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hi everyone Jennifer Tarle from Tarle
speech and language with your viewer
today's question is how do i pronounce
the words called and cold
this is an easy fix today if we look at
the sounds and try to ignore the
spelling so the words are called and
cold and as you can see each of these
words has four sounds K starts both
these words and LD ends both of the words
the big difference here are the vowels
the short o O and the long
o oh so we have called and cold so you can
see the difference with my mouth that is
that for called I'm gonna have a very
wide open mouth called for that vowel and
for cold my mouth is going to be very
puckered for the long
O called and cold
ok so let's try those each again three
times called called called cold cold
cold called cold i called my friend to
tell her it was very cold and to be sure
to wear a coat so I called my friend and
told her to wear a coat because it was
very cold give that a try i know people
will notice the difference if you found
this video helpful please share it with
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we'd love to hear from you leave them in
the comments section below and if you
have any more questions visit Tarle
speech dot-com thank you so much and I
hope to see you again soon