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yaga leads Poland inside meier's
civilization 6y vita was crowned as king
of Poland and during her life she
雅德維加受封為波蘭女王,她在位期間透過聯姻 和外交談判大幅地擴展了波蘭的領土和國力
greatly expanded Poland's territory and
她在教育、文化上做出了極大的貢獻, 同時也是虔誠的信徒,而為人所津津樂道
power through marriage and diplomatic
波蘭在友好領土內建成營地或堡壘時, 可以佔取相鄰的單元格 - 即便這些單元格屬於其他文明
she is also famous for her vast
education or cultural contributions and
her piety Poland's unique ability is
golden Liberty when Poland completes an
攻擊時,如果翼騎兵比敵方防守單位造成更多的傷害, 便能將敵方單位擊退
encampment or for it inside friendly
territory it gains adjacent tiles even
if those tiles are held by another sieve
這種建築能替國際貿易路線帶來額外的生產力, 並能替國內貿易路線帶來額外的金幣
the culture bomb is back in addition one
of poland's military policies is
因「貴族民主制」而失去領土的任何城市, 將會以波蘭創立的宗教作為主流宗教
converted to a wild-card policy Poland's
另外,她的遺物能帶來額外的信仰值、文化值和金幣 雅德維加還享有額外的聖地相鄰加成
unique unit is the famous winged hussar
波蘭是強勢的擴張主義文明, 再加上雅德維加的能力,使其成為宗教強權
when attacking if it does more damage
than a defending enemy unit it pushes
「紡織會館」帶來的額外產量, 外加額外通配符槽位帶來的彈性,讓波蘭擁有絕佳的適應性
that enemy unit back defenders that
can't retreat suffer additional damage
the sukkah neat say or cloth Hall is
Poland's unique building this provides
bonus production from international
trade routes and bonus gold from
domestic routes
yeah because unique ability lithuanian
Union plays on her religious strength
any city that loses territory from
golden liberty and also gets Poland's
founded religion as the majority
religion in that city also her relics
provide bonus faith culture and gold
digga also gets extra holy site
adjacency bonuses Poland is a strong
expansionist sieve and yet vigas
abilities make them a religious power
house as well
prioritize establishing Poland's
religion to get the best benefit from
golden Liberty with extra yields from
the sukkah yet say and the bonus
wild-card slot Poland has a great deal
of flexibility the wing to sars give you
a strong military unit in mid-game if
you need to defend or conquer more
territory will the world recognize your
claims to rule
how will you leave Poland inside meier's
civilization six