Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles welcome to a special preview of welcome to a special preview of master English conversation master English conversation master English conversation version 2 . oh this is the version 2 . oh this is the version 2 . oh this is the master class video lesson to master class video lesson to master class video lesson to learn more about this powerful learn more about this powerful learn more about this powerful speaking success video course speaking success video course speaking success video course click on the button at the top click on the button at the top click on the button at the top of this video of this video of this video enjoy enjoy enjoy all right well hello and welcome all right well hello and welcome all right well hello and welcome back to another edition of the back to another edition of the back to another edition of the master class video lesson and master class video lesson and master class video lesson and today I have my friend Shannon today I have my friend Shannon today I have my friend Shannon if Abe did I pronounce that red if Abe did I pronounce that red if Abe did I pronounce that red is perfect it's awesome is perfect it's awesome is perfect it's awesome so he has a kind of funny last so he has a kind of funny last so he has a kind of funny last name can you spell your last lef name can you spell your last lef name can you spell your last lef eb v re ok eb v re ok eb v re ok French Canadian French Canadian French Canadian French Canadian French Canadian French Canadian top don't hold it against me top don't hold it against me top don't hold it against me where are you living now i'm in where are you living now i'm in where are you living now i'm in Nagasaki Japan and where are you Nagasaki Japan and where are you Nagasaki Japan and where are you from I'm from Australia born in from I'm from Australia born in from I'm from Australia born in Sydney but raised in down in the Sydney but raised in down in the Sydney but raised in down in the in the north so so you can see in the north so so you can see in the north so so you can see that he's and interesting that he's and interesting that he's and interesting eclectic mix of lots of eclectic mix of lots of eclectic mix of lots of different things french canadian different things french canadian different things french canadian and some Japanese influence now and some Japanese influence now and some Japanese influence now but also from Australia's are but also from Australia's are but also from Australia's are accidents or a little bit accidents or a little bit accidents or a little bit different from being a different from being a different from being a completely different yeah they completely different yeah they completely different yeah they are they are quite different are they are quite different are they are quite different you'll notice I'm from Chicago you'll notice I'm from Chicago you'll notice I'm from Chicago even people in America we've all even people in America we've all even people in America we've all got different kinds of accidents got different kinds of accidents got different kinds of accidents it's really a huge country it's really a huge country it's really a huge country lots of different influences and lots of different influences and lots of different influences and you know so i can because he's you know so i can because he's you know so i can because he's coming yes coming yes coming yes West goes 0 midwest and the West goes 0 midwest and the West goes 0 midwest and the south so I've been to quite a south so I've been to quite a south so I've been to quite a few different places in the few different places in the few different places in the American and I can ever where American and I can ever where American and I can ever where have you been in America are have you been in America are have you been in America are pretty much all over over that pretty much all over over that pretty much all over over that probably 30 32 states and the probably 30 32 states and the probably 30 32 states and the out of 50 that's like more than out of 50 that's like more than out of 50 that's like more than me that think mostly more than me that think mostly more than me that think mostly more than most Americans a distance yeah most Americans a distance yeah most Americans a distance yeah I've been a bit so I don't know I've been a bit so I don't know I've been a bit so I don't know Alaska Alaska Alaska I haven't been to Alaska Alaska I haven't been to Alaska Alaska I haven't been to Alaska Alaska is one of the definitely the is one of the definitely the is one of the definitely the places i really want to go to places i really want to go to places i really want to go to it's on the list it's on the it's on the list it's on the it's on the list it's on the list well I got a lot of family list well I got a lot of family list well I got a lot of family up in the risk comes to kind of up in the risk comes to kind of up in the risk comes to kind of vancouver all right so it's not vancouver all right so it's not vancouver all right so it's not too far too far too far no sort of little hop skip and no sort of little hop skip and no sort of little hop skip and jump just to get to the open to jump just to get to the open to jump just to get to the open to Alaska for me Alaska for me Alaska for me well anyway today so this month well anyway today so this month well anyway today so this month we're talking about music you we're talking about music you we're talking about music you got to listen to a conversation got to listen to a conversation got to listen to a conversation I had with my older sister who I had with my older sister who I had with my older sister who is a flute teacher and I also is a flute teacher and I also is a flute teacher and I also learned some things about her learned some things about her learned some things about her that I didn't know so maybe my that I didn't know so maybe my that I didn't know so maybe my memory is kind of i'm losin I'm memory is kind of i'm losin I'm memory is kind of i'm losin I'm losin my memory I guess lazy losin my memory I guess lazy losin my memory I guess lazy it's a little foggy I suppose it's a little foggy I suppose it's a little foggy I suppose but when I was younger I always but when I was younger I always but when I was younger I always assumed she was playing the assumed she was playing the assumed she was playing the piano piano piano something like a long time but something like a long time but something like a long time but she wasn't my younger sister she wasn't my younger sister she wasn't my younger sister I knew she was a piano player as I knew she was a piano player as I knew she was a piano player as well but so anyway my older well but so anyway my older well but so anyway my older sister is a flute player and sister is a flute player and sister is a flute player and since we're talking about music since we're talking about music since we're talking about music this month i wanted to talk with this month i wanted to talk with this month i wanted to talk with my friend Shannon hear about my friend Shannon hear about my friend Shannon hear about some like musical experiences in some like musical experiences in some like musical experiences in his life he's a big fan of his life he's a big fan of his life he's a big fan of singing he loves it go to singing he loves it go to singing he loves it go to karaoke karaoke karaoke well yeah okay remember my well yeah okay remember my well yeah okay remember my birthday party love yes yes we birthday party love yes yes we birthday party love yes yes we we built it out a couple of we built it out a couple of we built it out a couple of numbers numbers numbers I the tiger eye of the tiger I the tiger eye of the tiger I the tiger eye of the tiger this is a great song and this is a great song and this is a great song and especially if you are a fan of especially if you are a fan of especially if you are a fan of learning English learning English learning English one of the interesting things one of the interesting things one of the interesting things that kind of different things that kind of different things that kind of different things about the the karaoke culture about the the karaoke culture about the the karaoke culture again if you're Japanese this again if you're Japanese this again if you're Japanese this would be caught oh ok would be caught oh ok would be caught oh ok and the Japanese for that is and the Japanese for that is and the Japanese for that is open work is yours if you didn't open work is yours if you didn't open work is yours if you didn't know what that meant anyway so know what that meant anyway so know what that meant anyway so it's really interesting we've it's really interesting we've it's really interesting we've got coming from America open got coming from America open got coming from America open orchestra becomes , oh ok in orchestra becomes , oh ok in orchestra becomes , oh ok in Japanese and then it comes back Japanese and then it comes back Japanese and then it comes back to english to become karaoke to english to become karaoke to english to become karaoke karaoke but the interesting karaoke but the interesting karaoke but the interesting thing about the culture of thing about the culture of thing about the culture of karaoke in America is that what karaoke in America is that what karaoke in America is that what you usually have is like a bar you usually have is like a bar you usually have is like a bar or like a restaurant or or like a restaurant or or like a restaurant or something and then everybody is something and then everybody is something and then everybody is sitting in one room all the sitting in one room all the sitting in one room all the people eating or drinking people eating or drinking people eating or drinking together and then there's one together and then there's one together and then there's one microphone so you need a lot of microphone so you need a lot of microphone so you need a lot of courage or you need to drink a courage or you need to drink a courage or you need to drink a lot of alcohol or something or lot of alcohol or something or lot of alcohol or something or be a great singer be a great singer be a great singer I suppose which most people I suppose which most people I suppose which most people aren't to get out and really be aren't to get out and really be aren't to get out and really be able to do some things like that able to do some things like that able to do some things like that so in Japan it's all little body so in Japan it's all little body so in Japan it's all little body is no buckle is no buckle is no buckle it's family it's family it's family and friends so it's a little not and friends so it's a little not and friends so it's a little not as intimidating sure it's very as intimidating sure it's very as intimidating sure it's very very open and very friendly and very open and very friendly and very open and very friendly and is a friendly and your food is a friendly and your food is a friendly and your food anyone gives you a little clunky anyone gives you a little clunky anyone gives you a little clunky of the under what you're really of the under what you're really of the under what you're really bad bad bad yeah and they have some some yeah and they have some some yeah and they have some some instruments ya tambourine and I instruments ya tambourine and I instruments ya tambourine and I got the little bit of a good got the little bit of a good got the little bit of a good time time time you know you have like a little you know you have like a little you know you have like a little it's like it's like a 2d it's like it's like a 2d it's like it's like a 2d yeah for a guitar you can keep yeah for a guitar you can keep yeah for a guitar you can keep your not like pretend to play your not like pretend to play your not like pretend to play the guitar in some places it's the guitar in some places it's the guitar in some places it's kind of really it's kind of kind of really it's kind of kind of really it's kind of funny you know when you do funny you know when you do funny you know when you do something like that you know something like that you know something like that you know they're very to get into it they're very to get into it they're very to get into it yeah you know putting a kind of yeah you know putting a kind of yeah you know putting a kind of significance and stuff like that significance and stuff like that significance and stuff like that yeah I going to do for the yeah I going to do for the yeah I going to do for the singing I don't really get there singing I don't really get there singing I don't really get there for the yeah a good time and for the yeah a good time and for the yeah a good time and stuff like that but now that you stuff like that but now that you stuff like that but now that you know everything everybody says know everything everybody says know everything everybody says they're really good yeah exactly they're really good yeah exactly they're really good yeah exactly it to each his own it to each his own it to each his own yes really but tell me about the yes really but tell me about the yes really but tell me about the first time you went to karaoke first time you went to karaoke first time you went to karaoke you may like so you've been in you may like so you've been in you may like so you've been in Japan longer than I am yes Japan longer than I am yes Japan longer than I am yes you've been here like 12 years you've been here like 12 years you've been here like 12 years or 13 years that on and off yeah or 13 years that on and off yeah or 13 years that on and off yeah not all for me for about 16 not all for me for about 16 not all for me for about 16 years 16 years but in total years 16 years but in total years 16 years but in total probably around about seven probably around about seven probably around about seven years now so yeah now I remember years now so yeah now I remember years now so yeah now I remember the first time with the the first time with the the first time with the character very clearly character very clearly character very clearly yeah it was with the adult yeah it was with the adult yeah it was with the adult classes teaching a conversation classes teaching a conversation classes teaching a conversation class class class I rock up into the listen and I rock up into the listen and I rock up into the listen and they're like a we're going to they're like a we're going to they're like a we're going to select bunny select bunny select bunny haha let's go and like okay his haha let's go and like okay his haha let's go and like okay his men and women men and women on men and women men and women on men and women men and women on I was a group of I you know I was a group of I you know I was a group of I you know business around the flat and business around the flat and business around the flat and they're there they're there they're there the philosophy of learning the philosophy of learning the philosophy of learning English was not candidates English was not candidates English was not candidates let's hit the books now sure let's hit the books now sure let's hit the books now sure like free conversation huh like free conversation huh like free conversation huh let's do whatever we feel like let's do whatever we feel like let's do whatever we feel like make it fun and make it make it fun and make it make it fun and make it interesting so there is like a interesting so there is like a interesting so there is like a you know an amalgamation of you know an amalgamation of you know an amalgamation of people just you know enjoying me people just you know enjoying me people just you know enjoying me how to to to talk English with how to to to talk English with how to to to talk English with each other and stuff like that each other and stuff like that each other and stuff like that it's great so we went to a bar it's great so we went to a bar it's great so we went to a bar and they're like a que I want and they're like a que I want and they're like a que I want you to sing you know it's you to sing you know it's you to sing you know it's something for us and them yeah something for us and them yeah something for us and them yeah look it's not like character look it's not like character look it's not like character today today and got you know all today today and got you know all today today and got you know all the latest in our top 40 you got the latest in our top 40 you got the latest in our top 40 you got all those you're all the new all those you're all the new all those you're all the new song yes song yes song yes this rock is pop this you know this rock is pop this you know this rock is pop this you know arm because you know pretty much arm because you know pretty much arm because you know pretty much a full spectrum of the of the a full spectrum of the of the a full spectrum of the of the singing genre but in the old singing genre but in the old singing genre but in the old days days days 15 16 17 years ago you had only 15 16 17 years ago you had only 15 16 17 years ago you had only the song from the sixties and the song from the sixties and the song from the sixties and seventies seventies seventies oh really oh yeah and now there oh really oh yeah and now there oh really oh yeah and now there was nothing nothing you know I was nothing nothing you know I was nothing nothing you know I had no idea i'm kind of newer to had no idea i'm kind of newer to had no idea i'm kind of newer to the carrier he's the only the carrier he's the only the carrier he's the only choices you really had was Elvis choices you really had was Elvis choices you really had was Elvis Presley Presley Presley huh the beatles as far as like huh the beatles as far as like huh the beatles as far as like for music seriously now that was for music seriously now that was for music seriously now that was it the beatles and carpenters it the beatles and carpenters it the beatles and carpenters and the end of carbon and that and the end of carbon and that and the end of carbon and that was that was that was that I'm like that sing sing sing I'm like that sing sing sing I'm like that sing sing sing sing the Capitals for me not sing the Capitals for me not sing the Capitals for me not like a better even though the like a better even though the like a better even though the company's little own songs from company's little own songs from company's little own songs from the comments be sure the comments be sure the comments be sure well if you're if you're not well if you're if you're not well if you're if you're not Japanese and you're watching Japanese and you're watching Japanese and you're watching this the carpenter's it's an this the carpenter's it's an this the carpenter's it's an American band it's a I think American band it's a I think American band it's a I think their husbands wives husband and their husbands wives husband and their husbands wives husband and wife team and they're singing wife team and they're singing wife team and they're singing singer-songwriters like ballads singer-songwriters like ballads singer-songwriters like ballads yes so they produce balance yes so they produce balance yes so they produce balance there's lots of different genres there's lots of different genres there's lots of different genres of music and a ballot is a kind of music and a ballot is a kind of music and a ballot is a kind of like a love song I'm like of like a love song I'm like of like a love song I'm like singing about how much I care singing about how much I care singing about how much I care about you and about you and about you and and all of these things but one and all of these things but one and all of these things but one of the reasons they're popular of the reasons they're popular of the reasons they're popular in Japan is because their music in Japan is because their music in Japan is because their music is really slow is really slow is really slow yes it's clear it's easy to yes it's clear it's easy to yes it's clear it's easy to understand this is the understand this is the understand this is the Carpenters you can get this but Carpenters you can get this but Carpenters you can get this but a lot of students listen to this a lot of students listen to this a lot of students listen to this in English classes in japan so in English classes in japan so in English classes in japan so everybody knows copy everybody knows copy everybody knows copy unfortunately she she died unfortunately she she died unfortunately she she died already young already young already young you didn't know not going out you didn't know not going out you didn't know not going out anorexia it really yes she was anorexia it really yes she was anorexia it really yes she was one of the first like stars one of the first like stars one of the first like stars singers and actresses to singers and actresses to singers and actresses to actually full frail to obviously actually full frail to obviously actually full frail to obviously an eating disorder an eating disorder an eating disorder really and I was back in the really and I was back in the really and I was back in the seventies so yeah so you know a seventies so yeah so you know a seventies so yeah so you know a little bit of a you know little bit of a you know little bit of a you know music music trivia there why music music trivia there why music music trivia there why didn't like how do you can ask didn't like how do you can ask didn't like how do you can ask your friend how did karen your friend how did karen your friend how did karen carpenter died as i was the name carpenter died as i was the name carpenter died as i was the name was it I think Karen car came was it I think Karen car came was it I think Karen car came for and I think my this before for and I think my this before for and I think my this before LOL generation sure sure LOL generation sure sure LOL generation sure sure i know i don't know if you heard i know i don't know if you heard i know i don't know if you heard about the cop news before you about the cop news before you about the cop news before you came to Japan I i think i think came to Japan I i think i think came to Japan I i think i think i had heard some of the music of i had heard some of the music of i had heard some of the music of The Carpenters but I didn't know The Carpenters but I didn't know The Carpenters but I didn't know who produced who produced who produced ok like what's that what's the ok like what's that what's the ok like what's that what's the one song when i was young i one song when i was young i one song when i was young i listen to them and I listened to listen to them and I listened to listen to them and I listened to that in school and let him lick that in school and let him lick that in school and let him lick I've heard that before I've heard that before I've heard that before i know i have but i don't know i know i have but i don't know i know i have but i don't know the people who produce song the people who produce song the people who produce song that's interesting like every that's interesting like every that's interesting like every school like junior high school school like junior high school school like junior high school elementary school I guess even elementary school I guess even elementary school I guess even high school in Japan they have high school in Japan they have high school in Japan they have got their song at the end of the got their song at the end of the got their song at the end of the day or even like the town that day or even like the town that day or even like the town that got the like another eight got the like another eight got the like another eight o'clock in the morning we'll do o'clock in the morning we'll do o'clock in the morning we'll do the five o'clock from yeah and the five o'clock from yeah and the five o'clock from yeah and if it one in my town was good I if it one in my town was good I if it one in my town was good I know and which translates as know and which translates as know and which translates as Love Field town Love Field town Love Field town I was yesterday by oh yeah sure I was yesterday by oh yeah sure I was yesterday by oh yeah sure sigh every day for the three sigh every day for the three sigh every day for the three years i lived there years i lived there years i lived there I listened to yesterday really I listened to yesterday really I listened to yesterday really yeah so I went to a yeah so I went to a yeah so I went to a there is a grocery store I think there is a grocery store I think there is a grocery store I think it's still in the old over i was it's still in the old over i was it's still in the old over i was living before when i first came living before when i first came living before when i first came to Japan it was a small grocery to Japan it was a small grocery to Japan it was a small grocery store is where i started store is where i started store is where i started practicing my Japanese actually practicing my Japanese actually practicing my Japanese actually ok and every Wednesday they had ok and every Wednesday they had ok and every Wednesday they had a sale and guess what music they a sale and guess what music they a sale and guess what music they played your never you'll never played your never you'll never played your never you'll never guess guess guess and you just take a wild guess and you just take a wild guess and you just take a wild guess Michael Jackson be there no no Michael Jackson be there no no Michael Jackson be there no no not Michael Jackson they played not Michael Jackson they played not Michael Jackson they played the music for Indiana Jones the music for Indiana Jones the music for Indiana Jones really really really oh I was in their shopping in oh I was in their shopping in oh I was in their shopping in like I don't know why they like I don't know why they like I don't know why they picked it but i felt i don't picked it but i felt i don't picked it but i felt i don't know that i felt i was like I know that i felt i was like I know that i felt i was like I want a shot so but like did it want a shot so but like did it want a shot so but like did it there there there did it is late grabbing my did it is late grabbing my did it is late grabbing my bananas a day off bananas a day off bananas a day off I guess it was a nice a a I guess it was a nice a a I guess it was a nice a a marketing ploy marketing ploy marketing ploy I guess maybe they had to pick I guess maybe they had to pick I guess maybe they had to pick something yeah to use your you something yeah to use your you something yeah to use your you know your subconscious to tell know your subconscious to tell know your subconscious to tell you see if to buy more stuff you see if to buy more stuff you see if to buy more stuff because you felt I guess what because you felt I guess what because you felt I guess what adventures so sure i could see adventures so sure i could see adventures so sure i could see that working more in like an that working more in like an that working more in like an American store but like a small American store but like a small American store but like a small Japanese plays that people would Japanese plays that people would Japanese plays that people would know I mean I I know Indiana know I mean I I know Indiana know I mean I I know Indiana Jones is popular but i could if Jones is popular but i could if Jones is popular but i could if i could imagine more popular i could imagine more popular i could imagine more popular money and I but if you go into a money and I but if you go into a money and I but if you go into a lot of different supermarkets lot of different supermarkets lot of different supermarkets and a lot of the different and a lot of the different and a lot of the different department stores and stuff department stores and stuff department stores and stuff they will play music sure they will play music sure they will play music sure they're I mean they're all like they're I mean they're all like they're I mean they're all like music music music is everywhere music music music is everywhere music music music is everywhere it's like there's always like it's like there's always like it's like there's always like some kind of thing but I don't some kind of thing but I don't some kind of thing but I don't you know you know it you know you know it you know you know it mr. max they play with what is mr. max they play with what is mr. max they play with what is mr. max is a BB gun like a mr. max is a BB gun like a mr. max is a BB gun like a department store where is a department store where is a department store where is a Alice Nagasaki Alice Nagasaki Alice Nagasaki really yeah mr. managed to max really yeah mr. managed to max really yeah mr. managed to max this one and two get soon this one and two get soon this one and two get soon let me love ya one I need to get let me love ya one I need to get let me love ya one I need to get out more anyway they they played out more anyway they they played out more anyway they they played the when the saints the when the saints the when the saints oh really yeah but then at the oh really yeah but then at the oh really yeah but then at the end they put them on Nuala end they put them on Nuala end they put them on Nuala spilling remember when the same spilling remember when the same spilling remember when the same time mr. max time mr. max time mr. max haha I've ever the states that haha I've ever the states that haha I've ever the states that mr. man that's butcher the song mr. man that's butcher the song mr. man that's butcher the song but it's still going to catch but it's still going to catch but it's still going to catch the rhythm and meter not even 10 the rhythm and meter not even 10 the rhythm and meter not even 10 20 30 minutes after I left the 20 30 minutes after I left the 20 30 minutes after I left the place i'm still having that many place i'm still having that many place i'm still having that many songs songs songs ya like like Max like ya like like Max like ya like like Max like subconsciously like it's looked subconsciously like it's looked subconsciously like it's looked in so you know where that in so you know where that in so you know where that concept that you make you into concept that you make you into concept that you make you into concerts i've been - Wow concerts i've been - Wow concerts i've been - Wow I'm trying to think of some more I'm trying to think of some more I'm trying to think of some more intimate kind of concerts up intimate kind of concerts up intimate kind of concerts up into actually there into actually there into actually there there's a a singer i really like there's a a singer i really like there's a a singer i really like all Rufus Wainwright all Rufus Wainwright all Rufus Wainwright you probably never heard of him you probably never heard of him you probably never heard of him and he's actually he's been in and he's actually he's been in and he's actually he's been in like a couple of movies and done like a couple of movies and done like a couple of movies and done songs and that you probably songs and that you probably songs and that you probably heard some of his music before heard some of his music before heard some of his music before but i really like his music but i really like his music but i really like his music rufus wainwright and it's rufus wainwright and it's rufus wainwright and it's actually it's actually not bad actually it's actually not bad actually it's actually not bad for learning English because for learning English because for learning English because he's he has a kind of like a he's he has a kind of like a he's he has a kind of like a really like nasally kind of really like nasally kind of really like nasally kind of voice like me is like voice like me is like voice like me is like it's like but like it's like a it's like but like it's like a it's like but like it's like a very pretty easy to sing very pretty easy to sing very pretty easy to sing well yeah I mean I keys are well yeah I mean I keys are well yeah I mean I keys are really he has a really really he has a really really he has a really distinctive divorce distinctive divorce distinctive divorce ok and so would you like you can ok and so would you like you can ok and so would you like you can yeah you i mean like as soon as yeah you i mean like as soon as yeah you i mean like as soon as I I I heard it I was like all I I I heard it I was like all I I I heard it I was like all like I really like the song but like I really like the song but like I really like the song but there's some really good songs there's some really good songs there's some really good songs it's actually not bad for it's actually not bad for it's actually not bad for learning English ok so i mean learning English ok so i mean learning English ok so i mean it's it's it's it's it's it's he has some slower ones that he has some slower ones that he has some slower ones that it's not it's not like the it's not it's not like the it's not it's not like the Carpenters it's not that easy Carpenters it's not that easy Carpenters it's not that easy that obvious but it really good that obvious but it really good that obvious but it really good stuff so I saw him actually that stuff so I saw him actually that stuff so I saw him actually that was on it was one of those was on it was one of those was on it was one of those things you never had this happen things you never had this happen things you never had this happen to you where you're thinking to you where you're thinking to you where you're thinking about like I really want about like I really want about like I really want something to happen but I don't something to happen but I don't something to happen but I don't know how it's going to happen know how it's going to happen know how it's going to happen and you just kind of put the and you just kind of put the and you just kind of put the idea in your mind and I was like idea in your mind and I was like idea in your mind and I was like man I really love to see that man I really love to see that man I really love to see that guy in concert but I never guy in concert but I never guy in concert but I never really liked really liked really liked I just kind of put the idea in I just kind of put the idea in I just kind of put the idea in my mind didn't do any a key and my mind didn't do any a key and my mind didn't do any a key and I didn't I was I mean it's like I didn't I was I mean it's like I didn't I was I mean it's like clearly he's like popular and clearly he's like popular and clearly he's like popular and touring and i'm sure i could touring and i'm sure i could touring and i'm sure i could like find him somewhere whatever like find him somewhere whatever like find him somewhere whatever and then I was looking on and then I was looking on and then I was looking on craigslist and we were actually craigslist and we were actually craigslist and we were actually I was talking with my sister I was talking with my sister I was talking with my sister last month in the master English last month in the master English last month in the master English conversation master class lesson conversation master class lesson conversation master class lesson video about that about how she video about that about how she video about that about how she used craigslist craigslist to used craigslist craigslist to used craigslist craigslist to find some kit because she's find some kit because she's find some kit because she's looking for some kids were looking for some kids were looking for some kids were talking about pets yes yeah yeah talking about pets yes yeah yeah talking about pets yes yeah yeah and i was looking on craigslist and i was looking on craigslist and i was looking on craigslist when i was living in seattle and when i was living in seattle and when i was living in seattle and there was a a woman that had there was a a woman that had there was a a woman that had posted like I've got two tickets posted like I've got two tickets posted like I've got two tickets to Rufus Wainwright will answer to Rufus Wainwright will answer to Rufus Wainwright will answer in Seattle in Seattle in Seattle yeah and i was i was in the yeah and i was i was in the yeah and i was i was in the bathroom as like they're looking bathroom as like they're looking bathroom as like they're looking at my phone I was like oh man at my phone I was like oh man at my phone I was like oh man like that's awesome so I mailed like that's awesome so I mailed like that's awesome so I mailed her and actually like met her her and actually like met her her and actually like met her and got to go to the concert and and got to go to the concert and and got to go to the concert and it was I just like met a new it was I just like met a new it was I just like met a new person like that it was it was person like that it was it was person like that it was it was weird it's like put yourself out weird it's like put yourself out weird it's like put yourself out there like whatever whatever you there like whatever whatever you there like whatever whatever you would like would like would like don't don't be fearful of don't don't be fearful of don't don't be fearful of meeting new people think about meeting new people think about meeting new people think about the experiences you want to have the experiences you want to have the experiences you want to have in like even if you don't know in like even if you don't know in like even if you don't know exactly how it will exactly how it will exactly how it will you know get out there and like you know get out there and like you know get out there and like figure out some way to do it figure out some way to do it figure out some way to do it actually had a lot more chances actually had a lot more chances actually had a lot more chances to go to concerts when I love to go to concerts when I love to go to concerts when I love being in Japan yep being in Japan yep being in Japan yep australia I've actually I've australia I've actually I've australia I've actually I've been to a few myself what if you been to a few myself what if you been to a few myself what if you see I i went to another concert see I i went to another concert see I i went to another concert I really where was that cool oh I really where was that cool oh I really where was that cool oh really and I mean oh shoot sure really and I mean oh shoot sure really and I mean oh shoot sure sixty eighty thousand people out sixty eighty thousand people out sixty eighty thousand people out and I mean she you know she was and I mean she you know she was and I mean she you know she was doing the whole you know the doing the whole you know the doing the whole you know the full song list like you know full song list like you know full song list like you know from her early stuff too from her early stuff too from her early stuff too - like you know I was really - like you know I was really - like you know I was really nice to me it was right i mean nice to me it was right i mean nice to me it was right i mean she she's saying a lot of the she she's saying a lot of the she she's saying a lot of the classics and one of the earlier classics and one of the earlier classics and one of the earlier songs and then this you have an songs and then this you have an songs and then this you have an opening act opening act opening act ah no she didn't opening act as ah no she didn't opening act as ah no she didn't opening act as though it was a longest though it was a longest though it was a longest constantly being too like three constantly being too like three constantly being too like three hours right hours right hours right so every time she left the stage so every time she left the stage so every time she left the stage like they're screaming for the like they're screaming for the like they're screaming for the comeback and stuff like that so comeback and stuff like that so comeback and stuff like that so no no I was really amazing no no I was really amazing no no I was really amazing another interesting that's a bad another interesting that's a bad another interesting that's a bad thing that happens to be one of thing that happens to be one of thing that happens to be one of my students at all students are my students at all students are my students at all students are from when I lived in the way from when I lived in the way from when I lived in the way down his son is a famous get down his son is a famous get down his son is a famous get Tyrus great Tyrus great Tyrus great yes and yeah he we went with his yes and yeah he we went with his yes and yeah he we went with his father to one of his concerts father to one of his concerts father to one of his concerts went backstage and had some eats went backstage