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  • SPEAKER: So I am introducing Aubrey de Grey,

  • who is the chief science officer of the SENS Research

  • Foundation.

  • And he is a major force in aging research,

  • and I'm very excited to hear this talk.


  • AUBREY DE GREY: All right, thank you all for coming.

  • Glad to see so many of you here.

  • Yeah, there's only five books left over there.

  • That's about-- there were 20 when we came into the room,

  • so hurry.

  • But yeah, and I'm happy to sign them

  • if you really want to be a terribly fanboy kind of person

  • later on.

  • All right, so yes, so I've got an hour,

  • so I'm going to try and tell you as much as I can about

  • what we do at SENS Research Foundation.

  • And why, and why it's important and why

  • you should be supporting it and how you can support it.

  • And there are various ways you can do that.

  • I'm going to start by giving you a really top-level idea,

  • because I know, obviously, most of you

  • don't have very much in the way of biology training.

  • I'm going to start by saying why I think this

  • is such an important problem.

  • This part of the world, Bay Area,

  • is really the epicenter of the effective altruism movement,

  • the movement that really focuses on rationally determining what

  • is the best way to spend money on humanitarian causes, what

  • gets the best bang for the buck.

  • And of course, people try to figure out

  • what the amount of suffering is that

  • is caused by this or that problem,

  • and what it would cost to do something about that.

  • And they try and figure it out from there.

  • And a lot of this comes down to the trade-off

  • between mean and variance.

  • In other words, between understanding how much good you

  • can do and understanding the uncertainty as

  • regards how much good you can do.

  • So high risk, high reward endeavors,

  • like pioneering technology, often

  • get kind of the short end of the stick when

  • it comes to effective altruism.

  • Because they don't really offer the confidence,

  • the certainty, that people like to see

  • with regard to knowing that what they're doing

  • is actually beneficial.

  • And the extreme end of that spectrum

  • is the situation where you don't know whether the problem is

  • solvable at all, whether--

  • it's not just high risk, high reward.

  • It could be 100% risk.

  • In other words, you know, zero chance of success,

  • however large the reward would be.

  • And the problem with that is zero times anything

  • is still zero.

  • So however valuable that the goal might be,

  • you wouldn't really want to go there.

  • And certainly the comparison between the defeat of aging

  • versus various other seriously high profile major issues

  • today, such as the ones I'm listing on this slide,

  • you know, that's quite a contrast.

  • Before I was a biologist, I used to work

  • in artificial intelligence research.

  • And the fundamental reason I did so

  • was that I didn't think that work was a terribly good thing.

  • You know, I think it's a great shame

  • that people have to spend so much of their time doing stuff

  • that they wouldn't do unless they were being paid for it.

  • And so I decided I wanted to fix that with automation.

  • And I worked in that area, actually,

  • in software verification, for several years

  • before I discovered that the obviously much more serious

  • problem of aging was actually being worked on very, very

  • little indeed by biologists.

  • And I thought that was a bit crap, really,

  • so I switched fields.

  • But when I switched fields, I realized-- in fact, actually,

  • this was actually part of the reason why I switched fields.

  • I realized that the people who were working on this, which

  • were, as I said earlier, only a very small minority

  • of biologists, were going about it

  • in a rather unimpressive way.

  • They weren't really going about it as engineers.

  • They weren't really breaking down

  • the problem in a structured manner the way

  • that a programmer might do.

  • And so that's what I tried to do.

  • And I started here.

  • I started with the question, well, look, 200 years ago,

  • even in the wealthiest countries, more than one-third

  • of babies would die before the age of one.

  • More than a third.

  • And of course in the rest of early life,

  • you know, in early adulthood, even,

  • there would be a lot of death.

  • Childbirth, especially, of course.

  • And we've pretty much entirely eliminated that now

  • in the industrialized world.

  • And of course, we're doing very well in that direction

  • in the developing world, too.

  • We've done it by really elementary means,

  • just by figuring out that hygiene was a good idea,

  • and by elementary medicines like vaccines and antibiotics.

  • And of course, even mosquito nets.

  • You know, these are tiny things.

  • And they work.

  • They've saved the most ridiculous number of lives.

  • But we've made virtually no progress

  • against the ill health associated with old age.

  • What's going on?

  • Why is it so different?

  • So most people would say that this is the answer.

  • Don't worry.

  • You're not supposed to be able to read this slide.

  • The point here is obviously just that there's

  • a lot of complexity.

  • An awful lot of different things go wrong with us late in life,

  • and they go wrong at more or less the same time, which

  • means, of course, that they interact with each other.

  • They exacerbate each other.

  • The whole thing is a little bit chaotic.

  • And so most people would say, well, this

  • is fundamentally what's going on.

  • The real reason why aging has remained so hard

  • to tackle with medicine is the sheer complexity

  • of the business.

  • The fact that there's so much going on,

  • it's just overwhelmed the ability of the medical research

  • community.

  • Now, there is a lot of truth in that.

  • That is definitely part of the problem.

  • But what you've got to know is that it's not

  • the main part of the problem.

  • There's a more fundamental reason

  • why aging has been hard to tackle,

  • and I'm going to deal with what that is.

  • I'm going to start by defining aging.

  • This turns out to be actually pretty tricky.

  • So [? Bjork, ?] who's hosting me today,

  • actually got an email this morning saying, listen,

  • we don't want to fix aging.

  • You know, we think it's a good thing.

  • We want to get older and more knowledgeable and all that kind

  • of stuff.

  • Of course we bloody do.

  • That's fairly obvious.

  • I mean, the point, obviously, is that we

  • want to get rid of the bad parts of aging

  • and thereby perpetuate and enhance the good parts.

  • So aging, for the purposes of this talk,

  • will mean the bad parts of aging.

  • So aging is not something specific to biology.

  • You can look at certain aspects of biology, especially

  • human biology, and you can say, well, in some sense,

  • they are emergent phenomena.

  • You know, consciousness.

  • You know, rocks are not conscious.

  • Cars are not conscious.

  • We knew that, right?

  • But aging is actually not an emergent phenomenon.

  • Aging is a phenomenon that is fundamentally

  • the same in living organisms as it

  • is in any man-made machine with moving parts,

  • like the car or an airplane.

  • It is simply a fact of physics that any machine with moving

  • parts is going to do itself damage throughout its existence

  • as an inevitable consequence of its normal operation.

  • It's just a fact of physics.

  • And that damage is going to accumulate.

  • And that's fine for a while, because any machine,

  • living or not, is set up to tolerate

  • a certain amount of damage.

  • And so that's why, for example, cars

  • work perfectly fine for a few years,

  • and you don't have take them into the garage.

  • And it's also why humans work pretty well for a few decades.

  • You don't have to take them into the hospital, either.

  • But eventually, the tolerable threshold of damage

  • is reached and exceeded, and that's

  • when things start to go downhill.

  • That's all that aging is.

  • And the reason I emphasize this is

  • because there is a very widespread misconception

  • in society that aging is some kind of mystery,

  • that it's some kind of enigmatic thing

  • that we absolutely don't understand and never can.

  • You know, it's somehow off-limits from medicine.

  • It's just not correct.

  • This is simply a really obvious and basic thing.

  • And we just need to get out of our heads

  • the idea that it's in any way mysterious.

  • We can actually describe it in just three words.

  • So I'm now obviously restricting myself to biology,

  • to living organisms.

  • Metabolism is the word that biologists

  • use to encompass all of the stuff

  • that the body does from one day to the next to keep us going,

  • keep us alive.

  • And metabolism creates damage, and damage accumulates

  • through our lives, even starting before we're born.

  • And eventually there's too much damage,

  • and you get the pathologies of old age.

  • Now, I've drawn these arrows in this rather curious way,

  • of course, to emphasize that what

  • we're trying to achieve with the work

  • that we're doing to eliminate aging

  • is to weaken the link between metabolism and pathology,

  • the link between being alive and being dead.

  • And there are various ways in which we might go about that.

  • But most of them are very misguided and essentially

  • a waste of time.

  • And I'm going to go through a little bit of why

  • that is before going on to what's going to work.

  • So what I'm showing you here is the answer that most

  • people would give to a very simple question, the question,

  • in what ways can one be sick, can people be sick?

  • In other words, give us a taxonomy of sickness.

  • Most people would say, well, OK, there's infectious diseases.

  • That's column one, communicable diseases.

  • Then there's column two.

  • There's congenital, genetic diseases

  • that some small proportion of us are unlucky enough to inherit.

  • Then in column three, there's the main problems

  • of ill health in the industrialized world today--

  • namely, of course, the chronic progressive

  • diseases of old age.

  • Alzheimer's, cancer, atherosclerosis--

  • those are the big diseases these days.

  • And then most people would say that way out

  • here in the stratosphere somewhere,

  • there is this other fourth completely different thing

  • which is not like diseases at all, this thing called

  • aging itself, which consists of these rather nebulous, rather

  • nonspecific phenomena, like frailty and sarcopenia, which

  • means the loss of muscle as we get older,

  • and immunosenescence, the declining function

  • of the immune system.

  • And most people will just feel that these things are

  • so different from diseases that we might as well not

  • even think about them in the same way at all.

  • You know, that they're kind of--

  • well, as I mentioned earlier, off-limits to medicine.

  • You know, they're kind of natural and inevitable

  • and all that kind of nonsense.

  • This is what people say.

  • They say, well, there's aging, and then there's

  • the diseases of old age.

  • These are different things.

  • Aging is somehow universal and natural,

  • and the diseases of aging are not.

  • That turns out to be completely incorrect.

  • The correct way to classify how you can be sick is shown here.

  • All the four columns now are the same

  • as they were on the previous table.

  • But the difference is that that big black line

  • is in a different place, between columns two and three instead

  • of columns three and four.

  • And that is so as to emphasize two key points, two

  • key misconceptions and errors in what people normally think.

  • The first error that people make that is

  • shown by putting the black line in the wrong place

  • is to think that there's some kind of fundamental distinction

  • between column three and column four--

  • in other words, that there really

  • are diseases of old age and then there's aging itself.

  • That's complete nonsense.

  • The only difference between column three and column four

  • is semantic--

  • that column three consists of the aspects of aging that

  • we've chosen to give disease-like names

  • to and column four consists of the aspects of aging that we

  • haven't.

  • That is all.

  • Everything in either column three or column four

  • is a consequence of having been alive a long time,

  • a consequence of the accumulation of an amount

  • of damage in the body of whatever type

  • that exceeds what the body is set up to tolerate.

  • That is all.

  • The other thing that putting the black line in the wrong place

  • causes people to think, which is wrong,

  • is to think that column three is rather like column one.

  • If you put the black line in the wrong place,

  • then you're going to look for cures things in column three,

  • ways to eliminate them from the body in very much the same way

  • that you might eliminate tuberculosis infections

  • or whatever.

  • And that, again, is obviously complete nonsense

  • when you remember that the things in column three

  • are side effects of being alive.

  • So basically, this is the result.

  • When you make that mistake, you go after the pathologies

  • of old age directly.

  • You try to eliminate them from the body by effectively

  • attenuating the right-hand arrow,

  • trying to stop the pathologies of old age from happening,

  • even despite the fact that the things that are causing them--

  • namely the damage that's continuing to accumulate--

  • is still accumulating.

  • And it's complete nonsense.

  • It's obviously complete nonsense.

  • There's no way in the world that this could ever work.

  • Because at the end of the day, if the damage

  • is continuing to accumulate, then anything

  • that attacks and addresses the consequences of that damage

  • is bound to become progressively less effective as time passes.

  • It's just a complete misconception.

  • It's a category error.

  • And yet billions and billions of dollars

  • are spent every year trying to do this,

  • trying to put not only medical research, but of course,

  • medical practice, trying to actually make this happen.

  • It's insane.

  • Now, I'm not the first person to point this out.

  • In fact, it's been more than 100 years now since people

  • started to realize, a few people started

  • to realize that this was a mug's game,

  • that geriatric medicine was never going to work.

  • And that's where gerontology came from.

  • Gerontology was inspired by two things.

  • Number one, the realization that geriatric medicine was never

  • going to work.

  • And number two, the observation that in the living world,

  • we see a great deal of variation in the rate of aging,

  • in the rate of accumulation of damage.

  • Different species age at very different rates.

  • Even within the species, different individuals

  • age at somewhat different rates.

  • So the idea was, well, if we study this really,

  • really, really hard, then maybe we'll

  • eventually figure out enough about how

  • metabolism generates damage that we

  • will be able to slow it down.

  • We'll be able to develop therapies that will somehow

  • clean up our metabolism so that it generates damage

  • more slowly, and thereby, we postpone

  • the age at which the damage reaches the Intolerable level

  • and pathology emerges.

  • Great idea, in principle.

  • You may, however, have noticed that gerontology has not

  • delivered the cure to aging any more

  • than geriatric medicine has.

  • And this is why.

  • Metabolism is rather complicated.

  • Since I'm speaking to a bunch of coders here,

  • I can immediately just say, well, OK,

  • this is obviously the ultimate nightmare

  • of uncommented spaghetti code.

  • Right?

  • This is just-- there's no way in hell that you're ever going

  • to be able to tweak this network so as to stop it from doing

  • the thing you don't want it to do--

  • namely the creation of damage--

  • without, at the same time, stopping it from doing things

  • you need it to do to keep us alive.

  • It's just not going to happen.

  • Unintended consequences are going to happen.

  • So you know, waste of time.

  • And unfortunately, you know, it took a while for gerontologists

  • to realize this.

  • But eventually they did.

  • I would say that by the 1970s, it was pretty much established

  • within the field of the biology of aging

  • that we were just not going to be able to get this approach

  • to work.

  • And so, actually, it went all the way to--

  • like it became unacceptable even to talk

  • about intervention in aging in a grant application.

  • Aging became this phenomenon, this field like seismology.

  • It was like, people who study earthquakes,

  • they understand that what they study is bad for you,

  • but they have no actual aspiration

  • to doing anything about them.

  • It's all about getting out of the way.

  • All right, but the thing is, there

  • was a bit of an oversight in all of this.

  • And the oversight was that there's

  • a third perfectly respectable approach

  • to dealing with this problem, which

  • is what I'm going to call the maintenance approach.

  • Or you could call it the damage repair approach.

  • And I'm trying to depict it using the same diagram.

  • Essentially what we have is the goal

  • is to weaken the link between metabolism and pathology.

  • And the geriatrics approach to do

  • that is to weaken the right-hand component

  • of that process, the link between damage and pathology.

  • The gerontology approach is to weaken

  • the left-hand side, the link between metabolism and damage.

  • But we don't have to do either of those.

  • What we can do instead is go in and periodically repair

  • the damage.

  • And of course, what that means is that we can leave metabolism

  • alone.

  • We can let metabolism generate damage at the natural rate,

  • and still, it won't reach the level of abundance

  • that causes pathologies to emerge.

  • So this is a fantastic way of doing what engineers do,

  • of sidestepping our ignorance, of figuring out

  • how to manipulate a system without actually understanding

  • it particularly well.

  • If we're not proposing to do anything

  • about the rate at which damage is created,

  • it's fine that we have such a pitiful understanding of what

  • metabolism actually does and how damage is created.

  • Similarly, if we're not proposing

  • to let damage reach a level of abundance

  • that causes pathologies to occur,

  • it's fine that we don't have much understanding

  • of the details of how those pathologies arise

  • from that damage and all the interactions

  • between the pathologies that I mentioned at the beginning.

  • It's fine.

  • We can just separate the two things from each other.

  • And it's not just common sense to you and me.

  • It's common sense to people in general, if you think about it.

  • Because hello, OK.

  • Right, because we already do it.

  • Remember what I said at the beginning,

  • that aging is a phenomenon of physics, not biology?

  • Well, here's a bit of physics for you.

  • Here's a car that is more than 100 years old,

  • and it wasn't built that way.

  • The people who built this car 100 years ago

  • would have been astonished at the idea

  • that any of the cars they were building would last that long.

  • They were built to last maybe 10 years.

  • But it turns out that we now how,

  • because cars are fairly simple, we

  • know how to do sufficiently comprehensive maintenance

  • on cars that we can keep them going just

  • as well as when they were built.

  • And now that we've got this 100-year-old car,

  • there is nobody who would say, oh, dear,

  • you know, well, we got them out to 100 years,

  • but there's no way we're going to get them to 200.

  • That's not going to happen, is it?

  • Everybody knows that we can push this out

  • as long as we like now.

  • So it's completely obvious to anyone

  • who takes aging seriously and doesn't actually regard it

  • as some kind of enigma, some kind of magic,

  • that this is what we should do to actually fix aging.

  • So you know, I say this.

  • I say at the end of the day, the only reason

  • that I have to go around the world giving these bloody talks

  • still, after all these years, is because people don't

  • want to hear this message.

  • It's been a long time since we realized that aging

  • was actually rather horrible.

  • Since the dawn of civilization, people

  • have had this dream of actually finding some way

  • to maintain youth in old age.

  • And we haven't done very well.

  • And the problem is, of course, that a lot of people

  • have been out there saying, oh, this is the solution.

  • And they've always been wrong.

  • So humanity has been suckered rather often.

  • Which means, of course, that there

  • is a great deal of reluctance to get one's hopes up now,

  • you know, to actually get into a mindset of saying, well,

  • maybe this time it's actually going to be true.

  • People, instead, they've gone the opposite way.

  • They say, well, OK, let's just believe that aging really

  • is a complete inevitability.

  • Let's kind of make our peace with it

  • and resign ourselves, and get on with our miserably short lives

  • and make the best of it, rather than being constantly

  • preoccupied by this terrible thing that's going to happen.

  • So of course, the way we do that, overwhelmingly,

  • is by making up these fantasies that pretend that it's

  • a blessing in disguise.

  • You know, that there's some kind of good thing about aging.

  • I call it the pro-aging trance.

  • Because it's a bit like being hypnotized.

  • You know, when I was a kid, when I was a student at Cambridge,

  • I went to a stage hypnotist's in which the hypnotist got

  • a guy on stage and told him, this is actually

  • your right elbow and this is your left elbow.

  • OK?

  • That's what they said.

  • He just got the guy to completely understand

  • and believe that his elbows were actually switched.

  • And then he said, OK, please touch your right elbow

  • with your left forefinger.

  • And then with a whole lot of writhing and wriggling,

  • as you can imagine.

  • And that was all very funny.

  • But that wasn't the point of the show.

  • The point was what came next.

  • What came next was the hypnotist says, OK, you can stop now.

  • And the guy stopped.

  • And the hypnotist says, right, you couldn't do it, could you?

  • And the guy said, no.

  • And then the hypnotist said, why not?

  • And what happened then is absolutely breathtaking.

  • What happens without fail is that the subject

  • will give a completely unhesitating, lucid, coherent,

  • grammatical answer to the question.

  • He will explain why he couldn't touch his left elbow

  • with his right forefinger.

  • And of course, the actual explanation

  • will have a hole in it the size of Canada.

  • You know, there will be absolutely no rationality

  • to the answer whatsoever.

  • So everybody will fall about it and it

  • will be terribly amusing.

  • But the fact is that the subject won't have a clue what's

  • wrong with what they're saying.

  • This was-- I mean, this was at the University of Cambridge,

  • right?

  • A bunch of undergraduates with very high academic achievements

  • and everything like that and high opinion

  • of their own intellect and their own rationality.

  • And the guy's just sitting there with all his friends

  • cackling at him, and he just doesn't have

  • a clue what he's saying wrong.

  • So to me, it's exactly like that.

  • You know, it's unbelievable.

  • So I realize that at this point, all I've done

  • is told you what's the common sense

  • approach to tackling aging.

  • What I haven't done is give you a feel for how difficult it

  • actually is.

  • Even if it's a common sense approach,

  • it could be awfully hard, right?

  • And therefore not really worth getting

  • too optimistic about yet.

  • So that's what I need to address next.

  • I need to actually tell you.

  • I've told you that we're sidestepping our ignorance

  • of metabolism-- wonderful.

  • And we're also sidestepping our ignorance

  • of pathology-- also wonderful.

  • But what we're definitely not sidestepping

  • is the complexity of the damage itself.

  • We absolutely can't implement this maintenance approach

  • unless we can characterize what that damage is and figure out

  • ways to repair it, to eliminate the damage

  • and restore the structure and composition of the body

  • at the molecular and cellular level

  • to something like how it was at a younger age.

  • That's what this is all about.

  • So can we actually do that?

  • Well, this is really where the good news begins.

  • 17 years ago, when I first started thinking about this,

  • thinking about the problem in this way,

  • the only reason why I felt optimistic

  • was because I was able to derive a rather concise taxonomy,

  • classification of damage.

  • So that's what we have on the left-hand side of this table.

  • And all the seven things you see there--

  • as you can see, very clear, concrete, down-to-earth,

  • real biological phenomena.

  • Cell loss-- what's that?

  • It's just the case of cells dying and not

  • being automatically replaced by the division

  • and differentiation of other cells.

  • So of course, if that happens, then progressively the number

  • of cells in the affected organ will decline,

  • and eventually you'll end up with not enough cells

  • for the organ to be able to do its job.

  • An example of an aspect of aging that is mainly

  • driven by that type of damage is Parkinson's disease,

  • which is mainly caused by the loss of a particular type

  • of neuron called a dopaminergic neuron

  • in a particular part of the brain called

  • the substantial nigra.

  • And sure enough, you know, that's bad for you.

  • It happens a little faster in some people than others,

  • and that's why some people get Parkinson's and some people

  • don't.

  • But all of us have lost at least a quarter

  • of our dopaminergic neurons that we

  • had as young adults by old age.

  • So it's a general phenomenon.

  • And I could go down the list.

  • I won't do that now.

  • I'll address one or two of these later on in other ways.

  • But basically, [INAUDIBLE] all the way down.

  • The good news, of course is not just

  • that we can do this classification,

  • but that we can write the right-hand side of this table.

  • The purpose of the classification

  • is precisely because for each of the categories,

  • there is a generic approach to actually eliminating

  • the damage, to fixing the problem.

  • When I say generic, what I mean is that there will definitely

  • be differences at the details of how

  • we use this generic approach to address

  • different examples within a given category,

  • but only the details.

  • So if we look at cell loss, of course

  • you will already know what the fix is.

  • It's called stem cell therapy.

  • That's exactly what stem cell therapy is.

  • We simply prepare-- pre-program, if you like-- cells in the lab

  • into the right state so that when

  • we inject them into the body, they know what to do.

  • They know how to divide and differentiate

  • to replace the cells that the body is not

  • replacing on its own.

  • Parkinson's disease, coming back to that,

  • you know, that's exactly what's being done now.

  • The first time this was attempted was 20-odd years ago,

  • and we were hopeless back then at the preprograming step.

  • We didn't know what to do to get stem cells into the right state

  • before we injected them.

  • And sure enough, the process only gave any real benefit

  • very occasionally.

  • Most people didn't benefit.

  • But the ones who did benefit didn't just

  • benefit a little bit.

  • They were completely cured.

  • Just last year, there was a paper

  • that came out celebrating the 25th anniversary

  • of the first successful, the first real responder

  • of the first clinical trial in this area.

  • And this is a guy who was taken off

  • all other medications for Parkinson's after a couple

  • of years, has had no subsequent stem cell

  • treatments or anything--

  • no Parkinson's disease.

  • 25 years.

  • So this is real.

  • And now that we're much better at the preprogramming of stem

  • cells in the lab, people are very much more confident

  • that we can actually do this reproducibly now.

  • So there are quite a lot of different clinical trials

  • against Parkinson's that are actually just getting

  • going now in preparation.

  • And there's a lot of optimism.

  • So that's the kind of thing that we can expect when we really

  • repair damage.

  • Now, you may ask yourself, well, OK, well, stem cell therapy

  • is a very well-respected area.

  • The right work is being done.

  • It's already moving through clinical trials.

  • Why does Aubrey de Grey feel it's

  • necessary to go around the world giving all these talks

  • and drumming up enthusiasm and so on?

  • And the answer is because the other six categories

  • I'm telling you about here are much,

  • much less well-appreciated.

  • That's why SENS Research Foundation exists, in fact.

  • We exist because all of the other categories

  • are just as important as cell loss,

  • but yet the ways to fix them are either just-- hardly anyone

  • understands that they could actually happen at all,

  • or else they're just not understood well enough, they're

  • not appreciated at how important they are, or whatever.

  • So we spend a lot of effort and a lot

  • of money trying to develop these things at the early stage,

  • proof-of-concept level, so that we can get them to the point

  • where the rest of society and the rest of the research

  • community takes them seriously.

  • Now I want to draw your attention,

  • before I go to the next slide, I want

  • to draw your attention to the bottom line here.

  • Because you may be thinking to yourself, well, hang on,

  • how does Aubrey know that this really

  • is an exhaustive classification, and that there

  • isn't some category number eight and number nine that's

  • been overlooked?

  • And of course, that's a very important question.

  • And we definitely cannot say that we 100% know that there

  • are no further categories.

  • We've been looking.

  • That's for sure.

  • And more than that, I've been going out there making trouble,

  • you know, generally making a nuisance of myself,

  • and challenging my colleagues to come up

  • with things that break this classification, things

  • that fall outside of it.

  • And you know what?

  • I'm getting away with it.

  • I've been doing it for a long time now.

  • So of course, that's only circumstantial evidence.

  • But it's really quite strong circumstantial evidence

  • that we seem to be on the right lines.

  • Not only that, the approaches on the right-hand side

  • of this table, the various repair methodologies that we

  • are focused on, have also not had to change over the past 15

  • years.

  • We have been pursuing them, of course,

  • and we've made progress in all of them.

  • And some of them have become easier

  • as a result of nice surprises like the development

  • of new technologies like CRISPR and induced pluripotent stem

  • cells that have shortened the time line to development

  • of these things.

  • But there have been no examples of bad surprises,

  • of cases where we find that this or that approach

  • is not going to work because of this or that new discovery.

  • So that's, again, really good news.

  • I'm going to give you a little bit

  • of a feel for this at the level of the actual benchwork now.

  • And as I mentioned earlier, of course,

  • you're not biologists, so I don't want to get too heavy.

  • But I do want to make sure that you understand I'm not totally

  • bullshitting you.

  • So let me talk a little bit about atherosclerosis.

  • Atherosclerosis, of course, is the number one killer

  • in the Western world.

  • And it consists of the accumulation of fatty deposits

  • in our major arteries, which grow and grow

  • and eventually burst and cause heart attacks and strokes.

  • So we'd like that not to happen.

  • That's for sure.

  • Now, the beginning of atherosclerosis

  • is depicted on this slide here.

  • This is a micrograph of part of a cell called a foam cell.

  • So what is a foam cell?

  • A foam cell is a cell that used to be

  • a perfectly healthy self-respecting white blood

  • cell, a macrophage.

  • That macrophage went into the artery wall

  • with the goal of cleaning up detritus that was stuck there.

  • It just happens.

  • That's one thing that macrophages do.

  • They're very good at it.

  • The detritus is mostly made of cholesterol, it turns out.

  • And cholesterol gets a bad rap, but it's a vital molecule.

  • The body needs a lot of it.

  • And macrophages know exactly what to do with cholesterol.

  • They know how to reprocess and repackage it and export it

  • so that it can be reused.

  • That's all wonderful.

  • But unfortunately, there is a small concentration

  • of contaminant within this detritus.

  • Most of that contaminant, the mass of it,

  • is actually oxidation derivatives, chemically

  • altered cholesterol that has become

  • chemically different and, in various ways, not amenable to

  • processing by the macrophage.

  • So instead of processing the cholesterol,

  • this oxidized cholesterol poisons the macrophage.

  • And it gets like this.

  • The lysosome, this part of the cell which

  • is very important in this processing business,

  • it becomes full of fat, basically.

  • And then the rest of the cell fills up

  • with these globules of fat.

  • You can see them.

  • So that's the beginning of atherosclerosis.

  • Foam cells happen.

  • You get more and more of them.

  • They start to basically get angry,

  • and the cells around them get angry,

  • and more macrophages come in to solve the problem.

  • But they can't, so they become part of the problem.

  • And that's how atherosclerosis progresses.

  • So what can we do about this?

  • Well, of course, people have tried a bunch of stuff.

  • One approach is surgery.

  • Go in and ream out these arteries,

  • and try and get rid of this fatty stuff

  • so that it doesn't accumulate enough to burst and cause heart

  • attacks.

  • And that's pretty crude, really.

  • And it doesn't work terribly well.

  • The other alternative that people have tried a lot

  • is statins.

  • Statins are drugs which reduce the rate at which the body

  • synthesizes cholesterol.

  • And that kind of makes sense.

  • If you do that, if you reduce the amount of cholesterol,

  • you're going to reduce the amount of oxidized cholesterol.

  • So you're going to slow down the poisoning of macrophages.

  • But as I mentioned earlier, cholesterol

  • is a rather important molecule.

  • We can't do without it.

  • So there's only so much that you can push that kind of approach.

  • And sure enough, statins have bad side effects.

  • What do we actually want to do?

  • Common sense, again.

  • What we actually want to do is go

  • after the actual problematic reagent, which

  • is the oxidized cholesterol.

  • And in particular, what we might like to do

  • is give macrophages the enhanced ability

  • to break down oxidized cholesterol,

  • or process it in just the same way

  • that they can naturally process normal cholesterol.

  • If we could give them an extra enzyme,

  • for example, that just allowed them

  • to degrade oxidized cholesterol, then bang.

  • You know, they wouldn't be poisoned by it anymore.

  • So that's exactly what we set out to do.

  • More than 10 years ago now, we decided

  • to find another species which already had an enzyme to break

  • down oxidized cholesterol.

  • Turns out that it's fairly straightforward

  • to find bacteria that can break down more or less,

  • anything you like, so long as it's organic.

  • And this has actually become a really important

  • commercial endeavor.

  • It's called bioremediation.

  • This, of course, is not a biomedical thing.

  • This is for environmental contamination.

  • You find bacteria that can break down TNT, for example.

  • Then you can just spray them over a disused airfield

  • that you want to build a housing estate on.

  • And the TNT's going to go away, and you'll

  • be able to build your housing estate.

  • This actually is done in the real world.

  • So great.

  • But our goal is not to spray bacteria into the body,

  • because that might have side effects.

  • Our goal is to find these bacteria,

  • but then to identify the genes, the enzymes that they have,

  • that allow them to break down this toxic molecule,

  • and then put that gene into human cells,

  • modified in such a way that it still works,

  • despite the various structural differences that

  • exist between bacteria and mammalian cells.

  • And it turns out to work.

  • So step one it's pretty easy, finding the bacteria.

  • Step two is also pretty easy, finding the genes

  • that the bacteria have that give them the capacity

  • to break down the stuff.

  • Step three is actually really hard,

  • tweaking the gene so that it still works in human cells.

  • But we managed it, a few years ago.

  • This is the key figure from the paper

  • where we reported this success.

  • Essentially what we're seeing here

  • is each group of bars is a different concentration

  • of the toxic molecule 7-Ketocholesterol, which

  • is a particular type of oxidized cholesterol

  • And within each group, what you've got

  • is the right-hand bar is engineered cells.

  • And all the others are what are called Negative Controls.

  • So for example, cells that don't have the enzyme.

  • Or they've got the wrong enzyme.

  • Or they're got the right enzyme, but it's not

  • been modified so that it goes to the right part of the cell,

  • for example.

  • And the height of the bar is simply the health

  • of the cells, the viability.

  • So the fact that the right-hand bar in each of the groups

  • is taller than the ones to its left, that tells you

  • that for each of these various concentrations of the toxin,

  • we are protecting the cells, by introducing this gene.

  • And this is, of course, quite promising results.

  • And it's being taken forward now into mouse models.

  • And we would hope that this will be

  • a much more effective approach to stopping people

  • from getting heart attacks and strokes than anything that's

  • around today.

  • So I'm going to address a few things you may be thinking.

  • So first of all, some of you may have come across my work

  • before.

  • Actually, hands up.

  • Yeah, hands up, anyone who's actually

  • seen a talk of what I've given in the past.

  • All right, jolly good.

  • Out good.

  • Nearly half of you.

  • All right.

  • So some of you may know that when I first

  • started putting these ideas out there, a lot of people

  • didn't think much of them.

  • A lot of people were quite derogatory.

  • And that's kind of no surprise.

