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  • TZM Simplified Frankyller Z-Day Berlin Germany, 2015

  • Thank you very much.

  • [Applause]

  • So again - thanks for everyone to come here.

  • Welcome to the 7th annual Zeitgeist Day.

  • As you already heard my name is Frankyller.

  • I am a coordinator for The Zeitgeist Movement since 2009.

  • The title of my talk is 'TZM - Simplified'.

  • I was inspired to do this talk

  • by a quote often attributed to Albert Einstein which says

  • "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

  • So I pieced this presentation together with this in mind, in the hope

  • to give you a better understanding what The Zeitgeist Movement actually is.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement in its structure, tendency [and] philosophy

  • is a phenomenon never before seen.

  • It's not easy to cover all aspects of it,

  • but I'll try to deliver a definition of the name,

  • talk a little bit about the organization in general

  • and where it's coming from, its mission,

  • why we do this, some understandings,

  • and hence explain some characteristics of it,

  • along with talking about how we go from here to there.

  • Why the name "Zeitgeist Movement"?

  • Since this is an international movement, the world is challenged

  • that we use a German word in our name.

  • Allow me to explain.

  • The term 'zeitgeist' is defined as

  • "the intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era".

  • The term 'movement' implies motion or change.

  • Change is the only constant in the universe.

  • Therefore, The Zeitgeist Movement is an organization that promotes change

  • in the dominant, intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement's inception was late in 2008

  • as a reaction to an independent personal piece of cinematic artwork

  • by filmmaker Peter Joseph.

  • All three movies carry the name "Zeitgeist"

  • but are not to be confused with the organization The Zeitgeist Movement,

  • which originally sprung in advocation of an economic model,

  • proposed by an organization called The Venus Project.

  • To help make the public aware of this economic model,

  • the Movement partnered with ... The Venus Project,

  • and although this relationship has since disbanded,

  • the two organizations coexist with a similar pursuit

  • to continue working in different ways towards global sustainability.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement - or TZM for short -

  • chooses not to be rooted into a single organization or dataset.

  • Its interest is primarily, to develop an emergent train of thought,

  • accessible and expanded on by everyone

  • who wishes to consider the reasoning and become involved.

  • This train of thought is logically self-realizing

  • when the causal considerations of sustainability and public health

  • are referenced from a scientific perspective.

  • Through a network of global [and] regional chapters,

  • project teams, annual events like this one here,

  • media and charity works, TZM covers a wide range

  • of community-based activism and awareness projects

  • to become involved with.

  • In this structure it's designed to be a decentralized, holographic,

  • personal-initiative activist movement.

  • If one sympathizes with TZM, he or she reflects an attitude,

  • a worldview so to speak.

  • Before I describe TZM's mission, it's important to note

  • that the welfare of any given society

  • is directly depending on this society's values.

  • The foundation of our current dominant, global, economic system

  • is profit maximization, consumerism and competition,

  • which in turn, creates unsustainable values and practices

  • which have no reference to the natural world,

  • which is based on resources, preservation and symbiosis.

  • Hence our problems ...

  • hence our problems today can directly be referenced to our values.

  • As a global organization, TZM's mission is to advocate

  • a sustainable socioeconomic model,

  • and a change in human values to achieve it.

  • The definition of sustainable being:

  • capable of being maintained at a steady level,

  • without exhausting natural resources

  • or causing severe ecological damage.

  • Our mission is an educational one.

  • The people who sympathize with this movement also recognize

  • that technical solutions exist, to solve the majority

  • of our social problems.

  • Unfortunately, these solutions are unapplied

  • due to our current socioeconomic system.

  • "Socio" comes from society, "economic" from economy -

  • which will be described in a later slide.

  • So, to summarize it,

  • TZM's mission is to show the world what's possible,

  • get humanity on the same page through a common ground relationship

  • of meeting human need and sustainable economic protocols,

  • and to help facilitate the development towards an implementation and transition

  • to a new sustainable economic model, that could be termed

  • a Natural Law Resource Based Economy.

  • A Natural Law Resource Based Economy - or NLRBE for short -

  • is an adaptive socioeconomic system,

  • actively derived from physical reference

  • to the governing scientific laws of nature.

