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One of the greatest questionnaires in the history of 20th-century psychology had a modest start in the pages of a local Colorado newspaper The Rocky Mountain News in July 1985.
西元 1985 年 7 月,科羅拉多當地的一間報社「落磯山新聞」報導了 20 世紀心理學史上最偉大的問卷調查之一。
The work of two University of Denver psychologists Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver, the questionnaire
這個成果來自兩位丹佛大學的教授 Cindy‧Hazan 與 Phillip‧Shaver,
asked readers to identify which of three statements most closely reflected who they were in love.
To hugely improve our chances of thriving in relationships,
we should dare to take the same test:
A: I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't worry about being
abandoned or about someone getting too close to me. B: I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like.
I often worry that my partner doesn't really love me or won't want to stay with me.
I want to get very close to my partner, and this sometimes scares people away.
C: I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely,
difficult to allow myself to depend on them.
I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, others want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being.
Behind the scenes, the options refer to the three main styles of relating to others,
first identified by the English psychologist John Bowlby, the inventor of Attachment Theory in the 1950s and 60s.
最早辨別出這些類型的是一位英國心理學家 John‧Bowlby,他在西元 1950 到 1960 年代時提出依附理論
Option A signals what is known as a secure pattern of attachment,
選項 A 代表安全型依附,
whereby love and trust come easily. Option B refers what is known as the anxious pattern of attachment, where one
因此很容易信任、愛上他人。選項 B 代表焦慮型依附,
longs to be intimate with others but is continuously scared of letdown
and often precipitates crises in relationships through counter-productively aggressive behaviour. Option C is what known as
並經常做出適得其反地侵略行為使關係陷入危機。選項 C 代表
the avoidant pattern of attachment, where it feels much easier to avoid the dangers of intimacy through solitary activities and emotional withdrawal.
Questionnaires in newspapers are rarely of much use but Hazan's and Shaver's is the momentous exception.
報紙上的問卷調查很少是有用的,但 Hazan 跟 Shaver 的問卷調查是很重要的例外
If there is one thing we should do to improve our relationships, it is to know which of the three categories we predominantly belong to – A, B, or C –
如果我們應該做一件事來改善關係,就是要知道我們主要屬於三個類型中的哪一個 — A、B 或 C —
and to deploy the knowledge in love so as to warn ourselves and others of the traps we might fall into.
We then need a little training because half of us at least are not secure in love; we belong in the camps of either the avoidant
or the anxious, and we have – to complicate matters – an above average propensity to
fall in love with someone from the other damaged side, thereby aggravating our insecurities
and defences in the process. Here is a brief list of what avoidants and anxious types should keep in mind in their relationships:
IF YOU ARE AN AVOIDANT WITH SOMEONE ANXIOUSLY ATTACHED. Well, recognise the extent to which you check out
emotionally when things are intense, particularly when there is an offer of closeness.
Recognise how you will tend to prefer sex and closeness with strangers and how nervous you will be around cuddles and kissing.
You probably don't want to keep the light on either. Watch how you sabotage long-term intimacy.
Have compassion that you are afraid of what you really want.
Think back to how in your past, closeness would have been frightening because people let you
down, and observe how you adopted a strategy of removal to protect yourself. You are hurt,
not bad. Remind yourself that the present is different from the past and that you are
ruining the present by bringing to it fear-laden dynamics that don't actually belong there.
It may feel like your partner is being aggressive and ill-tempered with you for no reason;
they are at heart upset and unable to express their needs in any other way. They want you;
and that is why they are behaving as they are. Look beneath their nagging and their accusations
and believe in their underlying goodwill. When they attack you, see their longing for love.
Do that very frightening thing: extend reassurance. And explain, calmly, the appeal of the cave.
IF YOU ARE AN ANXIOUS PERSON WITH AN AVOIDANT PARTNER. Here are some other things to bear in mind.
Things are not necessarily as bad as they seem. The other person's quiet might just be quiet, not a lack of love.
Their distance isn't necessarily meanness, it might be their way of maintaining equilibrium. On the other hand, you are not demented or 'needy'
to want more; but your way of dealing with what you legitimately need is aggravating things hugely.
You are be triggering your partner by asking for intimacy too directly and also
(probably) with too much anger. Realise that you need to tread lightly, and to be a little
同時也 (有可能) 帶有太多怒意。要明白你需要小心翼翼地,並在要求親密感時
distant in requesting closeness. The partner isn't mean or freakish; merely damaged – as are you.
保持一點距離。你的伴侶並非惡劣或怪異地;只不過是受了傷 — 就跟你一樣。
And that's very normal. A full 40% of the population are in your positions.
那是非常正常的。世上 40% 的人口都跟你有相同處境。
Knowing whether we can be classed as secure, avoidant or anxious in love should be a basic fact we grasp about ourselves.
The next step is to accept with grace that if we are either
avoidant or anxious, we will need considerable emotional schooling to get out of scratchy
patterns and stand a chance of building up a good enough relationship.
Our Relationships Book calmly guides us with calm and charm through the key issues of relationships.
To ensure that success in love need not be a matter of good luck. For more click the link now.