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  • Today, we turn to John Locke.

    --==聖城家園SCG字幕組 僅供翻譯交流使用, 禁止用於商業用途

  • On the face of it, Locke is a powerful ally of the libertarian.

    --==聖城家園SCG字幕組 協調: 飛天宇 MAXの依依 時間軸:MAXの依依 翻譯: 冷兔子 長路獨行 XQ 校對: 扎扎LU

  • First, he believes, as libertarians today maintain,

    哈佛大學 Michael Sandel主講

  • that there are certain fundamental individual rights that are so important


  • that no government, even a representative government,


  • even a democratically elected government, can override them.

    今天我們來學習John Locke的理論

  • Not only that, he believes that those fundamental rights include

    乍看起來 Locke是自由意志論的忠實擁護者

  • a natural right to life, liberty, and property,

    首先 他相信 正如當今的自由論者所堅持的

  • and furthermore he argues that the right to property


  • is not just the creation of government or of law.

    因此所有政府 無論是代議政府

  • The right to property is a natural right in the sense

    還是民主選舉政府 都不能凌駕於這些權利之上

  • that it is prepolitical.

    不僅如此 他認為這些基本權利還包括

  • It is a right that attaches to individuals as human beings,

    生命權 自由權以及財產權 三大自然權利

  • even before government comes on the scene,


  • even before parliaments and legislatures


  • enact laws to define rights and to enforce them.


  • Locke says in order to think about what it means to have a natural right,


  • we have to imagine the way things are

    它是附屬於人類個體的權利 它的出現

  • before government, before law, and that's what Locke means


  • by the state of nature.


  • He says the state of nature is a state of liberty.


  • Human beings are free and equal beings.

    Locke說 為了弄明白擁有自然權利意味著什麼

  • There is no natural hierarchy.

    我們需要想像一下在政府 法律出現之前

  • It's not the case that some people are born to be kings

    事情是怎樣的 這也是Locke關於

  • and others are born to be serfs.


  • We are free and equal in the state of nature and yet,


  • he makes the point that there is a difference between


  • a state of liberty and a state of license.


  • And the reason is that even in the state of nature,


  • there is a kind of law.


  • It's not the kind of law that legislatures enact.

    在自然狀態中 我們是自由平等的

  • It's a law of nature. And this law of nature constrains


  • what we can do even though we are free,


  • even though we are in the state of nature.

    因為 即使在自然狀態下

  • Well what are the constraints?


  • The only constraint given by the law of nature


  • is that the rights we have, the natural rights we have

    而是自然法則 它對我們的行為進行約束

  • we can't give up nor can we take them


  • from somebody else.


  • Under the law of nature, I'm not free to take somebody else's


  • life or liberty or property, nor am I free to take


  • my own life or liberty or property.


  • Even though I am free, I'm not free to violate the law of nature.

    我們不能放棄這一權利 也不能

  • I'm not free to take my own life or to sell my self into slavery


  • or to give to somebody else arbitrary absolute power over me.

    在自然法則之下 我不能隨意剝奪他人的

  • So where does this constraint, you may think it's a fairly

    生命 自由或者財產 我也不能隨意

  • minimal constraint, but where does it come from?

    剝奪自己的生命 自由或財產

  • Well, Locke tells us where it comes from

    即使我是自由的 我也不能違反自然規律

  • and he gives two answers. Here is the first answer.

    我不能隨意結束自己的生命 或把自己賣給他人做奴隸

  • "For men, being all the workmanship of one omnipotent,


  • and infinitely wise maker," namely God,

    這種約束 你可能覺得是非常

  • "they are His property, whose workmanship they are,

    微不足道的 但它從何而來呢?

  • made to last during His, not one another's, pleasure."


  • So one answer to the question is why can't I give up

    兩個答案 這是第一個

  • my natural rights to life, liberty, and property is well,

    "人類 由一位全能而又無比明智的智者

  • they're not, strictly speaking, yours.

    創造出來的" 這位智者就是上帝

  • After all, you are the creature of God. God has a bigger property right in us,


  • a prior property right.

    是他創造出來延續個人快樂 而非讓人類彼此取悅的"

  • Now, you might say that's an unsatisfying,


  • unconvincing answer, at least for those

    生命 自由 財產這些自然權利

  • who don't believe in God.

    因為嚴格說來 這些權利不是你的

  • What did Locke have to say to them? Well, here is where Locke appeals

    畢竟 你是上帝的創造物 上帝對我們擁有更大的財產權

  • to the idea of reason and this is the idea,


  • that if we properly reflect on what it means to be free,


  • we will be led to the conclusion that freedom can't just be a matter

    難以令人信服 至少對

  • of doing whatever we want.


  • I think this is what Locke means when he says, "The state of nature

    那麼Locke如何對這些人解釋呢? Locke是這樣闡述

  • has a law of nature to govern it which obliges everyone: and reason,


  • which is that law, teaches mankind who will but consult it


  • that all being equal and independent, no one ought to harm another

    我們就會明白 自由並不是

  • in his life, health, liberty, or possessions."


  • This leads to a puzzling paradoxical feature of Locke's

    我想Locke的以下這段話也足以表明態度 "自然狀態

  • account of rights.

    用自然法則來約束每個人: 理性

  • It's the idea that our natural rights are unalienable.

    也就是法律 教導人類

  • What does "unalienable" mean? It's not for us to alienate them

    所有人都是平等獨立的 沒有人能傷害或破壞

  • or to give them up, to give them away, to trade them away, to sell them.

    他人的生命 健康 自由或財產"

  • Consider an airline ticket. Airline tickets are nontransferable.


  • Or tickets to the Patriots or to the Red Sox.


  • Nontransferable tickets are unalienable.


  • I own them in the limited sense that I can use them for myself,

    "不可剝奪"是什麼意思? 就是說 我們不能讓與

  • but I can't trade them away. So in one sense, an unalienable right,

    放棄 轉讓 買賣這些自然權利

  • a nontransferable right makes something I own less fully mine.

    比如機票 機票是不可轉讓的

  • But in another sense of unalienable rights,


  • especially where we're thinking about life, liberty, and property,


  • or a right to be unalienable makes it more deeply,

    狹義上 我擁有他們 我可以使用他們

  • more profoundly mine, and that's Locke's sense

    但我卻不能轉讓買賣他們 所以某種意義上 不可剝奪權

  • of unalienable.


  • We see it in the American Declaration of Independence.

    但在另一意義上 不可剝奪權

  • Thomas Jefferson drew on this idea of Locke.

    尤其當我們考慮到生命 自由和財產時

  • Unalienable rights to life, liberty, and as Jefferson amended Locke,


  • to the pursuit of happiness. Unalienable rights.

    絕對地屬於我 這就是Locke關於

  • Rights that are so essentially mine


  • that even I can't trade them away or give them up.


  • So these are the rights we have in the state of nature

    Thomas Jefferson引用了Locke的這一觀點

  • before there is any government.

    不可剝奪的生命權 自由權 Jefferson修正了Locke的觀點

  • In the case of life and liberty, I can't take my own life.

    加上了追求幸福的權利 不可剝奪的權利

  • I can't sell myself into slavery any more than I can take


  • somebody else's life or take someone else


  • as a slave by force.

    這些就是在政府出現之前 自然狀態中

  • But how does that work in the case of property?


  • Because it's essential to Locke's case that private property can arise

    生命和自由 我不能結束自己的生命

  • even before there is any government.

    我不能自易為奴 正如我不能

  • How can there be a right to private property


  • even before there is any government?


  • Locke's famous answer comes in Section 27.


  • "Every man has a property in his own person.

    因為在Locke的思想中 至關重要的一點就是私人財產

  • This nobody has any right to but himself."


  • "The labor of his body and the work of his hands,


  • we may say, are properly his."


  • So he moves, as the libertarians later would move,


  • from the idea that we own ourselves, that we have property in our persons


  • to the closely connected idea that we own our own labor.

    任何人都無權動用 唯有他自己"

  • And from that to the further claim that whatever we mix our labor with


  • that is un-owned becomes our property.

    可以說 都是他的"

  • "Whatever he removes out of the state that nature has provided,

    隨之發展 正如自由意志者從

  • and left it in, he has mixed his labor with,

    我們擁有自己 即我們擁有自己個人的財產這一觀點

  • and joined it to something that is his own, and thereby

    發展出與此緊密相關的另一觀點 即我們擁有個人勞動力

  • makes it his property."

    並又從這一點引出更深遠的結論 那就是我們將自己的勞動力

  • Why? Because the labor is the unquestionable property

    和不屬於我們的東西相結合 就形成了財產

  • of the laborer and therefore, no one but the laborer


  • can have a right to what is joined to or mixed with his labor.

    或是給予 他都付出了自己的勞動

  • And then he adds this important provision,


  • "at least where there is enough, and as good left in common for others."


  • But we not only acquire our property in the fruits of the earth,

    為什麼? 因為勞動是勞動者無可置疑的財產

  • in the deer that we hunt, in the fish that we catch

    因此 只有勞動者

  • but also if we till and plow and enclose the land and grow potatoes,


  • we own not only the potatoes but the land, the earth.


  • "As much land as a man tills, plants, improves, cultivates


  • and can use the product of, so much is his property.


  • He by his labor encloses it from the commons.

    獵到的鹿 捕到的魚

  • So the idea that rights are unalienable seems to distance

    而且 我們翻地 犁地 圈地來種植土豆

  • Locke from the libertarian.

    我們有的不僅是土豆 還擁有那塊土地

  • Libertarian wants to say we have an absolute property right

    "一個人耕種 培育了多少土地

  • in ourselves and therefore, we can do with ourselves

    並且可以擁有這塊土地上生長出的果實 這些都是他的財產

  • whatever we want.


  • Locke is not a sturdy ally for that view.


  • In fact, he says if you take natural rights seriously,


  • you'll be led to the idea that there are certain constraints

    自由論者想說 我們有絕對的財產權

  • on what we can do with our natural rights,

    因此 我們可以做

  • constraints given either by God or by reason reflecting


  • on what it means really to be free, and really to be free


  • means recognizing that our rights are unalienable.

    實際上 他認為如果將自然權利看得太重

  • So here is the difference between Locke and the libertarians.


  • But when it comes to Locke's account of private property,


  • he begins to look again like a pretty good ally

    這種約束可能來自上帝 或者來自

  • because his argument for private property begins

    對什麼是真正的自由的反思 真正的自由意味著

  • with the idea that we are the proprietors of our own person


  • and therefore, of our labor, and therefore,


  • of the fruits of our labor, including not only


  • the things we gather and hunt in the state of nature


  • but also we acquire our property right in the land that we enclose


  • and cultivate and improve.


  • There are some examples that can bring out the moral intuition

    勞動 還有勞動果實

  • that our labor can take something that is unowned and make it ours,

    擁有所有權 不僅包括

  • though sometimes, there are disputes about this.

    在自然狀態下採集 打獵到所得

  • There is a debate among rich countries and developing countries

    還包括我們對圈起 培育 耕作的

  • about trade-related intellectual property rights.


  • It came to a head recently over drug patent laws.


  • Western countries, and especially the United States say,


  • "We have a big pharmaceutical industry


  • that develops new drugs.


  • We want all countries in the world to agree


  • to respect the patents."

    近期 因藥品專利法問題情勢又趨緊張

  • Then, there came along the AIDS crisis in South Africa,

    西方國家 尤其是美國認為

  • and the American AIDS drugs were hugely expensive,


  • far more than could be afforded by most Africans.


  • So the South African government said,


  • "We are going to begin to buy a generic version of the AIDS


  • antiretroviral drug at a tiny fraction of the cost

    之後 南非爆發了艾滋危機

  • because we can find an Indian manufacturing company


  • that figures out how the thing is made and produces it,


  • and for a tiny fraction of the cost, we can save lives


  • if we don't respect that patent."


  • And then the American government said,


  • "No, here is a company that invested research


  • and created this drug.

    瞭解這種藥的成分 可以生產

  • You can't just start mass producing these drugs without paying

    價錢又低 如果不遵守專利權法

  • a licensing fee."


  • And so there was a dispute and the pharmaceutical company


  • sued the South African government to try to prevent their buying

    "不 有一個公司在投資研究

  • the cheap generic, as they saw it, pirated version of an AIDS drug.


  • And eventually, the pharmaceutical industry gave in and said,

    沒有付授權使用費 你就不能大規模地

  • "All right, you can do that."


  • But this dispute about what the rules of property should be,

    因此產生了糾紛 製藥公司

  • of intellectual property of drug patenting, in a way,

    將南非政府告上法庭 試圖阻止他們買

  • is the last frontier of the state of nature because among nations

    這種便宜的無專利權 盜版的艾滋藥品

  • where there is no uniform law of patent rights and property rights,

    最終 製藥公司做出讓步並說

  • it's up for grabs until, by some act of consent,

    "好吧 你們可以買"

  • some international agreement, people enter into some settled rules.


  • What about Locke's account of private property

    藥物專利權的規則是什麼的糾紛 在某種程度上

  • and how it can arise before government and before law

    是自然狀態的最後一塊領域 因為在國與國之間

  • comes on the scene? Is it successful?


  • How many think it's pretty persuasive?

    只是公開投標 直到一致同意後出台

  • Raise your hand.

    一些國際協定 人們才開始有確定的規則

  • How many don't find it persuasive?


  • All right, let's hear from some critics.


  • What is wrong with Locke's account of how private property can arise

    出現之前出現呢? 它成功了嗎?

  • without consent? Yes?


  • Yes, I think it justifies European cultural norms as far as


  • when you look at how Native Americans may not have cultivated American land,


  • but by their arrival in the Americas, that contributed

    好吧 讓我們來聽聽反對者怎麼說

  • to the development of America, which wouldn't have otherwise


  • necessarily happened then or by that specific group.

    有何不妥呢? 你來?

  • So you think that this is a defense, this defense of private property in land...

    好 我覺得它將歐洲文化的行為標準正當化了

  • Yes, because it complicates original acquisition

    舉例來說 可能美洲土著人並沒有耕種美洲的土地

  • if you only cite the arrival of foreigners that cultivated the land.

    但他們的到來 使美洲

  • - I see. And what's your name? - Rochelle.

    得以發展 可那並不是

  • - Rochelle? - Yes.


  • Rochelle says this account of how property arises

    所以你認為這是一種辯護 對土地私有財產的辯護...

  • would fit what was going on in North America during the time

    對 因為如果你只是引入耕種土地的外來者的話

  • of the European settlement.


  • Do you think, Rochelle, that it's a way of defending

    - 我明白了 你叫什麼名字? - Rochelle

  • the appropriation of the land?

    - Rochelle? - 對

  • Indeed, because I mean, he is also justifying


  • the glorious revolutions.


  • I don't think it's inconceivable that he is also justifying


  • colonization as well.

    Rochelle 你是否認為這是在為

  • Well, that's an interesting historical suggestion


  • and I think there is a lot to be said for it.

    的確 因為我是指 他也是在正當化

  • What do you think of the validity of his argument though?


  • Because if you are right that this would justify the taking


  • of land in North America from Native Americans


  • who didn't enclose it, if it's a good argument,

    嗯 那是很有趣的歷史見解

  • then Locke's given us a justification for that.


  • If it's a bad argument, then Locke's given us a mere


  • rationalization that isn't morally defensible.

    因為如果你是對的 那將正當化

  • - I'm leaning to the second one... - You're leaning toward the second one.


  • But that's my opinion as well.

    奪取土地的行為 如果那是一個正論點

  • All right, well, then, let's hear if there is


  • a defender of Locke's account of private property,

    如果那是一個反論點 那麼Locke僅僅給了我們

  • and it would be interesting if they could address Rochelle's worry


  • that this is just a way of defending the appropriation

    - 我傾向第二個說法... - 你傾向第二個說法

  • of land by the American colonists from the Native Americans


  • who didn't enclose it.

    好 那麼 讓我們看看有沒有Locke

  • Is there someone who will defend Locke on that point?


  • Are you going to defend Locke?


  • Like, you're accusing him of justifying the European


  • basically massacre the Native Americans.


  • But who says he is defending it?


  • Maybe the European colonization isn't right.


  • You know, maybe it's the state of war that he talked about


  • in his Second Treatise, you know.

    好像 你在指責他正當化歐洲人

  • So the wars between the Native Americans and the colonists,


  • the settlers, that might have been a state of war that


  • we can only emerge from by an agreement or an act of consent


  • and that's what would have been required fairly to resolve...

    想想 也許這是他在《再論政府》中所提到的

  • Yes, and both sides would have had to agree to it and carry it out


  • and everything.

    那這場美洲土著人與殖民者 移民者的戰爭

  • - But what about when, what's your name? - Dan.


  • But Dan, what about Rochelle says this argument in Section 27


  • and then in 32 about appropriating land,


  • that argument, if it's valid, would justify the settlers' appropriating

    是的 雙方都需要同意並履行這種協議或行為

  • that land and excluding others from it,


  • you think that argument is a good argument?

    - 那是什麼時候呢 你的名字是? - Dan

  • Well, doesn't it kind of imply that the Native Americans

    可是Dan Rochelle所說的在第27和32節中

  • hadn't already done that?


  • Well, the Native Americans, as hunter-gatherers,

    那個論點 如果合理的話 將會正當化移民者

  • didn't actually enclose land.


  • So I think Rochelle is onto something there.


  • - What I want to... - Go ahead, Dan.

    嗯 那不是有點暗示美洲土著人

  • At the same time, he is saying that just by picking


  • an acorn or taking an apple or maybe killing a buffalo

    美洲土著人 像狩獵採集者

  • on a certain amount of land, that makes it yours


  • because it's your labor and your labor would enclose that land.


  • So by that definition, maybe they didn't have fences

    - 我想要的說是... - 繼續 Dan

  • around little plots of land but didn't...

    同時 他還說只要在一定數量的土地上

  • They were using it.

    撿到一個橡實 或是拿一個蘋果 或是殺掉頭水牛

  • Yes. By Locke's definition, you can say...


  • So maybe by Locke's definition, the Native Americans

    因為那是你的勞動 而你的勞動會把土地圈住

  • could have claimed a property right in the land itself.

    所以根據那個定義 也許他們沒在那些小土地上

  • Right, but they just didn't have Locke on their side, as she points out.

    放上圍欄 但不是說...

  • All right, good. Okay, that's good. One more defender of Locke. Go ahead.


  • Well, I mean, just to defend Locke,

    是的 根據Locke的定義 你可以說...

  • he does say that there are some times in which

    所以也許根據Locke的定義 美洲土著人

  • you can't take another person's land.


  • For example, you can't acquire a land that is common property so people,

    對 正如她所指出的 Locke並沒有站在他們那邊

  • in terms of the American Indians, I feel like they already have

    嗯 好 不錯 再來個Locke的辯護者 來吧

  • civilizations themselves and they were using land in common.

    我認為 只是為Locke辯護的話

  • So it's kind of like what an analogy to what he was talking about


  • with like the common English property. You can't take land that


  • everybody is sharing in common.

    例如 你不能獲得一塊作為共同財產的土地 所以人們

  • Oh, that's interesting. That's interesting.

    就美洲印第安人而言 我覺得他們已經有了

  • And also, you can't take land unless you make sure

    自己的文明 並且共同使用土地

  • that there is as much land as possible left for other people to take as well.


  • So if you're taking common, so you have to make sure

    類比 你不能拿走大家

  • that whenever you take land that there is enough left


  • - for other people to use... - Right.

    哦 那很有趣 很有趣

  • That's just as good as the land that you took, so...

    而且 你不能佔有土地 除非你能保證

  • That's true. Locke says there has to be this right


  • to private property in the earth is subject to the provision

    所以如果你要佔有公共土地 你必須保證

  • that there be as much and as good left for others.

    無論何時你佔有土地 都會有足夠的留下

  • - What's your name? - Right. I'm Feng.

    - 給其他人使用 - 對

  • So Feng, in a way, agrees with Dan that maybe there is

    還要和你拿走的土地一樣好 所以...

  • a claim within Locke's framework that could be developed on behalf

    沒錯 Locke說土地能否作為私有財產應該取決於

  • of the Native Americans. Here is the further question.


  • If the right to private property is natural, not conventional,


  • if it's something that we acquire even before we agree to government,

    - 你的名字是? - 對 我叫Feng

  • how does that right constrain what a legitimate government can do?

    Feng 在某種程度上 同意Dan所說的

  • In order, finally, to see whether Locke is an ally


  • or potentially a critic of the libertarian idea of the state,

    代表美洲土著人的要求 有一個更深層次的問題

  • we have to ask what becomes of our natural rights

    如果私人財產權利是自然的 而非協議性的

  • once we enter into society.


  • We know that the way we enter into society is by consent, by agreement


  • to leave the state of nature and to be governed by the majority

    最後 為了看出Locke自由主義者國家理念的

  • and by a system of laws, human laws.


  • But those human laws are only legitimate

    我們必須問一下 一旦我們進入社會

  • if they respect our natural rights, if they respect our unalienable rights


  • to life, liberty, and property. No parliament, no legislature,

    我們知道 通過表決進入社會 通過協議

  • however democratic its credentials, can legitimately violate

    脫離自然狀態 並通過一個人為法律系統

  • our natural rights.


  • This idea that no law can violate our right to life, liberty, and property


  • would seem to support the idea of a government so limited

    尊重我們對於生命 自由 財產的不可剝奪的權利

  • that it would gladden the heart of the libertarian after all.

    它們才是合法的 沒有議會 沒有立法機關

  • But those hearts should not be so quickly gladdened because

    然而民主的憑證本身 可以合法地侵犯

  • even though for Locke, the law of nature persists


  • once government arrives, even though Locke insists

    這種沒有法律可以侵犯生命 自由 財產權利的思想

  • on limited government, government limited by the end


  • for which it was created, namely the preservation of property,


  • even so, there is an important sense in which what counts as my property,


  • what counts as respecting my life and liberty

    因為對Locke來說 堅信自然法則

  • are for the government to define.

    而政府一旦出現 即使Locke堅持限權政府

  • That there be property, that there be respect


  • for life and liberty is what limits government.


  • But what counts as respecting my life and respecting my property,

    即使那樣 有一個重要的觀念就是 什麼是我的財產

  • that is for governments to decide and to define.


  • How can that be?


  • Is Locke contradicting himself or

    對財產的擁有 對生命 自由的尊重

  • is there an important distinction here?


  • In order to answer that question, which will decide Locke's fit

    但是什麼是尊重我的生命 尊重我的財產

  • with the libertarian view, we need to look closely


  • at what legitimate government looks like for Locke,


  • and we turn to that next time.


  • Nicola, if you didn't think you'd get caught,


  • would you pay your taxes?


  • I don't think so. I would rather have a system


  • personally that I could give money to exactly those sections

    對於Locke來說 合法政府是什麼樣的

  • of the government that I support and not just blanket support of it.


  • You'd rather be in the state of nature,


  • at least on April 15th.

    Nicola 如果你知道你不會被鋪

  • Last time, we began to discuss Locke's state of nature,


  • his account of private property, his theory of legitimate government,

    我不這麼認為 就個人而言 我寧願有個系統

  • which is government based on consent and also limited government.


  • Locke believes in certain fundamental rights that constrain


  • what government can do, and he believes that those rights


  • are natural rights, not rights that flow from law


  • or from government.

    上次 我們開始議論Locke的自然狀態

  • And so Locke's great philosophical experiment

    他對私人財產的描述 他的合法政府的理論

  • is to see if he can give an account of how there could be a right


  • to private property without consent before government and legislators


  • arrive on the scene to define property.

    基本權利 他相信那些權利

  • That's his question. That's his claim.

    是自然權利 而非依靠

  • There is a way Locke argues to create property,


  • not just in the things we gather and hunt,


  • but in the land itself, provided there is enough


  • and as good left for others.


  • Today, I want to turn to the question of consent,


  • which is Locke's second big idea.

    那就是他的問題 那就是他的主張

  • Private property is one; consent is the other.


  • What is the work of consent?


  • People here have been invoking the idea of consent

    也包括土地 有足夠多和好的

  • since we began since the first week.


  • Do you remember when we were talking about

    今天 我想要轉到關於同意的問題

  • pushing the fat man off the bridge, someone said,


  • "But he didn't agree to sacrifice himself.

    私人財產是其中一個; 同意是另一個

  • It would be different if he consented."


  • Or when we were talking about the cabin boy,


  • killing and eating the cabin boy.


  • Some people said, "Well, if they had consented


  • to a lottery, it would be different.

    把那個胖男人推下橋 有人說

  • Then it would be all right."


  • So consent has come up a lot and here in John Locke,


  • we have one of the great philosophers of consent.


  • Consent is an obvious familiar idea in moral


  • and political philosophy.

    有些人說 "嗯 要是他們同意

  • Locke says that legitimate government is government founded

    抽籤 那就不一樣了"

  • on consent and who, nowadays, would disagree with him?


  • Sometimes, when the ideas of political philosophers

    那同意出現了很多次 而對於John Locke

  • are as familiar as Locke's ideas about consent,


  • it's hard to make sense of them or at least to find them very interesting.


  • But there are some puzzles, some strange features


  • of Locke's account of consent


  • as the basis of legitimate government

    而今 誰不同意他呢?

  • and that's what I'd like to take up today.

    有時 當政治哲學家關於同意的思想

  • One way of testing the plausibility of Locke's idea


  • of consent and also of probing some of its perplexities


  • is to ask just what a legitimate government

    但有些謎團 作為合法政府的基礎

  • founded on consent can do, what are its powers


  • according to Locke.


  • Well, in order to answer that question,


  • it helps to remember what the state of nature is like.


  • Remember, the state of nature is the condition that


  • we decide to leave, and that's what gives rise to consent.

    就是要問 對於Locke來說

  • Why not stay there? Why bother with government at all?


  • Well, what is Locke's answer to that question?


  • He says there are some inconveniences in the state of nature

    嗯 為了回答這個問題

  • but what are those inconveniences?


  • The main inconvenience is that everyone can enforce

    記住 自然的狀態是我們決定

  • the law of nature.

    離開的條件 而這也恰恰產生同意

  • Everyone is an enforcer, or what Locke calls

    為什麼不留在那裡? 究竟為什麼要為政府費心?

  • "the executor" of the state of nature, and he means executor literally.

    嗯 Locke對這個問題的答案是什麼?

  • If someone violates the law of nature,


  • he is an aggressor. He is beyond reason


  • and you can punish him.


  • And you don't have to be too careful or fine about


  • gradations of punishment in the state of nature.

    每個人都是執法者 或者Locke所稱的

  • You can kill him. You can certainly kill

    自然法則的"執行者" 就是字面意思的執行者

  • someone who comes after you, who tries to murder you.


  • That's self defense.

    他就是一個侵略者 他超越了理性

  • But the enforcement power, the right to punish,


  • everyone can do the punishing in the state of nature.

    而在自然狀態 你不需要對於懲罰的級別

  • And not only can you punish with death people


  • who come after you seeking to take your life,

    你可以殺了他 你大可以殺了

  • you can also punish a thief who tries to steal your goods

    那些跟蹤你 想要謀害你的人

  • because that also counts as aggression against


  • the law of nature.

    但是執法力量 懲罰的權利

  • If someone has stolen from a third party,


  • you can go after him. Why is this?


  • Well, violations of the law of nature are an act of aggression.


  • There is no police force. There are no judges, no juries,


  • so everyone is the judge in his or her own case.


  • And Locke observes that when people are the judges


  • of their own cases, they tend to get carried away,


  • and this gives rise to the inconvenience

    你可以追趕他 為什麼呢?

  • in the state of nature.


  • People overshoot the mark. There is aggression.

    沒有警察部隊 沒有法官 沒有陪審團

  • There is punishment and before you know it,


  • everybody is insecure in the enjoyment of his or her


  • unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

    法官時 他們總會失去理智

  • Now, he describes in pretty harsh and even grim terms


  • what you can do to people who violate the law of nature.


  • "One may destroy a man who makes war upon him ...

    人們做得過分 有了侵犯

  • for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion.

    就有懲罰 不知不覺中

  • Such men have no other rule, but that of force and violence,"


  • listen to this, "and so may be treated as beasts of prey,

    自由和財產權時 都感到不安

  • those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to

    接著 他用相當嚴厲甚至是殘忍的措辭

  • destroy to you if you fall into their power", so kill them first.

    描述了對於侵犯自然法則的人 你該如何是好

  • So, what starts out as a seemingly benign state of nature


  • where everyone is free and yet where there is a law

    同理 他也可以殺掉一頭狼或獅子

  • and the law respects people's rights, and those rights are so powerful

    這樣的人除了武力和暴力 再無其他規則"

  • that they're unalienable.

    聽聽這個 "也可以視他們為野獸

  • What starts out looking very benign, once you look closer,

    危險有害的動物 只要落入他們手中

  • is pretty fierce and filled with violence,

    對你就意味著毀滅" 所以先殺了他們

  • and that's why people want to leave.


  • How do they leave? Well, here is where consent comes in.

    每個人都是自由的 還有一套法律

  • The only way to escape from the state of nature

    它尊重人們的權利 那些權利如此地強大

  • is to undertake an act of consent where you agree to give up


  • the enforcement power and to create a government

    開始看起來非常善良 仔細一看

  • or a community where there will be a legislature to make law

    卻相當地兇殘 充滿暴力

  • and where everyone agrees in advance, everyone who enters,


  • agrees in advance to abide by whatever the majority decides.

    他們如何離開? 好 這時同意出現了

  • But then the question, and this is our question


  • and here is where I want to get your views,


  • then the question is what powers, what can the majority decide?

    執行力 並創建一個政府

  • Now, here, it gets tricky for Locke because you remember

    或者社區 擁有一個立法機關來制定法律

  • alongside the whole story about consent and majority rule,


  • there are these natural rights, the law of nature,


  • these unalienable rights, and you remember,

    但是有個問題 也是我們著重討論的

  • they don't disappear when people join together to create a civil society.


  • So even once the majority is in charge,

    問題就是 大多數人可以決定什麼權力?

  • the majority can't violate your inalienable rights,

    對於Locke來說有些棘手 因為你們記得

  • can't violate your fundamental right to life,


  • liberty, and property.

    還有自然權利 自然法則

  • So here is the puzzle.

    和不可剝奪的權利 而且

  • How much power does the majority have?


  • How limited is the government created by consent?


  • It's limited by the obligation on the part of the majority to respect


  • and to enforce the fundamental natural rights of the citizens.


  • They don't give those up. We don't give those up


  • when we enter government.


  • That's this powerful idea taken over from Locke


  • by Jefferson in the Declaration. Unalienable rights.


  • So, let's go to our two cases. Remember Michael Jordan, Bill Gates,


  • the libertarian objection to taxation for redistribution?

    因此 政府受到了限制

  • Well, what about Locke's limited government?

    他們沒有放棄那些權利 我們進入政府的時候

  • Is there anyone who thinks that Locke does give grounds


  • for opposing taxation for redistribution?


  • Anybody? Go ahead.

    獲得的有力的思想 即不可剝奪的權利

  • If the majority rules that there should be taxation,

    我們來講兩個案例 記得喬丹 比爾蓋茨

  • even if the minority should still not have to be taxed


  • because that's taking away property, which is one of the rights of nature.


  • - All right so, and what's your name? - Ben.


  • Ben. So if the majority taxes the minority


  • without the consent of the minority

    有人嗎? 來

  • to that particular tax law, it does amount to a taking


  • of their property without their consent


  • and it would seem that Locke should object to that.

    那就是自然權利之一 也就是財產權的剝奪

  • You want some textual support for your view,

    - 好吧 你的名字是? - Ben

  • for your reading of Locke, Ben?

    Ben 所以如果多數人在未得到

  • Sure.


  • All right. I brought some along just in case you raised it.

    向少數人徵稅 那將造成沒有同意的情況下

  • If you have your texts, look at 138, passage 138.


  • "The supreme power," by which Locke means the legislature,


  • "cannot take from any man any part of his property


  • without his own consent, for the preservation of property

    需要文本支持嗎 Ben?

  • being the end of government and that for which men


  • enter into society, it necessarily supposes

    好 我怕你們會提及 所以帶來了一些資料

  • and requires that people should have property."

    如果你有課本 請看第138頁

  • That was the whole reason for entering society

    "至高無上的權利" Locke用它特指立法機關

  • in the first place, to protect the right to property.

    "在未得到其同意的情況下 不應該

  • And when Locke speaks about the right to property,

    奪走任何人的任何部分的財產 因為對財產的保護

  • he often uses that as a kind of global term for the whole category,


  • the right to life, liberty, and property.

    加入社會的目的 人們擁有財產是

  • So that part of Locke, that beginning of 138,

    應當的 也是必然的要求"

  • seems to support Ben's reading. But what about the part of 138,


  • if you keep reading, "Men, therefore, in society


  • having property, they have such a right to the goods,


  • which by the law of the community are theirs."

    他經常把它作為對生命 自由和財產權

  • Look at this.


  • "And that no one can take from them without their consent."

    所以Locke的部分言論 138的開頭

  • And then at the end of this passage, he says,

    看起來支持了Ben的理解 但是138的另一部分呢

  • "So it's a mistake to think that the legislative power can do

    如果你繼續讀下去 "因此 社會中的人們

  • what it will and dispose of the estates of the subject arbitrarily

    擁有財產 根據社會的法律

  • or take any part of them at pleasure."


  • Here's what's elusive.


  • On the one hand, he says the government

    "因此在未經同意的情況下 任何人無權剝奪"

  • can't take your property without your consent.

    在這一章的結尾 他說

  • He is clear about that. But then he goes on to say,


  • and that's the natural right to property.


  • But then, it seems that property, what counts as property

    專橫跋扈 那就大錯特錯了"

  • is not natural but conventional


  • defined by the government.

    一方面 他說政府

  • "The goods of which by the law of the community are theirs."

    在沒有你同意的情況下 不能拿走你的財產

  • And the plot thickens if you look ahead to Section 140.

    他說的很明確 但接著他又說

  • In 140, he says, "Governments can't be supported


  • without great charge.

    但是 看起來那所謂的財產

  • Government is expensive and it's fit that everyone


  • who enjoys his share of the protection


  • should pay out of his estate."


  • And then here is the crucial line. "But still, it must be

    而如果看第140節 情況更加複雜了

  • with his own consent, i.e. the consent of the majority,

    在140節 他說 "沒有巨大的消耗

  • giving it either by themselves,


  • or through their representatives." So what is Locke actually saying?

    政府耗資巨大 但對於享受其保護

  • Property is natural in one sense but conventional in another.


  • It's natural in the sense that we have a fundamental


  • unalienable right that there be property,

    這裡有一句關鍵轉折點 "但是仍然需要

  • that the institution of property exist and be respected

    他自己同意 例如 大多數人的同意

  • by the government.


  • So an arbitrary taking of property would be a violation

    或者代表同意" 那Locke究竟在說什麼?

  • of the law of nature and would be illegitimate.

    財產一方面是自然的 但另一方面又是人為規定的

  • But it's a further question, here is the conventional

    我們擁有基本的 不可剝奪的權利

  • aspect of property, it's a further question


  • what counts as property, how it's defined and what counts

    財產制度存在 並受到政府尊重

  • as taking property, and that's up to the government.


  • So the consent, here, we're coming back


  • to our question, what is the work of consent?

    對自然法則的背叛 而且是不合法的

  • What it takes for taxation to be legitimate

    但那是後話 先來說說財產的

  • is that it be by consent, not the consent of Bill Gates himself

    人為規定層面 什麼是財產

  • if he is the one who has to pay the tax,


  • but by the consent that he and we,

    是一個更深遠的問題 是由政府所決定的

  • all of us within the society, gave when we emerged

    所以同意 那麼回到

  • from the state of nature and created the government

    我們的問題上來 同意的功能是什麼?

  • in the first place. It's the collective consent.


  • And by that reading, it looks like consent is doing

    是要獲得同意 如果比爾蓋茨需要支付稅費

  • a whole lot and the limited government consent creates


  • isn't all that limited.


  • Does anyone want to respond to that or have a question about that?

    社會中所有的人 在我們起初從自然狀態中

  • Go ahead. Stand up.


  • Well, I'm just wondering what Locke's view is on

    共同給予的同意 是集體的同意

  • once you have a government that's already in place,

    並且通過那個理解 看起來同意起了很大作用

  • whether it is possible for people who are born


  • into that government to then leave and return


  • to the state of nature? I mean, I don't think


  • that Locke mentioned that at all in the...

    來 請起立

  • What do you think?

    嗯 我只是想知道Locke對於

  • Well, I think, as the convention, it would be very difficult to leave


  • the government because you are no longer,


  • because nobody else is just living in the state of nature.


  • Everybody else is now governed by this legislature.

    的問題的看法? 我是說 我不認為

  • What would it mean today, you're asking.


  • - And what's your name? - Nicola.


  • Nicola, to leave the state. Supposed you wanted to leave

    嗯 我想 作為公約 離開政府會很有難度

  • civil society today. You want to withdraw your consent


  • and return to the state of nature.


  • Well, because you didn't actually consent to it.


  • You were just born into it. It was your ancestors who joined.

    你是要問 今天意味著什麼?

  • Right. You didn't sign the social contract. I didn't sign it.

    - 你叫什麼名字? - Nicola

  • Exactly.

    Nicola 離開這種狀態 假設今天你想要

  • All right, so what does Locke say there? Yes?

    離開文明社會 你想撤銷同意

  • I don't think Locke says you have to sign anything.


  • I think that he says that it's kind of implied consent.

    嗯 因為你並沒有給予同意

  • Implied?

    你只是恰好生在此時 是你的祖先加入了社會

  • Taking government's services, you are implying that

    對 你沒有簽社會契約 我也沒簽

  • you are consenting to the government


  • taking things from you.

    好 Locke對此如何解釋呢? 你來?

  • All right, so implied consent. That's a partial answer


  • to this challenge. Now, you may not think


  • that implied consent is as good as the real thing.


  • Is that what you're shaking your head about, Nicola?

    接受政府的服務 即是你默示

  • Speak up. Stand up and speak up.


  • I don't think that necessarily just by utilizing the government's


  • various resources that we are necessarily implying that

    好 默示贊同 這是這個問題

  • we agree with the way that this government was formed

    部分答案 而今你們也許會認為

  • or that we have consented to actually join into the social contract.


  • So you don't think the idea of implied consent

    你搖頭是這個意思吧 Nicola?

  • is strong enough to generate any obligation at all to obey

    說來聽聽 起來說

  • the government?

    我認為 我們不必因為利用政府的

  • Not necessarily, no.


  • Nicola, if you didn't think you'd get caught,


  • would you pay your taxes?


  • I don't think so. I would rather have a system, personally,


  • that I could give money to exactly those sections


  • of the government that I support


  • and not just blanket support of it.

    對 沒錯

  • You'd rather be in the state of nature,

    Nicola 如果你不會被捕

  • at least on April 15th.


  • But what I'm trying to get at is do you consider that

    我不會 個人認為 我更想有一個系統

  • you are under no obligation, since you haven't actually entered


  • into any act of consent, but for prudential reasons,


  • you do what you're supposed o do according to the law?


  • Exactly.


  • If you look at it that way, then you're violating another one


  • of Locke's treatises, which is that you can't take


  • anything from anyone else. Like, you can't take the government's

    你認為沒有做出任何的社會承諾 那麼就沒有任何的

  • services and then not give them anything in return.

    責任了 但是為了保險起見

  • If you want to go live in the state of nature, that's fine,

    你依然會小心翼翼的依法行事 對吧?

  • but you can't take anything from the government

  • because by the government's terms, which are the only terms

    如果你這樣想的話 你違反了Locke提出的又一個原則

  • under which you can enter the agreement,

    該原則認為社會是互惠的 不可單方的索取

  • say that you have to pay taxes to take those things.

    就像 你不能接受政府的服務

  • So you are saying that Nicola can go back into the state of nature


  • if she wants to but she can't drive on Mass. Ave.?

    如果你要回歸自然的話 那完全可以

  • Exactly.


  • I want to raise the stakes beyond using Mass. Ave.


  • and even beyond taxation.


  • What about life? What about military conscription?

    但是你沒有繳稅 所以不得享有資源

  • Yes, what do you say? Stand up.

    那麼你的意思是 Nicola可以回歸自然

  • First of all, we have to remember that sending people to war


  • is not necessarily implying that they'll die.


  • I mean, obviously, you're not raising their chances here


  • but it's not a death penalty.


  • So if you're going to discuss whether or not

    人的生命怎樣? 徵兵制度如何?

  • military conscription is equivalent to suppressing

    你來? 起來說

  • people's right to life, you shouldn't approach it that way.

    首先 我們必須認識到

  • Secondly, the real problem here is Locke has this view


  • about consent and natural rights. But you're not allowed to give up

    我是說 明顯 他們生還的希望不大

  • your natural rights either. So the real question is


  • how does he himself figure it out between


  • "I agree to give up my life, give up my property"


  • when he talks about taxes or military conscription for the fact.

    人們的生存權的話 您不該這樣舉例

  • But I guess Locke would be against suicide,

    其次 真正問題是 Locke承認

  • and that's still my own consent. I agree by taking my life.

    同意原則的同時 也承認自然權利 但是你不可以

  • - All right, good. All right, what's your name? - Eric.

    放棄你的自然權利 故問題的實質是

  • So Eric brings us back to the puzzle we've been


  • wrestling with since we started reading Locke.


  • On the one hand, we have these unalienable rights


  • to life, liberty, and property, which means that even we


  • don't have the power to give them up,

    但是這也算是我贊同 我同意放棄我的生命

  • and that's what creates the limits on legitimate government.

    - 好好 很好 你叫什麼? - Eric

  • It's not what we consent to that limits government.


  • It's what we lack the power to give away


  • when we consent, that limits government.

    一方面 我們擁有不可剝奪的權利

  • That's the point at the heart of Locke's whole account

    比如生命權 自由權 財產權 這些權利很強大

  • of legitimate government.


  • But now, you say, "well, if we can't give up our own life,


  • if we can't commit suicide, if we can't give up our right


  • to property, how can we then agree


  • to be bound by a majority that will force us to sacrifice


  • our lives or give up our property"?


  • Does Locke have a way out of this or is he basically


  • sanctioning an all-powerful government,

    但是現在你們會說 "如果我們無權放棄自己的生命

  • despite everything he says about unalienable rights?

    無權自殺 無權放棄財產權

  • Does he have a way out of it? Who would speak here


  • in defense of Locke or make sense, find a way out of this predicament?


  • - Yes. - All right, go ahead.

    犧牲自己的生命 放棄自己的財產呢?

  • I feel like there is a general distinction we made between

    Locke對此是否有過合理的解釋呢 抑或他實際上

  • the right to life that individuals possess


  • and the fact that the government cannot take away


  • a single individual's right to life.

    他是否有過合理的解釋呢? 誰來說說

  • I think if you look at conscription as the government picking out

    就算是為Locke辯護一下吧 誰來解開這個套?

  • certain individuals to go fight in war, then that would be a violation

    - 我來 - 很好 請講

  • of their natural right to life. On the other hand,


  • if you have conscription, let's say a lottery for example,


  • then in that case I would view that as the population picking


  • their representatives to defend them in the case of war,


  • the idea being that since the whole population


  • cannot go out there to defend its own right to property,


  • it picks its own representatives through a process that's essentially

    那無疑是對自然生命權的侵犯 但是另一方面

  • random and then these sort of elected representatives

    如果你被征招了 我們首先假設是這是一個概率的問題

  • go out and fight for the rights of the people.

    如此一來 我會認為這是全體人民選取出代表

  • It works very similar, it works just like


  • an elected government, in my opinion.

    這種觀點的成立 是因為全體人民

  • All right, so an elected government can conscript citizens


  • to go out and defend the way of life,


  • the community that makes the enjoyment of rights possible?


  • I think it can. Because to me, it seems that it's very similar


  • to the process of electing representatives for legislature.

    在我看來 這與民選政府的

  • Although here, it's as if the government


  • is electing by conscription certain citizens to go die

    很好 那麼民選政府可以徵兵來

  • for the sake of the whole. Is that consistent with respect

    打仗 來保衛我們的生活方式

  • for a natural right to liberty?


  • Well, what I would say there is there is a distinction

    我個人認為是可以的 因為我認為這就像

  • between picking out individuals and having a random


  • choice of individuals. Like...

    即便這樣 好像政府是

  • Between picking out... let me make sure,

    通過徵兵 選出一些人

  • between picking out individuals, let me... what's your name?

    為了全體人的利益去送死 這樣符合

  • Gokul.


  • Gokul says there's a difference between picking out individuals

    呃 我要說的是

  • to lay down their lives and having a general law.


  • I think this is the answer Locke would give, actually, Gokul.

    之間是有區別的 例如...

  • Locke is against arbitrary government.

    特別選定... 我來確認一下

  • He is against the arbitrary taking, the singling out of Bill Gates

    特別選定 讓我... 你叫什麼?

  • to finance the war in Iraq. He is against singling out


  • a particular citizen or group of people


  • to go off and fight. But if there is a general law


  • such that the government's choice,

    實際上 我覺得Locke也會給出這樣的答案 Gokul

  • the majority's action is non-arbitrary,


  • it doesn't really amount to a violation of people's basic rights.

    他反對專制行為 他會反對強迫

  • What does count as a violation is an arbitrary taking

    比爾蓋茨資助伊拉克戰爭 他反對任何行為

  • because that would essentially say, not only to Bill Gates,


  • but to everyone, there is no rule of law.

    送上戰場 但是如果有這樣的一部法律

  • There is no institution of property. Because at the whim of the king,


  • or for that matter, of the parliament,


  • we can name you or you to give up your property


  • or to give up your life. But so long as there is


  • a non-arbitrary rule of law, then it's permissible.

    那種行為本質上而言 這不僅僅是針對比爾蓋茨的了

  • Now, you may say this doesn't amount to a very limited government,

    而是針對所有人 完全是無視法紀

  • and the libertarian may complain that Locke is not

    無視財產制度 因為在國王的眼裡

  • such a terrific ally after all.


  • The libertarian has two grounds for disappointment in Locke.


  • First, that the rights are unalienable and therefore,

    或是放棄生命 但是只要有一部非專制的法律

  • I don't really own myself after all.


  • I can't dispose of my life or my liberty or my property

    你們現在也許會說 這樣對限制政府的行為意義不大

  • in a way that violates my rights. That's disappointment number one.


  • Disappointment number two, once there is a legitimate government


  • based on consent, the only limits for Locke


  • are limits on arbitrary takings of life or of liberty or of property.

    首先 既然權利是不可剝奪的

  • But if the majority decides, if the majority promulgates


  • a generally applicable law and if it votes duly according

    我不能自殺 不能放棄自己的財產和自由

  • to fair procedures, then there is no violation,

    某種意義上 又反過來違背了我的基本權利 這是第一點

  • whether it's a system of taxation or a system of conscription.

    第二點 一旦有了為人民所承認的

  • So it's clear that Locke is worried

    合法政府的話 根據Locke的理論 該政府行為的唯一限制

  • about the absolute arbitrary power of kings,

    便只有不允許專制的奪取生命 自由和財產

  • but it's also true, and here is the


  • darker side of Locke, that this great theorist of consent


  • came up with a theory of private property


  • that didn't require consent that may,


  • and this goes back to the point Rochelle made last time,

    這樣看來 Locke明顯擔心的是

  • may have had something to do with Locke's second concern,


  • which was America.


  • You remember, when he talks about

    有其更加黑暗的一面 這個偉大理論家

  • the state of nature, he is not talking about


  • an imaginary place. "In the beginning," he says,


  • "All the world was America." And what was going on in America?


  • The settlers were enclosing land and engaged in wars


  • with the Native Americans.


  • Locke, who was an administrator of one of the colonies,

    你們是否記得 當他談及

  • may have been as interested in providing a justification

    自然狀態的時候 他並不是

  • for private property through enclosure without consent

    在說一個假象的世界 "開始的時候" 他說

  • through enclosure and cultivation, as he was with developing a theory

    "全世界都與美洲一樣" 那麼當時的美洲發生了什麼?

  • of government based on consent that would rein in kings

    殖民者們當時在爭奪地盤 並且和美洲土著人

  • and arbitrary rulers.


  • The question we're left with, the fundamental question


  • we still haven't answered is what then becomes of consent?


  • What work can it do? What is its moral force?


  • What are the limits of consent? Consent matters not only

    那些沒被允許的圈地行為 而當時他正在研究一種理論

  • for governments, but also for markets.

    該理論要求政府必須得到人民的承認 並且以此

  • And beginning next time, we're going to take up questions


  • of the limits of consent in the buying and selling of goods.

    我們所面臨的問題是 最基本的問題是

  • Don't miss the chance to interact online


  • with other viewers of Justice. Join the conversation,

    有何作用? 其道德力量是什麼?

  • take a pop quiz, watch lectures you've missed

    同意有何限制? 這種同意不僅僅對政府有效

  • and learn a lot more.


  • Visit It's the right thing to do.

    下次開始 我們就要著眼於在買賣交易的中同意的限制是什麼的問題

Today, we turn to John Locke.

--==聖城家園SCG字幕組 僅供翻譯交流使用, 禁止用於商業用途

Subtitles and vocabulary

Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it

B1 財產 自然 政府 權利 剝奪 土地

公正 該如何做是好 第四集 我的地盤我做主 滿合法年齡的成年人 (公正 该如何做是好 第四集 我的地盘我做主 满合法年龄的成年人)

  • 1091 80
    lam_0617 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary