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Tamar leads Georgia in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.
在《席德·梅爾的文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡, 由塔瑪麗擔任喬治亞領袖
Remembered today for her diplomatic prowess, support of the arts, piety,
塔瑪麗的外交手腕、虔誠信仰、支持藝術以及擴張喬治亞王國的手段, 時至今日依然令人敬佩不已,也難怪她當時會被封為聖人
and extension of the Georgian kingdom, it is no wonder Tamar is canonized as a saint.
Georgia's unique ability is “Strength in Unity.”
轉進黃金時代時,除了黃金時代加成外, 玩家還可額外獲得一項加成
When changing eras into a Golden Age, you receive an additional bonus
on top of your Golden Age bonus.
This makes it easier for Georgia to achieve and maintain Golden Ages throughout the game.
Georgia's unique building is the Tsikhe, a replacement for the Renaissance Walls.
These are built at a lower production cost, and provide Faith.
這種近戰單位在丘陵地上可獲得戰鬥力加成, 而且無視所有丘陵移動力減益效果
Their unique unit is the Khevsureti.
This melee unit gains a Combat bonus on hill terrain, and ignores all hill movement penalties.
Tamar's unique ability is “Glory of the World, Kingdom, and Faith.”
此外,派遣使者前往信仰喬治亞主流宗教的城邦時, 她還能額外獲得免費使者
After declaring a Protectorate War, she gains faith during the beginning turns of the war.
玩家可把城市設在丘陵地上以充分享用赫雷蘇維季戰士的加成, 並且築起高牆構成牢不可破的堅實防線
Also, she gets extra free Envoys when sending Envoys to City States of her majority religion.
塔瑪麗是凶悍虔誠、多才多藝的善戰女王, 任何勝利條件都難不倒她
Nestle your cities into hilly terrain to fully take advantage of the Khevsureti's bonuses,
and build your walls high for an impenetrable defense.
在《席德·梅爾的文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡,您會如何領導喬治亞?
Tamar is a fierce, but pious warrior queen
with a versatile style that could lend itself to any victory type.
Will your walls outlast your enemies?
How will you lead Georgia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall?