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  • Queen Wilhelmina leads the Netherlands in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.

    在《文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡,由威廉敏娜女王擔任荷蘭領袖

  • She was the longest reigning Dutch monarch and continues to be fondly remembered today.


  • Through two world wars and fifty eight years of rule,

    在58年統治期間儘管歷經兩次世界大戰,她不減端莊、 優雅、睿智

  • she remained charming, graceful, and prudent.


  • The Netherlands' unique ability isGrote Rivieren.”

    在河流旁建造學院、劇院廣場和工業區能獲得可觀的 相鄰加成

  • Building Campuses, Theater Squares, and Industrial Zones next to a river


  • awards major adjacency bonuses.


  • Also, completing a Harbor grabs adjacent, available tiles.

    「圩田」需設置在有足夠相鄰海岸線的水域單元格上, 並能提供食物、生產力和些許住房

  • The Netherlands' unique improvement is the Polder.


  • These improvements, placed on water tiles with sufficient adjacent coastline,


  • provide Food, Production, and a bit of Housing.

    這種戰艦有更遠的射程和更強的戰鬥力, 且攻擊防禦性區域時可獲得額外加成

  • Polders gain additional bonuses with later Civics and Technologies.


  • Their unique unit is De Zeven Provinciën.


  • This war ship has increased Ranged and Combat Strength,


  • and receives an additional bonus when attacking defensible districts.

    心靈手巧的荷蘭人靠著「圩田」把沿海單元格變成 廣闊富饒的土地,而不受限於起始陸地

  • Queen Wilhelmina's unique ability isRadio Oranje.”

    建立富強的貿易帝國並看著您的王國繁榮興盛, 但也別忘了派駐戰艦保護濱海領土

  • Trade Routes to her own cities strengthen the Loyalty of the starting city.

    您的貿易網路能否化敵為友? 在《席德·梅爾的文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡,您會如何領導荷蘭?

  • Trade Routes to or from foreign cities provide her with Culture.

  • Dutch ingenuity means coastal tiles are just a Polder away from vast, bountiful fields

  • no longer are you locked to the land you've been given.

  • Cultivate a rich trade empire and watch your kingdom flourish

  • but always keep your war ships at hand to protect your shores.

  • Will your trade network turn foe to friend?

  • How will you lead the Netherlands in Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall?

Queen Wilhelmina leads the Netherlands in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.

在《文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡,由威廉敏娜女王擔任荷蘭領袖

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