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Cities are the engines of your empire in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
Here's how you can keep them running at their best.
Food is a resource used to grow your cities.
The more food your city gets, the faster it will grow.
Some tiles provide food and you can increase food production through building farms as tile improvements, especially on Wheat or Rice.
某些單元格會提供食物,您可以建造農場這種單元格改良設施, 尤其是生產小麥或稻米的農場
After you earn a certain amount of food, you get an extra population in your city. That new population can be used to work around the city and the more population it can support, the more it will produce.
取得一定數量的食物後,您的城市會多出額外人口,新增的人口 可用來替城市勞動,而城市的人口愈多,產能也就愈高
You can assign population from a city to work as Specialists in a District. If you choose to optimize a city for a particular yield, the game will assign these Specialists for you. You can also manually assign these Specialists if you aren't optimizing for one specific yield.
你可以指派城市的人口到一個區域上擔任專家, 如果您選擇讓城市最佳化以達到特定產能,遊戲會替您指派這些專家, 如果您的城市在特定產能上未達最佳化,您也可以手動指派這些專家
Cities have a soft limit to the number of people who can live there, called Housing. If you don't pay attention to Housing, you may miss out on some of your city's fullest potential, giving you fewer workers and smaller yields each turn.
城市用住房來限制居住的人數,如果您不留意住房,您將無法讓城市 完全發揮潛能,因而只有較少的勞動人口,且每回合的產能也較小
Cities with access to fresh water start with more Housing than cities in other locations. You can add Housing to your city through buildings and Districts, especially the Aqueduct and Neighborhood, as well as Policies and Religious beliefs.
比起其他地方的城市,能取用乾淨水源的城市一開始就有較多的住房, 您可以藉由建築物和區域(尤其是水渠和社區),還有政策和宗教信仰,來增加城市的住房
Appeal affects how much Housing a Neighborhood can produce. Tiles near undeveloped forests, natural wonders, and national parks have higher Appeal than others. Place Neighborhoods here to get the best possible Housing out of them.
魅力會影響社區能夠產生的住房數,靠近未開發森林、自然奇觀和國家公園的單元格, 比其他單元格有更高的魅力,在這種地方設置社區可以取得最大的住房數
Amenities keep your population happy and are also crucial to grow your cities. You can get Amenities through developing luxury resources, building an Entertainment Complex, and certain Policies and Religious beliefs.
滿意度可讓人口開心,同時也是讓城市成長的關鍵,您可以藉由開發奢侈資源、 建造娛樂設施,以及施行特定政策和宗教信仰,來獲得滿意度
Some civs, like Brazil, have special ways of gaining Amenities.
If your population doesn't get enough of these, they'll become unhappy, and may even revolt.
Civilization VI has the 1-2-3 rule.
For every one population in a city, you'll need one Housing to keep growing.
For every two population, you'll need one Amenity to stay happy.
And for every three population, you can build a new District in that city.
Keep your citizens well fed, housed and happy, and your empire will flourish in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
讓市民有食物可吃、有房子可住並且保持開心, 您在《文明帝國VI》裡的帝國就能繁榮昌盛