  • Because the fact is, as I've already emphasized,

  • I was bringing together a lot of new ideas that

  • had never been brought into gerontology before.

  • In fact, you've just seen one, which

  • had never been brought into anything biomedical before.

  • It was only used for environmental contamination.

  • So there was a huge amount of education that had to occur.

  • I'm sure you appreciate that science

  • is a very Balkanized field, that people think they

  • know what they need to know.

  • They have a particular area of expertise that they're good at.

  • And they think they know what's relevant to that.

  • And they won't really take the trouble

  • to learn very much about things that they

  • don't think are relevant.

  • And it's pretty hard to break that down.

  • So it took, I'm going to say, the best part

  • of a decade for me to actually get

  • my colleagues, the predominance of my colleagues, to the point

  • where they actually understood that what I was saying

  • was not complete nonsense.

  • But it worked.

  • I really did get there.

  • First of all, we've published a lot.

  • We've actually got a lot of papers

  • out there in the academic literature,

  • including in high-profile journals,

  • demonstrating key proof-of-concept steps

  • towards getting these things to work.

  • So that's one kind of community recognition.

  • That we've got an advisory board,

  • consisting of a large number of extremely

  • high-profile world-leading scientists in all

  • the relevant areas.

  • These are not the kinds of people that publicly

  • endorse stuff that's bullshit.

  • So this is actually quite important.

  • But what's most important of all,

  • is that the idea is being reinvented by other people now.

  • So this paper came out four years ago.

  • And it's the identical same idea.

  • I mean, they decided to divide everything

  • into nine categories instead of seven.

  • But it's exactly a divide-and-conquer,

  • damage-repair approach.

  • Here are their corresponding sections.

  • Their graphics are a bit better than mine were.

  • But the fact is, it's identically the same idea.

  • And the difference is that this paper

  • was written by [INAUDIBLE].

  • And it's being cited, literally still, but once every two days.

  • This is probably the single most influential paper

  • in the whole of gerontology as of now.

  • And it is identically the same idea

  • that I put forward more than a decade previously.

  • Now, you know, it would be nice if I

  • would get more of the credit.

  • But that's really not what bothers me.

  • The fact is that this is now completely mainstream

  • and orthodox.

  • And any misapprehension that you may

  • have as a result of the kinds of things

  • that gerontologists were often saying about these ideas

  • 10 years ago should be forgotten.

  • Because they're no longer saying that.

  • This has now become something totally accepted.

  • Second thing is to do with the magnitude

  • and the proximity of this work.

  • And this is something that I feel

  • I do need to address, especially with an audience like this.

  • Because this is something that polarizes

  • opinion a huge amount.

  • First thing I want to say is, people get terribly exercised

  • about the idea of living longer being scary.

  • You know?

  • And of course, a large part of what they are basing that on

  • is the idea that living a lot longer

  • might entail living a lot longer in the same state of health

  • that we currently associate with old age.

  • Which of course, is considerably less fun

  • than the state of health that we currently

  • associate with early adulthood.

  • So let me be perfectly clear.

  • There is zero chance, zero chance, that any of this work

  • will ever deliver that kind of life extension.

  • The only way that we are ever going

  • to get people living substantially longer

  • is by keeping them truly, genuinely youthful for

  • substantially longer.

  • It is always going to be risky to be sick.

  • So do not worry about that.

  • The question though, is how much longer?

  • I mean, in a way, medicine always

  • has this side effect, right?

  • After all, most people die of being sick.

  • So if you can help people not to be sick,

  • you're, on average, going to have them live longer.

  • Makes sense.

  • The question is, how much longer?

  • And it turns out that it might be quite a lot.

  • So the therapies that I've told you about so far, I believe,

  • have a respectable chance of giving us an additional 30

  • years or so of extra life.

  • And of course what I'm saying, healthy life.

  • Now, that's a lot.

  • It's a lot more than what we can do today.

  • But it sure isn't immortality, or any of the other words

  • that the media tend to like to associate with my work.

  • So what's the big deal?

  • That's great, but so what?

  • People are then going to get sick and old and dead, same

  • as before.

  • Right?

  • I mean, we've already extended the average lifespan

  • by more than 30 years in the past 100 years.

  • So you know, what's the big deal?

  • The big deal is the thing that I've called Longevity Escape

  • Velocity.

  • Which to a software engineer is a ridiculous straightforward

  • concept.

  • It simply is that these are rejuvenation therapies.

  • Therefore, they will be applied to people who are already

  • in, let's say, middle age.

  • Let's say, 60 or 70 at the time that the therapies arrive,

  • those people will be rejuvenated such

  • that they won't get back to being biologically 60

  • until they're 90.

  • Because that's the 30 years I'm talking about.

  • But we've bought that time.

  • In that 30 years, we've been able to improve

  • the quality, the comprehensiveness,

  • the convenience, the cost, but especially

  • the comprehensiveness of these therapies

  • so that the same people that are now 90

  • can be really rejuvenated.

  • Even though the damage that their bodies contain

  • will be the difficult damage that the original therapies

  • don't work on.

  • Nevertheless, some of it will be amenable to repair

  • by the new therapy--

  • let's call it sense 2.0--

  • 30 years down the road.

  • So all we've got to do is improve the comprehensiveness

  • of the therapies by a sufficient rate

  • to stay one step ahead of the problem.

  • And the faintest analysis of what that rate actually

  • would be will tell you that it's tiny.

  • It's vastly lower than the rate that we always

  • see in the incremental improvements of technologies

  • once the initial breakthrough has been made.

  • So Longevity Escape Velocity is the reason

  • why I believe that the first person to live to 1,000

  • is probably less than 10 years younger than the first person

  • to live to 150.

  • And why the first cohort, most of whom will live to 1,000

  • is probably only 10 years younger than the first cohort,

  • most of whom will live to 110.

  • So these are obvious things.

  • But talk to biologists about this?

  • Especially gerontologists?

  • They will, almost all of them, run away very, very fast.

  • Because first of all, "it's not science."

  • Of course it's not fucking science.

  • It's technology, all right?

  • I knew that.

  • But the fact is, also, it's politically incendiary.

  • Gerontologists with reputations to maintain

  • and tenure to obtain and grant applications to submit,

  • they do not want to be associated with things

  • that the public haven't been able to get their heads around.

  • And let's face it, the public aren't very good at math.

  • And they're not very good at things like this.

  • So the fact is, it's a very hard political sell right now.

  • But I believe that it's better to tell the truth about what

  • we can expect from anti-aging medicine

  • of the foreseeable future, than to try

  • to sweep it under the carpet.

  • I believe that the right thing to do

  • is to actually say, look, yes, we

  • are going to be able to keep people youthful indefinitely.

  • Because we are going to improve these therapies fast enough.

  • And to say yes, that's a good thing,

  • and not to be cowardly about it.

  • Now, the other thing to point out

  • is that this is coming quite soon.

  • I believe that we have a 50/50 chance

  • of getting these technologies working within about 20 years.

  • Just so long as there is enough funding

  • for the really early stage research that's

  • happening right now?

  • Now of course, I know perfectly well

  • that this is pioneering technology.

  • And like any pioneering technology,

  • the time frames are ridiculously speculative.

  • There's certainly a 10% chance that we

  • won't get there for 100 years.

  • Because we'll hit problems that we haven't thought about yet.

  • But so the hell what?

  • You know what I mean?

  • 50% chance is quite enough to be worth fighting for.

  • The thing about Longevity Escape Velocity

  • though, is that even though it is a concept

  • that gerontologists hate, as a concept

  • that the public doesn't get, and just kind of feels intuitively

  • it can't be true.

  • Nevertheless, it's only a matter of time

  • before people do get it.

  • It's so simple that people are just going to get it.

  • And I believe that that's probably

  • going to happen within the next few years.

  • I believe that there's going to be a real sea

  • change, a real tipping point in public attitudes,

  • public opinion, public understanding

  • of this whole field.

  • And it's going to happen soon.

  • And that's rather important to take into account.

  • Because what it means is that we have the responsibility--

  • those of us who do have a bit of intelligence

  • and can understand this already--

  • we have the responsibility to act now,

  • in whatever way we can, to minimize the turbulence.

  • You know, the sheer magnitude of the shit

  • that's going to hit the fan when the world realizes all of this.

  • We have to try to figure out how to maximize

  • the humanitarian benefit from all of this,

  • to maximize the number of lives saved,

  • and thereby, to get these technologies out there

  • as quickly as possible.

  • And a lot of that revolves around anticipating

  • these changes in public attitudes.

  • Let me explain why I say that.

  • At the moment, when you talk to people about it

  • and you say, how long do you want to live?

  • Would you want to live to 150?

  • Most people will say no.

  • If you ask them that question in an unadorned manner.

  • Even if you asked them the question,

  • do you want to live to 150 in a truly youthful state of health,

  • they will still mostly say no, largely

  • because they won't take the question seriously.

  • They won't really believe that you mean

  • what you say by the question.

  • That's how deep-seated and entrenched the belief

  • in the inevitability of aging really is.

  • Which means that when people are forced

  • to think about the consequences of truly eliminating aging,

  • they're very, very bad at it.

  • They will come up with this or that potential problem that

  • might be created as a consequence of fixing

  • the problem we have today, the problem of aging.

  • And then, two things will happen.

  • Number one, they will immediately

  • presume that the problem was insoluble,

  • and it's going to be far worse than the problem of aging.

  • And number two, they will immediately

  • switch their brains off and refuse

  • to consider the possibility that we might have a way to solve

  • this other problem too.

  • So for example, almost every talk I give,

  • and almost every interview I give, people will come up

  • and they'll say, where will we put all the people?

  • [SIGHS]

  • And you know, I've been giving perfectly simple answers

  • to this question for God-only-knows how long.

  • And nobody challenges the answers.

  • The standard answer, the best answer is simply

  • other technologies, like renewable energy

  • and artificial meat and desalination and so on,

  • are going to be increasing the carrying capacity of the planet

  • far more rapidly than the population of the planet

  • will increase.

  • Therefore, the population stress that the planet is currently

  • experiencing will diminish, whether we cure aging or not.

  • That's the obvious answer.

  • Really obvious.

  • And no one ever says, oh, that isn't true.

  • They just let it go in one ear and out the other.

  • And the following day they'll come back,

  • and they'll still ask the same question.

  • It's extremely frustrating, as you can probably tell.

  • And it's same with all the other nonsense.

  • I mean, one great example is that people will give

  • this overpopulation concern.

  • And the same people, in the next breath,

  • will say, oh dear, it's only going to be for the rich.

  • I mean, how the fuck can you not see

  • that these things are mutually exclusive?

  • So I mean, it's very frustrating, as you can tell.

  • And you know, last I heard, dictator was fairly high

  • on the league table of risky jobs.

  • Most people don't really die of aging.

  • And I mean, boredom.

  • I mean, my friend Brian Kennedy's

  • had a good one on this.

  • He said, look, if I've got the choice of getting Alzheimer's

  • when I'm 80 or being bored when I'm 150,

  • I think I know which one I'm going to choose.

  • And you know, a sense of proportion

  • just does not come into the way that people

  • address these questions.

  • It is absolutely embarrassing.

  • So obviously I don't have much time for this nonsense.


  • I feel that it's important to go out there and be positive,

  • and say to people, listen, for Christ's sake,

  • do you want to get Alzheimer's?

  • Do you want anybody else to get Alzheimer's?

  • Cancer?

  • No, you don't.

  • So consider a world in which nobody does.

  • get those things.

  • That would be quite nice, wouldn't it?

  • And you'd have a situation where the elderly were still

  • able-bodied and they were able to contribute wealth

  • to society.

  • So everybody would be ridiculously more prosperous.

  • And they would have the energy to explore novelty,

  • so they would not get bored any more

  • than a young person get bored.

  • When they're bored they go and find something new to do.

  • I mean, Jesus.

  • So that's enough of the rant.

  • I'll come back to another rant shortly.

  • But before I do that, let me just actually talk

  • a bit about the spin-outs that we're doing.

  • because we started out as a nonprofit, many years ago now.

  • And the reason we did was because the work

  • that we were doing was so early-stage,

  • that there was no way it was investable.

  • Even in Silicon Valley, where obviously we've

  • got an nicely high density of visionary investors.

  • But that's changed over the past few years.

  • We've been able to push some things far enough along,

  • in terms of proof of concept, that we have

  • been able to spin them out.

  • Let me just give you a few examples.

  • This is a company that's raised, so far, about $5 $5.5 million.

  • It's looking at macular degeneration, the number one

  • cause of blindness in the elderly.

  • Actually, pursuing very much the same approach to it

  • that I already outlined in relation to atherosclerosis.

  • Though in this case, the target is not oxidized cholesterol.

  • It's something completely different.

  • So that's pretty good news.

  • Another example is a company came out of Texas for work

  • that we funded for several years.

  • And this is to do with what's called amyloidosis, which

  • turns out to be a very important reason why

  • the extreme elderly people over the age of 105, 110, this

  • is what most of them die of.

  • We've got a company called [INAUDIBLE],,

  • which was started by the person who used to be our Chief

  • Operating Officer.

  • It's working on organ cryopreservation,

  • on a new method for freezing organs in such

  • a way as to basically do no damage to any of them

  • by crystallization or anything like that,

  • so you can warm them up again and stick them

  • into another person.

  • And this is something there has been

  • quite a holy grail of organ transplantation

  • for a long time.

  • But this group have now figured out how to do it.

  • And again, they've received only seed money so far.

  • But they are moving forward very rapidly now.

  • Another example is a company called Ocean, which

  • is looking at senescent cells.

  • Senescent cells, the type of cell

  • that gets into an aberrant state and does more harm than good

  • but doesn't go away.

  • And this is a way of getting rid of them.

  • It's a bit more controllable than the drugs

  • you may have heard about that other companies are

  • looking for.

  • Now out of that, the fact is, we're just around the corner.

  • And we are two miles from here.

  • I cycled here today.

  • So the fact is, you guys, yourselves,

  • could make a difference.

  • And any of you want to come and visit,

  • you're always very welcome.

  • I'll give you my email address at the end of the talk.

  • You can get in touch through the people here

  • who are already in contact with us and are already donating.

  • I mentioned a fact of altruism at the beginning of the talk.

  • I'm going to mention it again.

  • That number I've got on this slide, $1 per life,

  • is a fairly conservative estimate.

  • You can do these numbers.

  • You can just say well, OK, look.

  • How much is the current shortage of money slowing things down?

  • And of course, that's subjective.

  • But my current estimate is probably about 10 years.

  • That we could speed up the defeat of aging,

  • the achievement of Longevity Escape Velocity

  • by about a decade, just by getting this work

  • done at a speed that is not limited by financial resources.

  • So how much financial resources are needed to do that?

  • We just need one more digit on our budget.

  • That still means we'd be looking at 1% of [? Calico's ?] budget.

  • We need about $40 million a year.

  • $40 million.

  • I mean, that's a tiny amount.

  • And we could go, I'm going to say,

  • three times faster in the initial few years anyway.

  • And I think yeah, we could take a decade off the time involved.

  • So we're talking about half a billion lives.

  • That's about how many people die of aging in a decade.

  • And we're talking roughly $40 or $50 million

  • a year for 10 years.

  • So it comes out at around $1 per life.

  • And if you do that same calculation

  • for anything else, mosquito nets, whatever you like,

  • you don't get that number.

  • You get a number that's much larger, in terms

  • of number of dollars per life.

  • And that's, of course, just presuming

  • that the life is the same.

  • Which, of course, it isn't.

  • Because what we should really be calculating

  • is the number of additional healthy life years, which

  • is essentially indefinite in the case of defeating aging,

  • whereas it's definitely not indefinite for anything else.

  • The key point is the last line.

  • The number of dollars per life is

  • going to go up as time goes on.

  • The earlier stages of this work are always the time

  • when you can make the most difference with a given

  • amount of financial backing.

  • So now is the time when you can make the most difference.

  • This is the book I wrote, which there is one left over

  • on the table over there.

  • But obviously, we're perfectly happy to provide more of them.

  • I wrote this about 10 years ago.

  • And that might suggest to you that it's out of date.

  • But luckily, even though there has

  • been a huge amount of progress over the past several years,

  • the progress in question has been very much

  • what we expected it to be, what we've predicted it would be.

  • As I mentioned at the beginning, we

  • haven't had any nasty surprises.

  • So in that sense, the science is still very much

  • what it should be, and I very much recommend it.

  • It's written for non-specialists.

  • In other words, it doesn't have any real reliance

  • on biomedical jargon.

  • But at the same time, it is pretty dense.

  • You won't get through it in one sitting.

  • And I'll stop there.

  • Thank you.

  • And I'm happy to answer questions.


  • I don't know whether people can just shout

  • or whether they need a microphone

  • for the recording or what.

  • SPEAKER 1: They should have a microphone.

  • AUDIENCE: Hi my name is Evan.

  • Thank you.

  • Great talk.

  • Just a quick question on the fundraising piece.

  • My sense is that there is a lot of money

  • out there, if you had branded like, cancer research

  • or Alzheimer research, there might be other dollars.

  • How What are your thoughts on just maybe rebranding and going

  • after different there.


  • So we thought about that, of course.

  • The issue though, really is, we have to do two things.

  • On the one hand, yes, we absolutely

  • have to get people to understand that this is a medical problem,

  • and that this is not something in the stratosphere,

  • as I mentioned at beginning.

  • But on the other hand, we also have

  • to demonstrate that the approach that we want to take,

  • which is substantially different from what other people are

  • taking, is much more likely to succeed.

  • And if we talk, for example, about Alzheimer's, then we

  • start out in a position where we are

  • competing with the established anti-Alzheimer's community.

  • And people are going to say, look, if this is worth doing,

  • then surely the Alzheimer's Association

  • is going to be funding it already.

  • And therefore, since they're not,

  • it must not be worth doing.

  • So it's quite circular.

  • But what it means is that we have to start off

  • by telling it like it is, in terms

  • of a taxonomy of sickness, and saying,

  • listen, think about aging in a new way.

  • And then break that down into what is common sense, what

  • makes sense about it.

  • There was a question over here.

  • AUDIENCE: So how about nuclear genomic mutations, in terms

  • of mitochondrial mutations?

  • I mean, that goes at the slower rate.

  • But in the end, that's what drives cancer, right?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: You want to know about mutations.

  • OK, well, mitochondrial mutations

  • are one of our seven strands.

  • And unlike the other six strands,

  • mitochondrial mutations cannot definitively be linked to any

  • particular pathology of old age in the same way that,

  • for example, molecular waste products can be linked

  • to atherosclerosis.

  • Nevertheless, there's plenty of circumstantial evidence

  • that says we need to fix them.

  • And so what we're doing is putting backup copies

  • of the mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus, modified

  • in such a way that it works.

  • This is an idea that was first put forward in the 1980s.

  • People basically gave up on it, they decided it was too hard.

  • We decided they'd given up too easily.

  • We were right.

  • It took us 10 years to prove it, but we had a paper

  • out a year ago, which was a great breakthrough compared

  • to anything that had been achieved so far.

  • And we're chugging along.

  • We're going to get there now.

  • So that's good.

  • Nuclear mutation, because with a nuclear genome,

  • different matter entirely.

  • So in one sense, of course, we're

  • very much tackling those, in the sense that one

  • of our other strands is cancer.

  • We don't want cells that divide when they shouldn't.

  • And we have a particular approach to going about cancer.

  • And maybe other approaches will work.

  • The question then is, if we don't

  • have to worry about cancer, if we've got a fix for cancer,

  • then do nuclear mutations still matter?

  • And it looks very much as though no, they don't.

  • The abstract way of looking at it

  • is to say, well look, one cell can kill you

  • if it gets the wrong constellation of mutations,

  • just by dividing and dividing and becoming a cancer.

  • Whereas anything else, anything that does not

  • have to do with the cell cycle, you've

  • got to have that mutation happen in a lot of different cells

  • in the same tissue in order for it

  • to have any significant consequence,

  • any actual bad effect.

  • And that's just not going to happen.

  • And it's the same machinery that defends the same DNA repair

  • and maintenance machinery that defends against both outcomes.

  • So essentially, I've called this protagonistic pleiotropy.

  • I could explain the reason for that terminology if you like.

  • But the point is that the imperative not

  • to die of cancer before we've reproduced

  • has forced evolution to develop DNA repair and maintenance

  • machinery that's so good, that it's unnecessarily

  • good for every other purpose.

  • And so we just don't get any consequences

  • of mutations of other kinds until much more

  • than a currently normal lifespan.

  • Now, that may sound a little abstract and theoretical.

  • And maybe it's not completely watertight.

  • So obviously we would like to have data

  • that actually confirms this.

  • But that seems to be exactly what we have.

  • People have done interesting experiments

  • looking at the rate at which mutations

  • accumulate in mammals.

  • And it's looking OK.

  • During growth, up to adulthood, there

  • is an accumulation of mutation load in every tissue,

  • an expectable rate.

  • But once that animal, mouse, reaches adulthood,

  • in most tissues, there's nothing.

  • Any further increase is undetectable.

  • And of course, if there was no increase, then

  • there can't be any consequences of an increase.

  • So that's pretty good.

  • Now, again, it's not water-tight.

  • There could be other types of mutation,

  • or epimutations, changes to the declarations of DNA.

  • And we've actually spent a bit of money on that question,

  • trying to actually get a definitive answer

  • to whether that mattered.

  • Haven't really got a definitive answer yet.

  • But insofar as we have an answer at all,

  • it looks to be coming out the same way.

  • AUDIENCE: I have a question.

  • Kind of a bigger-picture question.

  • So when you're talking about pathology

  • and not looking at pathologies, cancer,

  • for example, what's the difference between not

  • curing cancer but somehow rejuvenating

  • cells that are spinning?

  • And so the big vision, is it a top-up rejuvenating preventive

  • injection once every year or something?

  • Or is it actually treating pathologies once they occur?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Well, a bit of both, really.

  • So the idea is certainly to identify damage

  • before it's symptomatic, before it reaches

  • the point of being bad for you.

  • So in the case of cancer, that basically

  • means identifying cells that have got most of the mutations

  • that you don't want them to have.

  • And they're dividing when they shouldn't.

  • And they've escaped the immune system, and so on.

  • So identifying cells that are aberrant in one way or another.

  • Actually, our approach for fixing cancer

  • involves essentially putting a time bomb in there

  • that stops the cancer from dividing indefinitely.

  • It eventually causes the end of the chromosomes to get shorter,

  • so that eventually the cell basically divides itself

  • into oblivion, by virtue of having the chromosome ends,

  • essentially, joined together.

  • But there are other possibilities,

  • especially enhancing the immune system is

  • a big fashionable area right now that may very well be

  • a good answer as well.

  • So there's various ways to go about it.

  • But yes.

  • The idea is to go after the accumulating damage, not

  • necessarily the pathology itself.

  • However-- and this is not just really for cancer,

  • but elsewhere as well--

  • it may also end up being a good thing to go after them

  • both together, to go after the damage and the pathology.

  • I mentioned earlier that the fundamental reason why

  • the geriatrics approach doesn't work

  • is because the cause of the pathologies, the damage

  • is continuing to accumulate.

  • So what that means is, if you can repair the damage

  • and stop it from continuing to accumulate,

  • then maybe some of the pathologies

  • will just automatically resolve in their own right,

  • on their own.

  • But maybe not.

  • But still, it means that the straightforward geriatric

  • therapies that go after the pathologies will have

  • a much better chance against those

  • pathologies than they would normally have.

  • Yeah.

  • Yep, go.


  • Since there's quite a good chance

  • that we'll this technologies work in the near future,

  • would you recommend any existing methods

  • to kind of bias more years, to actually reach this point?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Yeah, people think I'm

  • joking when I give this answer.

  • But the fact is, the only thing you can do

  • is give me large amounts of money.


  • Because the fact is, there's nothing yet, that works.

  • I mean, of course there are obvious things.

  • Like, don't smoke.

  • Don't get seriously overweight.

  • But nothing new.

  • No one's come up with anything that

  • gives more than a very negligible amount at best

  • of postponement of ill health with what we can do today.

  • So we're absolutely reliant on still being around in time

  • for the technologies that don't exist.

  • AUDIENCE: So I wanted to kind of ask

  • kind of a speculative question.

  • Imagine, just a thought experiment,

  • that these technologies do come to fruition.

