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  • Hi good morning everybody

  • So this talk is indeed called how to create a vegan world and that's the title of my book

  • "How to create a vegan world"

  • and It's been called a book that everyone should avoid

  • by the vegan police and this is an actual quote

  • I didn't invent this.

  • This is actually somebody calling himself the vegan police.

  • But what I want to show with this is that, I'm sometimes

  • a bit of a devil's advocate within the movement

  • and some people would just simply say I'm the devil.

  • But so before I give some of my

  • perceptions about the vegan movement and what we can do better,

  • let me just say

  • very simply that I think that vegans of course are awesome. I was ...

  • Yeah

  • Yeah, and in United States where I just was at the conference, we would say like give yourself a big round of applause

  • We're not gonna do that here

  • So umm... vegans are awesome

  • Why? because you have to deal with a lot of shit, you are

  • swimming against the stream, you're doing a thing that's really awesome

  • That's really great that has so many benefits for so many things and you're doing it in spite of the fact that

  • 97% of the people or something is against you and is criticizing you and ridiculing you so that's why it's really

  • recommendable to be vegan of course.

  • So that being said, let me explain some things about what we could do better. In my book,

  • I used a metaphor I use a metaphor of the track to vegan ville

  • A hike to vegan ville, vegan ville is the village where we want everybody to live, we want

  • everybody to live in that village to be vegan, a vegan world right

  • and

  • I have

  • Subdivided the book in different part different chapters. It's about the first one is about getting your bearings

  • Where are we... the second one is about the call to action? What are we ideally going to ask people to do?

  • Third one is about motivations. What are the arguments we're going to use?

  • Then the environment is about like how do we create an environment? That's facilitating people's ...

  • evolution

  • Then I have a big chapter on communication

  • How do we communicate best with people like in an engaging way...

  • That like really motivates and stimulates them, and then finally there's a chapter on sustainability about how to keep on doing what we're doing

  • Both as vegans and as activists,

  • but today

  • I'm going to talk about another metaphor, and I'm going to use the metaphor of ingredients, and I'm going to talk about

  • four ingredients that we need

  • for a vegan world, four things that we need more of in our movement

  • And you can think more than four, of more than four things, but I'm going to just discuss these ones

  • open-mindedness

  • empathy

  • rationality

  • and positivity

  • Those are the four ingredients that I see that we can use some more of.

  • So let's start with open-mindedness

  • if you like me you were

  • for a certain part of your life you were in a certain box

  • We could call it the box of "Carnism"

  • It's an ideological box, and it made you think that like Melanie joy says meat-eating is normal, natural, necessary,

  • you were just inside your safe box, and you were okay there

  • But then all of a sudden,

  • you get a bit... (you see the box move) get a bit restless inside the box

  • and then the light goes on the box opens and you jump out

  • as a vegan.

  • Right? and you start talking about all these things, and you start realizing all these things, these..

  • What.. what.. meat eating or animal products consumption is connected to..

  • environment, health, and so on.

  • and then what happened to me, is that I found that I was

  • all of a sudden

  • finding myself

  • To a certain extent, in another box.

  • In the box of veganism

  • and I was

  • Noticing with myself that I wasn't listening very much

  • anymore to others to non vegans and I was thinking I had found the truth.

  • and I was just repeating the same things all the time.

  • So I was saying things like veganism is this! And you're not vegan if you do that! and

  • vegans are that!.. like all kinds of things that were given to me that were like..

  • that I wasn't questioning anymore. So for instance this cartoon illustrates very well like if there's so I'm mostly vegan

  • But and the other person here says there's no you're not vegan if there's a bot

  • Right so there was no questioning anymore, and I I agreed with this and I don't think today

  • That's a good thing and I was always also going back like I see many people do going back to the definition of veganism

  • This guy Donald Watson invented veganism so many years ago

  • And we go back to his definition and his and that's that's a bit like a religion like going back to the original

  • scripture and and

  • I found myself doing that again and again, and here is a good test like to see to check your open-mindedness

  • This is an article actually. I thought it was a pretty good article. Why vegetarians or vegans should be prepared to bend their own rules

  • How do you feel about reading this title

  • are you motivated to read this article or are you saying like?

  • I'm gonna not gonna read that shit

  • You know, that's how you can test your own

  • open-mindedness. Or can you imagine that maybe it's a little bit more complicated than this maybe this serves for purposes of external communication

  • but when we think about it it may be a little bit more complicated so what I want to say is um..

  • You can be liberated from the carnist box

  • But you can end up in another box and just let me be clear if you're in a box

  • It's much better to be in this box than this box

  • Okay, but still it's better to be not inside any box at all and the way I put it sometimes is being vegan

  • means giving up animal products, it doesn't mean giving up thinking

  • So beware of dogma what's wrong.. Dogma is like not questioning things anymore

  • Taking things for granted and what's the problem with Dogma is that Dogma doesn't allow ourselves to improve.

  • Okay, and we have to constantly improve because there's so much work to do and we have to get ever better at it, okay, so

  • Open-mindedness these things can help you like think about questions like have I thought about this thoroughly?

  • Have I really thought about this or am I just?

  • Repeating something that I've heard all the time

  • Think about what information you might be missing. Think about what your own biases are when you talk to people etc and

  • I

  • See it like this practice slow opinion slow opinion is about being slow in forming an opinion

  • Not like on Facebook like right away saying like it's like this, and I think like this

  • I think this or that no just take a break and think

  • Like maybe I haven't thought this to me by need to think about this a little longer

  • And you say like for now I have no opinion or this is my preliminary opinion and it may change later

  • Okay, that's how you I think practice open-mindedness

  • The second one is empathy and

  • We are, as vegans, we are typically very good at empathy. This is Anita Krajnc

  • I never know how to pronounce the name. The woman who started the safe movement in the Toronto

  • And she's feeding. She's watering a pig here. I think it's a very nice symbol or icon of empathy and

  • Like I said we um.. opps..

  • Yeah, we're very good at empathy

  • especially for these pigs and these cows and these um..

  • Chickens but

  • We're not so good as empathy for meat-eaters or

  • for hunters or

  • for bull-fighters

  • you know

  • so

  • You could say

  • Really, do you need, do we really need empathy for these people? No? like seriously?

  • So I take Gary Yourofsky here as an example of somebody who's like really in your face, and who doesn't really

  • Take reactions of the people he's talking to that much into account. He just says it like straight like it is and

  • and um..

  • There's this. I mean on the opposite side of Gary Yourofsky you have something somebody like Thích Nhất Hạnh

  • Do you know him? He's like a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, and he's vegan, and he's spreading veganism

  • He's almost.. he's.. he won't be with us very long. He's he's very sick

  • He's a wonderful person. He's very compassionate. He's like a monk

  • He's like very zen, and he won't like scream in your face etc

  • I'm not saying either one of these approaches is the right approach. I'm saying like for myself

  • I'd choose usually a more soft a more calmer approach

  • And I think it is actually applicable and appropriate or useful in almost any situation

  • and

  • I can imagine that there's people thinking here like oh, there's definitely some people we don't need empathy for

  • People who are really really not nice

  • Can you think of some people like that they were recently in the news?

  • These people right do we need empathy for them?

  • Well, I think it might be useful, and I just want to illustrate

  • With this guy this is Daryl Davis. He's a black guy and

  • He um.. he grew up outside of America and he came back

  • To America when he was 10 and he had no experience with racism whatsoever and he was walking into a March

  • And he was the only black kid and all of a sudden people were throwing things at him. It wasn't a 1960s or 70s

  • throwing cans and bottles and bricks at him and

  • He just didn't understand. He said what is this about and?

  • He found out about racism

  • and he wondered like how can these people hate me if they don't even know me and

  • What he did was he went to Ku Klux Klan people and he befriended them

  • and he spoke to them and he listened to them and

  • He was open to them and he showed empathy towards them and the result was that he was able to get 200 people

  • Outside of the Ku Klux Klan he got them to give them their capes their robes to them to him and they left the Klan

  • So empathy worked for him

  • He's actually, this is a documentary about him on Netflix if you want to see that

  • So I think empathy or compassion and listening is never out of place

  • So it's about having an open mind, listening to people asking questions. It's about building a relationship

  • I think this is one of the

  • Most important things we can do if we want to influence other people, is to build a relationship with them

  • It's not to accuse them not to guilt-trip them not to like show no empathy for them, but build a relationship

  • Trying to understand them

  • So to be more, some tips to be more empathetic

  • You can under, you can try to understand the situation we are in, so some people know this this quote from me

  • Why do most people eat meat? Most people eat meat because most people eat meat right so this is a situation

  • We're in a situation where we're doing what everybody else does and it's quite kind of

  • Understandable that people are doing the wrong thing when so many people are doing the wrong thing so that's that's a situation or a condition

  • we have to take into account and

  • You have to realize that to a certain extent you are special

  • This is the adoption of innovation curve or model and it divides people into

  • into different sections from innovators to

  • laggards. So for instance if you had a smartphone

  • 15 years ago already you were an early adopter or an innovator if you still don't have a smartphone. You're like on that end

  • Okay

  • And that's the way it is it's going to be with with vegans and with meat-eating with animal products consumption. You are the early

  • adopters and other people come later into the game and to a certain extent

  • We can say that you or we are the low-hanging fruit

  • The low-hanging fruit in the sense that it was easy to reach us

  • It was easy to reach us with these moral arguments. We heard about animal suffering and more or less rapidly we went vegan

  • With other people it's not like that. They need more than just moral arguments

  • So understand that you're not the same as other people

  • Secondly understand when you are dealing with people that you don't have all the information

  • I give you a very good trick to be more empathic and to be more calm like suppose

  • That this happens like somebody crosses you like like this guy on a motorbike like races past you on the highway

  • 160 kilometres an hour when that happens to me I go like ...erghhh

  • Because they're like very unsafe, and they're like yeah

  • I get very aggressive about that and the thing that helps me is to think like well

  • Maybe he's on his way to his mom in the hospital

  • Who is dying or something like that that like really immediately shifts my my attitude?

  • I had it on the way coming here actually and I

  • I have to remind myself of my own strategies, and I did it and it calmed me down of course

  • It's going to be more difficult when they pass you like this. Okay, so it doesn't always, it doesn't work for everything

  • and

  • thirdly remember that empathy works remember that guy Darrell Davis with the Ku Klux Klan if

  • You find it difficult to have empathy remember that it's also question of effectiveness of creating results for animals

  • Rationality is the third thing. So rational

  • There's a lot to be said about it one recent example of where we were not entirely rational or not entirely

  • evidence-based or scientific was apparently the movie "What The Health" which has

  • Dealt with a lot of criticism of people saying like well

  • This is not scientific, and this is exaggerated etc and kind of like to a certain extent it backfired

  • Even though a lot of people were convinced by the movie

  • But I would say one aspect one aspect of being rational is like not to exaggerate vegan claims

  • And I say like when you when you when you do that when you present

  • Veganism as the solution for everything in the world for every problem you do, you are a vegalomania

  • So so let's try to keep it real a lets tried to not exaggerate the claims for veganism

  • but the most important thing that I want to talk under the flag of

  • rationality is

  • Purity, and I wish there was a day. I wish a day would come when I don't have to address this aspect anymore

  • But it remains apparently so necessary, and this is the most controversial part of what I have to say so we have these

  • Questions and discussions all the time about who is vegan and what is vegan right and I want to suggest

  • This I want to suggest three things

  • I want to suggest that there are people who are a hundred or two hundred percent vegan, they they are there um..

  • I want to suggest that people who are 99 percent vegan, who make small exceptions like very small

  • Exceptions that it's okay that they call themselves vegan, and we shouldn't like question that I'll explain it in a minute

  • And I also choose that suggest that there is a thing like 95% vegans people who are ninety-five percent vegan

  • Let me explain these things so first of all vegan 100% vegan

  • It's not

  • Easy to see what a hundred percent vegan is

  • okay, there are by definition almost fuzzy borders like if you look at this scale here it goes from like big ingredients to

  • Micro ingredients like like things that you can't even see the question is how far are we?

  • Going there, and at what point is somebody vegan. Okay, so you could?

  • You could say that you're only vegan if you have

  • Studied by heart this little book with 300 pages of possibly non vegan ingredients, okay?

  • This is hard to do

  • I guess nobody is vegan, but somebody could learn the book by heart, and say I'm the true vegan okay

  • and so you can have a situation where for every vegan there's another vegan who is more vegan and

  • We can all tell each other you're not vegan and this person tells the other one you're not vegan etc

  • We can play that game at nauseam at infinitum, and it's not productive

  • It's not useful, so let's not do that let's not try to be a level 5 vegan ok

  • this is a distraction and

  • Also, you have to know that it's not always that

  • Impactful okay, so for instance, just a simple example these people are dumpster diving

  • And maybe they're getting some meat now and them from this dumpster

  • And they're eating it it has no impact whatsoever on the market on demand ok and the other way around being vegan

  • It's not enough either

  • I mean there's animal suffering and there's environmental problems even preferences with chocolate which is it can be a vegan product ok the vegan chocolate?

  • Still requires a lot of water and can have palm oil

  • Which causes animal suffering so don't think that as a vegan as a hundred and ten percent vegan? You're there. It's not true

  • ok

  • The second concept is that there is something like a 95 percent vegan

  • I don't think this is controversial

  • But I see all the time something like no doesn't exist you either are vegan or you are not it's like being pregnant

  • You are pregnant or you're not pregnant

  • There's nothing in between

  • I

  • Thought think that's a good way to look at things

  • I think a more useful way is to indeed say like there's something like a 95 or

  • 85 percent vegan just like the raw food people oh..the colour is a little bit off. I think that's from the raw food and

  • So

  • Raw food people they say these things all the time like you're a 9..

  • I'm a 99% raw you know and we could say that about being vegan too and of course

  • 40% vegan doesn't mean anything anymore, but likes let's say till 80 percent or something it is a useful concept, I think

  • So rather than seeing it like black and white in terms of being pregnant or not

  • Let's see it like maybe like a religion like in the sense that like these people they're religious Jews, and they're very religious

  • And they're following a lot of rules so they cannot on the Sabbath they cannot press an elevator because that's an action

  • And you can't do anything on the Sabbath so you have to get a special elevator

  • But but for instance jonathan safran for is also jewish, and he doesn't do these things

  • It's not so strict, but they're both jews

  • Right, so just just a matter of strictness. I think it's useful to see it like that

  • It's not to not see it as a binary thing okay, and the most controversial thing is

  • That I would suggest that people who make tiny exceptions. I mean very rarely that

  • If they call themselves a vegan we don't go out and say like well if you do that then you're not a vegan

  • You know I see that all the time

  • On the Internet if you do this than that you're not vegan. Veganism is the definition of this and that and etc?

  • So let me explain what I mean. For instance you're going to your grandmother

  • And she made cookies and there's agony in those cookies or whatever and you're a person

  • I don't do this personally and maybe you don't do this either, but there's vegans who say like yeah, just for my grandmother

  • I'm doing this once a year

  • did I go there and maybe you can imagine that this grandmother is like 99 years old and she will die the next year and

  • yeah, that's why you want to do it, and that's why you don't want to disappoint her or

  • Maybe there's a business meeting and you see that there's like

  • Impactful people around you and you know that if you're going to be very very strict

  • I'm not saying you should eat like like like like a slice of cheese or something

  • But some some maybe a tiny ingredient you you may have doubts about

  • Well that you don't make a scene and don't question if people do that

  • I think that's a good thing and I wouldn't push..push them out of the club for that okay

  • So let's look at this, let's go a little bit further. These are your meals in a year, that's

  • 1095 meals. Suppose that one of those meals is

  • Not vegan. You see the little dot there?

  • One of those meals is not vegan and that that means that there's still potatoes and vegetables and there's

  • maybe like a fish or whatever so one third of that meal is not vegan right so, that's

  • 0.03% of your meals is not vegan. Is that enough to say to a person, no, you're not vegan?

  • You don't belong to the club you cannot call yourself eat even though

  • They are so much more so much closer to being vegan than to anything else than two vegetarian or whatever

  • That will be silly I think right so

  • Of course there's just I understand that people have problems with this approach, so you could say for instance

  • What if we did this about people what if we said like yeah?

  • Well you can do a little bit wrong with people you can murder

  • Just one person one once a year or something well

  • That's not really comparable. Okay, so let me explain you what I'm not worried about here

  • And what I'm worried about so we may have different worries

  • I'm not worried about my mom

  • Forcing things into my throat like you know when she hears that I'm saying like well

  • These tiny exceptions is not too bad, and then my mom says to me like yeah

  • I heard you say that so this.. this cake has X in it, now you have to eat it. I just explained no mom

  • I don't do that. You know I can be still very clear about it, so I'm not not worried about them

  • I'm also not worried about confused waiters

  • You know people say like are we going to confuse the people in the restaurant

  • And they would not gonna know what to do etc

  • We can still explain it

  • And I think it's much more easy to explain what a vegan dish is than what a vegan is so I think?

  • Vegan as an adjective is much more useful, much less problematic than applying the word vegan to a person

  • When as a person, vegan is not so simple, when as a dish vegan,

  • It's much more simple. I'm not concerned about watering down veganism

  • I'm not concerned about veganism becoming something that it's not or that wasn't intended. It's in the end. It's not about veganism

  • It's not about the system. It's not about the definition or the ideology

  • it's about the animals that suffer or that don't suffer or that killed or not killed and I'm also not worried about the

  • 98% vegan world. You see my chicken my chicken

  • thing in there, so I

  • Mean some people say like we'll end up with with something close to but not quite vegan

  • But I mean if we get to

  • 98% that first of all that would be a wonderful thing and secondly if we get there the remaining 2% will take care of itself

  • Okay, I see so many people focusing and spending so much time on the final 1% while we're not doing the first 99%

  • What I am worried about is

  • alienating meat-eaters like by being

  • Extreme in all these things

  • and I'm not saying that veganism being vegan is extreme or that being a consistent vegan is extreme and

  • What I'm saying is that sometimes in our communication we can be extreme

  • I'm worried about alienating vegans something I see all the time on the web people

  • Shifting from one Facebook group to another because they can't stand the atmosphere in one Facebook group anymore

  • And they go to another that they hope is more open and more tolerant until that one becomes wrong too

  • And they have shift to another one have you come across that phenomenon online? so so..

  • This is a really bad phenomenon like that we that we constantly make our own group smaller and smaller

  • I'm worried about recidivism one of the reasons why people drop out is because they find it too difficult

  • okay, so we can make it as difficult as we want we can put the price of admission to our club as high as we want

  • but it's not good to put it like extremely high,

  • I'm worried about signaling like suppose that

  • You you think you're not a real vegan because you do this or that and then you're on

  • On a survey or something you say like well

  • I cannot take vegan I have to take vegetarian because this one time at my grandmother

  • I did this well

  • Then we're signalling that there's less of us

  • Than that there really are I think and that's not not a good thing for the economy for marketing etc, so

  • Let's not make a very small group even smaller

  • by being so strict about things let's not look, look at things as binary as black and white and

  • and here's three distinctions that I think are useful. First of all,

  • expectations you have

  • you can make a difference between the expectations from yourself and

  • expectations you have from other people. Be as strict as you want, maybe you don't have to expect the same thing from other people

  • Behavior can be different in private than in public you could be maybe as strict as you want in private and maybe

  • a little bit more lenient in public maybe for strategic purposes

  • Or you could do it the other way around you could like eat meat in your basement and be very strict outside

  • and

  • consistency

  • Make it make a distinction between consistency with rules and with the definition of veganism and with goals or results

  • this is something some of you may have seen before if you go to a certain city and you have to buy dinner for a

  • friend and you know in that one restaurant in that one in that city there's only two choices a

  • very bad vegan burger and a delicious vegetarian burger if

  • You're consistent with your rules

  • you will buy then, the very bad vegan burger

  • If you're consistent with results and with goals and with output and impact

  • I think you should buy then the vegetarian burger because they will say like oh my god. This is good

  • I can taste this again, and the other, they will say like oh my god this is dreadful

  • Okay, and the final one is positivity

  • Mainly my message is let's try to be more like dogs

  • Okay

  • Optimism is a moral duty. I believe in that it's a moral duty because optimism will get us

  • Further. It will be more sustainable for us. We will keep doing what we're doing if we have hope and

  • Of course we don't have to exaggerate it because we cannot be optimistic about everything and sometimes it would be dangerous like we don't have

  • to be naive about Donald here. I mean it's not not productive to say like oh everything will be all right, okay?

  • I think resisting. This is a good thing

  • Optimism or positivity also, you can do it towards other vegans first of all and there

  • It's it's very important, or it's important in general

  • To realize that you're not a mind-reader

  • To realize that you can never guess other people's intentions that you don't know why they're doing something

  • I see people

  • saying things like you're doing this because of this like people say about me like you're doing this because of money or so as if

  • I ever make money with activism or advocacy or you know

  • So so this kind of like trying to guess or trying to know what people's intentions or motivations are...

  • I don't think it's a very nice thing to do

  • We can also be more positive towards non vegans and that's very difficult if we see all this horrible suffering

  • It's hard to be positive, it's hard to be positive

  • Towards people like like a bullfighter

  • Something that helps me is one quote it may sound a little bit cheesy, but I like it

  • "Those who deserve love the least needed the most"

  • you understand that? so most of the time and some when we think that

  • a person has done something really bad

  • We take away all all the love and the support that we have we put them in prison

  • And they're probably the people who can use love and support the most so we have it backwards. I think

  • I think we have to remember that we are the first species and this is a wonderful thing

  • We are the first species to question our own diet

  • This is from a movie called La Belle Verte, and it's about aliens like who look like us from another planet

  • And they have missions, and they go to different

  • planets, to um...

  • to educate people and to

  • help them evolve and then the time comes when the

  • People there on that other planet ask that who is joining me to earth and everyone

  • Because earth is a very primitive planet and one of the people who comes down to earth and she has an influence on everybody she

  • touches and

  • There's one woman walking into a butchery and the alien woman she talks to her. She says like what is that?

  • What did you just buy, and the woman says like it's my meat. I just buy it to eat. What are you?

  • are you crazy and

  • A second later we see her sit down on the pavement and she looks at her meat like this she takes it out

  • And she looks and she's like and you see her wondering what am I doing?

  • That's what part of us are doing for the first time for the very first time and you have to see ourselves as we were

  • recently an ape

  • hanging around in trees

  • right and we were

  • Doing things all kind of horrible things. We're still doing horrible things, but today. We are

  • Modern beings we have technology since a couple of hundred years, and we have made a lot of progress

  • And you have to think about the next part that's coming, so much possibilities

  • For change for the good, change for the better, I think you have to believe in that

  • And if all else fails, and if you're still not positive

  • At night in front of your computer, and you're down with all the horrible things that people do

  • Then you can enter this in google pictures to restore your faith in humanity

  • and then you'll see pictures of

  • this guy

  • Giving water to koala and these guys

  • saving the goat from a stream or from the sea

  • or

  • These officers helping ducks across the street or

  • this person

  • helping cat

  • Person

  • helping another one's dog out of the water, and this one my favorite

  • a fireman handing a cat back to their person, and you see the cat doesn't care much

  • But but look at the woman

  • Look how look how

  • How happy she is to have that cat back look at the care and the love that you see on that face?

  • And I think that it's very important

  • I think I would like you to think about people like that about people people who care

  • About animals about cats, and I know it's not a pig or a chicken and I know very well that maybe that very night

  • She had chickens or pigs on her plate

  • but she cares about that cat she feels love for an animal and I think most of us most people are like that and

  • That's something to believe in and that's something we can work with

  • Thank you very much

  • 00:31:41,780 --> 00:31:45,000 I don't know if it's an for questions. Just saying, um.. if..if um..

  • You interested in my book. They have it at the buy back stand I'll be happy to sign a copy during the lunch hour

  • We have a lot of time for a question

  • Thank you for your talk. I agree with your

  • analyze of the use of the word vegan for

  • persons and I think also that we should use it for

  • Products or dishes and these are vegan products vegan dishes

  • but

  • I'm thinking we could even

  • Stop

  • definitely using the word vegan for

  • humans

  • Entirely like we can say it's just a boycott of animal products

  • and explain to people with whom we talk about animal rights that when they

  • Have to choose between a product between two products one is vegan the other one is not that they have the moral

  • duty to choose the vegan one

  • so in this way they will

  • understand that it's

  • it's a moral obligation to do it when we have a choice and

  • And even I think in the future

  • We could even step using the word vegan even for products because if we want a society

  • Where the lives and interests of animals are respected all products are entirely plant-based

  • So we don't need the label vegan on all products

  • These are just normal products so at the end we will even stop using the word vegan for our products

  • What do you think of it?

  • Yeah? Thanks for your comment?

  • Yeah, I agree to a high extent

  • And I think in the future could very well be that it becomes a default and we don't need a word and and some

  • Some it's like an India sometimes you see non-vegetarian on the restaurants, so it shows that that's not a default

  • So, but I think at this point the word vegan is a useful thing maybe even for persons

  • But I just wouldn't like make it so, make not the the price tag so high to be able to call yourself a vegan

  • I think it's useful because it's an easy way to define

  • What you do what you are what your expectations are of food, so I think it's it's handy the problem

  • Is that it comes with a lot of bad connotations and associations, and I think also we are too strict about it

  • I wouldn't mind I mean I see people saying all the time like if you do it for health reasons then you're not a vegan

  • And you're a plant-based diet eater or plant-based diet or whatever

  • I don't think that's that's a very useful thing

  • I don't mind when people who do it for health reasons call themselves vegan it makes our group bigger. We need that so

  • For convenience and for signaling, I think it's a useful term

  • I just think we need to like make sure that people associate it with

  • Positive things with good things with an enlargement of choice with nice people

  • That I think what's the most important at this point in time about the word

  • So thanks for the talk I have one question

  • You had like, as far as I understood correctly. You said that all the people here

  • like the low-hanging fruit and

  • There were the people

  • Like we had some. I don't know

  • predispositions or whatever

  • to adopt

  • This lifestyles ideology or whatever you want to call it because of some I don't know some

  • Predispositions or whatever and I'm just wondering, what led you to the conclusion that

  • like when some kind special and the other people aren't

  • Well, I mean you could almost say like the fact that we are here and the other people are not

  • Shows that there's a difference between us and the other people right? So what could that difference be?

  • Think one of the possibilities is that we are just more open

  • maybe to put

  • To put our beliefs into practice, maybe we're more disciplined. Maybe we're more empathic

  • Like there can be me

  • I mean there's also differences like maybe we were

  • born or raised in the right environment, or we met the right people or we read the right books

  • But I think there might very well be some personality differences

  • That are that are important

  • And it is important to take that into account it is important to take into account that the other people are not necessarily

  • like us and may in fact be very different from us

  • And and just taking that into into account makes you

  • Make sure that you won't try to use the same solution for everybody

  • It's like one size fits only one you know

  • So we have to be I think

  • Adaptive in our in how we approach people and we say like if I talk to you I can try to see like

  • How you are what are your interests? Are you interested environment etc?

  • Maybe you're not into food at all or maybe you are into food

  • I can I can play into that in order to like take you along on that journey right so

  • It's just an important realization to to know that we are different

  • It's also important to know that we have a lot in common with each other and that many people

  • Care like the woman with a cat care about animals, so that's also something that we need to to work with

  • 00:37:15,630 --> 00:37:21,290 I want to thank you for your point about rationality so as a scientist, I'm very much in favor of that

  • But given your last statement

  • Do you think there is a correlation between the early adopter thing and the fact that we're having a problem with rationality?

  • can you say it again? sorry,

  • so

  • the fact that there is a

  • Rationality problem do you think that might be due to the fact that we are early adopters?

  • I think you mean a rationality problem within our movement. I think it has to do

  • Yeah

  • It has to do with passion also with the fact that like we so believe in this thing and we are so

  • Convinced that we're right about it that sometimes

  • We get a little bit blinded

  • We get a little bit blind for some kind of arguments for being open to other people for listening to other things so it

  • That's what I mean with being in the vegan box it closes us off to a certain extent to

  • Hearing more to listening more to hearing about arguments to hearing science we have very much

  • We have a very big confirmation bias we want to hear things that confirm our own ideas

  • because we want to be

  • Successful and also we want to be right

  • We want to be confirmed like everybody else you want to be confirmed their own opinion

  • so I think there's a there's a lot of things and I think

  • rationality is basically challenged as soon as an ideology shows up and

  • Veganism is basically a kind of ideology even though. It's I think a very great and a good ideology, but it may prevent us from

  • hearing everything there is to hear and

  • Reading all the arguments or being open to all the arguments. That's why I emphasize

  • open-mindedness so much yeah

  • I just want to add a question what we can ask

  • carnism omnivores

  • How we can argue? How many percent we can argue and then they can think about it and maybe

  • Can easily join our club?

  • Yeah! That's the possibility or you can ask like like, are you doing something like do you have at least like

  • a vegan day or whatever or do you have vegan meals now and then, I'm not saying that everybody I mean

  • I'm not saying the vegan label can apply to everybody you know like if you eat meat

  • every month or something that is done still, but yeah

  • but but but I think like you say it's really important to give people the feeling that they can be part of us and

  • That we don't give them the feeling that like even seeing things like yeah, you're well on the way

  • But you're not there yet or something

  • I think this alienates a lot of people and that's what the label does basically the label is useful, but it's also damaging

  • There's one over there

  • Hi, Thank you for the speech

  • Unfortunately I can't agree with some of the things here that I just can't start and I don't know where to start

  • But I think I'm gonna start with something that in Russia was yesterday

  • starting her lecture with showing has a story about the cow and about the milk products and

  • I think um..

  • I understand what you mean

  • I understand the ideology of making it

  • sorry for saying it less more shallow for me because being vegan it's something very special and

  • When you score the point when you're looking at the milk products, and you don't see cheese. It's not exception

  • It's not exception for me to having a

  • I don't know, anything, a yogurt, a cow's milk. You know anything of it

  • It's not exception when you score the point and you see it

  • And you see that bleeding cow dying cow is not exception

  • It's not exception to saying somebody that yeah, you are if you can but

  • You know what you can have it you can have a whipped cream you can have something like this. For me. It's just

  • impossible

  • really, and the same ideology to having more people to

  • Do a lot of things to you know invite them to eat less and less and less

  • but

  • Honestly, and personally, I will never agree to say something

  • That kind of person that is vegan because it's not for me being vegan

  • It's not about food, and this is the thing that I don't agree with your lecture

  • okay?

  • So Yeah, I mean I think this is this is a case where

  • I mean I'm I'm like you

  • I won't make these exceptions except for like like things that are so small that they're not comparable to a slice of cheese

  • But I think it's it's useful here to make the distinction between what you do and what you expect except

  • Expect of yourself and what you expect of others and I would just recommend that

  • We do the thing that gets them on board because if we get them on board that will mean

  • reduction of suffering for those cows

  • especially so

  • That's what I'm always looking at like looking at the impact of what we do

  • and I understand I mean I've been a vegan for 20 years, and I understand all the suffering but

  • There are some things that we do. I think in our passion and in our care and in our empathy for these creatures

  • That get other people further away from us rather than closer to us

  • And I think we have to get them closer, and it's not like I said it's not that anything goes

  • It's not like I will call somebody a vegan or I'll even allow them to say that

  • That to say that they're vegan when they're like

  • Making like like like a lot of exceptions or something

  • I'm just talking about like this this tiny things that that we are constantly on

  • people's backs and saying like you are not there. You don't belong to us. You're not vegan you can't use that word

  • I don't think that's a productive attitude at all

  • I think the people or the the beings that suffer most because of that attitude are the animals

  • So we can discuss it later. It's a long discussion

  • Sorry hello

  • I have heard of that many anti-speciesist or some anti-speciesist say that anti-speciesism is

  • much more a proper term to veganism because um..

  • One I think one biggest difference between anti-speciesism and veganism is it is entirely possible to ignore wild animal suffering entirely

  • while being vegan

  • so

  • What do you think about the topic of wild animal suffering and I think that using

  • the term anti species is better for

  • making people to care about and what they're suffering

  • mmm. Yeah, well first of all

  • Let me say like if you if you compare an anti speciesist's approach to a vegan approach

  • I think it's very valuable to have other

  • arguments in our arsenal of

  • arguments than moral arguments ethical arguments so health arguments environmental arguments taste arguments

  • They're all really important to use in this in our campaigning and our outreach and our advocacy

  • also, because these moral arguments they often create a lot of resistance with people people feel less worthy because you are

  • Vegan and they are not and it creates resistance

  • And they will like step away from you the distance will become bigger they can avoid you etc

  • So it's not to say avoid moral arguments, but use moral arguments together with the other arguments

  • That's why I would say like the vegan outreach, which includes

  • environmental health taste etc arguments is very useful then to your

  • Point of of wild animal suffering I do care about the suffering of wild animals, I think I think that's the the biggest

  • Discovery I made in the last few years. It was like to me like a moment like that

  • I said like the same thing as being vegan. Oh my god

  • I all these creatures and factory farms suffer

  • And then you say like oh my god all these creatures in the wild they suffer too, they suffer horribly

  • And there's so many of them so yeah to that extent I think

  • We should start talking about it and an anti speciesist

  • Argument, maybe maybe way to do that on the other hand I think like it's of course

  • This is a very difficult thing. This is maybe a next-level thing for later

  • I think within a context of of people like this today and has a talk like about it

  • I think right now or later today about wild animal suffering. I think it's important to raise awareness

  • especially within the movement amongst ourselves

  • I think talking to a wider audience about it

  • is is not easy as quite a challenge so I would of course prioritize and the factory farmed animals also because

  • We are personally responsible for that

  • But I think it's a very important issue. Thanks for raising it

  • I would be just strategic and careful with it at this moment

  • First of all thank you for your talk, I found it very interesting. I just want to give a comment to

  • The slide where you showed the two burgers

  • so you said there was by rule or by goal and

  • I I just want to say so I like the concept but my personal interpretation of that is a little bit

  • Different to yours that doesn't mean I disagree with that, but so if I want to go by goal

  • That is I wish to have a more respectful world where we respect each other so that's why I also agree

  • We should have empathy towards bullfighters and hunters

  • But so that means for a more respectful world

  • For me by definition that is a vegan world and so when I come into that scenario

  • I'm not thinking about whether to go with a vegan or vegetarian burger because the question does not arise from myself

  • I just think for my respectful world veganism is only just the beginning so we can talk about

  • plastic in the ocean, so we I mean I try to reduce my plastic consumption vastly I also only go for because I

  • Find it wrong to only care about animal rights and not human rights so like for clothing for instance

  • So I think it's just just the first starting point and I personally think to reach that goal

  • What can I do further even beyond veganism, so I never think about so even if that burger doesn't look that great

  • So I'm not I'm not carrying about the people sitting around me judging me or if I'm not doing it for them

  • Yeah

  • If I was doing that for people that is people that I probably have never seen they don't have enough to eat

  • And I'm doing that for so many other reasons

  • But not because of other people so I would still go with a vegan burger even though. It doesn't look that attractive

  • Yeah, because because of the respect you say

  • yeah, exactly and so and also I never think about do I do I eat the vegan version or like with a little bit of

  • Milk or X in it because it's just a given

  • I think for me

  • And then I can look what can I what can I do beyond that

  • Because I don't think veganism is the answer to everything I think it's just one part that affects many different topics

  • But but I think what what can I what can I even do further

  • yeah, okay

  • Yeah, not sure if I understand, but maybe we can discuss it in private

  • afterwards Thanks I

  • I have a question towards

  • Empathy, you were talking about and you gave some examples

  • Which I understand which I can deal with and have empathy with, but you also gave examples

  • For the the bullfighter or last night. We watched the movie the kangaroo about I don't know if you have seen it, but it's about

  • Scouting and harvesting which is a very disgusting word for for killing kangaroos in Australia

  • How far would you go with your empathy like where's your is there a border is there a line?

  • you are pulling a rope you're pulling, where you say there's enough of empathy

  • This is not there's no discussion point anymore no understanding anymore for me

  • It's already a bullfighter. I can't have empathy with, sorry

  • yeah

  • It very hard

  • Yeah, it's hard for me too. Yeah, and I think we are this rumors

  • Completely overload. It was empathy. Yeah sure so yeah. Yeah, I mean I'm

  • Empathy does not mean approving of anything. Empathy. I use it in the in the way that if he tried to have empathy

  • We're just trying to see where this person comes from and that

  • Maybe the bullfighter has been raised in a tradition of this and maybe he has a inferiority complex

  • And he wants to prove himself or maybe his parents were like

  • Drilling this down to him that he had to become maybe he had no op..

  • I mean, there's so many things that you can imagine and

  • What he's like or how he's like and that can help you if you would talk to this bullfighter

  • Which probably you don't have the chance to but if you would talk to him that you would have like new opportunities to like

  • Raise something or influence them that's one thing. It's it's it's result-oriented and secondly. It's also I think

  • It's better for yourself. I mean if we go through life being angry at these people all the time

  • I don't know what that does to us in terms of sustainability and in terms of like our peace of mind

  • and in terms of like

  • spreading anger and outrage all around the world which happens so fast on Facebook, so

  • Every time I see something that infuriates me

  • It's not that I will push away that indignation or that anger

  • But I will try to find something that softens me a little bit so that becomes more

  • Bearable for me and that it might become more effective

  • In terms of communication towards them. It doesn't mean approving and I can perfectly

  • understand that there's people like you cannot have any empathy for I just experienced that as

  • it developed inside me and as I had as I got into the habit of like trying to look at things from their perspective

  • It helped me a lot both in communication and for my own peace of mind

  • but it's up to you to find how how you deal with that

  • Border

  • Think it's almost always useful

  • 00:51:46,880 --> 00:51:52,239 I mean, and I think I can I mean I talked to I was a visit to the prison some time ago

  • and and I talked to a murderer and

  • he had killed somebody and

  • He told me that

  • His nine brothers and sisters were all in prison

  • I mean that tells you something that tells you that it was like a household. That was not very functional right so

  • There's always information that you can gather that can help you like

  • Yeah, have empathy for I think almost

  • whoever

  • So regarding communication you mentioned

  • storytelling that we end up like making judgments or thinking about what why the other person's doing certain things and

  • I was wondering if you know or recommend any tools for effective

  • Communication for vegans I personally have studied nonviolent communication, and I found that very effective in my life, (non-violent? yes) and especially

  • When I talk to non-vegans as well

  • Yeah, what'd you think because we're such a small community that we should actually actively get involved in learning these skills

  • Yeah, I think I think it's non-violent communication is not easy to apply

  • But or not easy to consistently apply in all situations, but I find it a very beautiful thing. I think it's

  • It's one of the things that could make the world a better place if we all learn to compete nobody of us learn to communicate

  • Course but basically if you graduate at

  • From secondary education you have not learned to communicate in a way that is productive that is tolerant that is empathic

  • We have not learned that that will be one of the most

  • Important skills I think and and we teach that in our Seva trainings Melanie talks a lot about that

  • That's one of the most important skills that we can learn not just as vegans, but as humans so in terms of

  • Resources yes some Marshall Rosenberg and other books on communication. I really recommend that on my blog vegan strategist

  • There's a resources section in my book. Also. There's some stuff on communication that I that I recommend and it's

  • It's not easy to do but again

  • It makes you a happier person a better person and a more effective person. I think if you can communicate with empathy

  • So thank you a lot. We are out of the time so

  • Have a nice day, and thank you for this beautiful

  • presentation

Hi good morning everybody

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如何創造一個素食世界?--托比亞斯-萊納特[IARC2017] (How to Create a Vegan World?- Tobias Leenaert [IARC2017])

  • 51 4
    戴小宇 posted on 2021/01/14
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