and had some eats went backstage and had some eats and drinks with some of the and drinks with some of the and drinks with some of the other band members and stuff other band members and stuff other band members and stuff like that . got introduced to like that . got introduced to like that . got introduced to the crowd as the father in the the crowd as the father in the the crowd as the father in the two bodyguards and so through it two bodyguards and so through it two bodyguards and so through it too much foreigners with the too much foreigners with the too much foreigners with the father here father here father here but you're not at the end we but you're not at the end we but you're not at the end we went to a restaurant and we got went to a restaurant and we got went to a restaurant and we got mugged by some of these girls mugged by some of these girls mugged by some of these girls and they wanted their like a and they wanted their like a and they wanted their like a singer singer singer yeah not a lot of things about yeah not a lot of things about yeah not a lot of things about like patch and backstage passes like patch and backstage passes like patch and backstage passes and stuff like that and are a and stuff like that and are a and stuff like that and are a bit stupid I was like so over bit stupid I was like so over bit stupid I was like so over all these young girls coming up all these young girls coming up all these young girls coming up to me like you know how to me like you know how to me like you know how so you alive more like oh yeah so you alive more like oh yeah so you alive more like oh yeah with me okay with me okay with me okay their head and rock star now I their head and rock star now I their head and rock star now I mean I giostra possibly get it - mean I giostra possibly get it - mean I giostra possibly get it - and then you know kind of and then you know kind of and then you know kind of regretted after that I want to regretted after that I want to regretted after that I want to keep that as I like I'm a mentor keep that as I like I'm a mentor keep that as I like I'm a mentor as I like it you know sort of as I like it you know sort of as I like it you know sort of souvenir or something like that souvenir or something like that souvenir or something like that so so so but you know I was young and but you know I was young and but you know I was young and silly and you know sort of like silly and you know sort of like silly and you know sort of like affected by women a lot more affected by women a lot more affected by women a lot more than what I am than what I am than what I am well I it does happen you know well I it does happen you know well I it does happen you know it happens to the best of us it happens to the best of us it happens to the best of us right now i'm not a lot of right now i'm not a lot of right now i'm not a lot of musical talent for me personally musical talent for me personally musical talent for me personally I do not want nor myself I do not want nor myself I do not want nor myself I guess what I was younger my I guess what I was younger my I guess what I was younger my mother made me do a little bit mother made me do a little bit mother made me do a little bit of like a piano and organ is the of like a piano and organ is the of like a piano and organ is the fact that it fact that it fact that it I didn't want to play the organ I didn't want to play the organ I didn't want to play the organ applied the open like this like applied the open like this like applied the open like this like look like a church or not a look like a church or not a look like a church or not a church was more like a rock and church was more like a rock and church was more like a rock and roll organ way you can you know roll organ way you can you know roll organ way you can you know change the tempo and like a change the tempo and like a change the tempo and like a suicide yes since I putting some suicide yes since I putting some suicide yes since I putting some backbeats and over it i like i backbeats and over it i like i backbeats and over it i like i like an electric keyboard but like an electric keyboard but like an electric keyboard but you know you could do the oboe you know you could do the oboe you know you could do the oboe and the flute and the drums and and the flute and the drums and and the flute and the drums and you could be night soon like you could be night soon like you could be night soon like you're doing and I enjoyed you you're doing and I enjoyed you you're doing and I enjoyed you know but there wasn't really know but there wasn't really know but there wasn't really anything you know straight it it anything you know straight it it anything you know straight it it didn't take them didn't take them didn't take them yeah i was just i want to play yeah i was just i want to play yeah i was just i want to play sport ah well yeah I mean I was sport ah well yeah I mean I was sport ah well yeah I mean I was younger in my generation sport younger in my generation sport younger in my generation sport was the man's things sure was the man's things sure was the man's things sure playing you know musical playing you know musical playing you know musical instrument was the girls you instrument was the girls you instrument was the girls you know it's true but I think know it's true but I think know it's true but I think today's society is a little bit today's society is a little bit today's society is a little bit more well-rounded sure I think more well-rounded sure I think more well-rounded sure I think you know when you do have you know when you do have you know when you do have children you realize what children you realize what children you realize what I need to have a little bit like I need to have a little bit like I need to have a little bit like a full rounded to know sort of a full rounded to know sort of a full rounded to know sort of the a learning experience in the the a learning experience in the the a learning experience in the need to learn you know how to need to learn you know how to need to learn you know how to sing and they need to go - yeah sing and they need to go - yeah sing and they need to go - yeah it's I think it's a good lawyer it's I think it's a good lawyer it's I think it's a good lawyer it's again get on piano and it's again get on piano and it's again get on piano and stuff like that so stuff like that so stuff like that so yet when you start young you yet when you start young you yet when you start young you know you can do something know you can do something know you can do something musically than that to keep in musically than that to keep in musically than that to keep in good stead for the rest of your good stead for the rest of your good stead for the rest of your life life life anyway so we'll we'll let my my anyway so we'll we'll let my my anyway so we'll we'll let my my friend shannon and go but you friend shannon and go but you friend shannon and go but you can say bye bye to everybody all can say bye bye to everybody all can say bye bye to everybody all over the world is watching this over the world is watching this over the world is watching this yes thank you very much I've got yes thank you very much I've got yes thank you very much I've got a good time i'll see you again a good time i'll see you again a good time i'll see you again and yeah he'll be he'll be and yeah he'll be he'll be and yeah he'll be he'll be joining us i love talking to joining us i love talking to joining us i love talking to shannon he and i always have a shannon he and i always have a shannon he and i always have a good time and i'll be back at good time and i'll be back at good time and i'll be back at him in just a moment with the him in just a moment with the him in just a moment with the special mission homework special mission homework special mission homework assignment all about music and assignment all about music and assignment all about music and really going deep for this month really going deep for this month really going deep for this month by Cena by Cena by Cena all right and here we are at the all right and here we are at the all right and here we are at the special mission homework special mission homework special mission homework assignment for this month i hope assignment for this month i hope assignment for this month i hope you enjoyed my conversation with you enjoyed my conversation with you enjoyed my conversation with Shannon and it's a really Shannon and it's a really Shannon and it's a really interesting chance for you as interesting chance for you as interesting chance for you as well to listen to the well to listen to the well to listen to the differences between our accents differences between our accents differences between our accents remember that how you sound is remember that how you sound is remember that how you sound is not so important not so important not so important it's a nice thing to have a it's a nice thing to have a it's a nice thing to have a native British or American or native British or American or native British or American or Australian accent if you want Australian accent if you want Australian accent if you want that but it's more important for that but it's more important for that but it's more important for you to focus on basic grammar so you to focus on basic grammar so you to focus on basic grammar so get that down get that down get that down make sure you can speak properly make sure you can speak properly make sure you can speak properly and then worry about things like and then worry about things like and then worry about things like pronunciation practice so you pronunciation practice so you pronunciation practice so you can sound a lot more native can sound a lot more native can sound a lot more native well the special mission well the special mission well the special mission homework assignment for this homework assignment for this homework assignment for this month is actually quite easy month is actually quite easy month is actually quite easy what I want you to do is using what I want you to do is using what I want you to do is using music find some new cds or mp3's music find some new cds or mp3's music find some new cds or mp3's or videos or anything like that or videos or anything like that or videos or anything like that on YouTube and really listen to on YouTube and really listen to on YouTube and really listen to something over and over again something over and over again something over and over again but I want you to go deep with but I want you to go deep with but I want you to go deep with it i want you to really master it i want you to really master it i want you to really master something something something and in this case I want you to and in this case I want you to and in this case I want you to find even if it's just one song find even if it's just one song find even if it's just one song but find something that's pretty but find something that's pretty but find something that's pretty popular popular popular so you can listen to the music so you can listen to the music so you can listen to the music and actually watch the video so and actually watch the video so and actually watch the video so you can see how people are you can see how people are you can see how people are moving around you can see their moving around you can see their moving around you can see their lips moving and another really lips moving and another really lips moving and another really good thing you want to look for good thing you want to look for good thing you want to look for when choosing a song to practice when choosing a song to practice when choosing a song to practice so again just take one song so again just take one song so again just take one song if you have a lot of free time if you have a lot of free time if you have a lot of free time and you want to listen to more and you want to listen to more and you want to listen to more things find a whole album things find a whole album things find a whole album so an album is like one CD so so an album is like one CD so so an album is like one CD so whatever you're interested in whatever you're interested in whatever you're interested in doing doing doing I want you to find something I want you to find something I want you to find something that's really popular that's really popular that's really popular that will give you chances to that will give you chances to that will give you chances to listen to other versions of the listen to other versions of the listen to other versions of the same song same song same song one popular example is 99 red one popular example is 99 red one popular example is 99 red balloons balloons balloons you can hear the german version you can hear the german version you can hear the german version of this or there are many of this or there are many of this or there are many American versions of this song American versions of this song American versions of this song but it's really interesting to but it's really interesting to but it's really interesting to hear other people or other bands hear other people or other bands hear other people or other bands singing the same song in singing the same song in singing the same song in different ways different ways different ways so just like you get to hear so just like you get to hear so just like you get to hear people on master English people on master English people on master English conversation you get one english conversation you get one english conversation you get one english sentence using different grammar sentence using different grammar sentence using different grammar points or grin a different points or grin a different points or grin a different grammar tenses and you also get grammar tenses and you also get grammar tenses and you also get to listen to something using to listen to something using to listen to something using different voices different voices different voices so you want to diversify this so you want to diversify this so you want to diversify this means to listen to lots of means to listen to lots of means to listen to lots of different kinds of things but different kinds of things but different kinds of things but take one content one piece of take one content one piece of take one content one piece of media like a song and then media like a song and then media like a song and then listen to that in many different listen to that in many different listen to that in many different ways so watch the video ways so watch the video ways so watch the video listen to the song over and over listen to the song over and over listen to the song over and over again listen two different again listen two different again listen two different versions of the song and you versions of the song and you versions of the song and you will really find yourself will really find yourself will really find yourself enjoying that music a lot more enjoying that music a lot more enjoying that music a lot more one thing you should do before one thing you should do before one thing you should do before you pick a song is to read the you pick a song is to read the you pick a song is to read the lyrics so whatever your song is lyrics so whatever your song is lyrics so whatever your song is however you want to practice I however you want to practice I however you want to practice I don't want to tell you a don't want to tell you a don't want to tell you a specific thing but find specific thing but find specific thing but find something that you can read the something that you can read the something that you can read the lyrics first so that you're lyrics first so that you're lyrics first so that you're already listening for keywords already listening for keywords already listening for keywords it's difficult if you start with it's difficult if you start with it's difficult if you start with listening first and then try to listening first and then try to listening first and then try to go back so again that's why you go back so again that's why you go back so again that's why you can do the same thing with can do the same thing with can do the same thing with master English conversation we master English conversation we master English conversation we have five different lesson sets have five different lesson sets have five different lesson sets but you can go through them in but you can go through them in but you can go through them in any order you like any order you like any order you like so if you want to go through the so if you want to go through the so if you want to go through the vocabulary lesson first before vocabulary lesson first before vocabulary lesson first before you listen to the the real you listen to the the real you listen to the the real conversation lesson that's a conversation lesson that's a conversation lesson that's a great way to practice as well it great way to practice as well it great way to practice as well it just depends on how you like to just depends on how you like to just depends on how you like to practice if you'd like to practice if you'd like to practice if you'd like to challenge yourself more begin challenge yourself more begin challenge yourself more begin with the real conversation with the real conversation with the real conversation so the same thing this month for so the same thing this month for so the same thing this month for finding some piece of music that finding some piece of music that finding some piece of music that you like but make sure you find you like but make sure you find you like but make sure you find something that's popular so you something that's popular so you something that's popular so you can listen to different version can listen to different version can listen to different version love it you might hear the love it you might hear the love it you might hear the acoustic version this is like acoustic version this is like acoustic version this is like just using a guitar or just just using a guitar or just just using a guitar or just playing the piano and singing playing the piano and singing playing the piano and singing this is without having like this is without having like this is without having like electric instruments like an electric instruments like an electric instruments like an electric guitar electric guitar electric guitar so find some popular music that so find some popular music that so find some popular music that you like read the lyrics you like read the lyrics you like read the lyrics listen to the song watch the listen to the song watch the listen to the song watch the music video and really go deep music video and really go deep music video and really go deep really master it just like really master it just like really master it just like you're doing with these lessons you're doing with these lessons you're doing with these lessons here every time you listen to here every time you listen to here every time you listen to something even now there are something even now there are something even now there are songs that I listened to and i songs that I listened to and i songs that I listened to and i didn't i didn't know that before didn't i didn't know that before didn't i didn't know that before I will find something that I I will find something that I I will find something that I just didn't realize was there just didn't realize was there just didn't realize was there before so just like these before so just like these before so just like these lessons every time you listen to lessons every time you listen to lessons every time you listen to them every time you go over and them every time you go over and them every time you go over and back and repeat back and repeat back and repeat you'll find new things that you you'll find new things that you you'll find new things that you learn new phrases that come out learn new phrases that come out learn new phrases that come out and this is how you build your and this is how you build your and this is how you build your fluency fluency fluency this is how we build our fluency this is how we build our fluency this is how we build our fluency in our own language and exactly in our own language and exactly in our own language and exactly how you'll do it in English so how you'll do it in English so how you'll do it in English so find some songs and tell me what find some songs and tell me what find some songs and tell me what it is you're practicing this it is you're practicing this it is you're practicing this month so i can tell other month so i can tell other month so i can tell other students what you're practicing students what you're practicing students what you're practicing and really think about finding and really think about finding and really think about finding something fun and if you can do something fun and if you can do something fun and if you can do more than one song that's more than one song that's more than one song that's fantastic so do at least one fantastic so do at least one fantastic so do at least one song find something that's song find something that's song find something that's interesting with music videos interesting with music videos interesting with music videos available and then tell me what available and then tell me what available and then tell me what the song is well have an the song is well have an the song is well have an excellent day i will see you excellent day i will see you excellent day i will see you next month with a brand-new next month with a brand-new next month with a brand-new master English conversation master English conversation master English conversation we're always trying to do new we're always trying to do new we're always trying to do new and interesting things and interesting things and interesting things so if you have any questions at so if you have any questions at so if you have any questions at all or if there's anything you'd all or if there's anything you'd all or if there's anything you'd like to see this course is all like to see this course is all like to see this course is all about you a lot of the about you a lot of the about you a lot of the techniques i'm teaching here techniques i'm teaching here techniques i'm teaching here it's the same thing I use every it's the same thing I use every it's the same thing I use every month to continue building my month to continue building my month to continue building my Japanese fluency Japanese fluency Japanese fluency I actually like Japanese pop I actually like Japanese pop I actually like Japanese pop music I like a band music I like a band music I like a band actually it's one it's a girl actually it's one it's a girl actually it's one it's a girl j-pop it's a little bit j-pop it's a little bit j-pop it's a little bit embarrassing actually so don't embarrassing actually so don't embarrassing actually so don't tell anybody tell anybody tell anybody her name is old Scott I if her name is old Scott I if her name is old Scott I if you're Japanese maybe you know you're Japanese maybe you know you're Japanese maybe you know who this is but i really like who this is but i really like who this is but i really like the I get very excited about the the I get very excited about the the I get very excited about the music but it's kind of difficult music but it's kind of difficult music but it's kind of difficult to sing if i try to sew to sing if i try to sew to sing if i try to sew everything I use in these everything I use in these everything I use in these lessons it's the same things i'm lessons it's the same things i'm lessons it's the same things i'm using for myself to build my own using for myself to build my own using for myself to build my own fluency in Japanese these are fluency in Japanese these are fluency in Japanese these are all just really practical ways all just really practical ways all just really practical ways of getting out and practicing of getting out and practicing of getting out and practicing your fluency your fluency your fluency so get out find your music find so get out find your music find so get out find your music find your music videos your music videos your music videos and tell me what they are have a and tell me what they are have a and tell me what they are have a great month and i will see you great month and i will see you great month and i will see you next time bye bye
A2 US music listen japanese conversation master karaoke Real English Conversation & Fluency Training - Music & Movement - Master English Conversation 2.0 48 4 lawrence posted on 2018/11/21 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary