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what's going on everybody red rhino
music here bringing you another video
today we're back on some PC building
simulator I'm getting a little tired of
these missions over and over again so
this time I wanted to switch it up and
do some free build just to see what
they've added to the game recently I
know they've added a couple things that
we haven't checked out yet just because
of our rank and the actual story so
right here where we're gonna work on
this NZXT h 500 this is a newer case of
theirs it's the new series of the Hall H
series I think this thing looks pretty
awesome honestly and I kind of regret
buying my case before this one like I
bought my case maybe a week before this
one came out and this one looks actually
quite clean to me I love dis like smooth
look here cuz right now I don't have an
SSD in my case I have that s340 elite
without the SSD in the front it just
looks kind of funny but let's go ahead
and remove all this garbage oh my god
that thing just so lit out if you guys
watch my videos if you've watched my
like other videos on this game you know
I have a issue with the PCI
lock thing it's my nemesis and this
thing it just kind of got the hell out
of the way and I didn't have to do
I also loved how this thing comes to the
front I think that's very clean let's
take that out let's go ahead and take
this off
what do we got going on alright so I
think what we'll do is they've recently
added these as well these new NZXT
motherboards I haven't really heard that
much about these in real life I know
some people don't like them and some
people do like them or whatever they're
very clean-looking I'll give them that
that's what NZXT does best they have a
lot of controversy like over their kin
software and stuff like that but they
are damn clean when it comes to that
design look at that I think we can now
do the like m dot 2 or whatever SSDs
there's a couple SSDs that we didn't
have before as well I feel like they
added something else other than this
motherboard and the different type of
SSD in the front there go ahead and pop
these open since we're in three
buildings I'm gonna go baller out on
this thing and we'll see what happens
I'm going for purely aesthetics on this
one this time we're gonna need some RGB
RAM here I'm gonna be messing around
with some regular ass Ram you know I'm
talking about
because xpg stuff is pretty new to the
game I've never like seen that in person
they were like online even so we're
gonna check that out I think there's a
ton of new RAM in here what is all this
some of these look wacky what the hell
is area that spectryx d41 or something
that looks crazy just go ahead and get
this one
that's actually pretty crazy looking in
there and I don't know why I didn't
throw all these in and grab the 8700 put
a lab on that thing CPU cooling I wonder
if they added any new stuff in this
section I still know they're working on
the custom liquid cooling stuff we keep
talking about that and they're like a
little press release patch note things
we do have quite a bit more liquid
cooling than they had I think we're
gonna go with the cooler master over
here kind of wish I could go under that
personally I would route this under that
wants to
cool feel like my building process is
kind of like a backwards like you should
do this thing first the power supply
will just start something yeah here's
some of these m2 SSD things going on
it's quite a bit of them have some other
brands of SSDs now they only had their
generic one at one point and then they
added these burst things and then now
we've got a couple more it's go ahead
and see if we could throw one of these
in there
well it's smaller than I thought it
would be and then I'm not a big expert
on these things what are we gonna do I
usually do an Nvidia card so that like
their design for the EVGA ones but
switch it up when looking at graphics
cards in my computer and I really like
this xtr thing just cuz it's got that
crazy like design to it but I think if I
upgrade which I plan on doing soon I'm
gonna go with this one right here so if
you guys own the like a horas Radeon rx
588 gigabyte let me know what you think
of that the msi ones are just a little
more money for like no reason really
that I can tell at least I'm not an
expert as you guys know but this thing
just looks beastly in here I wish I
could get this one but they're all gone
as far as I could see why do we have no
cables are still looking for 580 and
cables I don't know why take these fans
out we're going baller status again I
remember that realistic as I was going
baller status I'd just get the 1080 TI
or whatever and put that in every button
one thing I hope they clean up and
you'll see if we get to that if we
actually do customized like the lighting
and all that which we probably will but
the lighting customization thing on this
game is a little strange I'm gonna lie
hopefully they clean that up a little
I also hope they add these new rising to
things and all that stuff the second gen
I wasn't gonna change I was gonna do
something I completely forgot what Oh
storage and store some fat-ass hard
drive in there
okay stop being weird stop being weird
occasionally no I have to like find like
a tiny little spot and these little
connectives down there well you know
what it's not do that it's going here
didn't even look like that what is that
see the cut of the cable stuff is
strange too cuz like I'll have custom
cables like these are supposed to be
white and they just look bizarre it's
like not white
hopefully all that's tucked behind that
brace thing once I put it back in and a
banking on that because this looks
pretty terrible right now can't the
hell's going on here
why is that white though that was like
the weirdest thing I just kept going
back and forth of that I don't know what
the deal is and we have everything wired
did I forget anything I feel like I'm
forgetting something and pull this back
on no the little cable coming through
there seems to just be something that
kind of happens in this game it's not a
big deal
kind of hides that stuff hides the most
of it this is a little funky going on
here I'm sure they'll get that worked
and throw that on that only has one
thing close that little sucker right
there connect everything
I almost forgot the USB stick with our
software on it let's power that up we're
looking good right now
see I like the idea of the white
motherboard with the white case I feel
like that brings it all together but
then I feel like the black one would
make it more like make the LEDs and
stuff like that pop more
all right let's check out some lighting
there's a bunch of overclocked stuff in
this gaming out too but I don't really
know much about that so we're not gonna
mess with that right now that's cool
cxt boot up all right cool go ahead and
get this off of there I'm a fan of that
color I think we'll go white red and
whatever normally I'm against the white
red and black or whatever there's always
things it's a kind of generic but we'll
do it
why is that not doing that I guess I
have to click there anyway like I said
this lighting app is a little funky
these are the RAM sticks
let's try like a blue mixed with like a
red we'll go from blue to red Naomi put
all that in there
weave those of red corner says the fans
wish I knew which one this was versus
the other one but I think we'll do it
the same now I want to see if this is
gonna clash or if it's gonna go smoothly
and look good
six one twenty two fifty two you know
what we'll just do this help
take a look
that actually looks pretty wild I think
what I might change its this tool
actually why can't we change the
coolermaster thing is that just
automatically white that's probably
where we screw it up
I could've did a
yeah that's pretty good that's pretty
cool we got that we got that red white
and blue going on right now very
patriotic right now I kind of wish I
could have changed that I guess that's
one of those ones it's just like a fixed
LED the NZXT cracking probably would
have been a better choice but anyways I
just wanted to hop in here and check out
some free build we haven't done this in
a while I only did one free build thing
I think and I think this PC build came
out pretty nice besides these funky
cables that are going on the glass is
looking good this case is looking good
the graphics card I'm diggin that maybe
I would've did a different fan you know
I don't know if those are good separate
colors like that but anyways if you guys
like this video and like seeing PC
building simulator on the channel let me
know by hitting that like button below
and commenting below what you thought of
this built also let me know about that
graphics card thing too if you've got
one anyways that's it for this one guys
thanks for watching see y'all next time