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hey what's going on everybody red rhino
music here bringing you another video
today we're back on some PC building
simulator as you can see in the top
right I got our money back from last
week at least some of it hopefully this
time I can avoid going into massive debt
because of the stupid closet here it was
so dumb anyways let's get back into this
check our emails he was going on
diagnosed we'll do that
upgraded parts I did kind of figure out
how to do this but I don't want to mess
with a three day thing so let's get rid
of that guy's telling us to build them a
PC we'll try that out a place
motherboard he goes our we'll start with
these we'll see what goes on actually I
could probably build this guy his thing
because we have to start with that so
let's do that all he wants is a score of
three eight five three I did buy this
app when I was at massively in debt I
was kind of like alright screw it I
can't get much worse so let's see and I
don't know how these things work
because I don't know if it takes the
average between the graphics card and
then the processors there's these two
sections as GPUs and the processors I
don't know if it takes the average or if
it takes the sum of the score because
I've done these once where it took the
average and I did it another time where
it took the score so I don't really know
this guy's even us 1500 who wants a
score of 35 something you know really go
wrong we could just get a good graphics
card or we could pretty much just give
him the 980ti and he'll have this score
so I don't know if it's the average or
what I guess we could play it safe and
go for the average all right let's see
what the actual score is this is gonna
require some brain here 38:53 we do a
1600 maybe we pull up a calculator over
here I'm gonna add these together and
it's a 1984 what I'm looking at all
Edie let's go up you know need a little
higher of a graphics card cuz that's not
a that's not a great number 31 29 it's
5113 good boy dad's only at 2500 so
that's not that good I feel like we're
gonna need both high-end csy I wish I
knew who was the average of these two
numbers or if it was the sump
you know we could probably figure it out
from looking at our computer that we're
on right now let's just click something
and see what we've got a 917 a G 4400
I'm gonna run this see what we got
figure out if this is based off the sum
or the average and then we'll take a
look all right so our computer came to a
2758 we have a booty processor so I
assume it's the sum yeah our process are
the 575 41 plus believe we have this
thing take a look again 970 gamer 2100
then that makes sense though I guessed a
little I guess it's the sum and I
guessed a little bit of a difference is
just your RAM where you're going to do
the i5 1500 X and a 980ti I think that
should work out for us because the
difference is gonna be in the RAM so
let's get to work here so we're going
into this a little crazy now or we're
going educated on them we'll go with my
usual I'm a big fan of the NZXT it's not
that expensive I don't really care too
much as long as at the end we're coming
out with something what would I say
we're gonna do a 980ti of course there's
a space between that 6gl II
whereas our 1500 X that there this is
our cheapest board we could get don't
really care too much no Ram is actually
a little bit important because we do
have a deficit I feel like well actually
no I'm thinking of our actual computer
in the house but we do kind of want that
speed decent number now we're already up
too much I don't like that get that out
of their memory what was that one that's
a good number
no I don't storage wonderful this the
hard drive makes a difference
I'll do that our support doesn't really
need to be anything crazy CPU cooling
you know I realize this game doesn't
come with a stock cooler as far as I
know chase fans we've got those covered
all this is covered I think we picked
everything right cooler power storage
Ram on the board debt than that we could
save a little money too and just do
three to five on that that's gonna put
us in debt though it's motherboards
broken we gotta wait for him for that we
gotta wait for everything for these so
let's shut down and skip ahead
there's motherboard we just gotta take a
look at that it's kind of an expensive
one it's actually kind of funny cuz when
I was getting our money back
there were so many missions of people
dropping their computer and cracking
their motherboard it was hilarious like
this probably like the sixth one I've
done where somebody has dropped their
motherboard or their computer and broke
their motherboard let's remove that but
I am a fan of this motherboard it's
probably something I would get in real
life looks good go ahead and throw this
thing back in I think that guy's PC
build should go smoothly I did kind of
do a little bit of research on how to
like finally do these benchmark things
it gets overly complicated in the
explanations online and it's really
annoying but at least with that app it
kind of helps out I'm still confused as
to if it's a average or if it's a sum
but it's
cuz I was building computers for people
when I was getting our money back and I
would do those types of missions and
what the hell are they he only had one
hopefully I works if we put it in the
same thing I got confused on our on our
custom build versus this guy's thing I
was kind of confused
so why there was only one stick of RAM
when we just bought multiple hundreds of
dollars worth of it I think we're good I
just gotta see if it turns on give me a
long episodes I got so many computers
it's not even so many computers that one
bill just took me a minute why am I
already taking this thing apart we got
to see if it even turns on powers on got
some display my guess is one stick of
RAM may be bad or maybe it overheats and
the guy just never put thermal paste
guess we're gonna have to run this I'll
get back to you guys okay we already
have a crash - interesting I don't
really know what that could be
it did say to uninstall any new software
so it's
remove this software could be something
in BIOS as well which is bad is I don't
know anything about that
literally nothing install this thing I
don't know what it could be
it says we diagnosed and fixed it and I
guess it was just his software was
poorly installed somehow I don't know so
now we just gotta wait for this to
finish and then we got to build this
man's thing once it gets here all right
that's all set
put that down actually I forgot to get
it out of here collect dead again we're
gonna be bouncing around between debt
and not debt for a minute because now
everybody wants like straight-up builds
and that's expensive alright let's go
ahead and pop everything off of this
always forget this PSU mount now I don't
really understand why this top PCI cover
is there in every build that I've done
I'm pretty sure it's always the second
and the third that come out so I don't
really understand it maybe it's just
something dumb that goes on it's just a
coincidence what do we do we got this
guy SSD I think only I get them that one
terabyte hard drive just that's a
regular thing I think we got this guy in
an SSD just to play it safe with that
benchmark also got four sticks of RAM I
believe pop those RAM sticks in there
actually let me sell these things while
they're sitting here
like that it gives you like a
notification now I don't remember there
being a thing when I was selling stuff
now I can't accidentally do something
stupid like I'm bound to do eventually
I'm going around the back we have the
it where's the little doll that's right
this is the elite yesterday elite let's
get the little front mount for the SSD
top all this and I hate that both of
those don't fit either it's that's even
worse than one of them it's that feel
like it doesn't fit it won't let me put
it in so I don't see what that's about
all right I'm an idiot it was just
because that stupid little stick stem
things sticking out though that cooler
does look a little better than the other
ones that I bought so we're all right
this one was cheap too hopefully it does
enough cooling or all that why don't we
need thermal paste I'll just have it on
there oh I forgot if you go to sleep it
just takes it off all right everything
should be in now it's throw it on you
know I forgot Windows or Omega all right
now it's the moment of truth we gotta
hit up this benchmark see if we meet our
number of a 35 something 38 something
38:53 I'm hoping it comes through for us
one of the better graphics cards and
about a top of the mid-range processor I
would say it's got plenty of RAM well
not plenty it's 16 but it's some good
Ram it's fast Ram we should be getting
1500 out of this if it goes right if it
goes right we get 1500 if it goes wrong
we get much less oh yeah we got plenty
on this benchmark we're good we are good
and shut this thing down we got to put
all our fancy little doohickeys back on
the computer and then we're gonna
collect finally a successful benchmark
the app saved our ass it was like an
$800 app and the only reason I bought it
was because we went broke to begin with
because I made a mistake
and it saved our ass okay that's really
annoying that stupid little bolt thing
doesn't actually line up to where it
should be but whatever we'll ignore that
get the hell out my office wall you're
still working before you decide to
downgrade yourself somehow we got that
Gita's a new case a new graphics card I
don't really understand what the hell
that stuff is because I said we unlock
the tent at the 1080 TI and I don't even
think that's in the game I think that's
one and we don't have it so I don't know
what the deal is that we actually made
some money today a decent amount I think
about 500 anyways guys that's it for
this one thanks for watching
see y'all next time pace