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Hello this is Ray, today let's learn the subjunctive mood
Welcome back to RD Youtube channel, and today's lesson is of the grammar series
歡迎回到阿滴英文的 YouTube 頻道,那今天我們要進行的是文法學堂系列。
I remember the last episode of grammar was about perfect tense, and it's pretty popular. The second most popular grammar topic you've asked us to do is the subjunctive mood
So today let us learn how to use i & f, which is "if"
所以今天我們就來搞懂 i 跟 f 也就是 if 這個字的用法。
But first of all, can you see the differences between these 3 sentences?
If you don't, it's fine. If you carefully watch my teaching, you will understand. See? I'm using the subjunctive mood.
你現在不懂沒關係,如果你有好好看我的教學的話,你就會懂了。 有沒有發現,我這邊用假設語氣。
The first type is to make a possible assumption, using present tense
So the example here, "If Ray has time, he will make a video." This is something possible
所以剛剛的例句,If Ray has time, he will make a video,「如果Ray有時間的話,他就會做影片」,這個是有可能發生的事。
Assumptions for possible things should be used like this:
If you want to live, eat everything
If you don't finish your food, grandma will murder you
Most cases would fit this situation, and in Chinese this is the only kind of subjunctive mood, which talks about possible things. "If this, then it will..."
But in English there's a different form, which is when your assumption is the opposite of the truth and thus needs to be marked. And that makes the second and the third type.
The second type is the assumption opposite to the present truth, using past tense
So the example "If Ray had time, he would make a video." implies that Ray doesn't have time now, but if he has, he will make a video
所以剛剛的例句,If Ray had time, he would make a video 就是「Ray 現在是沒有時間的,不過如果他有時間的話,他會做影片」
The assumption that is opposite to the present truth would be like:
If I were you, I would try to finish the food
Apparently I am not YOU. This is opposite to the truth, so you should use the past tense "were" to assume that
我明顯不是你,與事實相反,所以就要用 were 過去式來假設。
And there's a topic frequently used for composition test: "What would you do if you were the president?"
還有另外一個很常用來當作作文題目的 What would you do if you were the president?
Obviously, you're not the president, so in this situation opposite to the truth, we will say "If you were the president"
你明顯不是總統,所以假設一個與現在相反的狀況,就要用 If you were the president.
But recently the US is going to have their election, the candidate Trump usually says "If I'm the president, I will blah blah blah"
不過最近美國就要選舉了,候選人 Trump 他常常會說 If I’m the president, I will blah blah blah,
This is what may happen in the future, so he's using the first type of assumption, which is present tense: If I am the president
這是在未來可能會發生的假設,所以他用的是第一類型的假設,也就是用現在式:If I am the president。
But it's probably okay if you say "If I'm the president" in the article. If the teacher thinks it's wrong, you can tell the teacher:
不過如果你在作文裡面要寫 If I’m the president,應該也是可以啦,如果老師幫你改錯,說一定要用 if I were the president ,你就跟老師說:
You're trampling on my dream! I think it's possible that I'll be the presodent
The third type is the assumption opposite to the past truth, using past perfect tense
So the example then, "If Ray had had time, he would have made a video"
所以我們剛剛的例句,If Ray had had time, he would have made a video
means that "Ray didn't have time then, so he didn't make a video, but if he had had time at that moment, he would have made a video then"
意思就是「Ray 那時候就是沒有時間,所以沒有做影片,但是如果說那時候有時間的話,那那時候就會做影片了」。
I didn't say it wrong. It is indeed that complicated in Chinese. It's not because I'm bad in Chinese, I swear
The assumption that is opposite to the past truth would be like:
If he had eaten everything, he would not have been murdered
My video about perfect tense has mentioned that tense is comparative in English, so the previous time of present tense is past tense, and the previous time of past tense is then past perfect tense
Thus, if we use past tense in the assumption opposite to the present truth, then we should use past perfect tense in assumption opposite to the past truth, right?
Okay...some of you may understand
So you see that the subjunctive mood really is complicated, but I hope you get to know more about it after my explanation
Lastly, let's make a sentence: If you think this video was helpful, will you please share it?
那最後我們來造個句子,If you think this video was helpful, will you please share it?
You see, I'm using the first type, the possible assumption. Uh-hum
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如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按個讚。如果你想要看到每個禮拜更多新的英文教學影片,你可以點這邊的按鈕,訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道。
I also have Facebook and Instagram accounts, so you can type "Ray Du English" and find me. Here's the previous video, and this is the next one
那我在 Facebook 跟 Instagram 也都有帳號,都可以使用 Ray Du English 來找到我。那這裡的話是我的上一部影片,這裡是我的下一部影片。
Right here is my blog in which you can see some of my articels
And that is a wrap, thank you guys, for watching as always, and I'll catch you guys next time! See ya!
And that is a wrap, thank you guys, for watching as always, and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya!