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  • hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

  • in this video I'm gonna help you correct some of the most common mistakes that I

  • see you making now these are mistakes that I have heard English learners make

  • but there are also mistakes that I have caught here in the comments section of

  • YouTube so I'm sure that as soon as I give you guys these tips you won't make

  • these mistakes ever again and if you don't make any of these mistakes

  • seriously congratulations because that is just fantastic okay so the first one

  • is when you guys say advices thank you for your advices we don't say it like

  • that we just say hey thanks for your advice or that's excellent advice okay

  • the word is advice and it's always just advice we do not say advices so don't

  • ever spell it like that again okay the next one is when you guys say stuff like

  • oh this is awesome I understand almost all of what you say

  • that is a direct translation basically from Spanish because a lot of you guys

  • are Spanish speakers and I think you might even say it like that in

  • Portuguese but in English we can just say everything instead of saying all of

  • what I understood almost all of what you say just say hey I understood almost

  • everything that you said okay almost everything okay now the next mistake is

  • really funny I have to tell you guys about this because if you're making it

  • with me that's one thing because I know what you mean and I know you're learning

  • English and practicing so it's fine but if you write something like this I don't

  • know in like a business email or something like that it's just not good

  • okay so I have gotten so many emails where people are like Stefanie thank

  • you so much for your videos thank you for this thank you for that and then at

  • the end they say thank you so much for wasting your time on us and when I read

  • that it just makes me laugh because this is not a waste of time I love what I do

  • here I love this work I love helping people with their English when we say

  • something wastes time it's like a negative thing like I don't want to play

  • video games cuz it's just a waste of time and I'd rather make youtube videos

  • I'd rather help you guys your English okay so what I'm doing here

  • is not a waste of time and if you want to thank someone for using their time on

  • you you can say thank you for spending your time on me or thank you for helping

  • me thank you for using your time etc but again it's not a waste of time so a

  • waste of time is something negative and spending time on something that's

  • something usually positive something you are excited to be doing or something

  • that you want to do so I spend time with you guys I do not waste time on you guys

  • okay the next one is also pretty funny you guys sometimes send me emails and

  • then you're like okay I'm impatiently waiting for your response and I don't

  • know which language this comes from because I've seen it so many times so if

  • you guys know like which language like whoever speaks the language where you

  • guys say this and you're translating directly let me know in which language

  • this is said in the comments hopefully that made sense but that's not how we

  • say it in English okay I don't say I'm impatiently waiting for your response

  • because impatience is considered a negative thing right now we have other

  • ways of saying this we could say I'm excited to hear from you or I'm looking

  • forward to hearing from you or I can't wait to hear from you I look forward to

  • your reply etc okay or you could just say I'm patiently waiting for your

  • response okay but even that is a little bit awkward in English but at least it's

  • better because it shows that you are being patient and not impatient because

  • when you say you're impatiently waiting for something that sounds demanding it

  • sounds like hey send it right away where is it what's going on next I've read

  • some comments from some of you guys for you use the word met in a way that we do

  • not use it in English so one of the comments was yeah I met some cities in

  • the USA I went to LA New York etc the person said met cities we don't meet

  • cities it's not like hi how are you New York nice to meet you or hi Los Angeles

  • nice to meet you how are you right we meet people we don't meet cities and the

  • same goes for my YouTube channel because someone

  • wrote hey I met your YouTube channel this week and I'm like no you didn't

  • meet it it's not like hi Stefanie's YouTube channel nice to meet you right

  • you can meet me maybe if you meet me in real life or something like that but you

  • meet people you don't meet things and inanimate objects and stuff like that

  • okay so hopefully that tip helps alright the next one is a very common mistake

  • and I'm sure you guys have even heard teachers talk about it before it's the

  • difference between two like tea oh oh and so so someone commented on one of my

  • videos Stefanie thank you you help me too much and then I got another

  • comment on another video that said I like this too much and what you guys

  • mean there is so Stefanie you help me so much or I like this so much okay it's

  • that idea of a lot like so much I just love it so much okay too is too much

  • like it's excessive like I ate too much food and now I'm stuffed and I

  • don't feel good or I watched too much TV today and so I felt lazy all day or I

  • really want those shoes but they're too expensive so I can't get them okay the

  • only time I use too meaning so is like I don't know with my niece and my nephew

  • they're just too cute okay they're just they're so cute they're just it's too

  • cute it's it's too much I can't handle it I love them so much and they're so

  • adorable they're just too cute okay hopefully that explains the difference

  • because too is usually meant to mean excessive in a bad way or there's

  • something negative associated with it unless you're using it in the way I used

  • it with my niece and my nephew but that's very rare and I mean sometimes I

  • say something like uh he is just too funny

  • like too funny I can't even handle it he is too funny alright so you can use it

  • like that but in the way that you guys were using it like I like this channel

  • too much or you help me too much it just doesn't seem right okay so let me

  • know in the comments if that made sense okay the next one is when you guys say

  • stuff like excellent your videos right in English we don't say it like

  • that we would say your videos are excellent now since I know Spanish I

  • know that this is a direct translation from Spanish and possibly from other

  • languages as well okay so just remember that in sentences like this we would put

  • the subject first and then we would describe it okay your videos are

  • excellent the kids are noisy the TV is big okay I sent an email today where I

  • told a story if you guys are not on my email list you can jump on at

  • but anyway in this email that I sent today it was about a story a

  • funny and embarrassing story something that happened to me and someone replied

  • and said that history was so funny thank you for sharing it and that's because

  • that's again a direct translation from Spanish so remember that in English we

  • use the word story okay that was a great story thanks for sharing it history is

  • you know stuff that happened in the past like you know when you're in high school

  • you have to take history classes you learn about history okay history and

  • story are completely different and we never say that was an awesome history if

  • we're talking about a story we say hey that was an awesome story okay the last

  • one when you say something like today I went to the school of my son or today I

  • went to the house of my friend that also is a direct translation from many

  • Romance languages okay so in English we just say hey I went to my son's school

  • today or today I went to my friend's house so remember that you can use that

  • construction with the apostrophe s okay and then the place or the thing because

  • it just makes it so much easier instead of that's the ball of the kid that's the

  • kid's ball that's the dress of the girl that's the girl's dress okay and this

  • will help you sound more fluent more like a native speaker it'll help you

  • speak faster too because it's less words and it's just easier to understand

  • native speakers aren't really used to making that construction it's a more

  • formal construction sometimes we do use it like the principal of the school

  • instead the school's principal okay so sometimes

  • we do use that construction but in normal everyday conversation most of the

  • time we don't okay so that's it you guys I hope you found these advices helpful

  • yeah I'm just kidding I hope you found this advice helpful please let us know

  • in the comments what you would like to add okay common mistakes that English

  • learners make in English some of these might be mistakes that you used to make

  • that you no longer make or you know maybe you can do a google search real

  • fast and whatever language you speak Google hey common mistakes that Arabic

  • speakers make in English or common mistakes that Russian speakers make in

  • English by doing this Google search and by doing the analysis and reading the

  • articles you are going to be blown away you're gonna be like oh my gosh yeah I'd

  • make that mistake all the time or oh thank God I don't make that mistake or

  • hey I learned about that years ago and now I don't do that perfect okay so

  • please share your thoughts on this in the comment area if you like this video

  • let me know and of course I can make more like this I actually already made a

  • video about common mistakes in English a while back so you can go ahead and check

  • that out up there and what I want to say is that I really like making these

  • videos because I noticed that you guys improve like this is actually pretty

  • crazy for those of you who are regularly commenting on my videos I can actually

  • see the improvements because I recognize your name I recognize your face and I

  • remember sometimes how you used to write and I can actually see the improvements

  • and certain things like in one video I said hey we don't say keep going we

  • say keep it up after that nobody was making that mistake on my channel

  • anymore and it was so so awesome to know that the tips that I'm giving you guys

  • are actually helping okay so that's it don't forget to check the description

  • because I leave lots of links there if you guys are wondering if I have online

  • courses and programs I absolutely do so again check the links if you want to

  • learn more about them and don't forget to sign up on my website

  • if you'd also like to get my daily emails with stories tips and

  • all kinds of stuff okay that is it you guys take care and I'll see you in the

  • next video bye

hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

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