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  • Alisha: Hi, everybody!

  • My name is Alisha and I'm joined again in the studio by

  • Michael: Michael. Hello.

  • Alisha: And, today we're going to be talking about English conversation strategies.

  • Let's get right into it.

  • Let's start with Michael.

  • What is your first strategy for keeping an English conversation going?

  • Michael: This is very important.

  • Don't say, 'I'm fine, thank you.

  • And you?'”

  • You hear this all the time from second language English learners or non-native speakers.

  • It's one of the first things you learn in an English class.

  • It's easy, it's good, it's a basic foundation.

  • Okay, that's fine.

  • But, as soon as you can switch it up.

  • Because, to me, when I meet a foreigner and they come up, and if they say, “Hey, how

  • are you?”

  • Say, “Oh, I'm fine.

  • I'm good.

  • How about you?”

  • And they say, “I'm fine, thank you.

  • And you?”

  • And it's almost robotic because I've said it so many times, and when I hear that, I

  • think their English isn't that good.

  • And, inside, I'm just going to be really polite and say, “Hello,” and talk slowly and

  • try to get out of there as quick as I can.

  • To really impress the foreigner, in my opinion, I think the best way to do it is say something--

  • Use a big word or just like a slang word.

  • Something like that.

  • When I hear that, I go, “Wow, man!

  • I want to know what this person thinks!

  • I want to get their point of view!

  • And I'm really excited,” and then I've had great conversations because of that.

  • Alisha: That's a really good one, and actually, I think on this YouTube channel, from a couple

  • years ago, there's a video all about better answers to the questionHow are you?”

  • than “I'm fine, thank you.

  • And you?” or if someone says, “Hey, how are you?

  • I'm good!

  • You?” orFine.

  • You?”

  • Never “I'm fine, thank you.

  • And you?”

  • Never.

  • But try to actually use a phrase that a native speaker would use, and then that's a clue

  • to the native speaker that, “Oh, maybe this person is ready for a conversation beyond

  • basic English.”

  • That's a really good point.

  • I like that.

  • I didn't think of things not to do.

  • I only thought of things to do.

  • Cool! Let's see.

  • Let's go to my first one.

  • This strategy, in general, is justask the other person a question.”

  • I'm guilty of this too when I'm learning another language.

  • I tend to only get input.

  • Somebody else is always asking me the questions, and then I forget myself to ask the other

  • person a question.

  • One question that I like to ask or a variation, any kind ofWHquestion is good, like

  • a “whoquestion, “what,” “where.”

  • Something like this, if you've been paying attention, you can use anyway to transition

  • in your conversation.

  • This was in a previous video.

  • You can ask something like anyway up to anything fun this weekend.

  • This is a pretty casual, conversational question that you can ask just about anybody, whether

  • you've just met them or whether you've known them for a while, but just get in the habit

  • of asking other people the question.

  • Don't wait for someone else to ask you the question.

  • So, that's one strategy that I tried to use to keep things going.

  • Michael: Yeah, me too.

  • I agree, and I'm going to say, “samesies,” because actually, two of my questions were

  • exactly what you said.

  • Agree 100%.

  • This is kind of cheating.

  • These should be one.

  • So, “always ask questions.”

  • Again, you forget it's really easy.

  • I'm really guilty of this, English, non-English, whatever.

  • I'm guilty of this.

  • And, the other thing is ask deep, open-ended questions.

  • If you ask a yes-or-no question, just like what Alisha was saying, it just dead ends.

  • You can't just say, “Do you like cheese?”

  • Yes,” orNo.”

  • You would want to say, “What do you think about cheese?

  • What is your favorite kind?”

  • And kind of open it up to something else and let it just kind of snowball.

  • Alisha: Right.

  • Yeah, I think that's really a key.

  • I have another variation.

  • I guess I'll just continue on because it kind of relates to what you're talking about.

  • He's saying always ask questions, always ask deep open-ended questions.

  • Don't ask a yes-or-no question because yes or no ends with theYesor theNo.”

  • One of the things that I'll do is use a pattern similar to this, “Hey, did you see...?”

  • orHey, did you hear about blah, blah, blah?”

  • So, you can use this littleblah, blah, blahas your--you can ask about the news.

  • You can ask about something funny you saw on the Internet.

  • You can ask about something that you heard from another friend of yours, whatever.

  • It's just a way to check in with the other person and say, “Oh, did you also experience

  • this thing that I experienced?

  • Let's talk about that.”

  • That might be another question that you can use with people.

  • Michael: I like that one.

  • I really like that one because you got to stay within people's comfort zone.

  • Maybe you asked, and maybe they don't want to, right?

  • A good thing is, “Did you hear about it?”

  • That's up to him.

  • Maybe they don't want to talk about it.

  • They can say, “Oh, yeah.

  • I heard about that,” and you can kind of feel the atmosphere and realize, “Maybe

  • I shouldn't talk about this.”

  • Change the subject, or they get passionate and they start talking about it, and there

  • you go and just let it go.

  • Yeah, absolutely.

  • One thing, again, I'm guilty of is you got to keep returning it.

  • Don't just say, “Oh, yeah, and what I think about that...”

  • Bring it back.

  • Ask them, “What about you?”

  • That's a common thing I forget about.

  • Alisha: Ok. Good.

  • I have one more.

  • This one, use when you see fit, I guess.

  • I'll just introduce it.

  • Compliment the other person.

  • This can be a nice strategy just to show that you're enjoying the other person's company.

  • It can be as simple as, “Oh, I like your shirt today,” orOh, that's a nice dress

  • you're wearing today,” orOh, did you get a new haircut?

  • That looks good on you!”

  • Something like that.

  • This is a nice way to make the other person maybe want to spend more time with you, I

  • think.

  • Michael: I agree 100% Two things: One, I think it's a good conversation starter sometimes.

  • If, you got to be careful.

  • With a stranger, it can be creepy.

  • It can be a little uncomfortable, what you're complimenting, right?

  • But if it's something like, if they have a t-shirt and it's a band that you both like,

  • that's a great conversation starter, and you feel, “Wow, we're connected.”

  • Number two, the second thing I was thinking about is that keep it honest.

  • I love a sincere compliment.

  • It really means a lot more, and it really does butter them up, kind of get them open

  • to having more conversations deeper, that kind of thing.

  • But one of the things people do, which I don't like is, let's say they say, “Hey, nice

  • shirt!”

  • And then the person, out of habit, will say, “Oh, you too.

  • I like your shirt, too.”

  • Just my opinion, I don't think this feels really natural.

  • It doesn't really feel sincere, so I would save it, make a mental note, and go, “Hmm,

  • I need to return the favor.

  • I need to give them a compliment.”

  • But, wait until you notice something you really do like and say, “Hey, actually, I love

  • blah, blah, blah.”

  • Alisha: Yeah, I think that's a great point.

  • When you can sense whether someone is being sincere or not, what is your next strategy

  • for continuing an English conversation?

  • Michael: Well, “don't be afraid to open up.”

  • I like this one.

  • I think this is good.

  • A lot of people will be kind of shy.

  • They won't open up too much.

  • Again, within your comfort zone, but I like this one because people return the favor.

  • Because if you're just having small talk and you say, “The weather is nice today.

  • Blah, blah, blah,” you can only go so far.

  • So, don't be afraid to say something personal.

  • Again, trust your judgment.

  • Don't be a creeper.

  • We don't want to hear certain things about your life.

  • Alisha: Don't be a creep.

  • Don't be weird.

  • Don't be strange.

  • Like what you're saying about opening up, “open upis just a phrase that means

  • share something about yourself.”

  • It can be as simple as what you did last weekend or what you're going to do this weekend or

  • a project that you have coming up.

  • It doesn't mean that you have to spill all of your life secrets to the other person but

  • just showing that you're willing to share something more personal about yourself can

  • help ingratiate yourself or can help the other person understand you a little bit better.

  • That's a good tip.

  • I like that tip.

  • That's hard to do, though.

  • It's hard.

  • It's a little bit scary, I think, to share parts of yourself, but it's good.

  • But it's a good way to meet people and make friends.

  • Alright.

  • I think that's all.

  • Is that all that you have?

  • Michael: Yeah, that's all I got.

  • Alisha: Okay.

  • Those are some interesting strategies to keep an English conversation going, so give them

  • a try.

  • If you're ever at a loss for words and don't know what to say, you can try one of these

  • strategies, and hopefully, it will help you out.

  • Please let us know if you have any other strategies or anything else that you would like to use

  • or you try to use when you are having trouble keeping a conversation going.

  • Leave us a comment and let us know what it is.

  • We will see you again next time.

  • Do you have anything else you'd like to add?

  • Michael: That's about it.

  • Alisha: Alright!

  • Thanks very much for joining us and take care.

  • Bye-bye!

Alisha: Hi, everybody!

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英語話題 - 英語會話策略 (English Topics - English Conversation Strategies)

  • 92 10
    yenble.jerry posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary