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  • No matter where in the world you live, you've probably heard of the iconic Slurpee, a time-honored beverage beloved by millions.


  • Ready to have your brain frozen, and then have your mind blown?


  • Get ready to learn the untold truth of 7-Eleven's famous Slurpee.

    準備來聽 7-11 知名飲品思樂冰不為人知的故事吧。

  • The Slurpee's story begins in an unlikely place: a Kansas Dairy Queen with a finicky soda fountain.


  • It was the late 1950s, and the Dairy Queen's owner, Omar Knedlik, took to storing bottles of soda in the freezer when his soda fountain malfunctioned.

    1950 年代末期,冰雪皇后速食餐廳的老闆,Omar Knedlik在汽水機故障時會把放在冷凍庫裡的汽水拿出來。

  • Whenever he accidentally left the bottles in the freezer a bit too long, sodas would emerge from the freezer partially frozen.


  • To Knedlik's surprise, customers were wild about the slushy soda pops and began requesting them specially.

    讓Knedlik意外的是 ,顧客對這種像融雪般的汽水趨之若鶩,紛紛開始指名要這種飲料。

  • Inspired, Knedlik cobbled together a machine from a car A/C unit that would churn out semi-frozen, carbonated beverages.

    Knedlik 受到啟發後,把車的空調零件改裝成一台可以大量生產碳酸飲料的機器。

  • Then, Knedlik partnered with an engineering firm in Dallas to perfect the design, and began selling the newly christened ICEE machine to diners, restaurants, gas stations, and convenience stores.

    之後 Knedlik 和位於達拉斯的工程設計公司合作,讓機器的設計更加完善,並開始販售這種新機器,ICEE,給小餐館、餐廳、加油站、 便利商店 。

  • In 1965, 7-Eleven licensed the ICEE machine from Knedlik and rebranded the drink as the "Slurpee."

    1965 年,7-11 向 Knedlik 取得 ICEE 授權,並將這種飲品重新命名為「思樂冰」。

  • 7-Eleven ad agency director Bob Stanford was credited with coming up with the name "Slurpee" based on the noise the drink makes as it's sucked through a straw.

    7-11 的廣告代理商主管 Bob Stanford 因為想出「思樂冰」的巧思而備受稱讚,源自用吸管喝思樂冰時的聲音 。

  • When the Slurpee first hit 7-Eleven stores, it was available in two flavors: Coca-Cola and cherry.

    當思樂冰在 7-11 剛上市時,只有兩個口味可以選擇:可樂和櫻桃。

  • By the time the 1970s rolled around, the Slurpee had expanded to 27 different flavors.

    1970 年代開始,思樂冰已經延伸出 27 種不同口味。

  • Some of their names were: For Adults Only, Red Eye, Scooby Doo, Green & Wet, and, uh...Bull Corn?

    其中的品名有:成人限定、紅眼、叔比狗、綠 & 濕、還有、呃……牛玉米?

  • Since the Slurpee's inception, 7-Eleven has ditched some of its more adult-sounding names, but introduced hundreds of flavors.

    從思樂冰開始,7-11 捨棄了一些聽起來較成人的品名,也開發了上百種口味。

  • In the U.S., some of the most popular flavors are Fanta Wild Cherry, Coca-Cola Classic, Fanta Banana, Barq's Root Beer, and Mountain Dew.

    在美國,最受歡迎的口味有:芬達野櫻桃、經典可樂、芬達香蕉、Barq's 麥根沙士、和激浪汽水。

  • Slurpees are, and always were, a cool kid's drink.


  • From the beginning, Slurpee marketers targeted kids, teens, and young adults with psychedelic cup designs and groovy jingles.


  • The grooviest of all these melodies was arguably "Dance the Slurp," a full-length jingle written by Tom Merriman, one of America's most influential jingle composers.

    最酷的一首歌是Dance the Slurp,整段廣告歌曲由 Tom Merriman,美國最有影響力的廣告編曲家所編寫。

  • It's a lively, two-minute tune that consists of funky brass music and slurping sounds, punctuated with people occasionally exclaiming, "slurp, slurp!"


  • The song was released on vinyl 45 in the 1960s and handed out for free at 7-Eleven stores.

    這首歌在 1960 年代以黑膠唱片發行,並在 7-11 免費放送。

  • Years later, "Dance the Slurp" was remixed by Cut Chemist and DJ Shadow in their 1999 album Brainfreeze.

    幾年後,Dance the Slurp由 DJ Cut Chemist 和 DJ Shadow 在 1999 年的Brainfreeze 專輯中重新混音。

  • Today, copies of the original "Dance the Slurp 45s " can fetch a few bucks on eBay.

    今天,原版 45 秒的 Dance the Slurp可以在 eBay 賣到一些錢。

  • Remember that dark time in human history when you had spoons and you had straws, but nothing in between to down a milkshake with?


  • The Slurpee solved this culinary quandary with the introduction of its signature spoon straw.


  • The pioneering utensil was developed by Arthur A. Aykanian, an industrial engineer who trained as a mechanical engineer at MIT.

    首批餐具是由 Arthur A. Aykanian,一位麻省理工學院機械工程訓練出身的機械設計師所發明。

  • Since the release of the spoon straw, 7-Eleven has introduced additional, limited edition Slurpee straws, including collectible tongue straws and Deadpool-themed straws.

    自從湯匙吸管問世,7-11 就額外發行了限定版的思樂冰吸管,包含可以收藏的舌頭吸管和死仕主題吸管。

  • Kosher is a certain type of food preparation that complies with strict Jewish laws.


  • Kosher rules can be pretty complex, restricting the way certain foods can be harvested, processed, and prepared, and forbidding certain products and ingredients all together.


  • Considering the intricacy of kosher law, you might not have imagined that many Slurpee flavors would meet the strict Kosher Certification guidelines, but they do.


  • Particularly, Slurpees from kosher-certified brands like Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper, Hawaiian Punch, Squirt, and Sunkist.

    特別是獲得猶太潔食認證的品牌,像是 Canada Dry、Dr. Pepper、Hawaiian Punch、Squirt和 Sunkist。

  • Flavors such as Coca-Cola Classic and watermelon Sour Patch are kosher, but so are plenty of funkier picks like sugar-free lite pineapple coconut, lime, Eureka California, and Sprite 6 by LeBron James.

    像可口可樂的經典口味和哈密瓜酸軟糖口味也符合猶太潔食,還有很多時尚新穎的選擇像是,無糖淡鳳梨椰子、酸橙、 加州尤里卡、和 LeBron James 的 6 號雪碧。

  • You may be familiar with 7-Eleven Day, otherwise known as "National Slurpee Day", which falls on July 11th.

    你可能很熟 7-11 日,也就是「國家思樂冰日」,在 7 月 11 日舉行。

  • On this magical day, 7-Elevens across the U.S. hand out free small Slurpees from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m..

    在這個神奇的日子,全美的 7-11 會從早上 11 點到晚上 7 點發送免費的小杯思樂冰。

  • But the fun doesn't stop on July 11th.

    但有趣的活動並不僅止於 7 月 11 日。

  • The chain celebrates the entire week of 7-Eleven Day with promos on drinks, candy, and treats.

    連鎖店整個星期都會祭出飲料、糖果促銷優待來歡慶 7-11 日。

  • A lesser known, equally awesome Slurpee holiday is Bring Your Own Cup Day.


  • On this day, customers can fill up their own, any-size cup with Slurpee nectar for a buck-fifty.

    在這天,客人只要付 50 元,就可以帶任何尺寸的杯子來裝滿思樂冰。

  • In the past, people have gone a little wild on BYO Cup day, emerging from 7-Elevens lugging everything from water jugs to kiddie pools filled with Slurpees.

    以前人們在這天會很瘋狂,使勁地搬東西來 7-11 裝思樂冰,從水壺到小孩的游泳池都有。

  • Since then, 7-Eleven has introduced some restrictions.

    之後,7-11 有了一些限制。

  • You can fill any cup of your choice for just a buck-fifty, as long as that cup is safe, clean, water-tight, and can fit through a 10-inch diameter hole.

    你可以用 50 元裝滿任何杯子,只要杯子是安全的、乾淨的、防水的、直徑符合 10 英吋的洞口。

  • Still, on BYO Cup Day, you'll see creative Slurpee fans loading up with everything from hollowed-out pineapples to Halloween pails.


No matter where in the world you live, you've probably heard of the iconic Slurpee, a time-honored beverage beloved by millions.


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