such as slate/shell. The term "yunzi"

  • can also refer to a single-convex stone made of any material; however,

  • most English-language Go suppliers specify Yunzi as a material and single-convex as a shape

  • to avoid confusion,

  • as stones made of Yunzi are also available in double-convex while synthetic stones can be either

  • shape. Traditional stones are made so that black stones are slightly larger in diameter

  • than white; this is to compensate for the optical illusion created

  • by contrasting colors that would make equal-sized white stones appear larger on the board

  • than black stones. [^]

  • Bowls

  • The bowls for the stones are shaped like a flattened sphere with a level underside.

  • The lid is loose fitting and upturned before play to receive stones captured during the game.

  • Chinese bowls are slightly larger, and a little more rounded, a style known generally as Go Seigen;

  • Japanese Kitani bowls tend to have a shape closer to that of the bowl of a snifter glass, such as

  • for brandy. The bowls are usually made of turned wood. Mulberry is the traditional material

  • for Japanese bowls, but is very expensive; wood from the Chinese jujube date tree,

  • which has a lighter color and slightly more visible grain pattern, is a common substitute

  • for rosewood, and traditional for Go Seigen-style bowls. Other traditional materials used

  • for making Chinese bowls include lacquered wood, ceramics, stone and woven straw or rattan.

  • The names of the bowl shapes, "Go Seigen" and "Kitani",

  • were introduced in the last quarter of the 20th century

  • by the professional player Janice Kim as homage to two 20th-century professional Go players

  • by the same names, of Chinese and Japanese nationality, respectively, who are referred to as the

  • "Fathers of modern Go".

  • Playing technique and etiquette

  • [^] The traditional way to place a Go stone is to first take one from the bowl,

  • gripping it between the index and middle fingers, with the middle finger on top,

  • and then placing it directly on the desired intersection. One can also place a stone on the board

  • and then slide it into position under appropriate circumstances.

  • It is considered respectful towards White for Black

  • to place the first stone of the game in the upper right-hand corner.

  • It is considered poor manners to run one's fingers through one's bowl of unplayed stones,

  • as the sound, however soothing to the player doing this, can be disturbing to one's opponent.

  • Similarly, "clacking" a stone against another stone, the board, or the table

  • or floor is also discouraged. However, it is permissible to emphasize select moves

  • by striking the board more firmly than normal, thus producing a sharp clack.

  • Time control

  • A game of Go may be timed using a game clock.

  • Formal time controls were introduced into the professional game during the 1920s

  • and were controversial. Adjournments and sealed moves began to be regulated in the 1930s.

  • Go tournaments use a number of different time control systems.

  • All common systems envisage a single main period of time for each player for the game,

  • but they vary on the protocols for continuation after a player has finished that time allowance.

  • The most widely used time control system is the so-called byoyomi system.

  • The top professional Go matches have timekeepers so that the players do not have

  • to press their own clocks. Two widely used variants of the byoyomi system are:

  • Notation and recording games

  • Go games are recorded with a simple coordinate system. This is comparable

  • to algebraic chess notation, except that Go stones do not move

  • and thus require only one coordinate per turn. Coordinate systems include purely numerical,

  • hybrid, and purely alphabetical. The Smart Game Format uses alphabetical coordinates internally,

  • but most editors represent the board with hybrid coordinates as this reduces confusion.

  • The Japanese word kifu is sometimes used to refer to a game record. In Unicode,

  • Go stones are encoded in the block Miscellaneous Symbols:

  • Nature of the game

  • In combinatorial game theory terms, Go is a zero-sum, perfect-information, partisan,

  • deterministic strategy game, putting it in the same class as chess, draughts and Reversi ;

  • however it differs from these in its game play. Although the rules are simple,

  • the practical strategy is extremely complex.

  • The game emphasizes the importance of balance on multiple levels and has internal tensions.

  • To secure an area of the board, it is good to play moves close together; however,

  • to cover the largest area, one needs to spread out,

  • perhaps leaving weaknesses that can be exploited. Playing too low secures insufficient territory

  • and influence, yet playing too high allows the opponent to invade.

  • It has been claimed that Go is the most complex game in the world due

  • to its vast number of variations in individual games. Its large board

  • and lack of restrictions allow great scope in strategy and expression of players' individuality.

  • Decisions in one part of the board may be influenced

  • by an apparently unrelated situation in a distant part of the board.

  • Plays made early in the game can shape the nature of conflict a hundred moves later.

  • The game complexity of Go is such that describing even elementary strategy fills many introductory

  • books. In fact,

  • numerical estimates show that the number of possible games of Go far exceeds the number of atoms in

  • the observable universe. Research of go endgame by John H. Conway led

  • to the invention of the surreal numbers. Go also contributed

  • to development of combinatorial game theory.

  • Software players

  • Go long posed a daunting challenge to computer programmers, putting forward

  • "difficult decision-making tasks; an intractable search space;

  • and an optimal solution so complex it appears infeasible to directly approximate using a policy

  • or value function". Prior to 2015, the best Go programs only managed to reach amateur dan level.

  • On smaller 9×9 and 13x13 boards, computer programs fared better, and were able to compare

  • to professional players. Many in the field of artificial intelligence consider Go

  • to require more elements that mimic human thought than chess.

  • [^] The reasons why computer programs had not played Go at the professional dan level prior

  • to 2016 include: As an illustration, the greatest handicap normally given

  • to a weaker opponent is 9 stones.

  • It was not until August 2008 that a computer won a game against a professional level player

  • at this handicap. It was the Mogo program,

  • which scored this first victory in an exhibition game played during the US Go Congress. By 2013,

  • a win at the professional level of play was accomplished with a four-stone advantage.

  • In October 2015, Google DeepMind's program AlphaGo beat Fan Hui, the European Go champion

  • and a 2 dan professional, five times out of five with no handicap on a full size 19x19 board.

  • AlphaGo used a fundamentally different paradigm than earlier Go programs;

  • it included very little "direct" instruction, and mostly used deep learning

  • where AlphaGo played itself in hundreds of millions of games such that it could measure positions

  • more intuitively. In March 2016, Google next challenged Lee Sedol,

  • a 9 dan considered the top player in the world in the early 21st century, to a five-game match.

  • Leading up to the game, Lee Sedol and other top professionals were confident that he would win;

  • however, AlphaGo defeated Lee in four of the five games. After having already lost the series

  • by the third game, Lee won the fourth game, describing his win as "invaluable". In May 2017,

  • AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, who at the time continuously held the world No. 1 ranking for two years,

  • winning each game in a three-game match during the Future of Go Summit.

  • Software assistance

  • [^] An abundance of software is available to support players of the game.

  • This includes programs that can be used to view or edit game records and diagrams,

  • programs that allow the user to search for patterns in the games of strong players,

  • and programs that allow users to play against each other over the Internet.

  • Some web servers provide graphical aids like maps, to aid learning during play.

  • These graphical aids may suggest possible next moves, indicate areas of influence,

  • highlight vital stones under attack and mark stones in atari or about to be captured.

  • There are several file formats used to store game records, the most popular of which is SGF, short

  • for Smart Game Format. Programs used for editing game records allow the user

  • to record not only the moves, but also variations, commentary and further information on the game.

  • Electronic databases can be used to study life and death situations, joseki, fuseki and games

  • by a particular player. Programs are available that give players pattern searching options,

  • which allow players to research positions by searching

  • for high-level games in which similar situations occur.

  • Such software generally lists common follow-up moves that have been played by professionals

  • and gives statistics on win/loss ratio in opening situations.

  • Internet-based Go servers allow access to competition with players all over the world,

  • for real-time and turn-based games. Such servers also allow easy access to professional teaching,

  • with both teaching games and interactive game review being possible.

  • In popular culture and science

  • Apart from technical literature and study material, Go

  • and its strategies have been the subject of several works of fiction, such as The Master of Go

  • by Nobel prize-winning author Yasunari Kawabata and The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa.

  • Other books have used Go as a theme or minor plot device. For example, the novel Shibumi

  • by Trevanian centers around the game and uses Go metaphors,

  • and The Way of Go: 8 Ancient Strategy Secrets for Success in Business and Life

  • by Troy Anderson applies Go strategy to business. GO: An Asian Paradigm for Business Strategy

  • by Miura Yasuyuki, a manager with Japan Airlines, uses Go to describe the thinking

  • and behavior of business men. Go features prominently in the Chung Kuo series of novels

  • by David Wingrove, being the favourite game of the main villain. The manga

  • and anime series Hikaru no Go, released in Japan in 1998,

  • had a large impact in popularizing Go among young players,

  • both in Japan andas translations were releasedabroad.

  • Go Player is a similar animated series about young Go players that aired in China.

  • In the anime PriPara, one of the main characters, Sion Tōdō, is a world renowned Go player,

  • but decides to retire as nobody has been able to beat her, becoming an idol instead.

  • Despite this Go still features heavily in her character's personality. Similarly,

  • Go has been used as a subject or plot device in film, such as π, A Beautiful Mind, Tron: Legacy,

  • and The Go Master, a biopic of Go professional Go Seigen. 2013's Tôkyô ni kita bakari

  • or Tokyo Newcomer portrays a Chinese foreigner Go player moving to Tokyo.

  • In King Hu's wuxia film The Valiant Ones, the characters are color-coded as Go stones, Go boards

  • and stones are used by the characters to keep track of soldiers prior to battle,

  • and the battles themselves are structured like a game of Go.

  • Go is also featured prominently in the movie The Divine Move. The corporation

  • and brand Atari was named after the Go term.

  • Hedge fund manager Mark Spitznagel used weiqi as his main investing metaphor in his popular

  • investing book The Dao of Capital.

  • Psychology

  • A 2004 review of literature by Fernand Gobet,

  • de Voogt & Retschitzki shows that relatively little scientific research has been carried out on the

  • psychology of Go, compared with other traditional board games such as chess and Mancala.

  • Computer Go research has shown that given the large search tree, knowledge

  • and pattern recognition are more important in Go than in other strategy games, such as chess.

  • A study of the effects of age on Go-playing has shown that mental decline is milder

  • with strong players than with weaker players. According to the review of Gobet and colleagues,

  • the pattern of brain activity observed with techniques such as PET

  • and fMRI does not show large differences between Go and chess. On the other hand, a study

  • by Xiangchuan Chen et al. showed greater activation in the right hemisphere among Go players

  • than among chess players. There is some evidence

  • to suggest a correlation between playing board games and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease

  • and dementia.

  • Game theory

  • In formal game theory terms, Go is a non-chance, combinatorial game with perfect information.

  • Informally that means there are no dice used, the underlying math is combinatorial,

  • and all moves are visible to both players.

  • Perfect information also implies sequenceplayers can theoretically know about all past moves.

  • Other game theoretical taxonomy elements include the facts that Go is bounded within a finite

  • number of moves; the strategy is associative ; format is non-cooperative ;

  • positions are extensible ; game is zero-sum and the utility function is restricted.

  • Affine transformations can theoretically add non-zero and complex utility aspects even

  • to two player games.

  • Comparisons

  • Go begins with an empty board. It is focused on building from the ground up with multiple,

  • simultaneous battles leading to a point-based win. Chess is tactical rather than strategic,

  • as the predetermined strategy is to trap one individual piece.

  • This comparison has also been applied to military and political history,

  • with Scott Boorman's 1969 book The Protracted Game exploring the strategy of the Communist Party of

  • China in the Chinese Civil War through the lens of Go.

  • A similar comparison has been drawn among Go, chess and backgammon,

  • perhaps the three oldest games that enjoy worldwide popularity. Backgammon is a "man vs. fate"

  • contest, with chance playing a strong role in determining the outcome. Chess,

  • with rows of soldiers marching forward to capture each other, embodies the conflict of "man vs.

  • man". Because the handicap system tells Go players where they stand relative to other players,

  • an honestly ranked player can expect to lose about half of their games; therefore,

  • Go can be seen as embodying the quest for self-improvement, "man vs. self".


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GO (遊戲) - WikiVidi 紀錄片 (GO (game) - WikiVidi Documentary)

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    jigme.lee888 posted on 2021/01/14
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