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  • Hi.


  • I'm Vanessa from


  • Are you ready to imitate the most important sentences in English?

    你準備好模仿最重要的 英文句子?

  • Let's talk about it.


  • Today, we're going to talk about the 10 most important sentences in English, at least according

    今天,我們要講的是10個最。 英語中的重要句子,至少根據

  • to me.


  • Because you use these sentences a lot, all the time in daily conversation, it's a great

    因為你經常使用這些句子,所有的 的時間,在日常談話中,它是一個偉大的。

  • opportunity to practice using them naturally and pronouncing them correctly.

    練習自然使用它們的機會 並正確發音。

  • If you say them three or four times each day, you want to make sure that you're pronouncing

    如果你每天說三四次。 你要確保你的發音。

  • them correctly, and that's what we're going to do today.

    這就是我們要做的事情。 今天要做的。

  • Your challenge today is to try to imitate and repeat exactly what I say.

    你今天的挑戰是嘗試模仿 並完全按照我說的重複。

  • I don't care if you're on the train, if you're at work and your boss is looking at you.

    我不在乎你是否在火車上,如果你是... ... 在工作中,你的老闆正在看著你。

  • I don't care where you are.


  • It's your job to speak out loud.


  • Because if I say them, it's okay, but I already know how to say them.

    因為如果我說他們,它是好的,但我已經 知道怎麼說。

  • It's your job to practice and to use those pronunciation muscles to the fullest.

    你的工作是練習和使用這些。 發音肌肉發揮得淋漓盡致。

  • All right.


  • Let's start with the first sentence.


  • Hey!


  • How's it going?”


  • Pretty good.”


  • This is our first sentence today, “Hey!


  • How's it going?” and the most common response, which is, “Pretty good.”

    怎麼樣?"也是最常見的回答。 這就是,"相當不錯的。"

  • Let's break down this expression.


  • Hey.”


  • Pretty clear.


  • Can you repeat that with me?


  • Hey.”


  • Then the next part, “How's it going?”


  • Here in the middle, it sounds like a Z sound.


  • Howzit ... howzit goin'?

    你好... 你好嗎?

  • With the wordgoing,” we're going to cut off the G at the end, so make sure you

    有了 "去 "字,我們就要 在結尾處切掉G,所以要確保你

  • sayGoin'.”

    說 "走"。

  • Can you say this all together with me?


  • Try to imitate with me.


  • Ready?


  • Hey.


  • How's it going?


  • Hey.


  • How's it going?”


  • I'm going to pause in just a moment, after we practice the reply.

    我想暫停一下,在... 我們實踐的回答。

  • The reply isPretty good.

    回答是 "挺好的。

  • Pretty good.”


  • Now, if you want to sound like an American, the wordpretty”, even though it has

    現在,如果你想聽起來像一個美國人, 俏 "字,儘管它有。

  • T's, it's going to sound like a D sound.


  • So try to say it with me.


  • Priddy.


  • Priddy.


  • Priddy.”


  • And then that final word, “Good.

    還有最後那句 "好。

  • Good.”


  • Make sure that your lips are kind of out a little bit.

    確保你的嘴脣是那種出一個 一點點。

  • Good.


  • Good.”


  • Can we put it all together?


  • Pretty good.


  • Pretty good.”


  • Okay.


  • Let's try to imitate this full sentence together and the reply, and then I'm going to pause

    讓我們一起試著模仿這個完整的句子。 和答覆,然後我將暫停。

  • so that you can say it yourself out loud, no matter where you are.

    以便自己能大聲說出來。 無論你在哪裡。

  • All right.


  • Let's say it together.


  • Hey!


  • How's it going?”


  • Pretty good.”


  • Hey!


  • How's it going?”


  • Pretty good.”


  • All right.


  • I'm going to pause, and it's your turn.


  • Go ahead.


  • Great work!


  • Let's go on to the second sentence.


  • The second sentence isDo you want to go?

    第二句是 "你要不要去?"。

  • Do you want to go?”


  • You might say this when you want to invite someone to an event, or maybe to your house,

    當你想邀請時,你可以這樣說 某個人去參加活動,或者去你家。

  • or if you want to tell them to go to a restaurant with you.

    或者如果你想告訴他們去餐廳。 和你在一起

  • It's a great expression for someone who you just met if you want to continue spending

    這是一個很好的表達方式,對於一個你 如果你想繼續消費的話,剛見面

  • time with them.


  • Let's break down the pronunciation for this common question.

    讓我們來分析一下這個發音吧 共同的問題。

  • Do you wanna go?


  • Do you wanna go?”


  • Why does the first two words sound likeJooo ...” “Do youbecomesJooo,” kind

    為什麼前兩個字聽起來像 "Jooo"? ...”"你 "變成了 "Jooo",有點兒。

  • of a “zhe, zhesound.

    的 "浙、浙 "音。

  • Joo.”


  • And then what aboutWanna go?

    然後 "想去嗎?

  • Wanna go?”


  • Want to goare all of the words, but you're gonna combinewantandto

    "想去 "都是這句話,但。 你要把 "要 "和 "要 "結合起來。

  • to becomewanna, wanna”.

    變成 "想、想"。

  • This is really common in conversational English, so let's try to say this full question together.

    這在英語會話中真的很常見。 所以我們一起試著說說這個完整的問題。

  • Do you want to go?


  • Do you want to go?


  • Do you want to go?


  • Do you want to go?”


  • All right.


  • Try to imitate this with me.


  • Are you ready?


  • Do you want to go?


  • Do you want to go?


  • Do you want to go to the park?


  • Do you want to go to the restaurant?”


  • Okay, I'm going to pause, and then I want you to say this by yourself.

    好吧,我要暫停,然後我想。 你自己去說吧。

  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the third sentence.


  • The third and fourth sentences are, “I'm not sure,” and “I don't know.”

    第三、四句是:"我是。 不確定 "和 "我不知道"。

  • These both mean the same thing, but the first one, “I'm not sure,” is a little more

    這兩個詞的意思是一樣的,但第一種是 一個,"我不確定 "是一個更多的

  • casual, and you might use this more in daily conversation.

    隨意,你可能會在日常中更多地使用這個。 談話。

  • So if you say it quickly it sounds like, “I'm no shur.

    所以,如果你說得快,聽起來就像 "我... 沒有舒爾。

  • I'm no shur.


  • I'm no shur.”


  • Let's break this down.


  • Listen carefully, especially to that second word, “not”.

    仔細聽,特別是第二段 字,"不"。

  • “I'm not sure.


  • I'm not sure.”


  • Do you hear “t”, the T sound?

    你聽到 "t "了嗎,T音?

  • “I'm not sure.”


  • Not really.


  • Often in daily conversation in fast English, the T at the end of words is cut off, so your

    經常在日常對話中用快速英語。 詞尾的T被切掉了,所以你的

  • tongue is gonna be at the top of your mouth, almost going to make the “t” sound, but

    舌頭會在你的嘴上。 幾乎要發出 "t "的聲音,但。

  • there's no air that comes out.


  • So let's practice saying this, especially with that T stopped at the top of your mouth.

    所以我們要練習說這個,特別是 用那個T停在你的嘴上。

  • Can you do it with me?


  • “I'm not sure.


  • I'm not sure.


  • I'm not, not, not.”


  • All right, let's focus on that last word, “sure, sure, sure”.

    好吧,讓我們專注於最後一個詞。 "肯定,肯定,肯定"。

  • Do you see my lips here, can you say it with me?

    你看到我的嘴脣在這裡,你能說出來嗎? 我?

  • Sure, sure.”


  • Can we say this all together?


  • “I'm not sure.


  • I'm not sure.


  • I'm not sure.”


  • Okay, I'm gonna pause and now it's your turn.


  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the fourth sentence.


  • The fourth sentence, as I just mentioned is, “I don't know, I don't know.”

    第四句話,我剛才提到的是。 "我不知道,我不知道。"

  • And there are a lot of different ways you can pronounce this, so let's start with maybe

    有很多不同的方式,你 會念這個,所以我們先從可能的

  • the most clear and then working down to the least clear.

    最清晰的,然後向下工作到 最不清楚。

  • Let's start with “I don' know, I don' know.”

    從 "我不知道,我不知道 "開始吧。

  • Do you notice that that “t” in the contractiondon't” is similar tonotin the

    你有沒有注意到,在收縮詞中的 "t"。 "不要 "類似於 "不 "中的 "不"。

  • previous sentence?


  • That T, your tongue is at the top of your mouth, but you're not letting the air come

    那個T,你的舌頭就在你的頂上 嘴裡,但你沒有讓空氣進入。

  • out to finish “t”, that “t” sound.

    出完成 "t",那個 "t "音。

  • So it's gonna sound like, “I don', don' know.”

    所以這聽起來會像 "我不,不"。 知道。"

  • If you can see inside my mouth at the moment, you'll see that my tongue is stopped up there,

    如果你能看到我此刻的嘴裡。 你會看到,我的舌頭停在那裡。

  • don', don'” but I'm not sayingdon't.

    "不要","不要",但我沒有說 "不要"。

  • I don't know.”


  • Usually that T in negative contractions is cut out.

    通常,負數收縮中的那個T是 切出。

  • If you'd like to see the natural pronunciation for 81 contractions, I made a video, you can

    如果你想看自然發音的話 對於81次宮縮,我做了一個視頻,你可以。

  • watch it up here.


  • I hope that will be useful to you.


  • But let's say this in the most clear way, “I don't know.”

    但我們用最明確的方式來說。 "我不知道。"

  • Can you imitate that with me?


  • “I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.”


  • Okay, let's go to the next one which is a little less clear.

    好了,讓我們去下一個這是一個。 有點不太清楚。

  • You could say, “I dunno.


  • I dunno.


  • I dunno.”


  • It kind of sounds like D-U-N-N-O, dunno.


  • “I dunno, I dunno.”


  • And you would use this in familiar situations, I don't recommend using this to your boss

    而且你會在熟悉的情況下使用這個。 我不建議你對你的老闆用這種方法。

  • or maybe in a work situation, just because it's really relaxed so you need to be in a

    或者在工作場合,只是因為 它是真正的放鬆,所以你需要在一個。

  • really relaxed environment.


  • But you could say, “I dunno.”


  • Do you know how many people are in your city?”

    "你知道你有多少人嗎? 城市?"

  • “I dunno.


  • I dunno.


  • I dunno.”


  • All right, there is a couple more ways that you can pronounce this, so let's go to another

    好了,還有幾種方法 你能讀懂這個,所以我們去另一個。

  • one that is even less clear.


  • Let's take that same pronunciation and cut out the D sound.

    讓我們用同樣的發音來切開 出D音。

  • “I 'unno, I 'unno, I 'unno.”


  • Can you say that slowly with me?


  • “I 'unno.”


  • It sounds weird when you're saying it slowly, but don't worry, when you say it quickly it's

    你慢慢說的時候,聽起來很奇怪。 不過不用擔心,說得快了就會被

  • perfectly natural.


  • “I 'unno, I 'unno, I 'unno.”


  • There's no D sound here, “I dunno”, like the previous two.

    這裡沒有D音,"我不知道",就像。 前兩個。

  • Instead, you're just cutting that out.


  • “I 'unno.”


  • Okay, let's go on to the last one, and it is the least clear, but native speakers will

    好了,讓我們繼續最後一個,它。 是最不清楚的,但母語人士會

  • definitely understand what you're saying.


  • In this final way to pronounce “I don't knowyou're really gonna be cutting out

    在這個最後的發音方式中,"I don't 知道 "你真的會被剪掉

  • all of the words, and you're just gonna be leaving some sounds and some intonation.

    所有的文字,你只是要去是 留下一些聲音和一些語氣。

  • So you're gonna say, “Uh uh uh, uh uh uh.”


  • It seems really strange to just say this by itself, but trust me, native speakers say

    這似乎真的很奇怪,只是說由 但相信我,母語人士會說

  • this a lot.


  • So I'm gonna say it slowly, and I want you to try to imitate my intonation, imagine that

    所以我要慢慢說,我想讓你。 試圖模仿我的語氣,想象一下

  • you're kind of riding this wave of intonation, and you're gonna say it exactly with me, and

    你是那種騎這種波 音調。 你要和我說的一模一樣,並且

  • then I'm gonna pause and we're gonna practice these clear and unclear pronunciations together.

    然後,我要暫停,我們要去練習 這些清晰和不清晰的發音一起。

  • All right, are you ready, can you imitate with me?

    好了,你準備好了,你能不能模仿一下? 和我一起?

  • Uh uh uh, uh uh uh, uh uh uh.”


  • Let's say someone asks you, “How long has Vanessa been teaching online?”

    比如說有人問你:"你有多長時間了? 瓦妮莎一直在網上教學?"

  • And if you respond with, “Uh uh uh,” it means that maybe you don't really care about

    如果你的回答是 "呃呃呃",它 意思是說,也許你並不真正關心。

  • the answer.


  • It's not something that's important to you.


  • If you said, “I don't know,” it really just means you don't have that information.

    如果你說,"我不知道",它真的是 只是意味著你沒有這些資訊。

  • But if you said, “Uh uh uhit's so relaxed that it means, “I don't really care.”

    但如果你說:"呃呃呃",那就太輕鬆了。 它的意思是,"我真的不關心。"

  • So you could use this in another situation that maybe isn't rude, make sure that you're

    所以你可以在另一種情況下使用這個 也許並不粗魯,確保你是

  • in a really casual, comfortable situation.


  • If someone asked you, “I'm trying to make this dish, do you know how many eggs I should

    如果有人問你:"我想做的是什麼? 這道菜,你知道我應該吃多少個雞蛋嗎?

  • put in?”


  • You could say, “Uh uh uh, maybe look it up?

    你可以說,"呃呃呃,也許看看吧。 漲?

  • Uh uh uh, uh uh uh, look it up!”


  • Because you're with your family or your friends, and it's something that's not so important.

    因為你和你的家人或朋友在一起。 而這是不太重要的事情。

  • But if someone asks you something really important, maybe something emotional or sentimental,

    但如果有人問你一些很重要的事情。 也許是一些情感上或感情上的東西。

  • or especially something for your work, that's really important, don't say, “Uh uh uh

    或特別是你工作上的東西,那就是 真的很重要,不要說 "呃呃呃"

  • because it's too relaxed.


  • So this is for really casual situations, and I'm certain that you're gonna hear this in

    所以,這是為真正的休閒情況,和 我敢肯定,你會聽到這個在

  • TV shows and movies.


  • So let's take a moment to try to pronounce “I don't knowin these casual, comfortable

    所以,讓我們花點時間來嘗試發音 "我不知道 "在這些隨意、舒適的。

  • ways.


  • I want you to choose which one you'd like to say.

    我想讓你選擇你喜歡的那一個 說。

  • “I don' know, I dunno, I 'unno, or uh uh uh.”

    "我不知道,我不知道,我'unno,或者呃呃 呃"

  • You can choose which one you'd like to imitate, I'm gonna pause and give you a moment to say

    你可以選擇你想模仿哪一個。 我要暫停一下,給你一點時間說

  • it yourself.


  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the next one.


  • Our fifth sentence is about the weather because it's really common, in almost every country

    我們的第五句是關於天氣的,因為 屢見不鮮

  • and every culture, to have small talk about the weather, and it's really true in the U.S.

    和每一種文化,閒談 天氣,在美國確實如此。

  • We have small talk about the weather all the time.

    我們一直在哈拉氣 時候。

  • When I was taking a walk the other day, my neighbor was sitting on his front porch and

    前幾天我散步的時候,我的... 鄰居坐在他的前廊上,

  • he said, “It's a hot one today, huh?”


  • And I said, “Yep, sure is.”


  • So let's practice this sentence together to talk about the weather.

    所以我們一起練習這句話,以 談天氣。

  • You can change the word forhotforcold”, “rainy”, “snowy”, whatever

    你可以把 "熱 "字改成 "熱 "字。 "寒來暑往

  • you'd like.


  • But let's practice withhotandcoldbecause those are the most common.

    但我們還是用 "熱 "和 "冷 "來練習吧。 因為這些是最常見的。

  • So let's say this sentence together: “It's a hot one today.

    所以我們一起說這句話。"它是 今天是個熱點

  • It's a hot one today.


  • It's a hot one today.”


  • Or, “It's a cold one today, it's a cold one today.”

    或者說 "今天好冷,好冷啊"。 一個今天。"

  • What doesonemean, why are we sayingonehere?

    "一 "是什麼意思,為什麼我們說 這裡的 "一"?

  • Well, it just meansday”.

    嗯,它只是意味著 "日"。

  • It's a hot day today.”


  • But we use this in daily conversation a lot, so I wanted to make sure that you were familiar

    但我們在日常對話中經常使用這個。 所以我想確定你是否熟悉這個問題

  • with this sentence.


  • And you can use this when you're talking about the weather to sound more like a native speaker.

    你可以用這個方法來討論一下 天氣,聽起來更像一個母語者。

  • So let's slow it down and practice that pronunciation word by word.

    所以,讓我們放慢腳步,練習一下發音吧 逐字逐句。

  • It's a hot one today.”


  • Did you notice something about the wordhot”?

    你有沒有注意到 "熱 "字的一些情況?

  • What happened to that final letter?


  • Well, we have a theme here, it's gone.


  • Your tongue is at the top of your mouth, you're going to sayhot”, but instead of letting

    你的舌頭在你的嘴上,你是... ... 要說 "熱",但不是讓。

  • the air through your tongue just sticks there.


  • So let's say it together and make sure that you say the wordhotcorrectly.

    所以,我們一起說說,並確保 你把 "熱 "字說對了。

  • It's a hot one today.


  • T'day, t'day.”


  • Do you notice what's happening with this final word?

    你注意到這最後一幕發生了什麼嗎? 字?

  • It's T-O-D-A-Y, but do you heartoday, today”?

    是T-O-D-A-Y,但你聽到 "今。 今天"?

  • You might hear this in maybe an audio that goes with your textbook, “Today is a lovely

    你可能會聽到這也許是一個音頻, 與你的課本,"今天是一個可愛的。

  • day.”


  • But in daily conversation we hardly ever pronounce this full word, instead you're gonna cut out

    但在日常對話中,我們幾乎不念 這個完整的詞,而不是你要去刪除。

  • that O sound and just say “t'day, t'day”.

    那個O音,就說 "t'day,t'day"。

  • Just make that T sound, “t'day, t'day, t'day, t'day.”

    只要把那個T音發成 "t'day,t'day,t'day "就可以了。 T'day."

  • Can you say that final word with me?


  • “T'day, t'day, t'day.”


  • Okay, let's say this full sentence together, and I hope that you can use it in your daily

    好,我們一起說說這個完整的句子。 並希望你能在日常的生活中使用它

  • conversations when you're having some small talk about the weather.

    談話時,你有一些小 談天氣。

  • It's a hot one today.


  • It's a hot one today.


  • It's a hot one today.”


  • All right, you turn.


  • Go ahead, I want you to say it yourself out loud.

    說吧,我要你自己說出來。 大聲。

  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the next one.


  • The sixth most important or most-used sentence in English, according to me, isYou gotta

    第六個最重要或使用最多的句子 在英語中,根據我的說法,是 "You gotta...

  • try it!


  • You gotta try it!”


  • This is something that is commonly used when someone is suggesting something, or maybe

    這是常用的東西,當 有人在暗示什麼,或者說

  • they're telling you about a new restaurant, or a new drink, or some experience that they've

    他們告訴你一個新的餐廳。 或一種新的飲料,或一些經驗,他們已經。

  • had and they want you to also do it.


  • They might say, “Oh, you gotta try it, you gotta try it.”

    他們可能會說:"哦,你得試試,你。 得試試。"

  • And this wordgottais really common in daily conversation, but it's a reduction

    而這個 "得 "字真的很常見 在日常對話中,但這是一個減少

  • of a couple other verbs.


  • So the full sentence could be, “You have got to try it.”

    所以全句可以是:"你有 得試試。"

  • Buthave got tois reduced togotta”, in fact I have a full pronunciation lesson

    但 "不得不 "淪為 "必須"。 事實上,我有一個完整的發音課程。

  • for this word, “gotta, have to, wanna,” all of these kind of reductions, you can check

    對於這個詞,"必須,不得不,想要," 所有這些類型的減少,你可以檢查

  • out the link up here to get some more detailed pronunciation for that word, and also how

    出這裡的鏈接,以獲得一些更詳細的。 該詞的發音,以及怎樣

  • to use it.


  • But let's talk about this sentenceYou gotta try it.”

    但是,我們來談談這句話 "你"。 得試試。"

  • You godda, godda,” do you notice that the middle of this word doesn't sound like

    "你神達,神達",你注意到了嗎? 這個詞的中間音不象是

  • gotta, gotta,” with a T?


  • Instead, it sounds like a D.


  • This is gonna be similar to the word we talked about earlier, “priddy, priddy good”.

    這將是類似於我們說的那個詞。 關於之前的 "傲嬌,傲嬌的好"。

  • Do you remember that from number one?


  • Priddy good, priddy good.”


  • Here it's gonna sound likegodda, godda, godda”, just add a D in the middle, especially

    在這裡,它會聽起來像 "Godda,Godda"。 godda",中間加個D就可以了,特別是。

  • if you wanna sound like an American English speaker.

    如果你想聽起來像一個美國英語 發言人:

  • That's what we do, we add D's in the middle of words all the time.

    我們就是這樣做的,我們在中間加D的。 的話一直。

  • So try to say those first two words with me.


  • You godda, you godda, you godda.”


  • All right, let's say this full sentence.


  • You gotta try it, you gotta try it.”


  • Do you hearitwith that T pronounced at the end?

    你聽到 "它 "的發音是T嗎? 在最後?

  • Well, now you are an expert at T's at the end of sentences, and you know that that T

    好了,現在你是一個專家在T的在。 句末,你知道,T

  • is cut short.


  • So let's try to say that together.


  • Gotta try i', i'.”


  • You can see my tongue at the top of my mouth is just stopped there, there's no air coming

    你可以看到我的舌頭在我的嘴上邊。 就停在那裡,沒有空氣進入。

  • out.


  • So let's say that whole sentence together, and remember to saygoddaand “i',

    所以,我們一起來說說這整句話。 記得說 "godda "和 "i"。

  • i', i'”.


  • Are you ready?


  • You gotta try it.


  • You gotta try it.


  • You gotta try it.”


  • All right, it's your turn, go ahead.


  • Excellent work, let's go on to the next one.


  • The seventh most common, most important, most useful expression, according to me, isThanks!

    第七個最常見、最重要、最。 在我看來,有用的表達是 "謝謝!"。

  • I appreciate it.


  • Thanks!


  • I appreciate it.”


  • There's a couple different ways to pronounce this, whether it's clear or a little bit less

    有幾種不同的發音方式。 這一點,不管是清楚還是有點不清楚

  • clear, but let's start with the first word.


  • Thanks, thanks.”


  • Make sure that when you say the TH your tongue is between your teeth, and you're also feeling

    確保當你說TH的時候,你的舌頭... 是你的牙齒之間,你也感覺到

  • a little stream of air coming out.


  • Thanks, thanks, thanks.”


  • We use this word all the time, and you can use it by itself, but if you wanna really

    我們經常使用這個詞,你可以 單獨使用它,但如果你想真正的

  • show your appreciation you can add another sentence, “Thanks!

    為了表示感謝,你可以再加一個 句:"謝謝!

  • I appreciate it.


  • I appreciate it.”


  • Let's focus on that second part quickly.


  • “I appreciate, a-prish-e-a'e.”


  • Can you say that word with me?


  • “A-prish-e-a'e, appreciate.”


  • Am I sayingappreciate”?

    我說的是 "欣賞 "嗎?

  • Nope, here the T's cut out again.


  • “I appreciate i', i'.”


  • Oh another T is gone, all those T's are gone having a vacation, having a good time together,

    哦,又一個T不見了,那些T都不見了 有一個假期,有一個良好的時間在一起。

  • they're not in this sentence.


  • So make sure that there's not air coming out of your mouth finishing that T sound.

    所以,要確保沒有空氣流出。 的嘴裡完成那個T音。

  • “I a-prish-e-a'e i'.

    "I a-prish-e-a'e i'.

  • I appreciate it.”


  • This is the most clear way, “I appreciate it,” because you're saying the first part

    這是最明確的方式,"我很欣賞。 因為你說的是第一部分。

  • of that word, “a-preciate it, appreciate it.”

    該詞的 "欣賞,欣賞......"。 它。"

  • Can we say this full part together clearly before we go on to the relaxed one?

    我們能不能一起把這個完整的部分說清楚 在我們繼續進行輕鬆的?

  • Thanks!


  • I appreciate it.


  • Thanks!


  • I appreciate it.”


  • I hope you can repeat with me, really quick, “Thanks!

    我希望你能跟我重複一遍,真的很快。 "謝謝!

  • I appreciate it.”


  • All right, let's go on to the relaxed version.


  • Let's imagine that someone does something pretty simple, like open the door for you.

    讓我們想象一下,有人做了一件 很簡單,就像為你開門。

  • You're carrying a lot of groceries and someone in front of you decides to be kind and holds

    你拿著一大堆雜貨,而有人... 在你面前的決定是好心,並持有

  • the door open for you.


  • You can say, “Thanks!


  • 'Preciate it.


  • 'Prish-e-a'e it.”


  • What happened to “I a-ppreciate it”?

    "我很感激 "怎麼了?

  • Well, those parts of the sentence are just gone, so you're gonna just start with the

    好吧,這句話的這些部分只是 消失了,所以你要去只是開始與。

  • P sound.


  • Prish-e-a'e, prish-e-a'e it.”

    "Prish -e -a'e,prish -e -a'e它。"

  • So you can say this altogether, try to imitate it with me.

    所以,你可以說這完全是,嘗試著去模仿 它與我。

  • Thanks!


  • 'Preciate it.


  • Prish-e-a'e i'.”

    Prish -e -a'e i'。"

  • Let's say it together.


  • Thanks!


  • 'Preciate it.


  • Thanks!


  • 'Preciate it.”


  • All right, I wanna pause and I wanna let you try to say this all together.

    好吧,我想暫停,我想讓你 試著把這些都說出來。

  • Try to say it in that relaxed way, “Thanks!


  • 'Preciate it.”


  • Go ahead.


  • Excellent work, let's go on to the next one.


  • The eighth sentence is a response toThanks!

    第八句是對 "謝謝!"的迴應。

  • I appreciate it.”


  • If you are the one holding the door for someone else, and someone says to you, “Oh thanks,

    如果你是那個為別人開門的人 別人,有人對你說:"哦,謝謝。

  • appreciate it.”


  • What can you say in return?


  • You don't wanna just stand there and goMmmmm”, it's a little bit awkward.

    你不想只是站在那裡,然後 "嗯"。 這是一個有點尷尬。

  • So one of the most common sentences that you could say isNo problem, no problem, no

    所以,你最常見的一句話是 可以說是 "沒問題,沒問題,沒問題"。

  • problem.”


  • You could sayYou're welcome”, but it's a little bit strong maybe for this simple

    你可以說 "不客氣",但這是。 對於這個簡單的問題,也許有點強

  • act of kindness.


  • If you dropped your groceries and someone helped you to pick them up, you could say

    如果你掉了你的雜貨,有人 幫你把它們撿起來,你可以說

  • Oh thanks so much, I appreciate it.”


  • You're welcome.”


  • That's fine because it's a little bit more effort.

    這很好,因為它是一個有點更 努力。

  • But one of the most common things to say isNo problem, no problem.”

    但其中最常說的是 "沒問題,沒問題。"

  • So let's break this down.


  • No problem, problem, problem.”


  • Let's focus on the middle of that word, “problem, problem”.

    我們來關注一下這個詞中間的 "問題"。 問題"。

  • Here your lips are just kind of smacking together a little bit, “blem, blem, blem”.

    你的嘴脣在這裡就像在拍打在一起一樣 一點點,"疵、疵、疵"。

  • That B and L together is the focus of this word, you wanna make sure that you're pronouncing

    那B和L在一起就是本篇的重點。 詞,你要確保你的發音是

  • it correctly.


  • So let's practice the wordproblem, blem, blem”.

    那麼我們就來練習一下 "問題,blem "這個詞。 疵"。

  • It looks a little bit funny, but don't worry about it, I hope that you're on the train

    看上去有點滑稽,但不用擔心。 關於它,我希望你在火車上

  • right now and everyone around you is thinking, “Why is that guy saying 'problem, problem,

    此時此刻,你身邊的人都在想。 "那個傢伙為什麼說'問題,問題。

  • problem'?”


  • You are improving your English, so who cares what they think?

    你的英語進步了,誰管你呢? 他們是怎麼想的?

  • Let's say this together.


  • No problem, blem, blem, no problem, no problem, no problem.”

    "沒問題,疵,疵,沒問題,沒。 問題,沒有問題。"

  • All right, I'm gonna pause and I want you to say it by yourself.

    好吧,我要暫停,我想你 自己去說。

  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the next one.


  • The ninth and the 10th expression are common ways to say goodbye.

    第九和第十種表達方式是常見的 告別的方式。

  • At the beginning of this lesson we started with number one, some common introductions,

    在這節課的開始,我們開始 與第一,一些常見的介紹。

  • some common ways to say hello, and then some common expressions used in conversation, and

    一些常見的打招呼方式,然後一些 常用語,以及

  • now we're finishing up the conversation, so you might saySee you later!

    現在,我們完成了談話,所以。 你可能會說:"再見!"。

  • See you later!”


  • This is the clearest way to say it, “See you later, see you later.”

    這是最明確的說法,"見"。 再見,再見。"

  • Let's practice this slowly and go word by word.

    讓我們慢慢練習,一個字一個字的去做 詞。

  • See.


  • You, you, lader, lader.”


  • Here we have another T that's changed to a D. You don't saylater, see you later.”

    在這裡,我們有另一個T,改成了一個 D.你不會說 "再見,再見"。

  • Americans would never say that.


  • So let's practice changing the T to a D. “See you lader, see you lader, see you lader, see

    所以,我們來練習把T改成D。"看 你拉德,看到你拉德,看到你拉德,看到。

  • you lader, lader, lader.”


  • I hope you can pronounce that with me.


  • Now let's go on to a little more relaxed and maybe a more common version, especially because

    現在讓我們繼續來點更輕鬆和。 也許是一個更常見的版本,特別是因為

  • see you lateris just a casual way to say goodbye, so you're most likely already

    "再見 "只是一種隨意的方式,以 辭別,所以你很可能已

  • gonna be in a familiar situation.


  • Let's changeyoutoya”.

    把 "你 "改成 "雅 "吧。

  • See ya later, see ya later.”


  • That final word is the same, “lader”, but the middle word, “youwhich is clearly

    最後一個字是一樣的,"拉德"。 但中間的 "你 "字,顯然是。

  • pronounced, changes toya”.

    讀音,改為 "雅"。

  • See ya later, see ya later.”


  • Can you say that with me?


  • See ya later, see ya later, see ya later, see ya later, see ya later.”

    "回頭見,回頭見,回頭見"。 回頭見,回頭見。"

  • Okay, I'm gonna pause and I want you to say this yourself.

    好吧,我要暫停一下,我想讓你說 這自己。

  • Go ahead.


  • Great work, let's go on to the final expression.


  • The 10th most common, most useful, most important expression isLet's go!

    最常見的、最有用的、最重要的第10個。 語氣是 "走吧

  • Let's go!


  • Let's go!”


  • Maybe someone asks youDo you wanna go?


  • Do you wanna go?”


  • One of our earlier sentences, and then you talk a little bit and you say, “Hey, let's

    我們之前的一個句子,然後你 聊了一會兒,你說,"嘿,讓我們的

  • go!


  • I wanna eat, let's go to that restaurant you mentioned.

    我想吃東西,我們去你那家餐廳吧。 提到的。

  • Let's go to the movies, let's go, let's go.”


  • So let's say this slowly together, I want you to imitate my voice, try to say it slowly

    所以我們一起慢慢說,我想。 你模仿我的聲音,慢慢說出來

  • and clearly with me, and then we'll speed it up.

    清楚地和我在一起,然後我們就會加速。 它了。

  • Let's go.


  • Let's go.”


  • When you say the T in the middle of the wordlet's”, your tongue is just tapping the

    當你在單詞中間說T的時候。 "讓我們",你的舌頭只是敲打著

  • top of your mouth.


  • Let's, let's” it's stopping up there and then going to the S sound.

    "讓我們,讓我們 "它停在了那裡 然後去S音。

  • Let's go, let's go.”


  • Can you say that with me?


  • Let's go, let's go, let's go.”


  • All right, I'm gonna pause and I want you to say it by yourself.

    好吧,我要暫停,我想你 自己去說。

  • Go ahead.


  • Excellent work, you used those pronunciation muscles, you imitated 10 valuable, important,

    優秀的作品,你用了那些發音 肌肉,你模仿了10個寶貴的、重要的。

  • common sentences in English.


  • I hope that you'll use these sentences again and again so that you can really sound like

    我希望你能再次使用這些句子 再來一次,這樣你就可以真正聽起來像

  • a native speaker and also pronounce them like a native speaker.

    母語的人,也會把它們念成 母語的人。

  • So now I have a question for you.


  • In the comments below, let me know what's the weather like in your city today.

    在下面的評論中,讓我知道什麼是 你所在城市今天的天氣如何?

  • You might say “I don't know”, or maybe you sayIt's a cold one today.

    你可能會說 "我不知道",也可能會說 你說:"今天天氣很冷。

  • It's a rainy one unfortunately, I have to wear a rain jacket and an umbrella and I'm

    不幸的是,這是一個雨天,我不得不 穿著雨衣打著雨傘就可以了

  • still getting wet.”


  • Let me know what the weather's like in your city today, and I'll see you again next Friday

    讓我知道你那裡的天氣如何? 今朝有酒今朝醉,下週五再相見。

  • for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel.


  • Bye.


  • The next step is to download my free e-book, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English

    下一步就是下載我的免費電子書。 成為自信英語的五個步驟

  • Speaker.


  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

    你會學到你需要做的事情來說話。 自信而流暢地。

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lesson.

    不要忘了訂閱我的YouTube頻道。 更多免費課程。

  • Thanks so much, bye.




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