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  • The Lower Back. By far one of the weakest and fattest areas on a guy's body, but I'm

  • going to show you today how to fix both of those problems in this one video.

  • What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEANX.COM.

  • The Low Back. By far one of the biggest banes of existence for men because it's the source

  • of two of the biggest problems we face.

  • Number 1 right here, it's the source of one of our largest, actually the largest, source

  • of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort right here in the low back,

  • and also, one of the aesthetic problems that drives us crazy, and that's something that

  • we call back fat or lower back fat.

  • The issue is, guys, at the root of all this, is the same thing that's at the root of most

  • other issues we face, and that is a bad diet and wrong types of training.

  • So, what I want to do in this video is show you guys how we can address the low back to

  • help alleviate the low back discomfort that a lot of us face, men and women alike.

  • But again, this is strictly sort of geared toward guys here. This is the low back pain

  • that we feel, and then how to get rid of these areas of low back fat that a lot of guys will

  • write in and ask us.

  • Alright, so first, let's deal with the low back fat, alright. We have to understand that

  • low back fat, guys, is not some kind of isolated area.

  • We certainly know that we can't attack it with any specific exercise. We can't really

  • zero in on a target or any specific area of fat.

  • But, we do know that it's just an extension of our love handles, alright, but what it

  • happens to be is the most stubborn area of fat that we deal with as guys, and how do

  • I prove that?

  • Because even at my body fat level here guys, I can still pinch right here. I don't know

  • if you can see that, but I can pinch here in the low back.

  • Because right around this area, there is still, unless I was a skeleton, I am still going

  • to have some deposition of fat and it's going to be right there.

  • Because guys struggle the most and store body fat the most in that last stubborn spot right

  • here in the back of our waist.

  • So, if you think that you've got this problem, I can tell you, you're not alone. But what

  • it comes down to is, you can look really, really good and still carry some of that low

  • back fat.

  • You got to work on getting rid of the bulk of it, the rest of it from your midsection

  • and from your love handles, and again the bulk of it from up here around your lats.

  • So, we do that, guys with our diet and nutrition. I talk about it all the time. We go into a

  • day by day plan in our ATHLEANX Training System to help you guys to really cut down the fat.

  • But, to give you guys some overall goals. If you have a lot of fat and you sort of look

  • like this guy here, I can tell you, you're not really doing much right with your diet.

  • You've probably got gross imperfections that you know how you can fix it. You got to get

  • rid of the bacon. You got to get rid of the cakes and the sweets and the alcohol.

  • You got to try to cut down on what you're doing at least if you're going to try to trim

  • this down. But, beyond that, if you're a guy that's actually in pretty good shape, you

  • got good lats,

  • but you still have some of this overall fat hanging off your side here, it comes down

  • to how specific you want to get dialed in on your nutrition.

  • And that's an important concept that you have to follow here, guys. How specific do you

  • want to be? How much do you want to lean this out?

  • How badly do you want it? You know that you have a lot of the information, it's just how

  • badly do you want to be able to follow it?

  • What type of sacrifices do you want to make? Because as I've said, this is stubborn.This

  • is not going to come without perfection to have literally nothing back there, ok?

  • But if you have some flexibility in your diet, you're going to be able to get rid of the

  • bulk of it, but still be able to live a normal life.

  • And that's what our whole, as I said before, our whole meal plan is about, allowing guys

  • to live normal lives, but to make sure that we get you as lean as possible.

  • Some of the main things you want to focus on?

  • When you have your carbohydrates, yes, you're going to want to have carbohydrates, don't

  • make that mistake guys of eliminating starchy carbohydrates.

  • But you want to favor the fibrous carbohydrates in place of the starchy carbohydrates, ok.

  • I always say, 2:1 ratio. So, whatever time, whatever meal you're eating,

  • if you can have a 2:1 ration of fibrous carbohydrates to starchy carbohydrates, you're going to

  • be doing a good thing towards helping to trim this area.

  • You also want to get protein in every single meal, alright. It's got a satiating effect

  • that 's going to help you with your cravings.

  • A lot of times guys succomb to cravings. If you can stabilize your blood sugar, if you

  • can have your protein in every meal, as incorporated with this,

  • you'll have a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar by combining protein and carbohydrates

  • as well as fat.

  • If you can include some low amounts of what they call incidental fat, that's going to

  • help here too. But those are the major things that you want to try to do.

  • And start working on incorporating them into your meal plan to get your body to start stripping

  • away fat.

  • But, when it comes to the low back and the strength, you know, we have to look at that

  • side of it too.

  • Because think about it, even if you have a very lean low back, if you have no muscular

  • development down there, then it's not going to look very good either.

  • It's like having a very ripped arm with no biceps musculature. But if you have a bicep

  • muscle, and you have a ripped arm on top if it, now it looks great.

  • So, many guys are overlooking some of the most important things we can be doing and

  • that's strengthening the low back specifically with low back exercises.

  • They should be part of your plan. We incorporate them right into a lot of the exercises in

  • the ATHLEANX Program.

  • But you should actually be working on them even more so if you are dealing with low back

  • pain, alright.

  • So, a strong low back, when developed muscularly, is going to give you tone that will show up

  • when you strip away the fat.

  • It's a very easy equation. So, let me show you a couple of my favorite low back exercises,

  • and then I'll come back here, and I'll talk about the benefits.

  • See what happens, guys, with a little bit of effort? We just completely transformed

  • that back, right. Basically guys, what I want to point out though,

  • In those exercises that you saw me doing, we have to understand that the low back has

  • muscles that, there's a lot of different layers to the musculature in the low back.

  • There's some that run really deep and vertical along the spine to provide protection of the

  • spine. Remember, your spine is absolutely critical to everything you do.

  • Your body's aware of that, well aware of that, and it wants to protect that, so it has multiple

  • levels of muscles in here, again, surrounding the spine to keep it protected.

  • We also have muscles that transverse and cross the entire low back. So, if you look at that

  • you have to understand in reviewing the exercise I just showed you,

  • you want to make sure that you're incorporating the exercises that not only extend the low

  • back front to back, but also incorporate rotation, and ideally, rotation and extension at the

  • same time.

  • That's why I showed you and demonstrated some of those exact exercises for you to do. So,

  • the bottom line is this, guys, you want to be training your low back.

  • If you feel like you have a low back problem, pain, then we got to get it stronger, right?

  • Spasm comes from a lack of support.

  • If the low back feels as if there's not enough stability there, it fears damage to the spinal

  • cord, right. It always is going to fear and protect the spine.

  • So if it doesn't have support and stability through muscles, it's going to cause artificial

  • support, and that is spasm, ok.

  • So, a lot of back pain comes from weakness. Almost all back pain comes from weakness,

  • unless it's a mechanical issue in your discs.

  • Beyond that, we know that we need to make it look better if your other reasons are aesthetic.

  • If, aesthetically, you have a lot of low back fat here, then you're going to want to again,

  • tackle that through diet, and then once you get rid of that, you're just going to be left

  • with an untoned back that doesn't look very good or strong.

  • So you're going to want to again strengthen your muscles back there to provide more of

  • that impressive look in your low back

  • so it serves two functions, to look better and obviously, to keep you stronger and feeling

  • better.

  • So, guys, that's your attack plan here for your low back. Again, I don't care what your

  • goals are. Most likely, if you're a guy, you've got one of them,

  • because it's a very common problem to have that fat back there, and secondly, it's a

  • very common problem for guys to have low back pain.

  • Again, I want you to be doing it for both reasons, but whatever your main goal is, just

  • remember, attack it as a 2 part plan, start incorporating these exercises into your extra

  • work.

  • And if you want to get an entire program that builds these exercises and these focuses right

  • into what we do every day and a meal plan to attack day by day

  • to get you lean and ripped at the same time that you're building muscle, then head to

  • ATHLEANX.COM right now and join me on Team ATHLEAN and grab our program, alright?

  • Guys, make sure you let me know if this was helpful for you, and what other types of videos

  • you like to see.

  • Remember, 3 videos a week coming out now, so whatever you'd like to see, just let me

  • know and we'll do it.

  • Alright, guys. See you back here soon.

The Lower Back. By far one of the weakest and fattest areas on a guy's body, but I'm

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擺脫下背部脂肪和疼痛(男士必看!)。 (Get Rid of LOWER BACK FAT and PAIN (Must Watch for Men!))

  • 26 1
    Sam Cross posted on 2021/01/14
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