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Welcome to Battlefield V.
歡迎加入《戰地風雲 5》。
This is World War 2 like you've never seen or played before.
這就是你前所未見的 二次世界大戰。
Single Player.
Battle Royale.
And our new post-launch journey for all players, Tides of War,
以及為所有玩家所準備的全新發行後戰鬥旅程: 戰情浪潮。
that will keep you and your squad playing well into the future.
這將能讓你和你的小隊 在未來仍能玩得盡興。
Multiplayer will deliver all out warfare
with unrivaled intensity and scale across eight multiplayer modes.
讓你在九個遊戲模式中獲得無與倫比的 緊湊感受與規模。
Fan favorites like Frontlines and Conquest return,
loaded with new options to increase tactical gameplay.
同時還有許多能增添 戰術表現的新選項。
Then, there's Grand Operations.
Inspired by historical battles,
spanning multiple maps and modes, across up to four in-game days.
跨域多個地圖與模式, 並且最多橫跨遊戲中的四天。
Parachute into the middle of a conflict in Airborne.
Then establish a forward front with Breakthrough.
And make one last push through to the Final Stand.
But that's not all.
Welcome to Firestorm.
We've reimagined Battle Royale for Battlefield,
where sixteen teams of four fight it out to become the last squad standing
十六支四人小隊 將在這張史上最大的《戰地風雲》地圖中
in the largest Battlefield map ever.
A sandbox filled with destructible buildings, weaponry and vehicles.
這個沙盒世界中充滿可摧毀的建築、 武器和載具。
This is Royale, done the Battlefield way.
Back! This way!
後退! 這邊!
All of this multiplayer mayhem takes place in the era
where it all began for us at DICE: World War 2.
追本溯源,回到 DICE 的開始:二次世界大戰。
At launch, you will fight in 8 unexplored settings of mankind's greatest conflict.
在發行時,玩家將能在 8 個大戰中 鮮少有人探索的背景中作戰。
Take part in one of the biggest tank battles in human history in North Africa.
走進北非戰場,參與人類史上 規模最大的坦克大戰。
Air drop into the freezing landscapes of Norway.
Engage in brutal close-quarter combat among the bridges and canals of Rotterdam.
穿梭在鹿特丹的橋樑和運河間, 進行連場殘忍的近距離戰鬥。
And join the struggle in the fields and marshlands of the French countryside,
然後踏上法國鄉間, 在田園和沼澤中和敵軍纏鬥,
opening up all new Only in Battlefield moments.
It's not only about what and where you'll play, but how.
然而,遊戲的重點可不全在內容與背景中, 遊戲方式也同樣重要。
We've added all-new core gameplay changes to the classic Battlefield formula.
我們在經典的《戰地風雲》配方中 加了全新的核心機制變化。
Deeper squad play, fluid player movement, better gun mechanics,
本作有著更深入的小隊作戰、流暢的玩家動作、 更出色的槍枝機制、
and more ways for you to not only destroy, but also build your surroundings.
以及更多摧毀和塑造 周遭環境的新方式。
Your squad is more important than ever.
Stay close.
Communicate and coordinate to take down your enemies and play the objective.
透過溝通與合作來除掉敵人, 並完成目標。
Call in various reinforcements to turn the tide of the battle.
呼叫各式各樣的 增援來逆轉戰局。
From a V1 rocket to supply drops.
從 VI 火箭到空降補給。
Or the mighty Crocodile, a devastating flame throwing tank.
或是威風凜凜且摧枯拉朽的 鱷魚噴火坦克。
Movement has been revamped to give you unprecedented mobility.
動作機制經過全面翻新, 賦予玩家前所未見的活動度。
Backpedal while firing when you're upright or on your back
無論玩家是站立或是倒下, 都能邊後退邊開火,
so you always stay in the fight.
Jump and smash through windows.
Send grenades back where they came.
Or shoot them out of mid-air.
Sprint while crouching to avoid sniper fire, moving faster cover to cover.
透過蹲伏衝刺來避開狙擊手的砲火, 快速在掩護間移動。
Seek out new terrain with combat vaulting,
or slide sideways into a room to surprise the enemy.
或是滑動進入房間, 對敵人發動奇襲。
In Battlefield 5, gunplay has been re-engineered to provide greater control and precision.
在《戰地風雲 5》中,槍枝表現經過重新規劃, 能提供更多操控度與精準度。
Master weapons with more predictible recoil and spray patterns.
精通各式可判斷後座力和 噴散模式的武器。
Destruction is now more dynamic than ever.
Blowing up a house from the inside cracks walls and send debris flying outwards.
從牆壁的裂縫向屋內投進爆裂物, 整座房子的碎片便會像向外飛散。
Can't flush the enemy out? Keep firing and rip through walls with high caliber rounds.
趕不走敵人? 持續開火,然後用口徑更大的彈藥擊穿墻壁。
Or, take Take a tank right through the building and destroy it.
Just as important as destruction will be building.
Shape and re-shape the battlefield with the new Fortifications system.
利用全新的防禦工事系統 來重新形塑整個戰場。
Every soldier is equipped with a toolbox and can build fortifications in specific areas.
每名士兵都配有工具箱, 並且能在特定區域建造防禦工事。
Dig foxholes, lay down sandbags, build bridges, barbed wire, tank stoppers, and more.
挖掘散兵坑、放置沙包、建造橋樑、 帶刺鐵絲網、反坦克拒馬等。
Reinforce buildings that have been destroyed,
create chokepoints to gain the advantage,
even open up new routes to flank opponents.
甚至開闢出從側翼 包抄敵人的新路線。
In single player, the anthology-format War Stories makes a triumphant return.
在單人模式中,擁有述說故事風格的 戰爭故事凱旋回歸。
Experience untold stories of World War 2.
In Nordlys, set during the German occupation of Norway,
在背景設於德軍佔領 挪威期間的「北極光」,
a young resistance member fights not only for her countries liberation,
一名年輕反抗軍成員不僅 要爭取其國家的自由,
but her family's survival.
And within Under no flag, a young British criminal
而在「單槍匹馬」中, 一名年輕的英國罪犯
has the chance to use his unique set of skills behind enemy lines in North Africa.
將深入北非的敵後, 並善用他的特殊技能來報效國家。
These are just a few examples of the unheard stories that Battlefield Five has to offer.
這些都只是《戰地風雲 5》 中幾個鮮少聽聞的故事。
And Launch will only be the beginning.
With the Tides of War, we're taking you on a free journey through World War 2,
有了戰情浪潮,我們將帶領玩家走上 穿梭二次世界大戰各處的旅程,
open to all Battlefield 5 players.
這旅程將對所有《戰地風雲 5》免費開放。
No more Premium Pass.
And it all starts right after launch with our first themed Chapter: The Fall of Europe.
一切在遊戲發行後隨即展開, 包括我們的第一個主題章節:歐洲淪陷。
Drop into the European fronts of France,
spanning several months it will be filled with events and new content daily and weekly.
在這橫跨數個月的戰情浪潮中, 將會有滿滿的活動,以及每日和每週推出的新內容。
With new ways to play you'll constantly adapt your Company
有了全新的遊玩方式, 玩家將會隨時用
with new weapons, gadgets, fortifications and combat roles.
全新的武器、配備、 防禦工事和戰鬥角色來持續調整連隊。
Then in early 2019,
接著在 2019 年初,
Chapter 2 will see the resistance rise up to take on the Axis threat
第二章將會著重在反抗軍如何 崛起應對進逼的軸心國威脅
and the debut of a new location in Greece.
In future Chapters, you'll venture further into World War 2
在未來的章節中, 玩家將能更深入二次大戰
heading to new theaters of war and an evolving Battlefield 5.
迎接全新的戰鬥場面, 和不斷演進的《戰地風雲 5》。
And most importantly, this is a journey everyone will embark on together.
而最重要的是, 這是個每名玩家都能一同踏上的旅程。
That keeps getting bigger, and bigger.
場面只會越來越大, 越來越廣。
And join us when Battlefield V launches in a few short months on November 20th.
並在數個月後的 11 月 20 日 和我們一起迎接《戰地風雲 5》的發行。
This is Battlefield V.
這就是《戰地風雲 5》。