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  • The last type of effect we'll talk about that can be added to Audacity is a VST effect.

  • VST stands for Virtual Studio Technology and most of the VST effects we'll talk about

  • are for use in Microsoft Windows. So let's take a look at how to install some of these

  • effects. You'll find the installation of VST effects

  • to be very similar to Nyquist effects. To add a VST effect, we'll first need to find

  • VST effects that are compatible with Audacity. There is a list of effects in the Audacity

  • manual and the link is posted in the video description.

  • So we'll pick one of the effects off this list as an example. I'm going to select

  • the tremolo effect. So we'll save this file to the Downloads folder.

  • After the download is complete, we can go ahead and unzip the folder. Then we'll take

  • the Tremolo file and drop it into the Audacity plug ins folder.

  • Now we can start up Audacity and enable the effect under the effects menu.

  • So we'll just play around with a few of the controls of the effect as an example just

  • to see it's working. As you can hear, the tremolo effect has been

  • applied and we have successfully added a VST effect to Audacity.

  • Thanks for watching this video on how to add VST effects to Audacity. Don't forget to

  • subscribe for more videos.

The last type of effect we'll talk about that can be added to Audacity is a VST effect.

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如何在Windows 10上添加VST效果的Audacity (How to Add VST Effects to Audacity on Windows 10)

  • 47 0
    Caurora posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary