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- Now I'm gonna talk a little bit about
object lifecycle and what we mean by object lifecycle
is the act of creating and destroying these objects.
Now I've been using this term constructor already.
And so, when we declare a variable,
whether it's a string or a dictionary
or a party animal we create them
and then they're discarded, and there's all this
dynamic memory that comes and goes.
And we as the writers of objects have the ability
to insert ourselves at the moment of object creation
and at the moment of object destruction
and we make special functions that we call the constructor,
the object constructor or the class constructor,
and the destructor.
And we don't actually explicitly call them,
they're called automatically by the,
by Python on our behalf.
And so the constructor is much more commonly used.
It's used to set up any initial
values of variables if necessary.
Et cetera, et cetera.
Destructors, we'll cover them but
they're used very rarely.
So here's a bit of code that we've got.
It's our PartyAnimal and a lot of it is the same
as what we've been doing so far.
So we have this variable x.
And the constructor has a special name, __init_.
Again we pass in the instance of the object self,
and in this one all we're gonna do
is print out your constructed.
And here's this code that we've had before
and now we have __del and then we pass in self
and we'll just print out that we're being destructed
and what the current value of x is
for that particular instance.
So let's go ahead and run this.
Um, and so again this doesn't really do any code
up to here, that just defines PartyAnimal
but this is the constructing of it.
And basically that says, oh!
And it really kind of creates these variables
and then it also runs the constructor.
And so in this case, this line right here
is causing the I am constructed message to come out.
Then we do, and that says,
you know, one and two.
And here's an interesting thing,
we're actually gonna destroy this variable
by throwing away, an no longer points at that object.
an's gonna point to 42 so we're gonna sort of
overwrite an and put 42 in it, and at that point,
Python's like, oh, this whole little object that I just
created somewhere it's out here, it's vaporizing it
and throwing it away, and so, before this line completes,
it actually calls our destructor on our behalf,
and so that message comes out.
So we are allowed as the builder of these objects
to add these little chunks of code that says
I wanna be involved at the moment this object is created
and I wanna be involved at the moment
that this object is destroyed.
Now, in this last line, an is no longer a party animal,
an is now an integer.
It's got a 42 in it.
It's gone, it's been created, it was used
and then it was destroyed, okay?
So you gotta be careful if you overwrite something,
you could sorta throw the object away.
So the constructor is the special block of code
that's called when the object is created
to set the object up.
So we can create lots of instances,
everything we've done so far is we make a class
and then we create one instance, one object.
And each of these objects ends up being stored in its own
variable, we have a variable an and we've been using it.
But the more interesting thing begins to happen
when we have multiple instances of the same class
sitting in different variables.
And it has its own copy of the instance variables.
So let's take a look at this.
So, this code here, I've taken out the destructor.
And it shows a little bit more information.
So now we're gonna put two variables in here,
we're gonna have a current score or whatever.
And a name.
And we're gonna start it out as blank.
And this time we're going to add a parameter
onto the constructor.
And so the self comes in sort of automatically,
as the object is being constructed,
but if we put a parameter on the constructor call
which is this PartyAnimal call, then this comes in
as the z variable.
And so self is the object itself, and z,
this first parameter is whatever parameter we put here.
Everything we've done so far has no parameter here,
but now we have a parameter here.
And then, that means that when we call this constructor,
this line of code comes and then name is no longer blank,
name is gonna be Sally in this particular thing.
And then it'll say, oh,, which'll be Sally,
has been constructed.
And so then, then we have this, and that object
is now constructed in and we put it in the variable s.
And then we call the party method on that,
and we construct a different one and so
this time it calls and z is Jim.
And we basically have a...
Another copy of this.
And so, this is how it's going to look.
Right, as it runs down here.
As it runs down here,
when this is called, it makes one instance
and stores that in the variable s.
And there's a variable x in there,
there's a name in there, there's an init method in party
and that's all in here, right, all that stuff is in here.
And now we say, let's make, and that's
gonna have a Sally in there.
Alright, Sally in there.
And then we're gonna do another constructor
and so it's gonna make a whole new thing
and it's gonna store that in j,
and this one's gonna have Jim in it. then this turns into a one and then we're gonna
call, that turns that into a one
and then will cause this to be a two.
Okay, and so what happens is,
we have now two objects,
one in the variable s and one in the variable j,
and they have separate copies of their instance variables.
These are the instance variables or the object fields
or whatever but they're the variables.
But the key is, is that every time we
do a new construction, it duplicates this
and there's another copy of it.
So there's an x within s.
So s.x is this variable and j.x
is that variable.
So the next thing we'll talk about is inheritance
and that's the idea of taking one class
and extending it to make something new.