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  • Yuen Method Intro - Healing Demonstration with Elma Mayer

  • Hi I'm Elma Mayer with Now Healing and I'd like to give you a quick

  • demonstration of the instant healing technique known as the Yuen

  • Method of Chinese Energetics. It's really easy to learn. If you're a

  • beginner with no experience as a healer, you can start using it right

  • away to heal yourself and other people. It even works for skeptics. I

  • was a total skeptic. But anybody can do it. I've taught six year old

  • kids how to do it and medical doctors how to do it. Because it also

  • works if you are an experienced healer. You can integrate it with your

  • other healing modalities and exponentially improve your healing

  • results immediately. You can use the Yuen Method to improve any kind

  • of problem, any kind of pain, illness, life issue. And I could do the

  • healing session for you but I'd really rather not, I'd rather teach

  • YOU how to do it yourself. So let's do a really brief demo: I'll

  • guide you through the steps and since there's no time in this video to explain

  • why this works or what it all means, I'm going to ask you to suspend

  • your disbelief and your belief and just go through the steps without

  • over thinking it right now. So let's go through the process really

  • quickly. find one part of your body that's not comfortable

  • right now. It could be a pain, an ache, an itch, or just somewhere

  • that feels a little stiff. Somewhere that actually feels like

  • a problem right now at this very moment. Just chose one specific place,

  • don't chose your whole leg and your shoulder and your head, just one.

  • Now remember how that feels and we'll come back to that a little bit

  • later. But for now let's put it aside and move on.

  • First, let's learn how to do a Yuen Method correction. This is going

  • to strengthen your energy instantly. The way to do it is you just make

  • mental contact with the mid-line of your body, your spine area. Just

  • tune into your spine area for a second. Okay, that's it, you just did

  • a correction. Let's do another correction, but this time for

  • neutrality. Neutrality is essential for doing this kind of work. And

  • you don't even have to know HOW to get tehre, this correction will get

  • you neutral automatically. So just say to yourselfcorrect for

  • neutralityas you think about your midline for just one second. Okay,

  • now you're neutral and you're ready to work.

  • So now, we're going to find the weak energy that's causing your

  • discomfort. THe trick to this is that it won't be coming from the

  • actual place that's bothering you. Like if your elbow hurts, the

  • weakness could be coming from anywhere else except your elbow. So

  • don't focus on the actual place that bothers you right now but instead

  • ask yourself where else is the weak energy that's causing this

  • discomfort coming from. Is it coming from body, mind, or spirit? Now

  • allow yourself to get that answer intuitively. That means you're going

  • to go with the first answer that comes to your attention even if it's

  • not the answer that you logically assume it should be . Since you

  • already corrected yourself for neutrality, it's going to be the right

  • answer. So ask yourselfshow me the weakness! Is it coming from body,

  • mind or spirit?” Okay now when you've got the answer, do a correction

  • on the weak energy. So if the weakness is coming from mind just say

  • correct mindas you think about your mid-line. If the weakness is

  • coming from spirit saycorrect spiritas you think about your

  • mid-line. And if it was from body saycorrect bodyand think about

  • your mid line. Okay, so the energy has already changed, whether you

  • noticed it or not. Now, feel into your original discomfort. How

  • does it feel? Is there any change? Move around a little. Check it

  • out. If you're like most people you will be experiencing some kind

  • of difference and you did that yourself. I did not do that for you.

  • So obviously this was a super quick preview and there's more to

  • learn. You probably have lots of questions likeHow did that work?”,

  • What just happened?”, “Why do I have to get neutral?” andWhat does

  • that even mean?” andHow can a pain in my body have a weakness that doesn't

  • come from my body?” andHow can I figure out where that weakness

  • is?” Well we will talk about this during the Yuen

  • Method Intro four hour class. You will learn where to find the hidden

  • energy weakness that all problems have. You will learn how to sense

  • weak energy versus strong energy using something like intuition

  • but not quite, we call it testing. And you'll learn more about how

  • to do a correction. And this can work for any problem that you have or

  • that other people have. And you can learn this from the comfort of your

  • own home. At the end of this four hour class, you will be able to

  • use the basic Yuen Method techniques of finding weak energy and correcting

  • it. I'll take you through the basic techniques step by step

  • and I'll make sure you really get it. I'll make sure you can actually

  • use it. So if you want to be your own healer, and heal others too,

  • take this four hour intro course. I would love to teach you how to do

  • it yourself. If you're on the website just scroll down to see what you

  • get. If you're on youtube then please go to my website for more details.

  • That's

  • Thank you.

Yuen Method Intro - Healing Demonstration with Elma Mayer

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袁氏療法介紹 - Elma Mayer的治療演示 (Yuen Method Intro - Healing Demonstration with Elma Mayer)

  • 19 1
    Anson Yuen posted on 2021/01/14
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