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Hey everybody!
There are some new changes on the PBE that I want to talk about.
It is Blade of the Ruined King.
關於 "隕落王者之劍" 滴~
Blade of the Ruined King has been changed.
"隕落" 被改了
Now there are some other smaller changes on PBE, but none of them are really important
當然除此之外還有其他較小的改動, 但都不太重要
as Blade of the Ruined King is.
沒 "隕落" 那麼重要
Last Whisper.
We'll start with Last Whisper, because Last Whisper is a pretty small change.
先來看看 "最後耳語" , 因為它改動不大
The AD damage was lowered from 25 to 10.
物理攻擊從 25 降到 10
And bonus armor penetration from 30% to 45%.
額外物防穿透從 30% 增加到 45%
This means that we'll only pick up Last Whisper as an item if they already have a lot of armor.
這意味著我們只會在敵隊已經有很多物防的時候 才會選擇 "最後耳語"
I think it's a pretty good change.
So, that's what I think about the Last Whisper change.
這就是我對 "耳語改動" 的看法
That was easy.
Now we're gonna talk about Blade of the Ruined King.
現在我們來討論一下 "隕落王者之劍"
So the Blade of the Ruined King has several changes.
"隕落" 受到了數個改動
First of all, the AD is increased from 25 to 45.
首先就是物理攻擊從 25 增加到了 45
So that is a 20 AD increase.
增加了 20 點物攻
If you think of that - that's like 2 Long Swords.
跟兩把 "長劍" 一樣了
It's like 700 gold increase of AD.
算是增加了價值 700 金錢的物攻
Now the attack speed is lowered from 40% to 25%.
攻擊速度嘛, 就從 40% 減到了 25%
And if you look at that, that's like 300 gold'ish, little bit more than 300 gold worth of attack
這樣看的話, 就是價值 300 金左右... 大概 300 多一點的
So overall, that is a net increase of gold that you gain there.
The lifesteal was increased from 10% to 15%, that is nothing but good!
普攻吸血從 10% 加到了 15% 那當然是有益無害, 多多益善
And the minimum damage on hit is increased from 10 to 15.
普攻命中 (造成目標當前生命的額外物理) 傷害最低 由 10 提高到了15
So the on-hit portion of the build is a lot better.
You can CS better with this item, you can do more damage with the item.
有了這件裝, 尾兵變容易, 輸出會炸天 輕鬆五殺 Carry全場不是夢 (誤
The only lacking thing here is the Attack Speed.
Now there is one more thing - the unique active has been changed.
還有一點, 唯一主動也受到了改動
The damage and self heal has been removed.
傷害和生命回復被移除, 緩速仍在
That is gonna be a little bit sad - removing the on-hit.
這有點遺憾, 移除了普攻命中...
Like the.. it's not an on-hit, it's on-cast damage.
那個啊... 不是普攻命中, 是主動施放的傷害
But I don't think the on-cast damage is quite as important as the other things they are
adding here.
So, keep in mind that the on-hit portion of the blade does steal from lifesteal, so the
lifesteal buff does increase your on-hit heal from Blade of the Ruined King.
The AD is a large portion.
So this means that now when you're playing Master Yi, you can rush a Blade of the Ruined
所以說現在如果在線上玩 "易大師" 的話 你可以先出個 "隕落"
Like it's actually a fantastic item.
And it's even better for Junglers now, because Junglers stack the batoodie - that means a
打野的話就更好了, 因為打野通常都會出... 一大堆... 一大堆就是...
So we stack a lot of attack speed.
So we have ult, we have blood razer, sometimes we go Guinsoo.
我們有大絕(R - 高原血統), "附魔:血爪"(攻速打野刀), 有時會出 "鬼索的狂暴之刃"
You know we have so much attack speed, that this change is really good.
我們有那麼多攻速, 這樣的改動會很好
I was actually - on stream the other day, I was talking about some of the other changes
那天我開台, 直播的時候, 我在討論
that Master Yi's Highlander should have or something.
應該對 "易大師" 大絕做出的改動
And I was like "Well we have way too much attack speed in our build, why don't we get
我就說: 我們出裝已經太多攻速了
some AD on Highlander instead of attack speed".
But I mean this is the same thing here, we're removing some attack speed and we're moving
這裡就是那麼一回事, 我們犧牲了一點攻速
it to AD.
Because Blade of the Ruined King is the one item that Master Yi always builds.
因為 "隕落" 基本上是 (攻速流) "易大師" 一定會出的一件裝
So no matter what - unless you play crit Yi or the new Lethality Yi - Which we will make
所以無論... 除非你玩的是 暴擊流 或是新的 物理致命流 "易大師"
a video on that as well.
The Blade of the Ruined King is gonna affect you no matter what.
... 你都會受到 "隕落" 改動的影響
I think the changes are very positive.
Very positive!
We already have so much attack speed.
Remember: We have our Jungle item, we have Guinsoo, sometimes we build Phantom Dancer.
記得, 我們有 打野刀(附魔:血爪), 有 "鬼索", 有時還會出 "幻影之舞"
We build Phantom Dancer and Shiv, and all that stuff!
有 "幻影之舞", 還有 電刀("史提克彈簧刀") 之類的
So the...
I'm super happy about it.
I'm super happy about it.
And it also influences our Alpha Strike.
這對我們的 先聲奪人(Q) 也有影響
Our Alpha Strike is now much stronger from the 20 AD.
新增的 20 物攻令我們的 Q 更痛了
Our E - on-hit damage is now much stronger.
我們的 無極劍道(E) 普攻命中的真實傷害也更痛了
Our attack speed on our ult is now stronger, because it scales with AD.
大絕的額外攻速也更強了(間接) 因為普攻輸出受物攻和攻速加成
I mean just overall the item is a really good change.
I think we will be very happy with it.
我覺得我們 (易大師玩家們) 會很喜歡這改動
But since it's on PBE, it has not gone through yet.
但由於這改動仍是在測試服上, 還沒正式通過
You never know... but usually this kinda stuff does go through.
沒人可以確定... 但通常這類改動都會通過
I don't think it's a problem at all and I think you guys should be excited to see it
我不覺得這會是個問題, 大家敬請期待
as well.
00:03:55,870 --> 00:03:59,630 現在我們講講其他比較小的改動
Now let's go ahead and throw in the smaller things here.
如果你僅僅是為了 "隕落王者之劍" 而來的話 它的部分已經結束了, 但後面也沒剩很多 看在我努力翻譯的份上把它看完吧 :P
If you came for the Blade of the Ruined King - it's over, but this will just be a minute.
"清除者透視鏡" 和 "先知透視鏡" (紅色飾品) 他們不再令陷阱失效
The control ward and oracle things, they no longer disable traps.
我真的希望他們能對隱形英雄做點改動, 因為 "易大師"
I really wish they would do something about stealth champions, because Master Yi just
simply sits there and dies.
看來他們又在增強隱形的東西了 但還好不是直接增強隱形英雄
It looks like they are actually buffing stealth things again, but these aren't stealth champions
so it doesn't really matter.
像... "卡力斯"(螳螂) 真的需要點改動
Like... they... there has do be something done to Kha'Zix.
你打不到 "卡力斯"
Like you can not hit Kha'Zix.
你打不到 "薩科"(小丑)
You can not hit Shaco.
你打不到 "阿卡莉"
You can not hit Akali.
It's so annoying!
呃... 然後最後就是關於 "科加斯" 的改動
Um, and then the last one I remember is the Cho'Gath change.
"科加斯" 將會受到很多改動
Cho'Gath is getting a lot of changes.
我會建議 "科加斯" 的粉絲去看看
I recommend checking it out if you are a Cho'Gath fan.
但對 "易大師" 來說意義不大
But what it means for Master Yi is pretty much not much.
被吃的會是 "科加斯"
Master Yi is gonna shut Cho'Gath.
無論怎樣, 對 "易大師" 都不是問題
So either way, no big deal there.
所以 "科加斯" 的改動對 "易大師" 的影響 可以不需要太理會
So don't worry too much about the Cho'Gath changes and how it influences Master Yi.
好了, 講到這
So, anyway guys!
感謝大家的捧場, 希望 "隕落王者之劍" 的改動 會令你跟我一樣這麼愉快
Thank you for watching and hopefully the Blade of the Ruined King changes make you as happy
00:05:03,680 --> 00:05:04,680 嗚呵喔~~ (??
as they make me.
以上就是我對 "隕落王者之劍" 改動的想法
So those are my opinions on the Blade of the Ruined King changes.
歡迎在下面留言 我會看的 (有空的話
What do you guys think?
Go ahead and leave a comment below and I'll make sure to read some of them when I have
some extra time.