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Hey, guys. So I know for a lot of you, the title is probably a little
confusing because it's, you know, off the pill and babies.
Well, it has nothing to do with actually being off, like, a pregnancy pill. This is a really unfortunate coincidence. Off
其實標題不是在講不吃避孕藥,完全沒有關係 這只是個美麗的巧合
the Pill is a series of rants that I used to do, like, a long time ago.
Some of you guys might remember, but I know that there's a lot of you who are a little newer and
probably don't know what this is because I haven't done this in, like, I don't know, over five years.
可能不知道這個系列,因為我大概...我不知道 也許超過五年都沒拍這個系列了吧
So basically for those that don't know, the Off the Pill name came from the idea that those were the days that I didn't take
my ADHD medication, and basically I would just rant about any random thing that came to my mind.
我沒吃過動症用藥的時候 通常這種狀態下,我想到什麼就講什麼,一片胡言亂語
Although sometimes they were a little too random, where I would, like, go a little too off-topic or I would just cut away to these random
有時候真的是講得亂七八糟,我可能會太離題 或是我得把那些亂講的笑話剪掉
skits or jokes, and usually it was just a really bad pun, so bad to the point where I had to explain it.
That's what he said. See what I did there? That's right. It's gonna be even bett-ber. See what I did there?
(他就是這樣講的。)(看到我的表現了嗎?) (沒錯啦這樣肯定更棒的)(看到我的表現了嗎?)
That was Smosh.
But yeah,
that's why I liked this series, because I could just be me speaking my mind. Not sure other people liked it as much as I
這就是為什麼我很喜歡這個系列,因為我可以做我自己 把我的想法講出來,雖然我不確定別人喜不喜歡我這樣做
did, but anyway, the reason why I stopped doing this series and these types of videos and stuck more with, you know, scripted skits
and stuff was because, well, I...
I was a huge coward.
You know, "moo," because, like, cows' words are like, "Moo." It's like, "cow word."
你知道,「哞」會讓你想到牛,然後... 「哞」就是cow word...
See, because sometimes when I would do these videos and I was just, like, freestyling, I would say some things that were not too
因為有時候我拍這類影片時,我都是在...即興 然後我會說出一些不經大腦思考的話
well thought out. I mean, they were my honest opinions. But sometimes-- well, a lot of times they were very unpopular ones, and honestly,
我的意思是,那都是我最真實的想法,不過有時候... 好啦,很多時候那些想法不太被社會主流接受
I just got scared of making them as, you know, people got more and more politically correct.
說實話,大眾越來越政治正確,我也不敢繼續拍下去 我不想冒犯任何人
I just didn't want to offend anyone. Well, not anymore. I'm bringing them back because I'm smarter now. I'm better now. I've evolved.
但從今天開始我可不管啦!!我要繼續拍這個系列 因為我覺得我更有智慧了、我變得更棒,我進化了
Okay, I'm no longer some little timid Caterpie hiding in his little Metapod. I'm Butterfree now. Sorry, guys.
我不再是那隻小小的綠毛蟲,躲在自己小小的鐵甲蛹裡 我現在可是巴大蝴啦!!
I also used to make a lot of Pokemon references back then when it was a little more relevant, but Onix-ly,
I don't think people really appreciated them. Anyway, as I was saying before I went completely off-topic as usual,
但蛇際上,我覺得大家似乎沒有很喜歡寶可夢比喻 總之,在我如往常一樣離題之前,我想說
I'm no longer afraid to do this series anymore because I think I really have gotten smarter.
You know, I'm not gonna say things that are just gonna offend people.
I know how to give an opinion now being a little bit more PC and most of all I just know how to not
upset the majority of the masses by giving a controversial opinion on something that I really-- I hate babies, okay?
我知道如何不要讓對於某事的偏激想法使得大家失望 就算我真的...我討厭嬰兒,懂嗎?
(audience gasps)
There, you got it out of me. Okay, obviously, that's an exaggeration. I don't hate babies that much.
行了吧,我講出來了啦 好啦其實那個有點誇張了,我沒有那麼討厭嬰兒啦
I know. I know it's like, what? Ryan's baby hater. How can you hate a baby?
我懂、我懂的,你們現在的反應應該是: 什麼?Ryan討厭嬰兒?你怎麼能討厭嬰兒?
I can't believe you're a baby hater. Oh, how can you hate a baby?
我真是不敢相信你討厭嬰兒 噢,你怎麼能討厭得了嬰兒?
They're so innocent. Why are all of our hands up like this when we talk? Well, just hear me out real quick.
他們超天真無邪的、為什麼我們講話的時候手都要這樣舉起來? 呃,你們聽我快速解釋一下
And this isn't quite what I wanted to talk about in this video.
But I just have to say this. Babies are
stereotypically one of the most innocent things in the world. Like, if you were to make a list of the most innocent things in the
說到世上最天真的事物,大家都會想到嬰兒 如果你要去列出世上最天真事物的名單,
world, it'd probably be like, babies and then, like, puppies and trees.
Puppies first, babies, trees.
F--k trees. And because they're so innocent, it's really hard to be critical of them.
But if you really break it down and you really think about it, babies, they-- they freaking suck...
可是如果你拋開這一點,然後仔細想想...嬰兒 他們很噁心
figuratively and
literally, like, for one,
I'm at that very old age right now where a bunch of my friends and my classmates and peers around my age are starting to
have kids and they'll go on their social media and they'll post, like, these pictures of their newborn babies.
Like, I'm talking like right after their birth and write, like, a caption like, oh, my gosh. She's so beautiful.
Oh, he's changed my life for the better. He's such a cute baby. Uh, blah-blah-blah. I sound like an ass right now, but
噢,他讓我的人生變得更好了、他好可愛喔 吧啦吧啦吧啦,我現在聽起來很機車,
almost at the point. Hear me out. Everybody in the comments are like, Oh, congrats. She's so beautiful. OMG. She's so beautiful. Congrats.
可是我快說到重點了,聽我講完。 大家在下面留言都是:噢恭喜,她好漂亮、天啊她好美
He's adorable. So cute. So cute. So coyote. Kawaii! And yes, I'm not saying that babies aren't cute.
恭喜!她好可愛、好可愛、豪可愛、潮殼愛、卡哇伊!! 我不是在說嬰兒不可愛
I think a lot of babies-- not all, but I think a lot of babies are cute.
But newborns? I can't be the only one that thinks that newborn babies are a little gross looking.
可是新生兒? 我不可能是唯一一個覺得新生兒長得有點噁的吧
They're all red and wrinkly, beady eyes gunk all over them. Yep, and now you can see why I stopped making this series.
他們紅紅的、皺皺的,渾身都是眼屎 嗯你們現在應該懂我為什麼之前會停拍這個系列了
I mean, this wasn't even the point I wanted to talk about in this video. Let's just get to that,
The whole reason why I even started thinking about babies is because last week I came across this video about this new movement.
我討論嬰兒的原因是因為 上禮拜我看到了一個關於新運動的影片
I don't know if you guys heard about it. It's called "theybies."
(trying different pronunciations) I don't know how they pronounced it. Sounds more like a disease to me than a movement. Ooh.
He's got the theybies. And basically, if you haven't heard about this movement, apparently,
parents are starting to raise their kids as these theybies, which basically means that they're raising their kids with no gender.
家長們開始把小孩當做theybies撫養 意思是他們把小孩當作沒有性別
So they're not a boy or a girl. They just a theyby. Theyby.
所以那個小孩不是男生,也不是女生,他們就是... theybie,嗯,就是theybie
I don't know why they had to call it that. It's not like babies is a gendered word.
You can still call them babies. But anyway, so basically these parents raising these babies or theybies, I guess, as gender-neutral,
你還是可以用baby稱呼他們,反正呢 這些家長撫養這些嬰兒,或是theybies,他們當做小孩沒有性別
so basically,
they're not telling them they're a boy or a girl as they're growing up because they want the baby to decide on its own which
家長不會告訴小孩他們到底是男是女 他們要讓小孩決定自己是哪個性別
gender it wants to be. 100% serious. This a real thing.
You can look it up, and you guys know, I don't normally speak out about, you know, more serious controversial topics.
你可以自己去查,而且你們知道 我通常不太講很嚴肅的爭議話題
But that's the thing. When I first saw this video, I didn't think it was serious.
可是這件事是真的,我當時看到這個影片時 我沒有把這件事當真
I literally thought it was a joke, and I'm sorry.
I know this will offend a lot of people, especially the people who are already a part of this this movement.
But I think it's ridiculous. Look, I'm all for the transgender community and the gay community and the lesbian
可是我覺得這活動實在是太荒謬了 我完全支持跨性別社群、男同、還有女同、
LGBTQ...RSTUV. I don't know. There's too many letters now.
I'm all for people doing whatever the hell they want to do,
as long as it's not hurting other people. But to be honest, I think this one has gone a step too far.
只要不會傷害到其他人就沒問題 但老實說,我覺得這個活動太過頭了
I think it is harming people. It's harming the babies. These theybies are gonna be so confused.
我覺得這活動會傷害其他人,它會害到那些嬰兒 這些theybies以後一定會很迷茫
Maybe not when they're with their parents, but when they start to meet other babies and those babies are like,
What do you mean? You're not a he or a she?
These parents are almost guaranteeing that this kid is gonna get bullied when he grows up. She grows up. They grow up.
這些家長的作為幾乎就是在保證這小孩以後會被霸凌 當他長大以後...、當她長大以後,當他們長大以後啦
That's why they called it theybies. And the thing is I like to think I'm a very open-minded person.
原來這就是為什麼會有theybies這個詞 然後就是,我自認我自己思想很開明
I'm always open to hearing new ideas. But this is like, come on.
You got to be a little
realistic here. A baby should not be able to make a decision as important as that.
In fact, a baby should not be able to make any decisions at all on other than which
toy to play with, and even then, we decide which toys the baby can choose from, because babies are freaking idiots.
There's a reason why we don't treat them like adults, because if we did, I'm pretty sure that would be considered abuse.
00:05:33,109 --> 00:05:35,109 哇、哇哇哇、哇哇哇哇、哇
Wah. Wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.
Wah. Wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah.
Wah. Wah, wah, wah.
Shut up!
(grunts, farts)
Wait. Did he just--
Oh, you crazy, man.
Oh, you crazy, man.
Damn. He's been down there for a while.
我猜你們會爭論說這些嬰兒又不是要做什麼實質決定 直到他們長大,比方說會說話為止
Yeah, like four minutes now.
He's crazy, man.
And I know you can argue that these babies aren't actually making decisions till they're a little bit older, like when they can talk.
Whether that's like age two or three, I don't know when babies start talking.
But I'm pretty sure at that age they can still answer the question. Are you a boy or a girl?
Yes or no, or they can say boy or girl by then, and that's still way too young to be deciding anything.
I mean, even if they were four years old or five, I mean,
have you ever talked to a five year old before? They're still really, really dumb.
(doorbell rings)
Hey, good to see you again.
Hey, you too.
I see you brought little Timmy here with you.
I did. Say hi.
He acts like he's so shy at times, but once you get him going.
What'd you do today, Timmy?
My mom took me to the park, and then we went on the swings.
Then I swanged on the swings, and I swingeded.
The swings, that sounds like so much fun.
And then-- and then, I, um...
Then I swingeded for two whole times.
Wow, two whole times. That's awesome.
And then--
"利"球是"利"的,它是"利"色的、"利"色的 他是"利"色的,所以球、球也...
and then
after there wa-- there was a green ball, and-- and the ball came by me and I kicked the ball.
I kicked it, and then it was rolling on-- on the grass, which was green,
我有點太過頭了,不過你們懂我要講什麼啦 任何理性的人都知道這些小孩子
like, the ball was green with the grass and the
green ball was green, and it was green, and it was green, and then he was greens so the ball-- and the ball was--
It's green, you idiot!
很關切那些小孩、嬰兒,還注重要給他們權利去選擇 那你幹嘛只讓他們選性別?怎麼沒有其他的?
Okay, obviously,
I'm going a little over the top, but you guys get the point. Any rational person knows that little kids,
let alone babies, aren't developed enough to make these kind of life-changing decisions.
I mean, if this movement is really
我覺得叫Gaga好像可以欸,嗯,原因可能就是這樣吧 所以Lady Gaga其實是theybie?我們現在終於知道了
About the kids and about these babies and giving them the power to choose, why stop at gender? What's next? Why not
我猜就是這樣能讓你們變得更成功? 而且這還只是剛開始
let kids choose their own name?
Why did you get to choose? Instead of a normal name, why not just ask the kid when they first start talking, what's your name?
要是你小孩就是想要裸體跑來跑去咧? 你又不知道對吧?或是你為何要幫小孩選擇要吃什麼?
Why can't the kid be named Mama or Dada or goo-goo or gaga?
你不是應該要帶著他去超市,然後讓他自己指他想吃什麼嗎? 你幹嘛幫他們穿尿布?
I guess it could be Gaga. Huh. Maybe that's why. Lady Gaga is a theyby. Now
we know. I guess that does make you more successful. See, and that's just the beginning.
為什麼是你決定嬰兒可以在哪裡、不能在哪裡大便啊? 你這樣是在壓迫人家的肛門欸,因為
Why do you get to dress your kid up when you go out in public?
What if it wants to run around naked. You don't know. Or why do you get to choose what the baby eats?
Shouldn't you just take it to the market and let it point at what it wants? Why do you put diapers on them?
Why do you potty-train them?
抱、舉或摸你們的嬰兒,直到他們可以說話之前 因為他們不會說話,就代表他們不懂得同意
Why do you get to decide where the baby can and can't go poop? That-- that is butthole oppression, because
如果他們不懂同意,你這樣做就是騷擾人家了 而且嬰兒都沒同意說要被生下來
buttholes and babies should be able to express their buttholes
基本上你就是把人家拖出他的家裡,你就是幹了這種事 好啦這真的太荒謬了,我的重點就是,你不需要一個嬰兒同意
wherever they want. Where am I going with this? This why I need my meds. And by the way,
我們不給嬰兒選擇就是因為,我們知道什麼對他們最好 因為嬰兒跟小孩就是沒用、又吵、還是移動式疾病帶原
you better not be picking up,
需要他們家長照顧並替他們做選擇的 因為他們就是太笨,實質上
carrying, or touching your baby in any way before it can speak, because if it can't speak it can't consent. If it can't consent,
that's assault. And also, the baby did not consent to be born. So you
basically kicked it out of its home. You did that. Okay, this is ridiculous. That is my point. You don't need a baby's consent.
We don't give babies those choices, because we know what's best for them, because babies and little kids are just useless, loud
disease-carrying moochers that depend on adults to take care of them and make decisions for them because they're just too stupid and just physically
所以,跟所有我可能冒犯到的人道歉 很明顯地,當我說我討厭小孩時,有一半是開玩笑的
pathetic to be able to survive on their own!
我沒有很討厭小孩,但我還是不改主張 不過別誤會我,我其實蠻愛小孩的
Wow, what is wrong with me? I really do hate kids.
Eh, you guys get the point. You can probably see why I
enjoy this series and why a lot of people get a little mad.
So, I'm sorry to all the people that I probably offended. Obviously, I'm half joking when I say that I hate kids.
I don't actually hate kids, but my points remain the same, and don't get me wrong. I do love kids.
In fact, I want to have a kid one day.
I just don't want to have a baby. But who knows, you know?
就算他做了壞事 就算是新生兒,如果他是我自己的小孩
Maybe all it takes is for me to just mature a little and for me to experience it myself.
Maybe there's something I'm missing because I'm not there to experience it myself.
Maybe if I had a baby of my own, I'd be so in love with it and blinded by the
potential of what could be that I'd love every aspect of it,
呃,不,這、這還是很噁心,這真的... 拜託,這個、這很噁心,對吧?我覺得這一定是theybies
even the negatives. Even as a newborn, maybe if it's my own kid,
I won't see the newborn as like this dirty, red, gross-looking, squishy thing and
I'll see the true beauty, the potential of what could be, the actual
miracle of life.
Yeah, no, that's-- that's still gross. That is-- come on, that is-- that's gross, right? I think definitely that's theybies.