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I don't know if I'm working it right now
It's hard to know
what to say, I-
I wrote this speech and
There's teleprompters and I got papers. I don't know what to
And in truth I was just trying to memorize Anita's speech because it was so beautiful but
You give me hope
Thank you, Jennifer, for that beautiful introduction. You're an inspiration to so many
Thank you, not only for everything you continually do for women
But for the force of nature you've been for so many all over the world. I
Think about me and my best friend who's here tonight right there
I've known her since I was four years old
Beautiful adopted woman from Korea
And how throughout high school
We danced and we sang
Imitating Jennifer
Imitating you while we strengthened our bond
Her name is Bo
And wearing
white bandanas and hoop earrings
draped over caramel colored hair
You brought us so much joy, where are- where are you?
You brought us so much joy
On the train I thought about you
And how the fuck I was gonna get off that train
She loved you so much we even gave her the nickname. J-bo
No for real, like we called her that all the time
There is not a doubt in my mind
That you will be loved forever as the powerhouse of a performer and woman that you are
Thank you for making so many memories for me and my friends
That I will cherish forever in my heart
Thank you so much.
I never in my wildest dreams thought that my life would become what it has.
But more so, to be honored this evening
Purely for being a woman
It's beyond what I could have imagined.
I guess I didn't see it happening in my lifetime.
I am immensely privileged to be in the company of so many powerful women
Who have changed so many people's lives.
I am so humbled
to be standing
Hand in hand with every one of you today.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to say
Because of all of you
Because you inspire me
How does one rise to such an occasion?
When maybe you don't feel that inside?
How does one accept where life has brought them,
And what it all means?
As I tried on dress after dress
Getting ready for this event
one tight corset after another
One heel after another a diamond to feather
Thousands of beaded fabrics and the most-
beautiful silks in the world
To be honest, I felt sick to my stomach and
I asked myself
What does it really mean to be a woman in Hollywood
We are not just objects to entertain the world
We are not simply images to bring smiles or grimaces to people's faces
We are not members of a giant beauty pageant meant to be pit against one another
for the pleasures of the public.
We women in Hollywood
We are voices
We have deep thoughts
and ideas, and beliefs,
and values about the world and we have the power to speak and be heard
and fight back
When we are silenced
After trying on 10 or so dresses
With a sad feeling in my heart,
that all that would matter
was what I wore to this red carpet,
I saw an oversized Marc Jacobs suit buried quietly in the corner.
I put it on
To a resounding view of eyes glaring at me in confusion
"But the Rodarte was so beautiful!"
one said.
"But the raft Simmons for Calvin Klein was so stunning on you!" said another
"But what about the Brandon Maxwell?" "What about the Dior?" Lots of questions.
They were all dresses.
This was an oversized men's suit made for a woman
Not a gown
And then I began to cry
In this suit,
I felt like me today.
In this suit, I felt the truth of who I am well up in my gut.
And then,
wondering what I wanted to say tonight became very clear to me
As a sexual assault survivor
By someone in the entertainment industry
As a woman
Who is still not brave enough to say his name.
As a woman who lives with chronic pain
As a woman who was conditioned at a very young age to listen
to what men told me to do,
I decided today,
I wanted to take the power back.
Today, I wear the pants.
Today, I wear the suit.
In an age when I can barely watch the news
aghast at the unjust men and
some women, quite frankly,
that I see running this country,
I had a revelation
That I had to be empowered to be myself today more than ever
To resist the standards of Hollywood
Whatever that means
To resist the standards of dressing to impress
But to use what really matters - my voice.
After I was assaulted when I was 19,
I changed forever.
Part of me shut down for many years.
I didn't tell anyone.
I avoided it myself.
And felt shame even
Still today,
Standing in front of you,
I feel shame for what happened to me. I still have days where I feel like it was my fault
After I shared what happened to me,
With very powerful men in this industry
Nobody helped me.
No one offered me guidance,
or a helping hand,
To lead me to a place where I felt justice
They didn't even point me in the direction of the mental health assistance I was in dire need of
Those men hid because they were afraid of losing their power.
And because they hid,
I began to hide.
I hid for a long time.
Until I started to feel physical pain.
Then I had to go to the doctor, because I didn't know what was wrong with me.
And then, I was
diagnosed with PTSD
and Fibromyalgia
Which many people don't think is even real and I don't even know what the fuck to say about that.
But I'll tell you what it is.
It's a syndrome
That is essentially a cyclone of many different conditions depending on the person
A stress-induced pain
And I really wish my friend Lena Dunham was here tonight because I think she could probably articulate this much better than me.
And I hope we can all agree that she's a remarkable woman.
Depression, anxiety
Eating disorders,
These are just a few examples of the forces that can lead to this tornado of pain.
So what I would like to say
In this room of powerful women and men, today,
Is let's work together
to beckon the world
towards kindness
I'm fortunate enough now to have the resources to help me
But for many the resources either don't exist,
or people don't have the ability to pay for or access them.
I want to see mental health become a global priority
We might not be able
Or we're not able
actually to
Control all of the challenges and the tragedies that life throws our way
But we can work together
This room an even wider
Can work together
To heal each other
And we can also try to find
the strength, in the best way that we can
To ask for help if we need it
One in four people in the world suffer from mental illness
300 million people suffer from depression
60 million people live with bipolar affective disorder
23 million people are stricken with schizophrenia and
800,000 people die every year
from suicide
low and middle income countries
76 and 85 percent of people with mental disorders receive
no treatment at all.
In high-income countries between 35 and 50 percent of people are in the same situation
The people in this room and
the people that you have in your network
Have the power to turn
kindness into plutonium and change the world
For both children and
to provide for a better
future and
Make up in whatever small way
that we can -
Microscopic maybe - for the pain those have suffered in the past
And if anyone is compelled to do so, please join me and my mother Cynthia
We're the founders of the Born This Way Foundation
to empower youth
to inspire a kinder and braver world.
We want kids to learn about mental health and the importance of kindness at a very young age
And it is my personal dream
That there would be a mental health expert, teacher, or therapist in every school in this nation.
And hopefully,
one day,
Around the world.
Let's lift our voices, I know we are but let's get louder.
And not just as women,
But as humans and see that there are
there are great men in the world.
And ask them to hold our hands.
For justice, that our voices be heard
Whatever our story may be, for an equal standing that we will fight for justice
For women and men and those with other sexual identities
For me
This is what it means to be a woman in Hollywood.
It means I have a platform.
I have a chance
to make a change.
I pray
we listen and believe,
and pay closer attention to those around us,
To those in need
I'm sorry, I preach a lot so you're gonna have to bear with me.
Be a helping hand.
Be a force for change.
Thank you, Nina Garcia.
Thank You, Steven Gan
I was an outcast and you believed in me,
and I wouldn't be here without you
Thank you Elle
Thank you all the loved ones in my life Bobby, I love you
Everybody at Table five
My fiancee Christian
All the loved ones in my life who'd take care of me every day.
And Ryan Murphy,
Thanks for giving me my first leading role.
You know that Golden Globe belongs to you man
Thank you to all of you
Everybody in this room
Who has supported me in having a voice.
And knowing
I have something inside me to give that's more important than
any stereotype about Hollywood.
I have my heart to give to you and
I want you to have all of it
Thank you for inspiring me I can't say enough about you
Listening to you speak tonight gave me hope.
When I have trouble sleeping because I'm afraid
When I walk out in the world and I'm trembling inside it's women like you, Anita, that make me feel strong
Come on
Be kind to yourselves and be kind to each other.
To the designers that sent me all those beautiful dresses
Thank you, too.
It taught me something
That I needed to learn again today. And to quote myself
If there's one thing you take away
From me being here tonight well
Our men fashion.