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John Curtin leads Australia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
He was Australia's 14th prime minister and served during the Second World War, where he gained praise for helping unify the country's war effort.
He died in office just before the end of the Pacific War, but he paved the way for Australia to enter the post-war world.
在太平洋戰爭結束前夕,他逝於總理任上, 但他已讓澳洲做好了迎接戰後世界的準備
Australia's unique ability is “Land Down Under.”
Their cities get extra housing when built on Coastal tiles.
Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites, and Theater Squares get additional yields when built in tiles with Charming or Breathtaking Appeal.
將學院、商業中心、聖地和劇院廣場興建在「迷人」或 「極大魅力」的單元格上,可獲得額外收益
Australia's unique unit is the Digger.
This replaces the Infantry unit, and gets additional combat power on land tiles adjacent to water and when fighting outside their territory.
這種單位取代了普通的步兵,在與水域相鄰的陸地單元格上 以及在澳洲領土外作戰時,可獲得戰鬥力加成
The Outback Station is Australia's unique tile improvement.
This tile improvement unlocks with the Guilds civic, and can be upgraded with Steam Power and Rapid Deployment.
這種單元格改良設施會隨著「公會」市政解鎖, 並可透過「蒸汽動力」和「緊急部署」市政來升級
It provides food and production, with bonus food for adjacent Pastures.
In addition, Pastures can trigger a Culture Bomb effect, grabbing adjacent tiles from other civs and City-States.
John Curtin's unique ability is called “Citadel of Civilization.”
Australia gets bonus production at the start of a Defensive War, and when it liberates a city.
Australia is a civ that can make great use of their coastal land.
The bonus yield from high appeal tiles can snowball over the course of a game.
The extra Housing from coastal starts means Australia can grow large without having to make extra investment into Housing.
遊戲一開始海岸單元格提供的額外住房, 能讓澳洲無需在住房上做額外投資就發展壯大
This gives players the flexibility to choose any victory path.
Australia's increased production bonus when targeted for war gives it a strong defensive capability.
Just because Australia doesn't have a strong army when the war starts, doesn't mean they can't put one together in a hurry!
As John Curtin said, "The game isn't lost or won until the last bell goes."
How will you lead Australia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI?