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  • and then just work like hell I mean you just have to put in you know 80 hour 80 to

    然後就像地獄一樣工作 我是說你 只是要把你知道80小時80到。

  • 100 hour weeks every week and then all those things improve the


  • odds of success okay I mean if other people are putting in 40

    勝算 我的意思是,如果其他人都把40

  • hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks then even if you're

    小時的工作周,你把在 每週100小時的工作時間,那麼即使你是。

  • doing the same thing you know that in in one year you will achieve what they

    做同樣的事情,你知道,在 一年後,你將實現他們的

  • achieve you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve

    實現你將在四個月內實現 他們需要一年的時間來實現

  • I'd say a common trait of anybody that I work with that is successful financial

    我會說一個共同的特點 任何人,我... 與之合作的是成功的金融

  • athletes people in politics its hunger you know you and I both know

    運動員 人在政壇 其餓 你知道你和我都知道

  • intelligence is pretty damn valuable tool but there are a lot of very smart

    聰明反被聰明誤 工具,但也有很多非常聰明的

  • people who can't fight their way out of a paper bag and then when you find

    打不死的人 紙袋,然後當你發現

  • somebody has that hunger the hunger that doesn't go away that hunger to be more

    某人的飢餓感 飢餓感 不消失的飢餓感,更

  • to do more to give more that hunger that never ends you know that's how you get

    做更多的事,給更多的人,那飢餓的感覺 永無止境,你知道那是你如何得到的。

  • these people that are the best in the world at whatever they do and so if you

    這些人,是最好的在 世界上無論他們做什麼,所以如果你

  • can I think everybody has that hunger but for some people it's been asleep for a

    我想每個人都有這樣的飢餓感,但 對某些人來說,它已經沉睡了一段時間

  • long time because they're afraid they're afraid that I'm gonna get hungry I'm

    長期以來,因為他們害怕自己是 我怕我會餓肚子,我

  • gonna try I'm gonna fail and so it's human nature to protect yourself from

    要去嘗試,我會失敗,所以它是。 防人之心不可無

  • the fear by just lowering your expectations but one of the things i've learned

    恐懼,只需降低你的 但我學到的一件事是

  • is you get what you tolerate you get what you tolerate yourself you get rich you

    是你得到你所容忍的 你得到什麼? 你忍耐你自己,你發財你

  • tolerate in your life and sooner or later we sometimes hit a point we say

    遲早 後來我們有時會說

  • not another day another hour this is done I'm not walking this way I'm not

    時不我待 我不走這條路了 我不走了

  • talking this way I'm not living this way I'm not gonna be in this relationship

    話是這麼說的 我不是這麼活的 我不會在這種關係

  • anymore I'm gonna change it and when people do that that's the beginning of a

    我將改變它,當 人們這樣做,這是一個開始的

  • breakthrough help to create a different vision for

    突破性 幫助創造一個不同的願景

  • myself some of you are already doing it right now

    我自己和你們中的一些人已經在做了 眼下

  • I'm saying this is the time more than ever that you want to begin to inoculate

    我說這是時間比。 如果你想開始接種的話

  • yourself with positive words coming to conventions showing up on meetings being

    用積極的話語來表達自己 會議上出現的公約

  • on the calls to make yourself unstoppable to get out of your

    撥打電話 自己勢不可擋地要走出自己的

  • mind the polluting negative thoughts that's causing most people to go through

    矯枉過正 導致大多數人經歷

  • life being stuck because their volunteer victims somebody said that many people

    生活被卡住,因為他們的志願 受害者有人說,很多人

  • died age 25 and don't get buried until they're 65 because they got so much

    二十五歲死,二十五歲才下葬 他們65歲,因為他們得到了這麼多

  • garbage in their minds you are here because you've got a clear vision of

    你在他們心目中是垃圾 因為你已經有了一個清晰的願景

  • what you want and where you're going give yourselves a round of applause come

    你想要什麼,你要去哪裡 掌聲響起

  • on bring energy level up yes yes

    提神 是的是的

  • you want more you want more

    你想要更多 你想要更多

  • you're different you're different than everybody else don't worry if they don't

    你是不同的 你是不同的 眾人無憂

  • get it don't try and convince people to do this business a person convinced

    不要試圖說服別人去做。 做這行的人都信

  • against their will is of the same opinion still you are not like everybody

    殊途同歸 人云亦云

  • else you can walk outside and find pigeons but if you're looking for eagles

    否則你可以走到外面去找 鴿子,但如果你要找老鷹的話

  • it's gonna take you a minute you are different it's lonely at the top how

    這將需要你一分鐘,你是。 不同的是,它的頂部是孤獨的,如何?

  • many of you know it's lonely at the top raise your hands

    人在江湖,身不由己 舉手

  • it's lonely at the top but you eat better that's what I'm talking about

    孤掌難鳴,但你有飯吃。 好多了

  • the secret is is there's certain times don't think like when you get up in the

    天時地利人和 不要像你起床時那樣想。

  • morning don't think just roll out of bed go on your lifecycle or go on a bicycle

    早晨別想了,滾床單吧 騎行

  • ride or go to the gym work out you know that's what you have to do and then

    騎行或健身 知道這是你必須做的事情,然後。

  • read something and learn something so don't even think about it but there's

    見微知著 想都不用想就知道

  • other times where you have to really think and they really have to get

    其他時候,你必須真正 思考,他們真的要得到

  • creative and have a clear vision of where you want to go and what you want

    有創意,有明確的願景 你想去的地方和你想要的東西

  • to do and that's what I always had and that's what I always believed and always

    這就是我一直以來的工作,也是我的工作。 我一直都是這麼認為的,也一直

  • believed in making money so that then you can do something with that you

    相信在賺錢,這樣的話 你可以做一些事情,你

  • invest it in all this eventually you create a family you give some of the kids and


  • all that stuff but also for charity look I have the Schwarzenegger institute at USC

    所有的東西,但也為慈善看 我有施瓦辛格研究所在南加州大學。

  • we have to raise money all the time that make money

    我們必須 漫天要價

  • to pay for that and support that we have the R20 the environmental

    以支付這些費用,並且 支持我們的R20環境方案

  • organization or any organization and any idea is great but if you don't have the

    組織或任何組織和任何 的想法是偉大的,但如果你沒有的。

  • money you can't implement anything and so this is why it is important that if it is

    有錢沒勢 這就是為什麼它是重要的,如果它是。

  • an environmental organization or if it is my after-school programs to the

    環境組織,或如果它 是我的課後計劃,以

  • nationwide where we raise millions and millions of dollars every year or if it

    在全國範圍內,我們籌集了數百萬美元和 每年數百萬美元,或者如果它

  • is just you know living in a great mansion or driving a nice Bentley


  • and the Bugatti you know this kind of things it takes money to do all these kind

    和布加迪,你知道這種。 這些事情都是需要錢來做的

  • of stuff so therefore I believe in making $1

    的東西,是以我相信 賺取1美元

  • into $2 and having a good time I mean the reality is reading a book or going

    變成2美元,並有一個很好的時間,我的意思是 現實是看書或去

  • to a conference or having a great conversation where you get this golden

    參加會議或有一個偉大的 金口玉言

  • information that's all fantastic but what makes mastery is execution on the

    妙語連珠 掌握的是執行力

  • ideas not the ideas and so no idea works unless you're willing to roll up your

    思想不是思想,所以沒有思想的作用 除非你願意捲起你的

  • sleeves do the practice invest the time put in the effort do the work I think

    袖裡乾坤 埋頭苦幹

  • we've all observed a lot of people who they love reading the books they love

    我們都觀察到很多人誰 他們喜歡看他們喜歡的書

  • showing up at the courses they do all the online training and nothing ever

    在他們所做的課程中出現 的在線培訓,並沒有任何

  • changes and they say well you know I don't know why it doesn't change why my

    變化,他們說,你知道我 不知道為什麼它不改變為什麼我的

  • life doesn't change why my thinking doesn't change why my performance

    世事無常 並沒有改變我的表現

  • doesn't change why my relationships don't change well it's because ideas

    並沒有改變為什麼我的關係 朝令夕改,是思想的問題

  • don't work if you don't execute on them so if you look at the great business

    不執行就不靈了 所以,如果你看看偉大的企業

  • builders you look at any great performer one thing that makes them great is their

    建設者,你看任何偉大的表演者 他們偉大的一點是他們的

  • grit one thing that makes them great is their hunger to practice one thing that

    勇氣,使他們偉大的一件事是 他們對實踐的渴望

  • makes them great is they are willing to sacrifice I mean yes they're passionate

    他們之所以偉大,是因為他們願意 犧牲我的意思是,是的,他們是熱情的

  • but did you know the root of the word passion is suffering you've got to be

    但你知道這個詞的詞根嗎? 激情就是痛苦

  • willing to suffer for your vision you've got to be willing to suffer to reach BIW

    忍辱負重 要想達到BIW的目的,必須要吃苦。

  • best in world you've got to be willing to suffer the ridicule and laughter of

    天下武功唯快不破 貽笑大方

  • your critics and your cynics to get to a place called world class the fifth one

    你的批評家和你的憤青們,以獲得一個。 世界級的第五個地方

  • is about mindset and the mindset shift is to appreciation because the truth is

    是關於心態和思維方式的轉變 是為了欣賞,因為事實是

  • oftentimes everything what we're trying to get get get we're focused on what we

    很多時候,我們所要做的一切事情 得到得到得到得到我們專注於我們的東西

  • don't have and if you can shift your mindset simply from not focusing on what

    沒有,如果你能轉移你的 的心態,只是因為沒有關注到什麼

  • I lack but what I have and shift it from not focusing on the bottom of that

    我缺少的只是我所擁有的,並把它從。 不求甚解

  • ladder or the stuff but to the connection and the growth that is the

    梯子或東西,但對 的聯繫和成長,這是最重要的。

  • shift that will lead to the most lasting happiness we have access to this at all

    的轉變,這將導致最持久的 幸福,我們有機會獲得這些

  • times of our life even in the annoying moments when we're standing in line it's

    在我們的生活中,即使是在煩人的時候 當我們在排隊的時候,這是

  • 20 minutes to get out of the food store you can focus on the fact that you're 20

    20分鐘走出食品店 你可以專注於你20歲的事實。

  • minutes late what you don't have is time or you can focus on the fact that

    晚了幾分鐘,你沒有的是 時間,或者你可以專注於這樣一個事實

  • you have food surrounding you from all kinds of the world and you live

    四面楚歌 芸芸眾生

  • literally better than kings did 100 years ago because they couldn't get

    勝過國王的100 幾年前,因為他們無法獲得

  • grapes right they were on the other side of the planet so depending on what you

    葡萄的權利,他們在另一側 所以取決於你

  • compare yourself to if you're alive today if you're watching YouTube if

    生前比肩 今天如果你在看YouTube,如果

  • you're on the internet you literally live better then Kings did not very long

    你在互聯網上,你從字面上 苟延殘喘

  • ago you are in the top 0.1% of lucky people who have ever lived so

    你是前0.1%的幸運兒 0.1%的幸運兒。

  • no matter what's going in your life I know that there will be things to knock

    無論你的生活發生了什麼,我... 知道會有事情要敲打

  • you down things that suck reasons to be unhappy or there's always a reason to

    你下來的事情,吸的原因是 不開心,還是有原因的

  • bounce back if you shift your focus to what you have compared to what you don't

    反彈,如果你把注意力轉移到 貧富差距

  • so I hope you find that helpful I hope that you can focus on what you

    所以,我希望你覺得有幫助,我希望 你可以專注於你

  • appreciate and if you take one thing from this right now write down or say

    欣賞和如果你拿一件事 隨即寫下或說

  • in your head one thing that is common to your life that is little that maybe you

    在你的腦海中,有一件事是共同的 你的生活,是小,也許你

  • don't notice all the time that you appreciate right now and I think that

    殊不知 欣賞現在,我認為

  • that'll make you have a much better day and you can keep it up that habit

    那會讓你有一個更好的 習慣成自然

  • will give you a much happier life the easiest way to build self-confidence

    會給你更幸福的生活 建立自信的最簡單方法

  • there's no magic button I can't say this plane is going down who can fly it put

    天下無不散之筵席 飛機要墜落了,誰來開?

  • your hand up I can I'm confident


  • repetition repetition repetition right what does Malcolm Gladwell call it the

    重複重複重複重複重複右 馬爾科姆-格拉德威爾把它叫做什麼?

  • 10,000 hour rule there's no magic button I recruited a goalie from Columbia South

    一萬小時法則,沒有神奇的按鈕。 我從哥倫比亞南區招來一個守門員。

  • America one year a big tall six foot three man you know he had hands like

    美國某年大高六尺 三個人,你知道他的手像

  • stone I thought he was like flipper every time I throw him the ball down

    石頭我還以為他像個鰭狀物呢 每次我把球傳給他

  • down onto the ground I was like oh my god we're in trouble

    倒在地上,我很喜歡哦,我的 天啊,我們有麻煩了

  • simple solution get to the wall kick a ball against the wall and catch it kick

    簡單的解決方法 走到牆邊踢一腳 踢球

  • the ball against the wall and catch it his goal was 350 a day for eight months

    撞牆球 他的目標是8個月內每天350元

  • he came back his hands were callused the moisture on his hands were literally

    他回來的時候手都起了繭子 他手上的水分簡直是

  • gone he is now playing in Europe magic no repetition repetition repetition the

    走了,他現在在歐洲踢球,魔術 不重複 重複 重複 重複

  • problem is we expect to be self-confident but we can't be unless

    問題是,我們希望能 自信,但我們不可能做到,除非

  • the skill or the task we're doing is not novel is not new to us we want to be in

    我們所做的技能或任務不是 小說對我們來說並不新鮮,我們想在

  • a situation where we've created we've had so much pressure in that and what I

    在這種情況下,我們已經創造了我們已經。 有這麼多的壓力,在那和我

  • mean because pressure builds diamonds we want to be in the situation where

    意思是說,因為壓力會讓鑽石生鏽,所以我們 不想在

  • I've done this a thousand times I did in my speech I practice in front of the

    我已經做了一千次了,我在 我的演講,我在前面練習

  • mirror hey I'm sounding good and then I read in front of my kids and my

    鏡子嘿,我聽起來不錯, 然後,我在我的孩子和我的面前讀。

  • and my wife is like oh my gosh I got a little nervous then I get in front of

    和我的妻子是這樣的哦,我的天哪,我得到了一個。 有點緊張,然後我得到了在前面

  • Glenn Cool oh my goodness I'm a little more nervous by the time I get to the

    格倫-酷,我的天啊,我有一點 更緊張的時候,我到了

  • ACG where 2,500 people can't say any more right 2,500 people

    ACG在哪裡2500人不能說任何 更對2,500人

  • where 2,500 people are there I won't have a single ounce of nervousness

    在2500人的地方,我就不去了 忐忑不安

  • because of my ability to practice right over and over and over again

    因為我的修行能力 一遍又一遍

  • the problem with repetition is how many of us bail after the first bit of

    重複的問題是有多少 我們的人在第一點之後就放棄了

  • failure how many of us bail after the first bit of adversity Edison was on that

    我們有多少人在第一次失敗後就放棄了? 愛迪生在那個逆境中

  • video and depends who you ask is anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 tries to

    視頻和取決於你問誰是 從1,000到10,000次的嘗試。

  • build that lightbulb 1,000 to 10,000 JK Rowling's should be on that video you

    建造那個燈泡1000到10000 JK。 羅琳的應該是在你的視頻上的

  • know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to I believe the number was

    知道她帶著她的《哈利》去了多少家出版社 波特的書,我相信這個數字是

  • 12 or 13 I don't I'm pretty confident but after two or three no's I'd be like

    12或13 我不知道,我很有信心 但在兩三個人拒絕之後,我就會像。

  • dang it after six or seven I'm like maybe not definitely after nine or ten

    當它在六或七我喜歡 九、十歲以後不一定

  • I'd be looking to be a soccer coach or something else beside it often right I

    我想做一個足球教練或 旁門左道

  • mean 12 times somebody said no but practice practice practice and do not

    意思是12次有人說沒有,但 練練不

  • accept failure maybe it shouldn't be repetition maybe the answer should be

    認栽 重複也許答案應該是

  • persistence because we all repeat something but very few of us really will

    執著,因為我們都在重複 但我們很少有人真的會

  • persist so that's one way to build self-confidence get out there do what

    堅持,所以這也是一種建立 自信走出去做什麼

  • you want to do and do not accept no

    你想做又不想做 不接受

and then just work like hell I mean you just have to put in you know 80 hour 80 to

然後就像地獄一樣工作 我是說你 只是要把你知道80小時80到。

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