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  • Theodore Roosevelt leads the American Civ in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.


  • The famous quote from the 26th President of the United States,

    這位美國第26任總統曾說過反映他執政風格的經典名言: 「溫言在口,大棒在手」。

  • Speak softly, and carry a big stickreflected his governing style.

    他主導了美國史上進步時代的重大改革,並振興了美國海軍 來支持他強而有力的外交政策。

  • He championed the popular reforms of the Progressive Era, and a muscular foreign


  • policy backed by a reinvigorated US Navy.

    會依據該國的歷史成就賦予其中一種能力,並根據統治者 在位期間發生的事件特別打造另一種能力。

  • In Civilization VI, each Civilization has two abilities.

    美國文明擁有「開國元勳」這項特殊能力,可以縮短獲得 「政府傳承」加乘的時間。

  • One is based on what the nation has done throughout history,

    美國也擁有P-51野馬戰機這個獨特單位,該單位有加長的 作戰範圍,且對抗其他戰機時有加乘。

  • and the other is tailored to what happened during that ruler's reign.

    在自家領土上作戰時,身為領袖的羅斯福可以提供美國 戰鬥加乘。

  • The American Civ has the special abilityFounding Fathers,”


  • which shortens the time needed to earn Government Legacy bonuses.

    這些騎兵部隊在山丘上有很高的作戰效率,在母大陸上 殺敵可獲得文化,而且維護費用低廉。

  • The Americans also get the P-51 Mustang unique unit,


  • with extended range and bonuses against other fighter aircraft.


  • As a leader, Teddy Roosevelt can provide the Americans with a combat bonus for fighting on their home continent.

    「觀光」是取得「文化勝利」的重要關鍵,美國有兩大特徵 能夠幫上大忙。

  • He also has the Rough Riders as a unique unit.


  • These mounted troops are effective in hills,

    羅斯福也替美國的國家公園帶來了「觀光」加乘, 使這些公園比其他文明的公園更有吸引力。

  • gain culture from kills on their home continent,

    藉由這些優勢,其他文明將會穿上藍色牛仔褲、 聽著美國的流行音樂,目送美國邁向文化勝利。

  • and have a low maintenance cost.


  • Both of America's unique military units come into play after the Industrial era.


  • The Americans are a powerful cultural Civ which shines in the middle and late game.

  • Tourism is key to winning a Cultural Victory,

  • and America has two unique traits that can help it here.

  • The Film Studio is a unique building that boosts the American Tourism output during the modern era.

  • Teddy Roosevelt also gives a Tourism bonus to America's National Parks,

  • which makes them stronger than the parks of other Civs.

  • With these advantages, the other civs will be wearing blue jeans and listening

  • to your pop music as America cruises towards a cultural victory.

  • Are you ready to take up the limelight of the silver screen?

  • How will you lead America to victory in Sid Meier's Civilization VI?

Theodore Roosevelt leads the American Civ in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.


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