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Hi ladies and gentlemen, I'm Dr. Zyrowski from and today I want to
share with you some of the different pro tips that I've learned when it comes to Intermittent
Fasting over the past several years.
You know, it's probably been about four years or so since I wrote one of my first
articles on Intermittent Fasting and something that I've just kept as part of my lifestyle
for a long period of time because it really helps with not having to focus so much on
calories in and calories out and you're able to stay really lean while doing Intermittent
Fasting without so much effort and so it's a strategy that I use and really appreciate
in my life and I think that you know it's something that you're gonna benefit greatly
I did a whole video benefits of Intermittent Fasting so check that out if you haven't
seen it yet but from this perspective I want to share with you all the little tips that
I've learned.
Now, you know, just, you know, not to impress you but to impress upon you, you know, for
me I am an athlete.
I played college hockey, I still compete and work out at a very high level today.
I compete in Spartan Races, I lift, I run.
The reason I tell you that is to just kind of impress upon you that when I talk about
these different things I'm actually doing them.
It's not just theory.
You know, I'm a clinician as well.
I'm working with patients in a clinical setting so you know, I kind of see how people
who have, you know, different health problems react to some of these different fasts, like
Intermittent Fasting and then people who are athletes and so I want to show you share with
you the different tips that I've learned over the years that have made Intermittent
Fasting so much easier because let me tell you if you're doing Intermittent Fasting
and you're being like really, you know, you're having hard time with it and it's
a burden to you then you've already failed at it.
You can't do it long-term if it's just burdening you on a daily basis.
So let's jump into some of these tips.
The first tip is don't be incredibly strict with Intermittent Fasting.
Okay so on average, people will fast 18 hours in they'll consume their meals within that
eight hour window that's kind of the, you know, typical Intermittent Fasting window.
However it can change a little bit, you know.
Some days for some reason if you have to eat your first meal earlier then, you know, that's
fine, eat your first meal earlier.
If your last meal has to be later than eat it later, that's fine.
Don't be so crazy strict with it that you can't even keep up with it so instead of
doing maybe, you know, sixteen and eight, you do eighteen and six or whatever fits you
for that day.
Just do the best you can with it.
Don't be so strict with it that it just drives you to failure.
So for me, I like to push my first meal back as far as I can.
So if I can have my first meal at noon then that's typically what I'll do.
So push your, you know, that's one of my tips is push your first meal back as far as
you can.
However if you have to have it earlier because that's the only opportunity you get to eat,
then that's fine so don't be crazy strict about the eating window.
Yes, you need to have a smaller eating window otherwise you're not doing Intermittent
Fasting and you know, I don't, that wouldn't be Intermittent Fasting at all if you're
not eating at all within, you know, a eight hour window or a nine hours window or whatever
the case is so you need to make sure that you're keeping your eating windows small
however don't be crazy strict with it.
Shift according to your day according to your lifestyle.
The next big trick or tip I can give you is when it comes to coffee, first of all, you're
going to drink black coffee, okay?
So when you're gonna do Intermittent Fasting black coffee is just the best way to go so
when you have your first coffee, don't drink your first coffee first thing in the morning.
What I would recommend is instead of waking up and drinking your black coffee, I would
recommend pushing that back two to three hours and the reason for that is because, you know
what, then you won't be, you can usually wake up and not find yourself hungry right
off the bat and then, you know, two to three hours in you start to get hungry, drink that
That coffee will blunt your appetite, which is the key.
The black coffee blunts your appetite and then from there, after that black coffee,
you can go ahead and have your meal a couple hours after that and it's not that big of
a deal.
Now before the black coffee, one of the things that blunts your appetite as well is drinking,
like, a Pellegrino water, a sparkling water that's good because it's a great mineral
water but it's also good because it helps blunt your appetite.
That's another trick that I use so don't drink your coffee first thing in the morning
push it back a couple hours and then you know first thing in the morning when you wake up
you can drink some sparkling water and that will help satiate you so that you're not
hungry in the morning as well.
The best time to work out; that's what we need to discuss.
So when you are doing Intermittent Fasting the best time to work is going to be after
you have your coffee.
So lets say it's first thing in the morning.
You know, you wait a couple hours after you wake up, you have your coffee, after you have
your coffee kind of gives you that boost, go do your workout.
That's the best time to workout because the research shows that people who had the
biggest spikes in human growth hormone were people who actually worked out prior to that
first meal but if you don't have that coffee prior to the workout, you can go there and
just drag quite a bit and it's really…
I personally find that if I don't have that coffee before the workout and I'm in a fasted
state I just don't have a lot of energy I don't have a lot of power so that's
another thing, you know, that's important to know is after that first coffee, do your
workout and then the research shows you're gonna get the most benefit from the Intermittent
Fasting if you do that workout prior to your first meal.
The next big tip is that when you're in that eating window that you're feeding your
Okay, so Intermittent Fasting is not about calorie restriction.
It's not about starving yourself.
It's simply about taking all your meals and eating it within an eight hour window
and so when you are doing Intermittent Fasting make sure that you're actually getting proper
calorie intake, okay?
Don't try to starve yourself because you're trying to lose weight or whatever the case
Make sure you're getting the proper amount of fats, the proper amount of proteins, the
proper amount of carbs.
I personally just eat until I'm full.
I watch what I eat, of course and you should be on a good quality diet when you're doing
Intermittent Fast you don't want to be eating junk.
It's never good to be doing that fast and state and then going and start eating a whole
bunch of sugar and complete garbage like so follow the Heal Yourself Cookbook.
You know, one of the things that people love is the total nutrition makeover plan that
we do.
We have a ton of people who participate in the Total Nutrition Makeover Plan and I teach
people how to go in and just like totally change their lifestyle as far as the way that
they're eating because most people aren't eating a high quality diet at all so you want
to make sure that you're eating a high quality diet with tons of fats and protein and carbs
and staying away from all the bad stuff and so eat until you're full.
I mean, I don't when it comes to like watching my calorie intake that's not even something
that's on my mind.
I do Intermittent Fasting and then I eat as much a I want during that time.
What I prefer to do when it comes to eating within the window is I like to have two small
meals and then one huge meal and so the reason that the two small meals and then the huge
meal is because when you have a really big meal it activates your parasympathetic and
that's like your rest and digest so you know what I don't want to go into you know
lunchtime go right around noon and have some massive meal and simply just because if I
do that I'm gonna be all dragging and tired and you know that's kind of counteracting
the whole positive effects of Intermittent Fasting because when you're doing Intermittent
Fasting you people find that they have more focus, more clarity, more focus, more clarity,
more mental concentration so you want to stay alert all day in one of the ways that you
do that is by having you know a small meal around you know noon I'll have maybe a small
meal sometime around like you know three o'clock or so you know and I'm not talking even
a meal I called a meal but more of just like a snack of some sort and then for dinner I'll
have a massive dinner and when you have that massive dinner it activate your parasympathetics
which is great because you're going to sleep pretty soon anyway.
So those are some of the pro tips that I have to offer you when it comes to Intermittent.
Like I said I love it in order to stay lean.
I love it in order to, you know, help with muscle growth and keeping lean at the same
time and you know it has tons of healing benefits as well it boosts the human growth hormone
you know sky-high it lowers the insulin it decreases inflammation.
Check out that other video because that's all the things I different I talked about,
all the different benefits of it.
Implement these different tricks in your life and I believe that it's going to make Intermittent
Fasting much easier for you because once again, if it's a burden to you to do Intermittent
Fasting then you already failed so good luck with this and post in the comments below if
you have any questions.
Until next time, we'll see you then.