  • We've massively improved human lifespan,

  • even reaching Longevity Escape Velocity.

  • How do you see that affecting the evolution

  • of the human species.

  • Because some of these methods, where we're introducing

  • stem cells with modified genes.

  • Does that become a mechanism of evolution?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Right, yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: What happens?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Yeah, that's the answer.

  • So basically, people say well, oh dear, people

  • won't have so many kids, therefore,

  • evolution will slow down.

  • Complete nonsense.

  • Actually what's going to happen is the opposite.

  • Evolution will greatly speed up because a lot

  • of the technologies that we're going

  • to be developing that will allow us to implement

  • these rejuvenation therapies will be ones that

  • involve manipulating the genomes of people who are already

  • alive.

  • So we'll be able to change the genetic composition of people

  • without any of this terribly time-consuming reproduction

  • nonsense.

  • AUDIENCE: You think we'll be able to keep all people

  • evolving at the same rate?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Well, of course, it depends

  • what you mean by a rate.

  • Because people will be going in different directions.

  • Different people will have different modifications.

  • AUDIENCE: Thinking especially about the things that really

  • affect success, so like intelligence is probably

  • the most important trait.

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Yeah, again, you don't know.

  • I mean, of course there we've got the issue

  • that we haven't the faintest idea of what genes actually

  • really confer intelligence in the first place.

  • AUDIENCE: Yes.

  • AUBREY DE GREY: So that's a whole different question.

  • To be honest, I haven't put much thought into that.

  • I don't think it's my job.

  • AUDIENCE: Can you tell me just briefly

  • about what's being done for telomeric degeneration?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Right, so this comes back to the question

  • that I was asked about cancer a moment ago.

  • For those of you who don't know, when cells divide,

  • they ends of the chromosomes, which are called

  • the telomeres, get shorter.

  • This is an intrinsic, absolutely irrevocable property

  • of the way the DNA is replicated.

  • And in order to compensate for that,

  • we have an enzyme called telomerase

  • which sticks non-coding random-- well,

  • not random, but specifically very simple

  • sequences of DNA on the ends of chromosomes

  • to counteract the shortening that would be occurring.

  • And some people think that it is important for us

  • to enhance the activity of this enzyme telomerase,

  • in order to combat aging.

  • Because cells in older people have obviously

  • divided more often.

  • And therefore, they will have shorter telomeres.

  • The counter to that argument is that actually,

  • most of our cells don't divide very often at all.

  • And indeed, not often, even enough, in a normal lifetime,

  • to get to the point where their telomeres

  • are problematically short.

  • And furthermore, that the cells that do divide rather often,

  • already do express enough of this enzyme,

  • telomerase, to compensate and make sure

  • that the telomere only gets shorter at what

  • seems to be a manageable rate.

  • However there is still controversy about this.

  • There are certain reasons to believe

  • that in some aspects of the body,

  • especially the immune system, this phenomenon which

  • was called replicative senescence, with telomeres

  • getting too short, could be a real thing, a real contributor

  • to ill health.

  • So maybe we want to do stimulation of telomerase.

  • And indeed, there are now massive drugs,

  • especially that seem to have that effect.

  • And those drugs are improving all the time.

  • So that's interesting.

  • But we always have to be aware that cancer cells divide

  • when we don't want them to.

  • And they do it precisely by elevating

  • their level of synthesis, their level of expression

  • of telomerase.

  • So they are cells whose telomerase expression

  • we would like to suppress.

  • Now, if we come up with a method for eliminating cancer that

  • doesn't involve telomere shortening,

  • let's say, just do that with the immune system,

  • and works really, really, really well.

  • Then we're home free.

  • Absolutely, it will makes sense to look pretty hard at ways

  • to stimulate telomerase and thereby perhaps rejuvenate

  • the immune system, and maybe other cell types

  • that might be experiencing some level

  • of replicative senescence.

  • However, it could be that we will end up

  • wanting to go the other way.

  • That we will find the suppression

  • of telomerase activity is the only really solid,

  • really ironclad way to eliminate cancer.

  • And that we've just got to live with the side effects,

  • will actually be worse than what we might see today.

  • In which, for example, the stem cells of the blood

  • can no longer divide indefinitely.

  • And so we end up with anemia, and so on.

  • The reason why I say we could live with that

  • is because the way in which we could fix those side effects

  • is actually conceptually fairly straightforward, namely,

  • stem-cell therapy.

  • There's only a very small number of stem cell pools

  • that are actually dividing often enough for this

  • to be a problem.

  • The blood is one, of course.

  • The epidermus, the outer layer of the skin.

  • The inner linings of the gut, and probably the lung.

  • Those are really the only ones that matter.

  • And so we've been looking at the idea of doing

  • stem-cell therapies on all of those with cells that

  • are unable to make telomerase and therefore,

  • are protected against becoming properly cancerous.

  • That's the kind of what we think about.

  • Next?

  • Who's got the mic.

  • Yeah, go ahead.

  • AUDIENCE: I wanted to ask you--

  • AUDIENCE: Sorry, I had a question.

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Oh, you had it.

  • OK.

  • AUDIENCE: Sorry, this is just maybe a little bit of a sci-fi,

  • but you are at Google.

  • Have you thought about your competition

  • being silicon, IE, we're just going

  • to upload our consciousness to a computer at some point?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Yeah, sure, I'm down with that.

  • You know, it works, you know, then so much the better.

  • But at this point, it still looks pretty hard.

  • I mean, if we do end up being able to develop

  • really good human-computer interfaces that

  • allow a really high fidelity training of an external brain

  • from an internal one, from a natural one and so on,

  • then we could be talking something realistic.

  • But the moment, it seems to be a long way off.


  • Following up on that, I'm also a huge sci-fi fan.

  • I was wondering if it's possible to use

  • your research for long-distance space travel, for NASA?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Oh sure, of course.

  • I mean, the thing about long-distance space travel

  • is it takes a long time.

  • And you might not want to be awake all that time.

  • If your big thing is to go to the stars,

  • maybe you prefer to be cryopreserved.

  • And I mean, I'm up for that too.

  • But yeah, personally, I'm happy down here.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: So there is a 2015 article in "Cell" magazine,

  • one of the head researchers is Elizabeth Blackburn,

  • talking about the shortening of tumor length.

  • And their observation is that that's not

  • the driving factor in the rate of aging in yeast cells,

  • that it's more related to telomerase activity.

  • You kind of covered this in your answer a couple of times ago,

  • but does taking that into account

  • alter your tumor threat or anything?

  • AUBREY DE GREY: Yeah, not really.

  • So yeah, Liz Blackburn won the Nobel Prize for this work

  • on telomerase a long time ago.

  • She's obviously a very prominent researcher in this area

  • and she definitely is very interested in the role

  • that telomerase shortening could have in aging.

  • Most of what she's actually been able to report

  • is more at the level of correlation than causation.

  • You know, for example, that people

  • who suffer a lot of stress tend to have shorter telomeres.

  • We don't know which way around it went.

  • You know, things like that.

  • But yeah, it doesn't change what I said.

  • Are we running out of time?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, I have a question about diet.

  • So basically, earlier you mentioned

  • that you can use statins to basically reduce

  • the cholesterol in the blood.

  • But I believe there is at least two research results that

  • are quite strong about reducing the incidence

  • of arteriosclerosis just by changing the diet.

  • And it does not have the side effects

  • that statins have, and also decreases,

  • all kinds of mortality.

  • So basically, I think what was earlier claimed,

  • that one cannot change the life expectancy,

  • currently is not true.


  • AUDIENCE: I'm not saying-- it's not the age-related stuff.

  • But it's the stuff that's in your third column there,

  • which can largely be addressed, I believe, with diet.


  • Well, I be very careful with these studies.

  • So sure, it's clear that atherosclerosis

  • is disease of Western diet.

  • It's very much more prevalent now than it used to be.

  • But if you look at the actual life expectancy aspect,

  • then it's not very encouraging.

  • If we just completely eliminated heart attacks and strokes,

  • then we would only live about five years longer.

  • If we 100% eliminated them.

  • And of course, these changes to diet don't, by any means,

  • 100% eliminate them.

  • So we're still talking a very small amount of difference,

  • in terms of life expectancy.

  • Yeah?

  • All right, thanks very much everybody.



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