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  • this is an ancient Indian dude with far too much time on his hands and

    這位是 有太多時間可以打發的印度佬

  • These guys are [cutting-edge] pioneering brain scientists now. What could they possibly have in common?

    這些傢伙是 既頂尖又前衛的腦神經科學家

  • Welcome to the science of Yoga and what it means to [us] part 1 let's

    這樣看起來 他們能有什麼共通點嗎

  • Go back thousands of [years] to the ancient world the first mystics would leave their towns Villages and everyday distractions


  • To find solace [in] the [forests] there in isolation they studied their own inner experience

    瑜伽的科學 洗-蝦-毀

  • As they looked within what they found was a myriad of thoughts and emotions. Just like most people would and

    1 讓我們回到數千年以前的古代

  • also, like most people these thoughts seemed to cause [anxiety] and seemed to serve no real practical purpose with but with

    第一個神祕主義者離開了城鎮 鄉村 與每天的紛擾

  • Vigilant observation the mystics found that when they stopped feeding their thoughts they started to get quieter and quieter


  • They were quite literally changing their state of mind from the inside out

    在那樣的獨處之中 他們探究了自己的內在經驗

  • the mystics in India called this practice Vipassana

    當他們向內看 發現的是無窮無盡的念頭和情緒

  • Which means clear seeing?


  • Today, we call [it] meditation

    同樣的 就像大部分的人

  • Now fast-forward to the early 2000s


  • scientists studying the brain and the effect of brain exercises started to make some surprising discoveries


  • Brain science was still in its infancy [and] in fact up until late into the 20th century


  • It was still thought that the brain was solid like concrete unable to change in its structure

    這些神秘主義者發現 當他們停止餵養這些念頭

  • But then they discovered a phenomenon called brain plasticity it seemed the brain could actually change


  • It could be shaped and rewired by exercise and guess what they found had the power to cause structural changes

    他們能徹底名符其實的 "從裡到外"改變他們的心智狀態

  • Yep

    這些印度的神祕主義者 把這個練習叫做 vipassana

  • meditation

    意思是 清晰的觀看

  • Several studies found a whole host of structural changes in the brains of people who meditated here are some of the changes they found

    今日 我們稱為冥想

  • The default mode Network which could stimulate wandering and aimless thought grooves was quietened down

    現在 快轉到兩千年初

  • the Amygdala which processes fear and anxiety

    科學家研究大腦 與腦部訓練的效果

  • reduced in size and activity


  • Gray matter in the sensory regions of the brain increased which in turn enhanced sense perception

    當時的腦科學 還在發展初期

  • These were startling discoveries, and it became clear [that] there was something to this ancient practice after all

    實際上 一直到二十世紀末

  • But it's not just neuroscience the field of pSychology also owes some recent developments to this Eastern philosophy

    在他們的觀點中 還認為腦袋是凝滯的 像混凝土那樣

  • the mystics of old times claimed the simple fact


  • With regular insight you'll see that your thoughts are not real and the recent success of cognitive

    但是 接下來

  • Talk therapy uses this exact same strategy the subject learns to see the falseness of their own repetitive thinking

    他們發現了一個現象 叫做大腦可塑性

  • they're simply an interpretation of what is going on not the actuality of what's going on, so


  • [what's] the difference you might ask well say someone next to you makes a sarcastic remark?

    透過練習 它可以被塑造 恢復功能

  • This may trigger you to start thinking about a number of possible explanations, and they could all [be] completely false for example

    猜猜看他們發現 能帶來這種結構性改變的是什麼

  • She did that on purpose


  • Everyone does this to me. They're all planning to keep me down Etc


  • See how these thoughts lead to other thoughts which multiplied with each other

    許多科學研究發現 有在做冥想的人 腦部有許多結構性的改變

  • The Philosophy of Vipassana is to see that these thoughts are nothing more than stories in your head and as you get better


  • They stop multiplying so quickly, but don't be disheartened it takes practice

    大腦的預設模式網絡 DMN, first proposer: Hans Berger 能激發渙散 缺乏目標的思維神經溝

  • By the way, you don't necessarily have [to] look like a yogi or sit like a pretzel to meditate, so whether it's breathing meditation


  • Watching meditation dancing or fishing meditation. Whatever clears your mind is a great place to start

    杏仁核 負責處理恐懼與焦慮的腦區 體積會縮小 活躍度也降低

  • All of these techniques contribute to a healthier mind

    灰質 分佈在大腦的感知區 這時候增加了

  • There is something that brain science is starting to substantiate and it's what ancient mystics said all those years ago

    它也"回過頭來" 提升了感官知覺的能力

  • you


this is an ancient Indian dude with far too much time on his hands and

這位是 有太多時間可以打發的印度佬

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