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  • Good afternoon.

  • Good morning.

  • My name's Ronnie.

  • I'm going to teach you how to...

  • Get focus on the camera, okay?

  • I'm going to teach you some very important pronunciation.

  • Pronunciation, pronunciation.

  • And the point of me teaching you this is-magic-how to sound more natural when you speak English.

  • So, you understand; you know that pronunciation in English, I think is the most difficult

  • because it's just crazy, isn't it?

  • You see a word written, but the way that it's actually said is completely different.

  • We have silent letters; we have letters that make a whole new word, a whole new sound.

  • So, let me teach you something that will help you, and it's all about one of my favourite

  • things in the word: Food.

  • Who likes food?

  • I like food.

  • Food is essential for living, so this lesson is essential for you.

  • I hope you're not hungry; maybe you will be after this.

  • So, our first word is: "bacon".

  • Right?

  • "Bay-kin", not: "bacon"?

  • No.

  • Check this out.

  • "Bacon".

  • "Bay-kin", "bacon", "bay-kin".

  • What is going on, Ronnie?

  • What's going on is the...

  • All of these words that I've written on the board actually end in "ion" or "on", but we

  • pronounce them like: "in".

  • So, we don't say: "bacon"-unless you're a French Canadian-we say: "bay-kin".

  • So, if I was to write this phonetically, which means how it sounds, I would write: "bay-kin".

  • Bacon is delicious.

  • It's got a lot of fat, a lot of calories - that's what makes it so tasty.

  • It comes from a pig, and it's the tummy of a pig.

  • Pig tummy.

  • Delicious bacon.

  • Bacon.

  • Bacon.

  • So, next one.

  • This is a crazy one as well because we have a silent "l", and as our lesson will follow,

  • we don't say: "mon", we say: "min".

  • So, this word-it's a fish and the inside of the fish is orange or pink-is called not:

  • "salmon"; it's actually called: "samin".

  • So, it looks like "salmon", but it's "samin".

  • So, so far we have: "bacon" and "salmon".

  • Next, it's a vegetable.

  • It smells bad; it makes you cry, if you cut it.

  • And this is not: "onion"; it's actually: "un-yin".

  • So you want to say: "onion", but we're like: "No.

  • I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to say: 'un-yin'."

  • Oh, that's just crazy.

  • Bear with, okay?

  • It gets more fun.

  • The next one is: "lemin", not: "lemon"; "lemin".

  • This is actually a little more easier.

  • Now, the other thing that you guys have to be aware of is "lemon" is yellow, and it's

  • big.

  • Okay?

  • In a lot of your countries, you say: "leemon", and "leemon" actually in English we call "lime".

  • Uh-oh.

  • So, a lemon is big and yellow; and a lime-which is actually the spelling; it's pretty cool-is

  • actually small and green.

  • So, in your language, maybe you mix those up.

  • But never fear.

  • Lemons are yellow; limes are green.

  • Another delicious fruit is a "melon".

  • Not: "melon"; "melin".

  • And in the world we have many different kinds of melon; we have watermelon that has nothing

  • to do with water, and we have muskmelon, dew melon, honeydew melon, queen melon, king melon

  • - so many melons; we're not going to get into them.

  • But the pronunciation is: "melin", not "melon".

  • Another thing that we have that you probably maybe have never seen this word before, it's

  • called "mutton".

  • Mitten?

  • Don't eat the mittens.

  • "Mutton".

  • "Mutton" is basically a sheep.

  • So, maybe you have heard of the word "lamb".

  • "Oh, Ronnie, you forgot the 'b': 'lamb'."

  • It's not "lam-b"; it's "lam".

  • So, basically: "lamb" and "mutton" are the same thing; they're both sheep.

  • The difference is a lamb is a baby sheep, and a mutton is an older sheep; a teenager.

  • So, you're eating the teenager or you're eating the baby.

  • Do you eat babies?

  • Do you eat baby lamb?

  • Do you eat baby sheep?

  • Cool.

  • Do you eat "lye-in"?

  • Not: "lion".

  • It should be.

  • Look at: "li-on".

  • Oh, no, in English - no.

  • I'm sorry, we say: "lye-in".

  • "Lion".

  • Have you ever eaten lion?

  • Me neither.

  • I would.

  • I think they're beautiful, but I would eat them.

  • Damn, I would eat anything, really.

  • Maybe anything.

  • The next one.

  • Maybe you guys are confused about why I have "lion" written on the board - it was a joke.

  • But the next one is not a joke at all.

  • And this word, it looks like: "pig-eon".

  • And you say: "Ronnie, is that a pig?" and I say: "No.

  • A 'pigeon' is a bird."

  • Okay?

  • A lot of people don't like pigeons; they think that they're dirty...

  • Or all birds are dirty; all animals are dirty.

  • Do you know that you're an animal and you're dirty?

  • Take a shower.

  • Okay?

  • After you finish this lesson.

  • So, a pigeon is a kind of bird.

  • And actually, I have eaten pigeon; tastes like chicken - it's delicious.

  • But let's go back to the hate for the pigeon for a second.

  • The pronunciation is: "pi-", maybe like: "pi-gin", like the drink.

  • And what colour are pigeons for you?

  • Grey.

  • Oh yes, you're right, they're grey or black.

  • Well, maybe they're black.

  • White.

  • Sorry, a white pigeon?

  • What?

  • Do you like doves?

  • Aw, doves are so beautiful; they're the bird of peace.

  • And the soap - not dirty birds at all.

  • Well, guess what, people?

  • Pigeon and dove are exactly the same.

  • Earth-shattering news.

  • Pigeon and dove are the same bird.

  • The only difference is one is grey, one is white - don't be racist against your delicious

  • food.

  • Pigeon.

  • Next one is a drink.

  • "Bourbon" is a kind of whisky.

  • It's from America.

  • You guys might know Jack Daniels, or we say in slang: "JD".

  • "I'd like a JD and Coke, please".

  • "Bourbon" is a kind of whisky, and we don't say: "bur-bon", we say: "bur-bin".

  • One of my favourite things in the world is a spice, and it's called: "cinnamon".

  • Not: "cinnamon"; "cinnamin".

  • Cinnamon is a really, really common spice in cooking all over the world.

  • It has a very wonderful heat to it.

  • It's not spicy; it's just very warm.

  • And it is brown.

  • It comes from a tree.

  • It's the bark of a tree.

  • So, we don't say: "cinnamon"; we say: "cinnamin".

  • And I have spelt "bourbon" wrong; it's actually: "b-o-u-r-b-o-n".

  • But the pronunciation, again, would be: "bur-bin", so I wrote how I think it should be spelt.

  • Right?

  • Bad, teacher, Ronnie.

  • You got to write things properly!

  • Spelling.

  • So, the pronunc-...

  • The spelling of this word, this alcoholic drink, is called: "bourbon", but this is the

  • pronunciation: "bur-bin", okay?

  • So it's: "bourbon", but it's: "bur-bin" is the pronunciation.

  • Are these any new words for you?

  • Are these words that you've never seen before?

  • If they are new words and you're not too sure, go and find a dictionary, or go in your cupboard,

  • go to the supermarket, and try to find these.

  • Some of them are very delicious, like dove.

  • Aw, dove is delicious.

  • When it's on your plate, you don't know if it's a dove or a pigeon.

  • You were like: "Was this a white one or a grey one?"

  • It doesn't matter.

  • Along with food, I'm going to teach you some words that have to do with actually eating.

  • So, the first one maybe you wear every day; maybe you don't; maybe your grandmother wears

  • one; maybe your grandfather wears it - but this is called an "apron".

  • Not an "apron"; an "aprin".

  • So, an "apron" is basically some kind of material that covers your clothes when you're cooking.

  • So probably you spill stuff on your clothes, so what you're going to do is you're going

  • to wear an apron to make sure your clothes stay clean when you're cooking.

  • "Apron" changes to "aprin".

  • Okay.

  • The next word we have...

  • Uh-oh, I'm kind of guilty of this one.

  • It's one of the seven deadly sins, and it's called: "glutton" or "gluttony".

  • "Glutton" means you eat everything.

  • Yum, yum, yum, yum - all the time.

  • So, for example: Oo, yesterday I went to a very big store and I bought a large amount

  • of blueberries.

  • I love blueberries, and I think that I ate maybe half of the massive container of blueberries,

  • so I was a glutton.

  • A glutton means you're greedy, and you eat, eat, eat, eat, eat until you explode.

  • Now, obviously I didn't explode, but it made my eyes turn blue, because I ate blueberries.

  • So, "gluttin" actually sounds like this; not "glutton".

  • So, "glutton" means you eat too much.

  • Maybe you eat too much chocolate, or potato chips, or...

  • What's one food you eat too much of?

  • Tell me.

  • Let me know.

  • You will see this word a lot in restaurants, if you travel to English-speaking countries.

  • Countries.

  • It's a word that they like to use to make you understand that their food is just not

  • from one country, and this word is: "fusion".

  • So, you look like it says: "fu-sion".

  • Oh, I'm going to have some Asian fusion food; but it's actually: "few-jin", "few-jin".

  • So it sounds like: "few-jin".

  • "Fusion" means a mix of foods together.

  • So, you might have, like, African fusion food, or Asian fusion food, so it means that it's

  • from different part of Asia; so Thai food mixed with Indian food - that would be delicious.

  • Thai food mixed with Chinese food would be fusion.

  • And actually, this would be: "few-jin".

  • This next word...

  • Hmm.

  • Do you know this word?

  • It's very strange.

  • This word, you probably know the word "lunch".

  • "Lunch" is what we usually eat at about 12 o'clock or mid-afternoon meal, but a "luncheon"...

  • Yeah, look it.

  • So it sounds like: "lunch-in", not: "luncheon".

  • A "luncheon" is basically a lunch party.

  • Oo!

  • So it's basically you invite a lot of friends; you have a lot of food; maybe you drink a

  • little - it's lunchtime.

  • So: "luncheon" is basically a big lunch party; sounds like fun.

  • This word is something that I have, and it's called "passion".

  • So, it actually sounds like this...

  • If I was going to spell it, I'd spell it like this.

  • I'd spell it: "pash-in".

  • "Passion" means you have a strong love or strong feeling for something.

  • So, I can say: "I have a passion for food.

  • Blueberries.

  • I have a passion for teaching you English.

  • I love it."

  • You can have a passion for anything; whatever you love to do, it's your passion.

  • What's your passion?

  • But be careful, it's not: "passion"; "pashin".

  • This is a really important word as well when we're talking about food, this word is "nutrition".

  • So, it sounds like this: "new-trish-in".

  • Hmm.

  • "Nutrition", "nutrition".

  • No.

  • It's: "new-trish-in".

  • So, "nutrition" basically means the diet that you are eating.

  • Now, "diet" doesn't mean the restriction of food, like: "I'm on a diet; I can only eat

  • 100 blueberries".

  • "Diet" means the food that you actually eat.

  • So in your country...

  • Every country would have a different diet.

  • Example: When I was growing up, my diet was: Every day meat and potatoes, and vegetables.

  • The next day, oo, guess what I could have?

  • I could have potatoes, and then meat and vegetables.

  • Thanks, Grandma, for making me so many potatoes; I love it.

  • I'd like some rice every once in a while, though.

  • So, your nutrition is based upon your diet.

  • The nutrition means the vitamins and minerals you get from your diet.

  • Is your diet healthy?

  • If your diet is healthy, you would have a high nutrition; if your diet is not good,

  • you would have a very low nutrition.

  • So if you eat junk food or fried food-the delicious stuff-probably you have a very bad

  • or low nutrition.

  • Uh-oh.

  • Do you guys know this word?

  • "Addiction".

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Whoa, I almost fell.

  • So, some people...

  • This is a noun.

  • Some people have an addiction to food.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • So, we don't say: "addiction"; we say: "addicshin".

  • So, actually, this sounds like "shin" at the end, which is even crazier.

  • An "addiction" means something you cannot stop doing.

  • But then you think: "Ronnie, that's ridiculous.

  • Of course I can't stop eating; I have to eat to live."

  • But there's a problem with it.

  • If you're addicted to something, it means you can't stop doing it to the point where

  • it is unhealthy.

  • Of course you need to eat, but if you eat too much or you eat really, really bad food;

  • or you have to eat chocolate every day - you might have an addiction to chocolate.

  • People can be addicted to alcohol, people can be addicted to drugs; anything that you

  • do that is actually unhealthy.

  • A little bit - no problem.

  • Next word is: "digestion".

  • "Digestion" means the process of eating and then going through all the wonderful places

  • of your body, and then coming out at the end.

  • Okay?

  • So, digestion is the system of eating and the food leaving your body - not to get technical.

  • So, this word, it looks like: "dig-est-ion", but it's: "die-ges-chin", "die-ges-chin".

  • Oh, there's a "chin" at the end - woo-hoo.

  • So, this is: "die-ges-chin"; your digestive system.

  • And maybe you're not good at cooking, so you're going to take a cooking...

  • Not "less-on".

  • You're going to take a "cooking less-in".

  • So, a cooking lesson will teach you how to cook.

  • If you want to give me a cooking lesson, I'm up for that; but please don't teach me how

  • to cook potatoes or anything boiled, because I've been doing that for years.

  • And the last word is: "region".

  • Hmm.

  • It looks like: "region"; it's actually "regin".

  • So, "region", the pronunciation would be like: "re-gin", is basically the area.

  • So, in your country, I guarantee each region or each area of your country will have different

  • foods.

  • For example, if you go north, maybe it's spicy; or if you go south, maybe it's not as spicy.

  • I don't know, but I'd like to know.

  • I'll come to your house - feed me some food; it'll be great.

  • So, depending what region you live in, depending what food is available will depend on what

  • your diet is.

  • So, what I'm going to do, because pronunciation is so important, I am going to go through

  • these words a little bit faster, and you can repeat so that your pronunciation is perfect,

  • and sounds very natural.

  • So, let's go.

  • Delicious.

  • Bacon, salmon, onion, lemon, melon, mutton, lion, pigeon, bourbon, cinnamon; apron, glutton,

  • fusion, luncheon, passion-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-nutrition, addiction, digestion...

  • Sorry, that sounded weird.

  • Digestion, not: "die-gestion", don't say it like that.

  • Digestion, cooking lesson, and region.

  • So, if you want to teach me how to cook any food from your countries, I am more than open

  • to get recipes, and maybe I'll share some with you.

  • Do you guys like boiled meat?

  • I'll share some Scottish recipes.

  • As an ending, my family...

  • My grandmother was born and my grandfather was born in Scotland.

  • Have you...?

  • Have you ever been to a Scottish restaurant?

  • So maybe you're travelling not in Scotland or anywhere in the world, and you've got...

  • Especially in Toronto, you've got Mexican food, you've got Persian food, Lebanese food,

  • Italian food, Mexican food - food from all over the world, and I think: "Damn, why is

  • there no Scottish food?"

  • Do you know why?

  • It's terrible.

  • It's not bad, but it's terrible.

  • People just don't pay for it.

  • They're like: "I don't want some boiled meat and potatoes; I can make that at my house."

  • Thanks, Gran, for cooking.

  • Bye.

Good afternoon.

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以ON結尾的英語單詞的發音。 (Pronunciation of English words with an ON ending)

  • 22 3
    Hui-Ju Tsai posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary