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For thousands of years women around the world have suffered from what is called Cleopatra's
When you hear my name 'Cleopatra, Last Pharaoh of ancient Egypt', what comes to mind? Some
might say “beauty” “power” “a Love affair with Julius Caesar” “a love affair
with Mark Antony” “a mysterious death”…
Did you know that I spoke 9 languages fluently?After 300 years of Greeks controlling the Egyptian
thrown I was the only one to ever make the effort to learn the local language to earn
loyalty and love? I was a powerful strategist with a genius
mind running my country like a modern CEO? I controlled more money than all the Forbes
billionaires combined?
Most people don't. And the reason they don't is because the
victors MALE roman historians wrote my his-story.It was politically less dangerous to create the
image of me as a powerful sensual temptress -- than admitting my power and brilliance.
“Cleopatra's Curse” was born! Since then power for women was conceived as something
negative and dangerous for their reputation, femininity and life!
What does that all have to do with you my modern sisters?
I'm watching you… How can it be that women still make up less than 15% of top positions
in corporations and only 22% of all national parliamentarians world-wide?
Don't you ever wonder why -- despite the fact that you all are brilliant, highly educated
and committed – so many of you struggle to live your full potential in all areas of
life? Officially I might be dead for over 2000 years.
But my spirit lives on.I'm still ALIVE in the brain of all living women.
How that is possible? I let Sylvia, my German sister and Lady with the Brain, explain to
(Taking wig and neckless off) I grew up in Germany as a single child with
parents who loved me dearly. Like millions of Germans of their generation, they were
inside their adult bodies psychologically, still traumatized children from the second
World War.
I was a so-called “gifted child” and always the best in class through school. Whenever
I came home with the record card papers showing top-grades, my father would look down on it,
then up straight into my eyes with this sincere expression of worry – and sometimes even
panic. Then he would shake his head in pain, “Oh honey. You are way too intelligent.
You will never find a husband!”
Having learned from my mother that the most important job of every women is to find a
husband by the age of 25…. I felt doomed. Surely enough all my first admirers and later
lovers and 2 fiancées leaving me proved my father to be right.
In my early 30s, after TWO university degrees, I was a rising star in Germany inside the
new professional field of executive coaching. I worked in an established consulting company,
yet I was the only woman on the team. Interestingly the top-assignments started pouring in right
AFTER my wedding and I asked the CEO of that consulting-company: “Hey, why is that, that
suddenly since I wear this ring, I get all these assignments you refused to give me before?”
His answer: “When you were young, beautiful and single you were considered too much of
a threat for our top-executives clients. Now being married you are not any longer a threat
for them.”
Cleopatra's Curse in full swing!In my understanding her curse is a list of beliefs like:
“It's dangerous for a woman to be successful.” “When a woman stands up and speaks her truth,
she might get attacked or killed.” “When a woman makes more money than anyone
else in her company or advances her career with speed the only answer is 'she slept
her way to the top'.”
All these beliefs are strong and alive in so many people's brains today.
When a female executive designs her career plan or a business woman maps out her product
line she uses mainly her conscious mind. WHERE exactly IS that?
Raise your right hand like this and touch gently your forehead. What you sense behind
your skin, thin layer of flesh and the scull is your neo-cortex. The part of your brain
which is the youngest from an evolutionary perspective and also the youngest in your
individual development. It's finished developing at the end of your puberty around your 24th
birthday. You can put your hand down now.The neo-cortex makes decisions on conscious goals,
creates strategies and designs plans. It is able to distinguish incoming information and
choses what to believe or what to dismiss.
This decision-making neo-cortex is not fully developed when we are children! Raise your
hand again and touch the BACK of your head, above your neck, and gently feel what's
beneath your hand. This much bigger and older part of your brain is the seat of your SUBconscious
mind. This subconscious mind is like a sponge. It takes in EVERYTHING. It doesn't distinguish
between 'good for you information' or 'not good for you information.' Everything
you ever thought, ever felt, ever experienced, the environment you were born into, parents,
family, culture is deeply imprinted into your subconscious mind. Including the beliefs of
our collective sub-consciousness as women! Here is the place where Cleopatra is still
alive and strong!
How does all that show up in our life TODAY? A woman stands here in her current situation
and she feels her potential. She longs to have more impact. More money. A bigger team.
A wider reach. She has conscious goals and dreams. So she lays out her conscious plans
and decides to move forward towards her dreams. But her ego, as part of her sub-conscious
mind, which is committed to her SAFETY, says: “NOOOOO!”
“Stay here.” “That's is dangerous!” “They might kill you!” “And if they
don't kill you -- you will lose your love.” I experienced that dynamic again and again:
for example my revenue after years of growth plateauing after getting married, or me asking
for lower coaching fees than competitors, or trusting other people's advice more than
my intuition losing a ton of money. The key here -- is to understand that our
ego -- and its our success sabotaging strategies -- is NOT our enemy! Our EGO is our strongest
partner inside our brain committed to our safety. Our ego got developed when we were
cute little girls without a mature neo-cortex to make appropriate decisions for us. The
intentions of our ego are always good. Just its strategies are completely outdated and
destructive! I repeat: Your ego is not your enemy. It is
your most powerful ally when you manage it correctly.
As an example, when a perfectly prepared, brilliant woman starts to sweat and stumbles
while speaking in public, it's her ego kicking in, trying to keep her safe!
In order to change that -- collectively we have to do what we are doing here today: talking
about it! Talking about these taboos. Meeting at a public leadership conference and acknowledging
honestly our intimate and most private fears. Because they are not only Cleopatra's Curse,
they got reinforced by 300 years of witch-hunts in Europe where hundreds of thousands of women
lost their lives!
These women were not cutesy little naïve girls. No, they were the business women, the
widows and the wise medicine women and shamans! They were often wealthy and financially independent.
They were intelligent. They traded. They taught. They healed others.
Can you imagine how 300 years of thousands of women being tortured and killed leaves
an imprint on our female collective subconscious mind? (This might be one of the sentences
I forgot. Need to re-listen to my own SUE-Talk. I have a bad audio-file on my Iphone.)
Generations of generations of mothers and fathers in Europe told their daughters:
“Psst, don't tell them that you can read and write.”
“Hide! Make yourself small! Hide!” “Be seen as pleasant to look at but not
heard as intelligent.”
We all are good daughters. With the help of our ego we make sure to stay safe which means
inside our old comfort-zones of role-plays, careers and life-style designs. My mother
78 – still suffers from WWII effects in the form of anxiety and depression attacks.
She never felt for just one moment in her life that she is fully in charge owning her
power. My passion to empower women is fueled by her pain about her wasted potential…
Are you ready to step into your power? Are you committed to live your full potential?
Are you ready to turn your ego into a powerful ally?
Ladies, please stand up now …..and put your hand on your heart. Repeat loud after me:
“I am powerful.” “I am powerful.” “It is safe for me to be powerful.” “It
is safe for me to be powerful.” “I am successful.” “I am successful.”
“It is safe for me to be successful.” “It is safe for me to be successful.”
Thank you. Be seated.
I invite you to repeat these 4 sentences every morning in your bathroom while looking into
your own eyes in a mirror for 90 days -- and before any challenging meeting where you want
to show up as a powerful leader.
When your ego starts believing that you are safe, it turns all the energy it invested
to keep you small into the energy INSTEAD to move you towards your goals and dreams!
Please share these statements with as many women as possible, so that TOGETHER we collectively
rewire our brains, break Cleopatra's Curse and enjoy being SUE - Successful Unstoppable
and Empowered! Thank you.