  • Or simply said, it's an "earth economy",

  • where biodiversity, demanded to support life,

  • is inherently respected (not disrespected).

  • Contrary to today's culturally accepted definition of an economy,

  • in which we merely measure money and its circulation,

  • this "earth economy" is linked to all resources of this planet -

  • meaning all animal and plant life, the health of the oceans,

  • and all other relevant factors to supporting ourselves

  • and the biosphere which we are all depending on.

  • So, to put it in another way,

  • a Natural Law Resource Based Economy is an economic model

  • that is not based on the movement of money and the dynamics associated,

  • but rather on truly scientific resource management and allocation.

  • Strategically seeking to enable an equitable distribution of all goods and services

  • to meet the needs of the entire global human population,

  • while ensuring maximum environmental sustainability,

  • over generational time.

  • This economic model is best understood

  • if we get to the root of what an economy actually is.

  • "Economics" derives from Greek to mean 'management of a household',

  • with the aim of an economy to actually economize.

  • To economize is to conserve, and to conserve is to create efficiency.

  • And what is efficiency? It's the absence of waste.

  • Everyone who likes cooking (like me)

  • knows what I'm talking about:

  • Don't let your food spoil, don't throw it away,

  • manage what you have, and create the best meal out of it possible

  • by also using the best technical equipment in your kitchen.

  • The goal of a Natural Law Resource Based Economy

  • is to optimize technical efficiency

  • and create the highest level of abundance possible,

  • within the bounds of earthly sustainability,

  • seeking to meet the human needs directly

  • through a systems theory approach.

  • A good analogy to this would be to think of your own body.

  • All systems to extract or synthesize energy and nutrients

  • are fully integrated into the system.

  • Just as the circulatory system can transport gases,

  • minerals and nutrients to all cells of your body,

  • if there is damage to the system, the circulatory and lymphatic systems

  • quickly respond and act accordingly. In the living body

  • is there the requirement for a monetary and some similar medium of exchange,

  • or for actions and transactions to occur? Of course not.

  • There's no money, no barter, debt, or servitude.

  • Organisms and bodies are fully integrated holistic subsystems,

  • just as our planet is.

  • So a Natural Law Resource Based Economy

  • would operate within the same manner.

  • The production of most goods and services

  • will be fully automated, along with any other protocols

  • which are relevant to the planetary, ecological regeneration and balance.

  • Energy sources, recycling, delivery systems, etc.,

  • will all be fully integrated as part of the whole system.

  • The strategic efficiency and the planetary management

  • and socioeconomic practice and design

  • would lead to something never before seen:

  • access abundance.

  • In an economy with access abundance,

  • the new medium for transactions to take place would be

  • with the systems engineering with its fully integrated holistic view.

  • Money - identified as our currency or tool for transactions -

  • would be replaced.

  • The new currency would be mutual respect.

  • One could earn respect, pay respect, give respect,

  • have respect, learn respect,

  • respect the truth, the laws of nature,

  • your fellow human beings, and essentially life in general.

  • Respect here meaning a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something,

  • elicited by their abilities, qualities and achievements.

  • In a fully operational Natural Law Resource Based Economy,

  • the goods and service production and distribution systems

  • will be holistic and fully integrated into the global civilization.

  • If you need a good or service, you could communicate your needs

  • through a fully integrated communication network, much like the Internet is.

  • The system itself would then calculate and orchestrate

  • the best means currently available to meet those needs

  • in the most optimal way known at the time,

  • through the medium of scientific inquiry,

  • the most sustainable best quality materials,

  • proximity to user, best design, etc.

  • Is this a techno-utopianism? No!

  • Today we have the technology, the know how, and the resources to do this.

  • But the inefficiency and waste built directly into our current

  • monetary market system cannot absorb such advances.

  • But still, along with our human development, we get better and better

  • at using materials in a more sophisticated way.

  • This rate is increasing and can be called

  • ephemeralization, which essentially is

  • "the ability of technological advancement to do more and more with less and less"

  • until eventually, you can do everything with nothing.

  • You see, evolution is development.

  • And an utopia is a static notion,

  • whereas our understanding of nature is in constant motion,

  • just like our planets and indeed, the entire universe.

  • A Natural Law Resource Based Economy is an emergent system

  • that will adapt and welcome change as an integrated factor,

  • rather than suppress it through self-interest and maximization.

  • To put it in short:

  • We will understand the importance of questioning all things

  • and challenging all ideas,

  • changing all concepts as and when they need to be changed.

  • So please do investigate this economic model with an open mind,

  • but with scrutiny too. After all,

  • the scientific method on which the NLRBE is based,

  • demands a healthy dose of both. And so of course should we,

  • when we attempt to decipher the truth of any idea.

  • I will now outline the characteristics of what helps

  • make this social movement interesting.

  • Well first of all, TZM recognizes the Earth as one single organism.

  • Out of this derives the understanding

  • that we are in fact one species, sharing one planet.

  • So TZM does not recognize contrived notions of

  • nations, governments, race, creeds, class and alike.

  • And of course, we are also not religious.

  • We find science as a language is the best tool

  • to avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings,

  • which has been at the heart of so much conflict, and division between humans.

  • People of all faiths are of course welcome,

  • as the many spiritual aspirations for a world

  • without war, crime [and] bigotry are obviously noble aims.

  • But all aims must be put into practice

  • and make them a reality and not just a religion.

  • Science makes these aims possible.

  • Different from the classical concept of politics,

  • we are neither "right", "left", "liberal" or "conservative".

  • There's no political way on deciding what shape our planet is,

  • or how to keep the lights turned on.

  • Using logic isn't a political act.

  • Within the monetary system,

  • one should come to expect any politician to be corrupted.

  • Besides, any civilized society should be electing ideas - not people.

  • And as TZM promotes a more equal society,

  • it's also not hierarchical.

  • Hierarchy can only be seen by necessity

  • as TZM has an organizational structure of sorts,

  • but not one of authoritative, top-down decision making.

  • Once you have understood the importance of interrelationships between people

  • the concept of a leader becomes obsolete as well.

  • Instead we choose to follow a path.

  • Everyone of us can be our own inspiration, motivation,

  • and solution to the world's problems.

  • The classical distinctions of politics, religions, nations and money

  • are seen as outdated and superfluous

  • to a truly collective human growth and potential.

  • You become part of TZM by your actions! By learning,

  • you communicate, and you become part

  • of the process of social transformation itself -

  • a scientific democracy if you will.

  • And as long as these actions are positive, life supporting,

  • and focused on the betterment of society as a whole, all are welcome.

  • TZM's philosophy to create change

  • is inspired by many great minds, and the methods of nonviolence.

  • We feel a more sustainable and peaceful world

  • will never be achieved through force or coercion.

  • TZM also applies the method of science, achieved through rational consensus.

  • The scientific method in its application

  • is not merely restricted to the physical world.

  • It can also be applied to our social, economic, and educational system

  • and as a method of understanding human behavior as well.

  • If science sounds [complicated] then don't worry - it's not that difficult.

  • Every infant already applies this method without even if it's not aware of it.

  • As adults, we should be equipped with more understandings of our environment

  • so we can use this method in a more responsible manner for social concern.

  • And also don't worry - this is not a technocracy

  • where just evil scientists rule.

  • But rather one in which we talk about and then apply

  • the methods of science for social and environmental concern - plain and simple.

  • A further attribute to achieve a Natural Law Resource Based Economy

  • is the utilization of a systems theory approach

  • to gain bio-psycho-social sustainability and dynamic equilibrium

  • in regards to our overall economic practice.

  • So what is a systems theory approach?

  • As I said earlier on, Earth is a single organism.

  • So it's also one system, right?

  • For example, a tree is a subsystem of a forest.

  • A forest is a subsystem of an ecosystem.

  • And an ecosystem without water will surely die.

  • Applied to solve our global problems,

  • a systems approach takes into account

  • an understanding of how all aspects of our earth systems behave

  • and calculates the retroactions of those interactions using AI and computerization.

  • So systems thinking is the attempt

  • to understand each single part in relation to the whole.

  • This is why a systems approach is absolutely necessary -

  • it's a holistic view for an interrelated, holistic planetary system.

  • And since humans, like plants, require certain conditions to thrive,

  • we require a systems approach to create sustainability in all aspects

  • pertaining to our collective well-being from our mind,

  • body and in fact, society itself.

  • In other words, since our environment is responsible for much of our behavior,

  • we have the responsibility to tend to our environment.

  • Systems thinking leads us to all necessary factors required for us

  • to arrive at what you could call a bio-psycho-social sustainability -

  • 'bio' meaning life, 'psycho' meaning the mind,

  • and 'social' is related to society.

  • Lastly, we have dynamic equilibrium, which is simply

  • "the balancing of many dynamic factors

  • in order to sustain the state of regeneration".

  • This is also called "steady state".

  • An example is the equilibrium between ice and water at zero degrees,

  • where ice is melting at the same rate as water is freezing.

  • Applied to economics, we need to create a steady state

  • between our dynamic rate of resource consumption

  • with the dynamic rate of regeneration,

  • while also considering other dynamic factors like the change of seasons and the like.

  • Just as the four seasons are as different and dynamic in their appearance,

  • so too can all life forms be seen

  • as a direct result out of the dynamic equilibrium.

  • Simply put, they learned to accept change as a factor.

  • In TZM's world view, or in TZM's view,

  • a healthy society should be based on creativity, symbiosis, and empathy.

  • To properly collaborate, communicate and to cooperate,

  • we would require full transparency and open access to information -

  • including this presentation, as well of course,

  • with the hope to communicate the inspiration for others to adapt and improve it.

  • I feel that we should all try our best to overcome our egos

  • and share ideas, if we wish to make progress.

  • What I especially like about TZM is the fact that it's solution oriented.

  • It's not enough to criticize, protest and complain,

  • without offering a workable alternative.

  • And I think this saying of the great R. Buckminster Fuller

  • would perhaps apply best to our philosophy.

  • TZM's structural goal as a movement is critical mass and awareness.

  • But what are the steps to achieve a sustainable world?

  • Well, here are eight proposals to sum this up.

  • Abundance, efficiency and preservation are the enemies of profit.

  • You need to create problems to create profit.

  • So (1) we need to move away from the use of the monetary-market system

  • as its associated dynamics hinder us from any ... true sense of progress.

  • (2) We must utilize our mental capability and creativity and innovation,

  • expressed through technological advancements.

  • We must automate tasks that are repetitive, boring, and dangerous.

  • And 3:

  • a technological unification of Earth via a systems approach.

  • (4) We need to promote access over property.

  • It is clearly wasteful and inefficient if everyone

  • wants to possess one of everything!

  • Think of it like a library.

  • Property is an outdated concept derived from times of scarcity.

  • Strategic access to the necessities of life is key -

  • including transportation, education, information,

  • accommodation, energy, and a clean environment,

  • and durable, recyclable, quality goods.

  • 5. Self-contained, localized city and production systems.

  • "Think global - act local" may sum this up.

  • For example, what you see here

  • is a vertical soilless agricultural food farm tower,

  • that can produce food with a far greater level of abundance than current methods.

  • With a 1-acre floor space, fully automated, 10-story building like this,

  • producing as much food as 400 acres of farming land,

  • using 99% less water, with a 40% faster crop rotation.

  • This is just one of many examples of what can be achieved

  • in a Natural Law Resource Based Economy.

  • As an aside, I live in Frankfurt, Germany -

  • home of the new European Central Bank -

  • and I often think about,

  • that it would be way more beneficial for society

  • to transform that brand new glass building into a vertical farm tower.

  • [Laughter and applause]

  • Instead of humans - or corrupted politicians -

  • we prefer (6) Science as a methodology for social governance.

  • The science of society, hence ... sociology,

  • isn't currently applied as a factor for governance.

  • In general, our progress as a healthy society

  • shouldn't be a matter of opinion, speculation [or] interpretation.

  • Anything that can be put to test should be,

  • to compensate for our natural bias,

  • and inert human flaws in decision making.

  • (7) We want to transform from a competitive value set

  • to a collaborative value set,

  • for the simple fact that many minds are better than one, and

  • (8) seek a transition from our current infinite-grow paradigm

  • to a steady-state economy.

  • Cyclical consumption of a finite planet is essentially ecological suicide.

  • Eight proposals for a transition. Although the real transition

  • starts as soon as you are ready to change your own values,

  • along with many of the beliefs you may well still hold,

  • which stand in the way of the value shift we need

  • to support this shift in human life.

  • Indeed,

  • humanity has never evolved and made progress because of dogmatic thinking.

  • Only those who deviated from the norm, made progress possible.

  • New ideas always sound a little bit absurd in the beginning,

  • but that is, because they're new.

  • An amusing example of what the changing times would be

  • when a child asks their parents:

  • "When you didn't have computers -

  • how did you get in to the Internet?"

  • Imagine 50 years ago, you would have asked someone,

  • to think about somebody on the other side of the planet,

  • and that you would one day be able to contact them via a screen instantly.

  • Or 80 years ago,

  • if you would have told people that it will be soon possible

  • to send a man [to] the moon.

  • Or around a hundred years ago,

  • that man would build flying machines.

  • Or that even the stamps that record such triumphs,

  • will likely fade out some day.

  • What would they have said?

  • We all now consider the Flat Earth Society as primitive.

  • But they too, had to have a "world-is-round" moment.

  • Who says that these moments have come to an end?

  • Perhaps our greatest eureka moment is yet to come.

  • One thing is clear.

  • The system of cyclical consumption, to perpetuate labor,

  • combined with technological unemployment, to increase cost efficiency,

  • combined with the natural limits on "growth" (finite resources),

  • is what defines the grinding collapse we currently see

  • accelerating across the world.

  • And it won't stop by itself, or by business as usual.

  • The system has to go, as Jacque already said.

  • Simply stated,

  • TZM wants a world that isn't restricted by politics,

  • money, and elitism that destroy the earth for profit.

  • We want to ensure through our existing technological capability

  • that every human being is fed, clothed, housed,

  • and has access to clean renewable energy, and a relevant education

  • without having to "earn it".

  • But it's important to note

  • that TZM is not interested in poetic, subjective and arbitrary notions

  • of a "fair society", "guaranteed freedom",

  • "world peace", or "making the world better"

  • simply because these words are sounding good -

  • "right", "humane", "good"...

  • Without a technical framework

  • that has a direct physical referent to such terms,

  • such moral relativism serves little to no long term purpose.

  • Final Notes.

  • I'm aware there might be some terms used in this talk

  • that may well be new.

  • But I would like to encourage you to research the subject

  • for a greater understanding of the overall message.

  • With this talk, I want to contribute my part to the material

  • that wonderful people within this movement

  • have already created, to support this direction.

  • I'm just one out of them -

  • and they have my deepest appreciation.

  • Beside this, numerous talks, lectures, town hall meetings, gatherings,

  • online meetings, street actions, and media is created,

  • and you can go deeper on that as well.

  • I would especially like to recommend reading 'TZM Defined'

  • which will help give you a concise overview of what the Movement advocates,

  • and answer any questions you may have.

  • And you can download it on


  • You will also learn much quicker and hence

  • understand how to communicate these ideas

  • if you help to translate our content into your native language.

  • Please go to

  • and be part of the Linguistic Team International.

  • If this in some form made sense to you, then congratulations.

  • You ARE the Movement!

  • Every fool can know, but the point is to understand.

  • This was TZM simplified.

  • Much love and respect; it's great that you exist.

  • Thank you very much for your time.

  • [Applause]


  • TZM - Simplified Share your understandings and become part of The Zeitgeist Movement

TZM Simplified Frankyller Z-Day Berlin Germany, 2015

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Franky Muller "TZM simplified" | ZDay 2015 Berlin Germany [ The Zeitgeist Movement ] (時代精神運動) (Franky Muller "TZM simplified" | ZDay 2015 Berlin Germany [ The Zeitgeist Movement ])

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    王惟惟 posted on 2021/01/14
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