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Speak of the new world and men dream of riches glory and conquest.
This land is home to the fearsome and decadent Aztecs the people who appease their great Sun God
with hearts torn from the chests of their enemies and enemies the Aztecs
have are plenty.
To the east on Yucatan Peninsula the Mayans a majestic people with an epic history.
Dream of restoring once great Empire to it's former glory.
North beyond jungles roam the Apacheans Tribes.
Skilled hunters who follow the great herds across the plains and fearsome warriors who are quick to learn
the ways of their enemies.
A new enemy sails on the horizon bearing steel and marching under the holy cross.
To Spain the new world is a land of hope a land where the holy word is delivered on the
end of a sword.
A land where empires are born.
A land of Total War.