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  • Over 7 books and 8 movies, Harry Potter is one of the few fictional series to have been consistently good.

    《哈利波特》系列多達 7 本系列作與 8 部電影,是少數虛構文學系列作中一直受到好評的作品

  • Bringing a lot of the elements from the books into the movie was a difficult task for the


  • filmmakers, but they succeeded and managed to add a lot more details into the movies,


  • which were never possible in the books.


  • So in this video we will show you 32 Easter Eggs and Details You Probably Missed in the Harry Potter Movies.

    所以在這部影片中,我們將為你展現 32 個《哈利波特》系列電影中你可能錯過的彩蛋與細節

  • #1.


  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the sign forThe Leaky Cauldronis completely


  • black, probably to keep it a secret from the Muggles, but the sign reveals itself when Harry and Hagrid approach it.

    可能是為了讓保持神秘不被麻瓜發現,但這個招牌在 Harry 與 Hagrid 接近的時候會展現出真正的樣貌

  • #2.


  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, when Harry, Ron and Hermoine enter the Wizard's

    在《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》中,當 Harry、Ron 跟 Hermoine 進入

  • Chess room, the remnants of Professor Quirrell's chess match can be seen around the edge of

    巫師棋房間,可以從房間邊緣看到 Quirrell 教授的西洋棋殘骸

  • the room, giving the audience another clue that someone had come this way recently.


  • In the book, broken pieces aren't mentioned, but the Flying Key's broken wing is mentioned.


  • #3.


  • Despite many instances of Harry being noted as a “great wizard”, Harry does not, in

    儘管在許多情況下,Harry 都被評為「偉大的巫師」

  • fact, cast a single spell during the entire first movie.

    其實 Harry 在第一部電影中,從頭到尾都沒有施展出任何一個咒語

  • #4.


  • In the first movie, Draco Malfoy says to RonRed hair and a hand-me-down robe?

    在第一部電影中,Draco‧Malfoy 對 Ron 說:「紅頭髮跟家人的舊長袍?

  • You must be a Weasley.”

    你一定是個 Weasley。」

  • This detail is carried over visually to the second film very well.


  • In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron's robes are older than everyone else's,

    在《哈利波特—消失的密室》中,Ron 的長袍比其他任何人的都還舊

  • as they are hand-me-downs.


  • The Weasleys win a sizeable amount of money in lottery over the summer between second

    Weasley 家族在第二部與第三部電影間的夏天贏得樂透,獲得一筆為數不小的獎金

  • and the third movie and sure enough his robes don't look too dingy in the third movie.


  • #5.


  • In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a wig can be seen on the table of Professor

    在《哈利波特—消失的密室》中,Gilderoy‧Lockhart 教授的桌上可以看到一頂假髮

  • Gilderoy Lockhart , probably suggesting that he is bald.


  • #6.


  • In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, “Sherbet Lemonis the password used to enter Dumbledore's office.

    在《哈利波特—消失的密室》中,「檸檬雪寶」是進入 Dumbledore 辦公室的密語

  • Albus Dumbledore was particularly fond of these Muggle sweets and in Harry Potter and


  • the Half-Blood Prince, there's a bowl of them on his desk.


  • #7.


  • The opal necklace, which plays an important role in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,


  • can briefly be glimpsed in the second movie inside a display case in Borgin and Burkes' shop in Knockturn Alley when Harry first enters it.

    不過在第二部電影中,當 Harry 第一次進入夜行巷的波金與伯克斯商店,就能在展示箱中瞥見它

  • #8.


  • In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione can be seen tucking away her Time-Turner early on.

    《哈利波特—阿茲卡班的逃犯》中,在初期就能看到 Hermione 將時光器塞在衣服中

  • Throughout the movie in fact, pretty much anytime someone comments on how she got there


  • or when she isn't wearing her jumper or robe, the Time-Turner is visible around her neck.


  • #9.


  • Early in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry sees a newspaper article with


  • a photograph of the Weasley family in Egypt.

    有一張 Weasley 家族去埃及的照片

  • Though it is never again mentioned in the movie, this is a very important plot point in the book.


  • While on an inspection of Azkaban, the Minister of Magic had a copy of that paper, gave it


  • to Sirius Black, who recognized that Peter Pettigrew was disguised as Scabbers.

    將它給了 Sirius‧Black,他發現 Peter‧Pettigrew 偽裝成老鼠斑斑

  • This is why he decided to break out of Azkaban, track down Scabbers at Hogwarts, and take


  • his revenge by killing him.


  • #10.


  • In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, in the scene with Dumbledore, Harry, and the

    《哈利波特—火盃的考驗》中,在 Dumbledore 與 Harry 站在儲思盆前的場景中

  • Pensieve, there is a 3D model of what looks like Hallows Symbol which becomes an important symbol in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

    有個聖物符號的 3D 模型,這個符號在《哈利波特—死神的聖物》中成為重要的符號

  • Though the final book was not yet written when this movie came out, J.K.

    雖然最後一本書沒寫到,但這部電影完成時,J.K. Rowling

  • Rowling had a lot of influence over the movie details and she added lots of objects and


  • plots in the movies that were referenced later.


  • #11.


  • In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when the contestants enter the arena for the third


  • task, the Beauxbatons girls in the audience can be seen dancing the Macarena.


  • #12.


  • During the breakfast scene of the Great Hall in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,


  • students can be seen eating parodies of real world cereal brands with the names such as


  • Cheeri-Owls and Pixie-Puffs, with color schemes similar to those of Cheerios and Sugar Puffs boxes, respectively.

    像是 Cheeri-Owls 跟 Pixie-Puffs,且各自盒子顏色排列也很像 Cheerios 跟 Sugar Puffs

  • #13.


  • In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, James Phelps and Oliver Phelps, who play Fred

    《哈利波特—鳳凰會的密令》中,James‧Phelps 跟 Oliver‧Phelps,他們在系列電影中扮演

  • and George in the franchise, make a cameo appearance in the picture of the original

    Fred 與 George,在原始鳳凰會的密令成員照片中

  • Order of the Phoenix as their deceased uncles, Fabian and Gideon Prewett.

    友情客串他們已故的叔叔,Fabian‧Prewett 跟 Gideon‧Prewett

  • #14.


  • In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, when Sirius joins Harry in the room with the

    《哈利波特—鳳凰會的密令》中,當 Sirius 跟 Harry 在 Black 家族樹的房間時

  • Black family tree, to the lower left of the door is a Starbucks logo.


  • Thesirenhas been stylized to be in keeping with the decor of the room, but she


  • is wearing a crown and holding both her fins aloft as in the Starbucks logo.


  • #15.


  • In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the smoke coming out of the love potion changes


  • color to that of whatever Hermione is describing.

    會根據 Hermione 的描述改變顏色

  • The final scent that comes out of the potion is orange, as is Ron's hair.

    最後從魔藥升起的煙是橘色,就像 Ron 的頭髮

  • That's why Hermione lies saying that she smellsspearmint toothpastebecause she obviously

    那就是為什麼 Hermione 謊稱她聞到「薄荷牙膏」的味道,因為她顯然

  • doesn't want to sayRon's hairout loud.

    不想大聲說出「Ron 的頭髮」

  • Also, after Harry arrives at the burrow, Ron pokes Hermione's lip and says she has toothpaste on it.

    還有,在 Harry 抵達洞穴屋後,Ron 指了 Hermione 的嘴角,說她嘴上有牙膏

  • #16.


  • In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore reaches for a Tom Riddle memory dated 1938.

    《哈利波特—混血王子的背叛》中,Dumbledore 拿了一瓶年份是 1938 年的 Tom‧Riddle 記憶

  • He tells Harry that this was the first time he met Tom, but to the left there is a memory

    他告訴 Harry 這是他第一次認識 Tom 的時候,但在左邊有一瓶記憶

  • labeled Tom Riddle that is dated 1937.

    標籤上是 Tom‧Riddle,1937年

  • It is most likely someone else's memory relating to Riddle terrorizing two children in a cave

    它很可能是某個人的記憶但跟 Riddle 在海岸岩洞中恐嚇兩個小孩有關

  • at the seashore, which is described in detail in the book.


  • #17.


  • Arthur Bowen, the child actor that plays Harry's son Albus Severus Potter in the epilogue of

    Arthur‧Bowen,在最後一部電影結尾中扮演 Harry 的兒子,Albus‧Severus‧Potter

  • the final movie, can be seen in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince buying roasted chestnuts at a stand in Diagon Alley.


  • #18.


  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, Professor Snape still helps the Order when he redirects McGonagall's spells to knockout his fellow Death Eaters.

    《哈利波特—死神的聖物二》中,Snape 教授還在幫助鳳凰會,當時他把 McGonagall 的咒語重新導向去擊倒後方的食死人同伴

  • He also takes their wands before he flies out the window to make sure they could no longer harm any students.


  • In the books, there are no Death Eaters around him so it was a nice touch to add this detail in the movie.


  • #19.


  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, Lucius Malfoy's Azkaban prisoner number tattoo can be seen on his neck for a brief moment.

    《哈利波特—死神的聖物二》中,可以瞥見 Lucius‧Malfoy 的阿茲卡班囚犯編號刺青在他脖子上

  • After Order of the Phoenix, he and other Death Eaters were arrested after they were caught in the Ministry.


  • He only gets out when Voldemort started to take more power by Deathly Hallows.

    只有在 Voldemort 從死神聖物中得到更多力量後,他才離開了監獄

  • #20.


  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, when all the professors leave the castle


  • to cast the defensive shield, Professor Slughorn can be seen drinking a bottle of what looks

    施展防護咒來製造防衛盾時,可以看到 Slughorn 教授在喝著一瓶

  • like liquid luck.


  • #21.


  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the Dursleys and all their neighbors own the

    《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》中,Dursley 家族跟他們的鄰居們都有

  • exact same make and model of car, in an effort to be as normal as possible and blend in with


  • everyone around them.


  • #22.


  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, when Neville gets a Remembrall, he says he

    《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》中,當 Neville 拿到一顆記憶球

  • doesn't know what he has forgotten.


  • If you look closely, he is the only student on the table who is in a sweater and has most


  • likely forgotten his robes.


  • #23.


  • Snape's first question to Harry in the Philosopher's Stone in his potions class is: “What would

    在《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》中,Snape 在魔藥學課堂對 Harry 提出的第一個問題是:

  • I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”


  • Asphodel is a type of lily and in the language of flowers it means 'remembered beyond the


  • tomb' or 'my regrets follow you to the grave' while wormwood is often associated with regret or bitterness.


  • This suggests that Snape deeply regrets Lily Potter's death.

    這說明 Snape 對 Lily‧Potter 的逝去悲慟萬分

  • #24.


  • In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when Hagrid charges into Dumbledore's office

    《哈利波特—消失的密室》中,當 Hagrid 闖進 Dumbledore 的辦公室

  • to defend Harry, he is seen carrying a dead rooster in his hands.

    為 Harry 答辯時,可以看到他手上正抓著一隻死掉的公雞

  • In the extended cut of the movie, Hagrid mentions that someone is killing the school roosters.

    在後面的電影場景中,Hagrid 提到有人正在殘殺學校的公雞

  • In the harry potter lore, the sound of a rooster is fatal to a basilisk.


  • That's why Ginny killed them under Tom Riddle's control.

    那就是為什麼 Ginny 在 Tom‧Riddle 的控制下要殺了牠們

  • It was also the rooster's blood that was used to write on the walls.


  • #25.


  • In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Lucius Malfoy attempts to cast Avada Kedavra on Harry after being tricked into freeing Dobby.

    《哈利波特—消失的密室》中,在 Harry 用小伎倆讓他給 Dobby 自由後,Lucius‧Malfoy 企圖向 Harry 施展索命咒

  • It wasn't explained in the movies at that point that this spell instantly kills a person.


  • So Lucius was literally about to murder Harry in the middle of Hogwarts.

    所以 Lucius 可以說是要在霍格華茲裡謀殺 Harry

  • #26.


  • In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, a wizard played by Ian Brown from the band

    《哈利波特—阿茲卡班的逃犯》中,The Stone Roses 樂團的主唱 Ian‧Brown 扮演的一位巫師

  • The Stone Rosesis seen reading the book 'A brief history of time' by Stephen

    在破釜酒吧閱讀 Stephen‧Hawking 的著作,《時間簡史》

  • Hawking in the Leaky Cauldron, foreshadowing time travel that takes place later in the movie.


  • #27.


  • In the credits of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the producers placed a naughty Easter egg in the Marauder's Map.


  • In one scene, two sets of foot prints can be seen in the bottom left corner representing


  • two people either having sex or making out.


  • Also, when the Map is opened for the first time, the name 'Newt Scamander' can be seen.

    還有,當第一次打開地圖時,可以看到 Newt‧Scamander 的名字在上面

  • Scamander wrote the bookFantastic Beasts and Where To Find Themthat is mandatory

    Scamander 出版了《怪獸與牠們的產地》這本書

  • reading at Hogwarts, but he isn't a teacher there.


  • Scamander eventually got his own movie withFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”,

    Scamander 最終有了他自己的電影《怪獸與牠們的產地》

  • where it is revealed that he is friends with Albus Dumbledore, so in 'Harry Potter and

    在裡頭洩漏出他是 Albus‧Dumbledore 的朋友,所以在《哈利波特—阿茲卡班的逃犯》中

  • the Prisoner of Azkaban', he may be simply visiting.


  • #28.


  • In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, scenes featuring elves Dobby and Winky were cut due to time constraints.

    在《哈利波特—火盃的挑戰》中,因為時間限制,家庭小精靈 Dobby 跟 Winky 的戲份被刪掉了

  • However, if you watch carefully in the first campsite scene, right after Ginny points to

    然而,如果你有仔細看第一個露營地場景,就在 Ginny 指著某個東西

  • something and says "Look!" you can see two House Elves riding on llamas.


  • #29.


  • In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, while Horace Slughorn is disguised as an arm

    在《哈利波特—混血王子的背叛》中,當 Horace‧Slughorn 偽裝成一張扶手椅時

  • chair, you can visibly see his feet.


  • #30.


  • When Dumbledore visits a young Tom Riddle in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,

    在《哈利波特—混血王子的背叛》中,當 Dumbledore 拜訪年輕的 Tom‧Riddle 時

  • there is a picture of the cave where Tom hid one of his Horcrux.

    有張岩穴的照片,那裡是 Tom 藏匿其中一個分靈體的地方

  • There is also a brief close up that shows 7 rocks meticulously organized on Tom's

    還有一個短暫的近景,拍出窗台上 Tom 精心安排的 7 個石頭

  • windowsill, foreshadowing Voldemort's plan to split his soul into seven Horcruxes.

    預示 Voldemort 決定要把靈魂分成 7 個分靈體的計畫

  • #31.


  • At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Lucius Malfoy takes a book out

    在《哈利波特—消失的密室》的開頭,Lucius‧Malfoy 從 Ginny 的大鍋中拿出一本書

  • of Ginny's cauldron but when he puts it back you can see that he puts Tom Riddle's diary in the cauldron as well.

    但當他放回去的時候,你可以看到他把 Tom‧Riddle 的日記也放進大鍋中

  • There is even an inkling of confusion in Harry's face but he doesn't quite understand why.

    Harry 臉上甚至有一絲疑惑,但他並不了解為什麼

  • This detail is explained at the end of the movie, but people usually miss it at the beginning.


  • #32.


  • Throughout the series, Weasley twins Fred and George are always shown in that order

    整個系列作中,Weasley 雙胞胎 Fred 跟 George 總是依照固定排列出現在螢幕上,左 George 右 Fred

  • on the screen, left to right, so that audience can easily tell them apart.


Over 7 books and 8 movies, Harry Potter is one of the few fictional series to have been consistently good.

《哈利波特》系列多達 7 本系列作與 8 部電影,是少數虛構文學系列作中一直受到好評的作品

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