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  • Here's a question that's plagued physicists for centuries.

  • What exactly is light?

  • When we talked about this earlier, we came to the conclusion that light is a wave.

  • Which it is.

  • Or at least, light behaves like a wave, when you you use it in certain experiments.

  • So for most of the 19th century, it seemed like the question had been settled.

  • Physicists agreed: light is a wave.

  • Then, new discoveries made them start to question that.

  • They started getting more and more clues that light could also behave like a particle.

  • Which led to the strange concept that light was both a particle and a wave.

  • This kickstarted the development of a little something you might have heard of, called quantum mechanics.

  • [Theme Music]

  • One of the most important clues that light had to be more than just a wave was what's known as the ultraviolet catastrophe.

  • And that name isn't really an exaggerationthe ultraviolet catastrophe was disastrous for conventional thinking about the physics of light.

  • We've talked before about how objects radiate heat.

  • Specifically, the amount of heat they radiate over time is proportional to their temperature raised to the fourth power.

  • But there's more going on there than just heat.

  • Objects actually radiate energy that covers a whole range of frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrumall different kinds of light.

  • Now, there's this thing called a blackbody, which is basically the idealized version of a radiating object.

  • No true blackbodies exist, but in theory, they absorb all incoming light without reflecting any, and radiate energy accordingly.

  • Not all of the energy coming from a blackbody has the same intensity.

  • You can predict the intensity of the energy coming from a blackbodyor blackbody radiationbased on its temperature.

  • But when physicists came up with an equation for this intensity, using the idea that light is a wave, they ran into a big problem.

  • The equation they came up with, known as the Rayleigh-Jeans law, predicted that the higher the frequency of the radiation

  • and therefore, the shorter the wavelengththe higher the intensity.

  • And that matched up with experimental results really well but, only to a point.

  • Once the frequency of light got into the ultraviolet range or higher, the Rayleigh-Jeans law didn't fit the results of experiments at all.

  • Instead, experiments showed that blackbodies had a peak intensity, based on their temperature.

  • At a certain frequency, the light would be at its most intense, and after that, the intensity would actually drop as the frequency increased.

  • The warmer the object, the higher the frequency of the peak intensity.

  • But there was always a peak.

  • It wasn't supposed to be this way.

  • Even worse, if you summed up the contributions of higher and higher frequencies to calculate

  • the total power emitted by a blackbody, the Rayleigh-Jeans law predicted that you'd find infinite power.

  • Which contradicts the principle of conservation of energy.

  • This was the ultraviolet catastrophe.

  • Something was clearly wrong with the way physicists were thinking about light.

  • As far as they knew, intensity was only supposed to keep getting stronger, as the frequency got higher.

  • So, what were they missing?

  • The catastrophe was resolved using an equation derived by German physicist Max Planck

  • an equation that basically led to the entire field of quantum mechanics.

  • The equation, known as Planck's law, was actually very simple, but the concept it was based on was very new.

  • Planck's law says that electromagnetic energy takes the form of tiny, discrete packets, called quanta.

  • In other words, at a certain point, you can't divide energy into anything smaller than these packets.

  • And the energy in each quantum is equal to the frequency of the light, times a very small

  • number called Planck's constant, represented by the letter h.

  • If you take Planck's law into account when you try to predict the intensity of blackbody radiation,

  • you end up with an equation that predicts the experimental results perfectly, including those weird peak intensities.

  • So, the ultraviolet catastrophe was resolved.

  • But now there was this whole new idea that had physicists rethinking everything:

  • Energy could only exist in discrete packets: quanta.

  • Before, physicists thought energy was a kind of continuous flow.

  • But it turned out that at a certain point, you couldn't divide up energy into smaller amounts.

  • Our old friend Einstein played a big part in reworking physics using this new information

  • and he won a Nobel prize for it in 1921.

  • Einstein argued that light energy traveled in packets we now call photons, which would essentially make light behave like a particle.

  • Which was weird, because remember: there had been lots of experiments that showed that light behaved like a wave.

  • But Einstein suggested a way to prove whether light traveled in these discrete packets:

  • an experiment involving the photoelectric effect.

  • The photoelectric effect describes what happens when you shine a beam of light on a metal plate.

  • Electrons leave the plate and hit a nearby collector, creating a current.

  • Einstein realized that by studying the way the electrons left the plate, physicists could learn a lot about the properties of light.

  • Because, both the wave theory and the particle theory of light predict that light knocks electrons out of the metal.

  • But each theory has a different explanation for why this happensand different predictions when it comes to the details of the experiment.

  • Wave theory says that when a light wave hits an electron, it exerts a force on the electron that ejects it from the metal.

  • According to this theory, if you increase the intensity of the light, you increase the strength of the electric field hitting the electrons.

  • So you eject more electrons, and these electrons have a higher speed, and achieve a higher maximum kinetic energy,

  • which is the kinetic energy of the fastest-moving electrons leaving the plate.

  • One important thing to note here is that, according to wave theory, the frequency of the light shouldn't make a difference.

  • Only the intensity matters.

  • Particle theory, on the other hand, says that electrons get ejected from the metal when they're hit by individual photons.

  • The photon transfers its energy to the electron, which pops out of the metal.

  • And the photon is destroyed in the process.

  • But there's a minimum energy that the photon needs to transfer, in order to get the electron to overcome its attraction to the metal and pop out.

  • That minimum energy is called the work function, W_0.

  • If the photon has less energy than the work function, the electron won't go anywhere.

  • But if the photon has more energy than the work function, then some of the photon's energy will be used up to tear the electron away from the metal,

  • and the rest will give the electron kinetic energy.

  • And some electrons will be more strongly attracted to the metal than others.

  • But the electrons with the maximum kinetic energy will be the ones that took the bare minimum amount of energy to separate from the metal.

  • So, according to particle theory, we can say that the energy of the photon is equal to the work function, W_0, plus the maximum kinetic energy.

  • And the energy of the photon is also equal to Planck's constant times the frequency.

  • This equation tells you that if you increase the frequency of the light, the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons should increase accordingly.

  • And if you go below a certain frequency – f_0 – where Planck's constant times f_0 would be equal to the work functionthen you're not going to eject any electrons at all.

  • This means that increasing the intensity of the light increases the number of electrons ejected, but it doesn't affect their maximum kinetic energy.

  • So if you want to know whether the wave theory or the particle theory is right, all you have to do is try a few simple tests:

  • Is there a cutoff frequency below which electrons aren't ejected from the metal, no matter how long you wait?

  • What happens when you raise the frequency higher?

  • And when you increase the intensity of the light, does that affect the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electrons?

  • Turns out, there is a cutoff frequency, and the higher the frequency is above the cutoff,

  • the higher the maximum kinetic energy is of the electrons.

  • And sure enough, increasing the intensity of the light only affects the number of electrons ejected.

  • It doesn't change their maximum kinetic energy.

  • The results of all these tests with the photoelectric effect matchup with the predictions of the particle theory of light.

  • So, photons really exist.

  • Light travels in discrete packets and behaves like a particle.

  • But what about all those other experiments that showed light behaving like a wave?

  • Well, the thing is light can behave like both.

  • In certain circumstances, it can behave like a particle.

  • In others, it can behave like a wave.

  • This is called the wave-particle duality.

  • When it comes to the physics of the very small, your intuitive understanding of the world just doesn't apply.

  • You can't describe things like light using the concepts you're used to, that work on a larger scale.

  • When you're trying to explain something totally outside the way you've directly experienced the world, you're going to run into some brain-bending physics.

  • And the discovery of Planck's lawalong with the idea that light energy traveled as discrete packets

  • turned into the foundation for the concepts and equations that we use to analyze the behavior of the very small.

  • And that field of physics, which studies how quanta behave, is what we call quantum mechanics.

  • Today, you learned about the ultraviolet catastrophe, and how it was resolved by Planck's law.

  • We also talked about photons, and how the photoelectric effect proves the particle nature of light.

  • Finally, we discussed the wave-particle duality.

  • Crash Course Physics is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

  • You can head over to their channel to check out a playlist of the latest from amazing shows like:

  • PBS Space Time, Physics Girl, and Brain Craft.

  • This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio with the help of these amazing people,

  • and our equally amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

Here's a question that's plagued physicists for centuries.

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量子力學 - 第一部分。物理速成班#43 (Quantum Mechanics - Part 1: Crash Course Physics #43)

  • 15 1
    Idoz posted on 2021/01/14
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