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- Well you guys look super miserable vacationing without me.
- Oh really? Cuz uh, we're having a blast
I don't know what you think you thought you saw girl.
- Quinta!
- Okay I'm sorry Ash of course we would be having more
fun if you were here you know that
- We miss you
- Yeah
- Yeah it sucks you have to babysit your cousin.
- Yeah
- Normally I'd love an excuse to stay home but
in this case it kinda sucks.
- Yeah - Yeah why didn't your mom and
aunt bring you on the cruise?
- I hate boats
(Nautical jingle) I don't trust it.
Plus I haven't hung out with her in years.
I'm excited to hang.
- Alright well um our surf lesson is about to start.
- Alright bye girl love you - We have to go we have to
go love you bye (blows kiss)
- Oh okay okay bye love you guys
send pictures. Bye.
- Um, you can sleep on the couch it's
super comfortable.
Or I have got an air matress.
- Wait how old did you think I was?
- 12...
Mature for your age.
- I'm 16.
- Oh, damn Gina.
- Who's Gina?
- Oh my god.
(Drum beat)
- Hey!
- Wanna order a pizza?
- Sure, pepperoni?
- Oh, yeah! Okay yeah,
Let me get my laptop
Should be around here--
- Ordered.
- What?
- Pizzapp, It's the new pizza app.
- Oh yeah, totally
I just downloaded GrubHub.
- Oh.
- Yep. (Sudden bang)
- What the?
Oh, uh it's just the newspaper
the new newspaper boy is always late.
- Wait, you get real newspaper?
- Oh, uh yeah but I got it
the old fashioned way you know
got goaded into it by a kid selling door to door.
- Ah.
- Yeah.
It's pretty cool.
Words, printed.
(folk music)
Oh, is this yesterday's?
Diego! You hit me in the face with a paper.
- That's hilarious.
Also sorry.
- Haha! I got it on snap.
- What?
- What's your snap?
I wanna see it.
- Followed.
- Cool
- Wait, I wanna see, what are you guys looking at?
- Diego! You hit me in the face with a paper
Whoa, how'd you zoom in?
kidding, I've zoomed
Obviously, know how to zoom.
Oh I can.
- Hey Diego!
Hey I think you missed my house
- Oh sorry.
- Hi!
- Avery!
- Diego, come on!
Work with me Diego
I got it.
Kids these days.
- Thanks Ashley
- No worries.
- Thanks
- Bye dude
- Later, bro.
- Bye, soldier
- Aye aye, captian
- What?
Zoom, classic.
That's a classic snap chat move.
- I should probably get heading out
I still have five blocks to go.
- Diego, the paper was supposed to be here like
12 hours ago, as a person
you're really top notch, but
as a paper boy, you kinda suck.
- Okay you know the paper's not even the priority anyways
I'm currently mapping the fastest bike routes for the
new app I'm developing.
- Cool.
- Why are you even delivering paper then?
- Later.
- Later.
- Diego, I asked you a question
Izzy it's important for responsibilities sake.
Siri, how do you zoom in on Snapchat?
No one listens to me around here.
(playful music)
- I can't believe you bought me dolls.
- I forgot you grew up.
- Dolls are such a controversial gift.
- I got you Legos too
- Yeah but still.
- Okay, what toy was I supposed to get you?
- Nothing, I'm 16.
- Okay, okay, fair.
- That's what sucks about millennials, you guys
don't even know how ignorant you can be.
- You did not even know who Martin Lawrence was.
(rodent squeaks)
Did you?
(rodent squeaks)
Guess I'll go peek inside the vent.
- No!
- What? Why not?
- Those are like famous last words.
- What kind of garbage movies are you watching where
someone's last words were
"Well, guess I'll go peek inside the vent"?
I'mma go peek inside the vent.
I don't see anything.
What are you doing?
- Soundzimming the noise.
It's a didelphis, otherwise known as an American possum.
- Oh man!
(possum roars) (Ashly screams)
(Izzy screams) (both screaming)
- [Both] The pizza!
- Problem solved.
- Yeah what are we going to do about the possums though?
- Oh yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
Thanks Pam. Okay.
Yep. See you in the morning.
They can't get the possums until tomorrow morning.
- What?
- I know.
But it's the only place that promised they
wouldn't kill them.
- What are we going to do?
- Sleep in the car?
- With what pillows and blankets?
- I was kinda hoping you'd have a
pillow delivery app.
- No
- You sure?
- I don't have a pillow delivery app that would be
a terrible app.
- That would be a great app,
and super helpful right now
- Yeah, like someone is going to gain any success
in Silicon Valley based purely off this one instance.
- Pillows go flat all the time!
Okay, people don't talk about it but they do.
Also if you have a guest over and you need an extra pillow
Boom! Pillow app.
- Great pitch.
- Needs some work.
- A lot.
- You know what, if I had a pillow app
I wouldn't have to do this.
Talley Ho!
(epic music)
- No!
- Ah! Oh my god I feel so alive!
- That was nuts!
- Woo feels like Christmas morning
and I just opened 27 presents.
- Give me the pillow
- Bam bam bam (horn honking)
- Hi!
- Oh hey.
- Animal control is on the front porch looking for you
- Great.
- What?
- Okay
- Okay, bye.
- Bye, thank you so much oh my god.
- Thanks Pam, see you next time.
- Great, my phone died.
- Hey, wanna play a game?
- My phone died
- Pick a color.
- Yellow.
- Y-E-L-L-O-W.
- Five.
- Five.
- You'll enjoy a warm cup of soup one day.
- That's barely a fortune.
- I don't make the rules.
- Yes you literally do, do it again.
- Oh, okay,
- Purple.
- P-U-R-P-L-E
(both laughing)
- Two.
- Two.
- Your mom.
It was a joke.
Cuz, your mom's my aunt.
You're gunna die one day?
Who wrote this?
Who wrote this?
(upbeat piano)
It's fine, I don't need any help
- Sorry
- Thanks
- Hey, can you show me how to make that?
- This? The fortune teller?
- Yeah
- Oh yeah, totally.
- Cool.
- Cool.
- Izzy have you ever played mash?
♫ Be on the look out for this one
♫ She's only looking to have fun
(upbeat music)